JSA FOR Maxseam

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S.No Scope of Activity Hazard Control measures Request by
1) Roll forming 1) Physical hazard 1) Workers must wear CSA approved footwear at all times
2) Tripping Hazard 2) Ensure area around machinery is free of debris before
3) Potential cuts and commencing work.
possible eye injuries 3) Have assistance when working with large or awkward
4) Loss of fingers, cuts material.
and possible eye 4) The use of safety glasses is mandatory while operating
injuries this equipment.
5) Worn and broken 5) When loading/unloading metal stock and expanded
equipment may cause metal, leather gloves are mandatory.
various injuries 6) Inspect equipment for broken or worn parts.
7) Ensure safety guards are in place before use.
6) Various potential
8) The use of safety glasses and hearing protection are
hazards, cuts,
tripping, etc. mandatory while operating this equipment.
9) Remove waste or off cuts.
7) Electrical Hazard
10) Inspect equipment for worn or broken parts.
8) Falling Hazard
11) Ensure clamping jaws "Finger" are adjusted and tight
9) Sliding Hazard before use.
10) Foot injuries 12) Visually inspect tools each day for possible damage.
11) Ergonomic Hazard 13) Ensure appropriate guards are in place before tools are
14) Ensure goggles are worn when using jig saw and pin
15) Ensure face shield is worn when using electric drill and
power hand shear.
16) Ensure grounding post has not been removed or
damage before operating power tools.
17) Wear appropriate safety gear when operating power
tools, i.e. safety goggles, face shield, hearing protection
and leather gloves.
18) Maintain a clean work area at all times.
19) Remove off-cuts and debris at regular intervals as
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20) Clean lay-out tables after use.
2) Sheet stacking 1) Physical hazard 1) The use of safety glasses is mandatory while operating
2) Tripping Hazard this equipment.
3) Various potential 2) Workers must wear CSA approved footwear at all times
hazards, cuts, 3) Ensure area around machinery is free of debris before
tripping, etc. commencing work.
4) Falling Hazard 4) Have assistance when working with large or awkward
5) Sliding Hazard material.
5) When loading/unloading metal stock and expanded
6) Foot injuries
metal, leather gloves are mandatory.
7) Ergonomic Hazard
6) Inspect equipment for broken or worn parts.
7) Ensure safety guards are in place before use.
8) The use of safety glasses and hearing protection are
mandatory while operating this equipment.
9) Remove waste or off cuts.
10) Visually inspect tools each day for possible damage.
11) Ensure appropriate guards are in place before tools are
12) Ensure goggles are worn when using jig saw and pin
13) Ensure face shield is worn when using electric drill and
power hand shear.
14) Ensure grounding post has not been removed or
damage before operating power tools.
15) Wear appropriate safety gear when operating power
tools, i.e. safety goggles, face shield, hearing protection
and leather gloves.
16) Maintain a clean work area at all times.
17) Remove off-cuts and debris at regular intervals as
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3) Sheet lifting 1) Slipping Hazard
2) Tripping Hazard 1) A guardrail system with a top-rail (900mm to 1100mm
3) Sliding Hazard high) mid-rail and bottom-rail (or suitable toe-board) is
4) Crush injury provided around the perimeter of the building.
2) Where the metal roof under construction has a pitch
5) Ergonomic Hazard
greater than 23 degrees (the critical angle) non-
6) Fatigue structural infill material is required between the top rail
7) Repetitive Motion as part of a suitable guard rail system.
Injury 3) All superfluous material needs to be cleared from around
8) Sliding Hazard the building creating a clear zone of 2 meters.
9) Falling Hazard 4) The zone should consist of natural soil and barricaded
10) Slipping Hazard where there is a risk of other people entering the clear

5) Roof trusses and battens should have previously been

spaced at not more than 900mm centres.

6) Employees are to be instructed and supervised to ensure

they position their body over a roof truss at all times and
that they refrain from over reaching.

7) The structural integrity of the roof frame should be

visually inspected prior to fixing roof sheeting battens to
ensure all sections are secure before a person’s weight is
placed on a particular section of the frame.
8) Barriers and / or signage are required to ensure persons
cannot access areas beneath where the work is being
9) Where practicable all cutting of sheets should be done at
ground level.
