Agriculture 1: Rahmat Budiman, S.S
Agriculture 1: Rahmat Budiman, S.S
Agriculture 1: Rahmat Budiman, S.S
Agriculture 1
Rahmat Budiman, S.S.
T his module consists of two learning activities. The first one contains
(a) some original texts written in English, (b) the translation of the
original in bahasa Indonesia, (c) exercises and formative test. The second one
is more or less the same. The texts are slightly longer. They were taken from
journals, magazines, encyclopedia, newspapers, etc.
After learning this module, you are expected to be able to translate some
texts relating to agriculture from English into Bahasa Indonesia.
Before you move on to Learning Activity 1 it is necessary for you to
look at things you have to bear in mind when you are translating.
1. Be careful with word by word translation (literal translation).
Sometimes you need to translate words in the source language,
sometimes you don’t when they refer to names of companies, streets,
islands, restaurants, etc.
2. Meaning in the source language should be conveyed accurately in the
target language. This means try to avoid loss of meaning.
3. Meaning transferred into the target language are not restricted by
vocabulary, grammatical forms of the source language.
4. Be aware of the term register (i.e. words, style and grammatical features)
you use.
5. Do not use ‘everyday’ language.
6. Your translation should only be based on meanings in the source
Learning Activity 1
R ead the following text very carefully to get a general impression of it,
analyze it and then do the exercises that follow.
Corn, or maize, is one of the most useful plants known to man. Scientists
believe that it originated somewhere in Central or South America. Prehistoric
Indians probably selected seeds year after year from wild grasses, until after
several centuries they had developed a plant very like the corn we know
today. Corn is so much the creation of man that it cannot survive unless man
cares for it.
Indians had their own stories about the origin of corn. In one tale a
young girl turned herself into the corn plant to give mankind a new grain. She
left her hair on the plant as corn silks to remind people to take good care of
her gift.
The Indians liked corn with blue, red, and black kernels. They gave their
colorful corn to the Pilgrims to feed them during the first cold winter in
America. The next year the Pilgrims shared their own harvest with the
Indians. This was the first Thanksgiving.
Corn was first introduced to the Old World by Christopher Columbus as
maiz, the Indian name for the grain. It has kept this name, spelled in a variety
of ways, in most countries. Since the word "corn" in England meant any kind
of grain, the Pilgrims called this new grain "Indian corn".
Corn is a member of the grass family, with large, coarse stalks and
leaves. The plants are usually 6 to 7 feet tall, but may be as short as 2 feet or
as tall as 20 feet. A single stalk, or stem, emerges from the seed. From buds
at the base, other stems, or "suckers," may develop. The main stalk bears one
or more ears, protected by husks. The ears grow on shanks, branches below
the middle of the stalk.
BING3317/MODULE 1 1.3
A tassel full of pollen grows at the end of the corn stalk. The unformed
kernels on the cobs send up long threads called corn silks, which end in a tuft
above the husks. Wind shakes the pollen onto the silks. A fine tube grows
from the pollen grain through the silk to the egg cell in the young kernel. The
male cell from the pollen fuses with the egg. The egg develops into the
embryo, or miniature new plant, inside the kernel. A ripe ear of corn is 3 to
18 inches long and has 8 to 24 rows of kernels.
Most corn grown today is hybrid. This means that pollen from one
carefully selected variety has pollinated the corn silks of another. The
resulting hybrid seed produces a strong, high-yielding corn. Every year the
farmer buys the kind of hybrid seed he wants to plant from special growers.
The kernels of different varieties may be white, yellow, red, or purple.
Six kinds lead corn production. The most widely grown corn in the United
States is called dent corn because it has a definite notch at the top of the
kernel. Flint corn has hard kernels and withstands cold and disease. These
two varieties are used to feed livestock and in industry.
Eating corn is usually sweet corn, flour corn, or popcorn. Sweet corn is
high in sugar and can be recognized by clear kernels that wrinkle when they
are ripe. The Indians in South America use flour corn, since the large amount
of starch in the mealy kernels makes them easy to pound or chew.
