Effectiveness of Advertisment
Effectiveness of Advertisment
Effectiveness of Advertisment
believed it has both effects. There are also couple of benefits of using the social media such
as it helps individual understand each other, share knowledge, and group activities. For
middle schoolers they divided the social media friends into categories as reciprocal friends
and non-reciprocal friends. A new term was introduced as “interprofessional education”
meaning learning as different individuals come on a same place to share knowledge. Some
also has a conclusion that the social media has no effect, and some believe it has drawbacks
but provides many interfaces and platforms for creating opportunity. It can be concluded that
because of its distracting nature, social media encourages procrastination. It would take a
social media user much longer to complete a task than it would take a focused person. The
second negative effect of procrastination is a lack of motivation, as using social media while
studying creates a negative attitude about their individual work at school.
The sample consisted of 110 male and female students aged between 12 and 19,
which are in grades 7 to 12. Out of the sample 68% are females & 32% are males.
A Likert Scale was used where the respondents were asked to rate them from 1-6,
according to the level they use the platform most.
Questions are regarding the number of hours they use social media per day and for
what purpose they use social media for.
The data is analysed by grouping the students with similar answers together and applying the
cross-tabulation method to measure the impact and effect of two things, first the frequency of
the student's usage of social media daily, against their overall grade average, and the number
of hours they spend daily on studying with the hours spent on social media.
Summary of the Results
Chi square tests are done to know whether there is significant relation between overall
grades, frequency of using social media and studying hours daily.
The first Null Hypothesis used is ‘the frequency of using social media, impacts the students
overall grade average in school’. A significance level of 5% is taken. 74.3% cells have an
expected value less than 5 which should not exceed 20%. So, in this case the ‘Likelihood
Ratio’ is considered, which has a significant level of 0.000, which is less than 0.05, therefore
the null hypothesis is rejected.
The second null hypothesis is ‘the usage of social media, effects the number of ours the
students study daily”. There is a violation regarding the expected count (64%), so the
‘Likelihood Ratio’ will be considered, and the significant level is 0.000, therefore, the null
hypothesis will be rejected. The students use of social media does not affect the number of
hours they study daily.
As both the Null hypothesis are rejected, we can say that “there is no significant
relationship between using social media and the student’s academic performance.”
What is Addressed?
The research paper seeks to determine whether there has been any impact of the advent and
proliferation of social media on the academic performance of the students aged between 12
to 19 years of age.
academics. Such activities have traumatic effects on the minds of the one to whom these are
directed leaving them depressed, anti-social and unable to do well in studies.