10) Where cutting is done at height off cuts need to be
removed as soon as possible.
11) Consultation is required with persons in the immediate
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12) Power tools and extension leads are to be inspected
daily before use.
13) All power tools and extension leads are to be tested and
tagged at three monthly intervals.
14) No object or plant is to encroach within the safe
approach distance of 2 meters of low voltage exposed
live conductors or closer than 6.4 meters for high
voltage live conductors.
15) Where work is to be carried out in close proximity to
live conductors arrangements will need to be made with
the Operating Authority to ensure appropriate controls
are put in place.
16) Use designated areas that are provided for the storage
of equipment and materials.
17) A receptacle for waste material is provided on site and
regular clean-ups are conducted.
18) All materials are to be secured and work is to be
discontinued until weather conditions are suitable.
19) Where practicable roof sheeting material should be
delivered and placed close to where the materials are to
be used.
20) Where the weight of materials to be lifted is excessive a
team lift should be adopted.
21) Each person involved in the team lift should only lift a
maximum of approximately 20 kg.
22) Gloves are used where appropriate.
23) Suitable clothing, hats, glasses and sunscreen should be
used to reduce exposure to ultra violet light.
4) Glass wool fixing 1) Falling Hazard 1) When unloading the vehicle we will ensure that we are
2) Slipping Hazard as close as possible to the area where the equipment
3) Tripping Hazard will be set up.
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4) Electrical Hazard 2) If required we will seek out assistance in unloading
5) Electrocution heavy items,
Hazard 3) However our normal work does not include heavy items.
6) Strain and sprain 4) We will use sensible manual handling techniques making
7) Eye irritation sure our backs remain straight and we bend at the
8) Skin irritation
5) Walk the area from the vehicle to the work site and
9) Restricted
ensure that there are no hazards in the way.
breathing 6) Where other trades are present we will communicate
10) Airborne fairies with them to let them know what Hazardous Substances
we are using and find out what they are using.
7) Before commencing any work in the roof we will turn off
all power supply to the site.
8) We will walk through the premises to identify the
location of all down lights and other ceiling accessories.
9) As a default we will leave a clearance of 50mm from
incandescent lights and 200mm from halogen lights
including 50mm for any transformer,
10) Unless the lights are fitted with a suitable fire rated
11) When installing the insulation we will ensure that we
carry the equipment in easy to manage loads without
the need to strain ourselves.
12) The equipment is designed for single person set up and
is made of light material.
13) When working we will ensure that we always bend our
knees and keep our backs straight.
14) We will take regular breaks from repetitive work and
avoid leaning at an angle.
15) By keeping the worksite as clean as possible to avoid trip
16) Be aware at all times of permanent other installed
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roof/cable fixtures.
17) We will monitor the temperature in the roof space.
18) If we believe the roof space is ‘too hot’, installers will
immediately exit this space.
19) Drink lots of water regularly.
20) When working at heights we will do a risk assessment.
21) We will use a ladder/scaffolding to gain access and the
ladder will be 1 meter past the step off point. We will
secure the ladder top and bottom where possible and
have it at a ratio of 4: 1.
22) We will have 3 points of contact on the ladder at all
23) When working at any height we will use a combination
of the ladder, roof barricade and gutter guard.
24) There will be a clear fall zone of 2 meters from the edge
of the roof.
25) If the above cannot be achieved we will not commence
this work.
26) We will not work nearer than 3 metres to live electrical
27) All tools will be battery powered.
28) If this is not possible we will suspend the work until
either the power can be safely cut or the work
29) Guards on tools and equipment will be maintained and
working effectively before being used on site.
30) Guarding on tools will not be removed to perform any
work activity.
31) All tools and equipment will be inspected prior to work
activity for any faults or defects.
32) If a fault or defect is found the item will be removed
from services,
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33) And reported to the supervisor as soon as Practicable.
34) Before using hazardous substances we will read the
MSDS and comply with the requirements within.
35) In most cases our work is in a well ventilated area.
36) Risk assessments will be conducted both prior to and
after using a hazardous substance Sec 203(1) & (2).