Corn thrives best on rich loam soil, but it grows well on fertile sandy or
clay soil. Corn needs warm weather and plentiful moisture. Planting takes
place in the spring when the soil temperature reaches 55 degrees Fahrenheit
or higher, but young plants can be killed by a sudden freeze. Corn seed is
planted in rows about 3 to 4 feet apart. Several kernels are dropped in each
hill, or spot. These are spaced 2 to 4 feet apart in the row.
Weeds must be kept down so that they will not choke out the young corn
plants. The weeds must be chopped and the soil loosened around the plants.
This must be done three to five times during the growing season.
Most corn is ripe about 4 to 5 months after it is planted. The ears are
snapped off the shanks by hand or machine. Corn for livestock feed must be
husked and dried before storing. Snapping, husking, and shelling the corn in
the field can be done in one rapid operation by machines. Such corn is still so
1.4 Translation 1
damp that it must be dried under artificial heat. (The New Book of
Knowledge, 1977).
■ Task 1
Now, learn the model answer below together with a short explanation about
Source Language Target Language
Paragraph 1
Corn, or maize, is one of Jagung atau maizena adalah salah satu
the most useful plants known tanaman yang paling bermanfaat yang
to man. Scientists believe that dikenal umat manusia. Para ilmuwan
it originated somewhere in percaya bahwa jagung berasal dari suatu
Central or South America. tempat di Amerika Tengah atau Selatan.
Prehistoric Indians probably Orang-orang Indian zaman prasejarah
selected seeds year after year barangkali memilih benih-benih rumput
from wild grasses, until after liar selama beberapa tahun, hingga setelah
several centuries they had beberapa abad, mereka mengembangkan
developed a plant very like sebuah tanaman yang sangat mirip dengan
the corn we know today. jagung yang kita kenal sekarang. Jagung
Corn is so much the creation benar-benar hasil daya cipta manusia
of man that it cannot survive sehingga tidak dapat bertahan jika tidak
unless man cares for it. dirawat oleh manusia.
Perhatikan kalimat pertama pada bahasa sumber ‘…useful plants known
to man.’ Kata man, apabila tidak hati-hati (full awareness of registers) dan
juga penguasaan vocabulary yang terbatas, akan diterjemahkan menjadi
‘laki-laki.’ Padahal, man juga berarti manusia pada umumnya, baik pria
maupun wanita. Kalimat pertama adalah bentuk kalimat pasif (passive voice)
maka perhatikanlah dengan saksama. Tidak semua kalimat pasif dalam
bahasa sumber diterjemahkan pula menjadi kalimat pasif dalam bahasa
sasaran. Untuk hal-hal tertentu, Anda bisa merubah kalimat pasif menjadi
kalimat aktif atau sebaliknya.
BING3317/MODULE 1 1.5
Task 2
Translate the following extract into Bahasa Indonesia.
Source Language Target Language
Paragraph 2
■ Task 3
Translate the following extract into Bahasa Indonesia.
■ Task 4
Translate the following extract into Bahasa Indonesia.
■ Task 5
Translate the following extract into Bahasa Indonesia.
■ Task 6
Translate the following extract into Bahasa Indonesia.
■ Task 7
Translate the following extract into Bahasa Indonesia.
■ Task 8
Translate the following extract into Bahasa Indonesia.
■ Task 9
Translate the following extract into Bahasa Indonesia.
■ Task 10
Translate the following extract into Bahasa Indonesia.
Eating corn is usually sweet corn, ...........................................................
flour corn, or popcorn. Sweet corn is ...........................................................
high in sugar and can be recognized ...........................................................
by clear kernels that wrinkle when ...........................................................
they are ripe. The Indians in ...........................................................
South America use flour corn, since ...........................................................
the large amount of starch in the ...........................................................
mealy kernels makes them easy to ...........................................................
pound or chew. ...........................................................