37) When cleaning up and re packing we will practice good
manual handling techniques such as bending the knees
and not the back, team lifts where possible and avoid
carrying very heavy items.
38) When leaving site we will make sure that we take away
any of the left over insulation.
39) When cleaning we will ensure that all environmentally
sensitive products are disposed of correctly.
40) Any leftover hazardous substances will be taken off site
and disposed of.
41) Where other hazards are detected they will managed
and controlled which will be documented on a site
specific risk assessment.
42) Proper PPE as per MSDS.
43) Handling the Proper Tools.
44) Good Housekeeping.
45) Agreed Lay down area for storage.
46) Secure all loose insulation at storage area from high
47) Gas testing to be done at the start of removing insulation
on any line containing hydrocarbons Make sure that
adequate access is available.
48) If scaffold is used for access it should be inspected by
certified person.
49) Proper Gun maintenance
50) Compressor / Generator certification
51) Fire extinguisher
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52) Workers should not play around with the tools
53) Only competent workers are allowed to use the
pressurized injection gun.
54) Operators must read the manufactures for using the
foaming machine
5) Sheet laying 1) Slipping Hazard 1) Inspect the area immediately around the load and the
2) Tripping Hazard route for clearance and tripping hazards.
3) Sliding Hazard 2) Clear movable objects from the route.
4) Crush injury 3) Check for uneven terrain.
4) Clean up spills that could affect foot traction.
5) Ergonomic
5) If the load must be carried for a long distance, find
Hazard location(s) load can be placed to allow for a rest break.
6) Fatigue 6) If possible, keep load elevated to avoid lifting the object
7) Repetitive to resume moving it.
Motion Injury 7) Examine object for snags, burrs, splinters, sharp edges,
8) Remove objects prior to lift and/or wear gloves for hand
9) Check object for greasy/slippery surfaces.
10) Remove grease prior to lifting.
11) Wear gloves to improve grip.
12) Wear safety toe shoes/boots.
13) Grip the object firmly.
14) Do not pinch object between your thumb and forefinger.
15) Wear gloves to improve grip.
16) Stand close to object, with feet solid and shoulder-width
17) Do not reach over an obstacle to lift the load.
18) Move whatever is in your way.
19) Squat down, bending your knees.
20) Keep your back straight and upright.
21) Grip the object firmly and pull it close to you.
22) Tighten your abdomen.
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23) Lift with your legs in a gradual and smooth movement.
Keep your back straight.
24) Keep the load close to your body.
25) Do not twist your body while lifting.
26) Do not lift objects over your head.
27) Do not twist.
28) Use your feet to turn your body.
29) Carry the load as close to your body as possible.
30) Keep your back straight.
31) If load will block your vision, get help.
32) Take precautions to prevent bruising or crushing hands
or arms in narrow passage ways
33) Keep your back straight.
34) Tighten your abdomen.
35) Bend at the knees.
36) Keep the load close to your body.
37) Protect your fingers and hands from pinching and
38) In tight places, set the load down close to the final
location and slide it into place.
39) Perform a reverse stretch.
40) That means stretch in the opposite direction of the work
you are doing.
41) Reverse stretches help the body to return to neutral
6) Roof curb fixing 1) Sunburn 1) Ensure personnel using platform have been trained and
2) Falling objects and are in possession of appropriate licenses and insurance.
persons. 2) Wear safety harness attached to platform.
3) Falling Hazard 3) Provide scaffold around perimeter if required by
4) Electrocution Standards.
5) Ergonomic Hazard 4) Use only licensed contractors who are appropriately
6) Cave in trained and have all insurances and certificates.
7) Electrical Hazard 5) Ensure complete lock out tag out isolation before
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8) Noise Hazard commencing job.
9) Inhalation of dust 6) Provide sign at isolation point to advice of lock out.
10) Sunburn 7) Wear appropriate ear muffs.
11) Chemical Hazard 8) Wear appropriate Personal Protective Clothing.
9) Do not attempt to remove grass or other objects while
mower is running
10) Do not use ladder over 2m high.
11) Do not work over 2M in height, use Contractor.
12) Establish perimeter around area that is no-go area.
13) Ensure there are no electrical cables in the vicinity of area.
14) Warm up prior to starting.
15) Do not lifts object over 16kg per person?
16) Use trolley or wheelbarrow to move heavy objects.
17) Wear knee pads when weeding
18) Ensure area is clear of possible obstructions before
commencing and ensure there are no other persons nearby
when mowing
19) Wear appropriate ear muffs
20) Do not attempt to remove grass or other objects while
mower is running
21) Lanyards, anchorage lines or restraint lines shall be able to
be attached to the anchorages before the operator moves
into a position where there would be a risk of a fall,
22) unless the operator is already protected by another fall-
arrest system
23) Anchor Point structural integrity to be assessed by an
24) unless it is clear to a competent person that the anchorage
system is structurally adequate
25) As far as practicable, all single-point anchorages for single-
person attachment should have an ultimate strength of
26) Ensure personnel using platform have been trained and
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are in possession of appropriate licenses and insurance.
27) Wear safety harness attached to platform.
28) Provide scaffold around perimeter if required by
29) Use only licensed contractors who are appropriately
trained and have all insurances and certificates.
30) Ensure complete lock out tag out isolation before
commencing job.
31) Provide sign at isolation point to advice of lock out.
32) Wear appropriate ear muffs.
33) Wear appropriate Personal Protective Clothing.
34) Do not attempt to remove grass or other objects while
mower is running
35) Do not use ladder over 2m high.
36) Do not work over 2M in height, use Contractor.
37) Establish perimeter around area that is no-go area.
38) Ensure there are no electrical cables in the vicinity of area.
39) Warm up prior to starting.
40) Do not lifts object over 16kg per person?
41) Use trolley or wheelbarrow to move heavy objects.
42) Wear knee pads when weeding
43) Ensure area is clear of possible obstructions before
commencing and ensure there are no other persons nearby
when mowing
44) Wear appropriate ear muffs
45) Do not attempt to remove grass or other objects while
mower is running
46) Lanyards, anchorage lines or restraint lines shall be able to
be attached to the anchorages before the operator moves
into a position where there would be a risk of a fall,
47) unless the operator is already protected by another fall-
arrest system
48) Anchor Point structural integrity to be assessed by an
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49) unless it is clear to a competent person that the anchorage
system is structurally adequate
50) As far as practicable, all single-point anchorages for single-
person attachment should have an ultimate strength of
51) even though this can be at a lesser strength for some
52) Use only licensed contractors who are appropriately trained
and have all insurances and certificates
53) Ensure personnel using platform have been trained and are
in possession of appropriate licenses and insurance.
54) Wear safety harness attached to platform
Use elevated work platform.
Establish no-go area around area of work.
55) Tie tools to person or platform
56) Ensure personnel using platform have been trained and are
in possession of appropriate licenses and insurance.
57) Wear safety harness attached to platform.
58) Wear sunhat, glasses, sunscreen and protective clothing.
59) Wear appropriate foot and hand protection.
60) Dispose of material in an appropriate manner.
61) Wear appropriate Personal Protective Equipment.

7) Strip sky light fixing

1) Access difficulties, 1) Ensure trench is constructed in accordance with Regulations and that appropriate
falling objects. required.
2) Cuts scratches 2) Have at least one person on standby
abrasions when working in trench.
3) Sunburn 3) Use elevated work platform or cherry
4) Falling objects picker Establish no-go area around area
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and persons. of work.
5) Falling Hazard 4) Tie tools to person or platform
6) Electrocution 5) Wear appropriate Personal Protective Equipment
7) Ergonomic 6) Wear sunhat, glasses, sunscreen and protective clothing.
Hazard 7) Ensure personnel using platform have been trained and are in possession of ap
8) Cave in 8) Wear safety harness attached to platformee
9) Electrical Hazard 9) Provide scaffold around perimeter if required by Standards.
10) Noise Hazard
10) Use only licensed contractors who are appropriately trained and have all insura
11) Inhalation of dust
11) Ensure complete lock out tag out isolation
12) Sunburn
before commencing job.
13) Chemical Hazard
12) Provide sign at isolation point to advice of
lock out.
13) Wear appropriate ear muffs.
14) Wear appropriate Personal Protective
15) Do not attempt to remove grass or other
objects while mower is running
16) Do not use ladder over 2m high.