■ Task 2
■ Task 3
■ Task 4
Thanksgiving: Thanksgiving sebenarnya adalah perayaan panen. Thanksgiving
sekarang dirayakan di Amerika setiap hari Kamis keempat setiap bulan November
setiap tahunnya. Dalam merayakan Thanksgiving ini, setiap keluarga biasanya
menyajikan panggang ayam kalkun.
BING3317/MODULE 1 1.11
■ Task 5
■ Task 6
■ Task 7
■ Task 8
■ Task 9
■ Task 10
Corn thrives best on Jagung tumbuh dengan sangat baik di
rich loam soil, but it grows tanah lempung yang subur, tapi tumbuh
well on fertile sandy or clay dengan baik di tanah berpasir atau tanah liat
soil. Corn needs warm yang subur. Jagung butuh udara yang
weather and plentiful hangat dan sangat lembab. Penanaman
moisture. Planting takes place berlangsung pada musim semi pada saat
in the spring when the soil temperatur tanah mencapai 55 derajat
temperature reaches 55 Fahrenheit atau lebih tinggi. Tetapi tanaman
degrees Fahrenheit or higher, jagung muda bisa mati oleh udara yag
but young plants can be killed sangat dingin yang datang tiba-tiba. Benih
by a sudden freeze. Corn seed jagung ditanam dalam bedengan-bedengan
is planted in rows about 3 to 4 yang jaraknya kira-kira 3 hingga 4 kaki.
feet apart. Several kernels are Beberapa tongkol jagung dijatuhkan di
dropped in each hill, or setiap gundukan atau lubang. Dalam
spot. These are spaced 2 to 4 bedengan, jaraknya adalah 2 hingga 4 kaki.
feet apart in the row.
BING3317/MODULE 1 1.15
Dari Kegiatan Belajar ini ada beberapa hal yang bisa ditarik sebagai
kesimpulan, yaitu sebagai berikut.
1. Sebelum mulai menerjemahkan, pahami seluruh paragraf (analisis
teksnya) dengan membaca berulang-ulang, dan kemudian baru
kalimat demi kalimat.
2. Hati-hati dengan idiomatic expressions atau phrasal verbs, misalnya
snapped off.
3. Jangan pernah mencoba menerjemahkan kata per kata.
4. ‘Meaning’ di alihkan secara tepat ke dalam bahasa sumber dengan
memperhatikan pilihan kata (vocabulary), bentuk kalimat
(grammatical forms) dan laras bahasa (register).
Read each of the paragraphs below along with its translation version,
then identify the possible weaknesses of it by underlining them on the basis of
the criteria in the band descriptors.(see Appendix).
Learning Activity 2
R ead the following text very carefully to get a general impression of it,
analyze it and then do the exercises that follow.
If you ask the average person what agriculture is, he will probably reply,
"Why, it means farming, of course". He will be partly right, for raising crops
is a branch of agriculture. So also are livestock raising, dairy farming, fruit
growing, chicken raising, and even fur farming. Agriculture includes the
raising of every kind of plant and animal that is useful to man.
With all its many branches, agriculture is the world's most important
industry. It supplies the food we eat and many of the materials from which
we make our clothing. Modern agriculture also provides business for many
other industries. Farmers buy tractors, plows, seeders, and many other kinds
of equipment. They buy supplies such as fertilizer, chemical sprays, and
animal feed. The manufacturers from whom they buy these things in turn buy
raw materials from other industries. Grocery stores and supermarkets,
restaurants and lunch counters, and companies that can and freeze food
would have nothing to sell without agriculture. Railroads and truck lines that
carry farm products to market are among the other industries that depend
directly or indirectly on agriculture.
Farms are classified according to the type of farming that is done and the
kinds of crops and livestock that are raised. They may be classified in several
different ways, such as general, specialized, intensive, and extensive farms.
A farm may fall into more than one classification at the same time. For
example, it may be both extensive and specialized.