17) Do not work over 2M in height, use
18) Establish perimeter around area that is
no-go area.
19) Ensure there are no electrical cables in
the vicinity of area.
20) Warm up prior to starting.
21) Do not lifts object over 16kg per person?
22) Use trolley or wheelbarrow to move
heavy objects.
23) Wear knee pads when weeding
24) Ensure area is clear of possible
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obstructions before commencing and
ensure there are no other persons nearby
when mowing
25) Wear appropriate ear muffs
26) Do not attempt to remove grass or other
objects while mower is running
27) Lanyards, anchorage lines or restraint
lines shall be able to be attached to the
anchorages before the operator moves
into a position where there would be a
risk of a fall,
28) unless the operator is already protected
by another fall-arrest system
29) Anchor Point structural integrity to be
assessed by an Engineer,
30) unless it is clear to a competent person
that the anchorage system is structurally
31) As far as practicable, all single-point
anchorages for single-person attachment
should have an ultimate strength of 15kN,
32) even though this can be at a lesser
strength for some categories
33) Use only licensed contractors who are
appropriately trained and have all
insurances and certificates
34) Ensure personnel using platform have
been trained and are in possession of
appropriate licenses and insurance.
35) Wear safety harness attached to platform
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Use elevated work platform.
36) Establish no-go area around area of work.
37) Tie tools to person or platform
38) Ensure personnel using platform have
been trained and are in possession of
appropriate licenses and insurance.
39) Wear safety harness attached to
40) Wear sunhat, glasses, sunscreen and
protective clothing.
41) Wear appropriate foot and hand
42) Dispose of material in an appropriate
43) Wear appropriate Personal Protective
44) Ensure all tools are appropriately guarded
and electrical appliances are protected by
means of a residual current device.
45) Ensure all extension leads are in a safe
condition with plugs and connections
46) Sunhat/glasses/sunscreen/protective
47) Do not use ladder over 2m high.
48) Use cherry picker or scaffold.
49) Check each branch for strength before
resting ladder.
50) Establish perimeter around area that is
no-go area.
51) Ensure there are no electrical cables in
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the vicinity of area.
52) Ensure area is clear of possible
obstructions before commencing and
ensure there are no other persons nearby
when mowing
53) Do not attempt to remove grass or other
objects while mower is running
54) Use tools in a manner that will not cause
jamming or seizing. Wear appropriate
55) Wear appropriate foot and hand
56) Dispose of material in an appropriate
57) Use only licensed contractors who are
appropriately trained and have all
insurances and certificates
8) Hand seaming 1) Electrical Hazard 1) Good housekeeping - clean, clear area before starting
2) Slipping Hazard task.
3) Tripping Hazard 2) Ensure no damage to metal brake - radius fingers are
4) Noise Hazard secure and guards and covers have not been removed.
3) Do not use metal brake if it is damaged or guards and
5) Strain/sprain from
covers have been removed.
heavy and/or
4) Report any damages to the instructor/teacher.
awkward work piece
5) If repeating this task frequently, ensure you stretch the
6) Foot injury from
muscle groups in use and take breaks.
dropping work piece
6) Be aware of others working around you.
7) Trip/slip/fall in area
7) Proper placement of hands/fingers is critical.
around Resistance
8) Request assistance if the material is too large for safe
hand Seam
operation by one person.
8) Hand/finger laceration 9) Proper placement of hands/fingers is critical.
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from edge of work 10) If working with others call "all clear" before lowering arm
piece to secure metal.
9) Damage to work piece 11) If working with others notify them when you are
from loading wrong releasing the push handle.
schedule. 12) Proper placement of hands/fingers is critical - be aware
10) Ergonomic Hazard of others working with you and communicate what you
11) Crush Injuries are doing and when.
12) Repetitive motion 13) If repeating this task frequently, ensure you stretch the
muscle groups in use - take breaks.
14) Watch placement of hands/fingers for sharp edges.
15) Request assistance if the material is too large to move
16) Use mechanical hoist of get assistance from co-worker
to transport work piece
17) Wear recommended footwear.