1.18 Translation 1
1. General Farming
A farm where a variety of things are raised is called a general farm. On
such a farm there may be a herd of dairy cows whose milk the farmer sells.
There may also be hogs, sheep, or poultry to provide extra income and supply
some of the family's needs. The farmer may raise some of the hay and grain
for feeding his animals. There may be some "cash crop" such as tobacco,
soybeans, or vegetables. Cash crops, as the name indicates, are raised to be
sold rather than for use on the farm.
2. Specialization
There are many factors that influence the types of crops and livestock
that a farmer raises. One of the most important is climate, which includes
temperature, length of growing season, sunshine, and rainfall. Another is the
type of soil. A third is the amount of water available for irrigation. Other
factors are the terrain (whether the land is level and easily cultivated or steep
and rocky), distance to markets, perishability of the product, and demand for
the product.
By concentrating on the particular crops or animals that fit in best with
his situation, the specialized farmer hopes to use his land in the most efficient
and profitable way.
For example, farmers in the semi-arid western plains of the United States
and Canada specialize in raising wheat and other drought-resisting grains.
The reason is that these plants will survive there while moisture-loving crops
would fail. The land is generally level and the soil is free from large stones,
so that it is practical to use large machines for cultivation and harvesting.
Farmers in this region of vast natural grasslands could also raise cattle if they
wished, but grain pays them better.
West of the plains there are vast mountainous regions where the land is
too steep and rocky to cultivate. However, there are natural grasses that cattle
and sheep can eat. Mountain streams provide a water supply. Here ranching
takes the place of farming, for livestock can be raised profitably but plant
crops cannot.
Many farmers in New England, New York State, and Pennsylvania have
found it profitable to specialize in producing fresh milk for the towns and
cities of the northeastern states. The relatively cool summers and heavy
rainfall are almost ideal conditions for pasture land, hay, and other feed
BING3317/MODULE 1 1.19
crops. And markets are within easy trucking distance. (The New Book of
Knowledge The Children Encyclopedia, 1977).
■ Task 1
Now, learn the model answer below together with a short explanation about
If you ask the average Jikalau Anda bertanya pada
person what agriculture is, he kebanyakan orang apa pertanian itu, ia
will probably reply, "Why, it barangkali akan menjawab, "Memangnya
means farming, of course." He kenapa, tentu saja artinya pertanian". Ia
will be partly right, for ada benarnya juga karena memelihara
raising crops is a branch of tanaman adalah satu cabang pertanian.
agriculture. So also are Demikian pula dengan memelihara
livestock raising, dairy farming, ternak, peternakan sapi perah, bertanam
fruit growing, chicken raising, buah-buahan, beternak ayam, dan bahkan
and even fur farming. memelihara hewan untuk diambil
Agriculture includes the bulunya. Pertanian meliputi pemeliharaan
raising of every kind of plant segala jenis tanaman dan hewan yang
and animal that is useful to man. berguna bagi manusia.
Model answer di atas ditampilkan dengan sangat baik. Perhatikan
kalimat "Why, it means farming, of course". Kata of course dalam bahasa
sasaran tidak disimpan diakhir kalimat karena akan menjadikan kalimat
tersebut terasa sebagai sebuah kalimat terjemahan (read as translation).
Dalam bahasa sasaran, kata tersebut disimpan di awal kalimat kedua
sehingga terasa lumrah karena sesuai dengan kebiasaan yang berlaku pada
bahasa sasaran.
Kemudian, kata for (selain kata since dan because). Model answer dibuat
dengan sangat teliti dan kosa kata yang dimilikinya sangat luas (not restricted
1.20 Translation 1
by the forms; i.e. vocabulary, grammar). Kata for yang sering kali
diterjemahkan menjadi untuk atau bagi, ternyata diterjemahkan dengan
sempurna menjadi karena/sebab.