18) Ensure work piece is securely fixed to mechanical hoist
19) Clean/clear work area/surfaces of unused
20) Remove dust/debris/coolant on floor regularly-
21) Wear recommended gloves when handling work pieces
with sharp edges
22) Wear eye protection and face shield.
23) Wear recommended protective clothing.
24) Ensure any exposed skin is covered during the welding
25) Do not wear metal jeweler and clothing with cuffs
and/or pockets.
26) Use coolant as required.
27) Keep hands/fingers a safe distance from electrodes point
of contact.
28) Wear recommended gloves.
29) Do not weld work piece unless it is properly cleaned
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30) Ensure welding machine is properly grounded.
31) Welder should be insulated from live electrical parts and
32) Do not weld when wet.
33) Wear hearing protection
34) Remove any combustible material from the immediate
welding site.
35) Keep a fire extinguisher readily available.
36) Weld test work piece before each run and during a run
on an hourly basis.
37) Wear recommended gloves and avoid handling work
piece in seam welded area
38) Ensure Resistance Seam Welder power to arc is
electrically de-energized
39) Use mechanical hoist or get assistance from co-worker
to transport work piece
40) Wear recommended footwear-
41) Clean/clear work area/surfaces of unused
42) Re---move dust/debris/coolant on floor regularly
43) Wear recommended gloves when handling work pieces
with sharp edges.
9) Machine seaming 1) Electrical Hazard 1) Good housekeeping - clean, clear area before starting
2) Slipping Hazard task.
3) Tripping Hazard 2) Good housekeeping - clean, clear area before starting
4) Noise Hazard task.
3) Ensure no damage to metal brake - radius fingers are
5) Strain/sprain from
secure and guards and covers have not been removed.
heavy and/or
4) Do not use metal brake if it is damaged or guards and
awkward work piece
covers have been removed.
6) Foot injury from
5) Report any damages to the instructor/teacher.
dropping work piece
6) If repeating this task frequently, ensure you stretch the
7) Trip/slip/fall in area
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around Resistance muscle groups in use and take breaks.
hand Seam 7) Be aware of others working around you.
8) Hand/finger laceration 8) Proper placement of hands/fingers is critical.
from edge of work 9) Request assistance if the material is too large for safe
piece operation by one person.
9) Damage to work piece 10) Proper placement of hands/fingers is critical.
from loading wrong 11) If working with others call "all clear" before lowering arm
schedule. to secure metal.
10) Ergonomic Hazard 12) If working with others notify them when you are
11) Crush Injuries releasing the push handle.
12) Repetitive motion 13) Proper placement of hands/fingers is critical - be aware
of others working with you and communicate what you
are doing and when
14) Wear hearing protection
15) Remove any combustible material from the immediate
welding site.
16) Keep a fire extinguisher readily available.
17) Weld test work piece before each run and during a run
on an hourly basis.
18) Wear recommended gloves and avoid handling work
piece in seam welded area
19) Ensure Resistance Seam Welder power to arc is
electrically de-energized
20) Use mechanical hoist or get assistance from co-worker
to transport work piece
21) Wear recommended footwear-
22) Clean/clear work area/surfaces of unused
23) Re---move dust/debris/coolant on floor regularly
24) Wear recommended gloves when handling work pieces
with sharp edges.
25) If repeating this task frequently, ensure you stretch the
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muscle groups in use - take breaks.
26) Watch placement of hands/fingers for sharp edges.
27) Request assistance if the material is too large to move
28) Use mechanical hoist of get assistance from co-worker
to transport work piece
29) Wear recommended footwear.
30) Ensure work piece is securely fixed to mechanical hoist
31) Clean/clear work area/surfaces of unused
32) Remove dust/debris/coolant on floor regularly-
33) Wear recommended gloves when handling work pieces
with sharp edges
34) Wear eye protection and face shield.
35) Wear recommended protective clothing.
36) Ensure any exposed skin is covered during the welding
37) Do not wear metal jeweler and clothing with cuffs
and/or pockets.
38) Use coolant as required.
39) Keep hands/fingers a safe distance from electrodes point
of contact.
40) Wear recommended gloves.
41) Do not weld work piece unless it is properly cleaned
42) Ensure welding machine is properly grounded.
43) Welder should be insulated from live electrical parts and
44) Do not weld when wet

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