Kalimat-kalimat pada bahasa sumber adalah kalimat kompleks. Namun,
hasil terjemahan berhasil dengan baik menerjermahkannya karena juga
didukung oleh pemilihan kata yang tepat (full awareness of register; i.e.
words, style and grammatical features). Perhatikan kata meliputi sebagai
terjemahan kata include, frasa perusahaan pemerahan susu untuk kata dairy
Task 2
Translate the following extract into Bahasa Indonesia.
■ Task 3
Translate the following extract into Bahasa Indonesia.
Farms are classified according .............................................................
to the type of farming that is done .............................................................
and the kinds of crops and livestock .............................................................
that are raised. They may be .............................................................
classified in several different ways, .............................................................
such as general, specialized, .............................................................
intensive, and extensive farms. .............................................................
■ Task 4
Translate the following extract into Bahasa Indonesia.
■ Task 5
Translate the following extract into Bahasa Indonesia.
General Farming
A farm where a variety of ............................................................
things are raised is called a general ............................................................
farm. On such a farm there may be ............................................................
a herd of dairy cows whose milk the ............................................................
farmer sells. There may also be ............................................................
hogs, sheep, or poultry to provide ............................................................
extra income and supply some of ............................................................
the family's needs. The farmer ............................................................
may raise some of the hay and ............................................................
grain for feeding his animals. ............................................................
There may be some "cash crop" ............................................................
such as tobacco, soybeans, or ............................................................
vegetables. Cash crops, as the name ............................................................
indicates, are raised to be sold ............................................................
rather than for use on the farm. ............................................................
■ Task 6
Translate the following extract into Bahasa Indonesia.
There are many factors that ............................................................
influence the types of crops and ............................................................
livestock that a farmer raises. One ............................................................
of the most important is climate, ............................................................
which includes temperature, length ............................................................
of growing season, sunshine, and ............................................................
rainfall. Another is the type of ............................................................
BING3317/MODULE 1 1.23
■ Task 7
Translate the following extract into Bahasa Indonesia.
■ Task 8
Translate the following extract into Bahasa Indonesia.
■ Task 9
Translate the following extract into Bahasa Indonesia.
■ Task 10
Translate the following extract into Bahasa Indonesia.
■ Task 2
■ Task 3
■ Task 4
A farm may fall into more Pada saat yang bersamaan, sebuah
than one classification at the pertanian dapat digolongkan ke dalam
same time. For example, it may be lebih dari satu penggolongan. Sebagai
both extensive and specialized. contoh, pertanian dapat sekaligus
ekstensif dan khusus.
■ Task 5
■ Task 6
Specialization Spesialisasi
There are many factors that Ada faktor-faktor yang
influence the types of crops and mempengaruhi jenis-jenis tanaman
livestock that a farmer raises. One dan binatang ternak yang dipelihara
of the most important is climate, oleh petani. Satu yang terpenting
which includes temperature, length adalah iklim, termasuk temperatur,
of growing season, sunshine, and lama musim tanam, sinar matahari,
rainfall. Another is the type of dan curah hujan. Faktor lain adalah
1.28 Translation 1
soil. A third is the amount of jenis tanah. Dan faktor ketiga adalah
water available for irrigation. banyaknya air untuk irigasi. Faktor
Other factors are the terrain lain adalah teras siring (apakah
(whether the land is level and easily tanahnya bertingkat dan mudah diolah
cultivated or steep and rocky), atau curam dan berbatu), jarak ke
distance to markets, perishability pasar, tingkat kebusukan hasil panen,
of the product, and demand for the dan permintaan akan hasil tersebut.
■ Task 7
■ Task 8
■ Task 9
■ Task 10
producing fresh milk for the segar itu menguntungkan karena terdapat
towns and cities of the kota-kota kecil dan besar di sebelah timur
northeastern states. The laut kota tersebut. Musim panas yang
relatively cool summers and relatif dingin dan curah hujan yang tinggi
heavy rainfall are almost ideal adalah kondisi yang hampir ideal bagi
conditions for pasture land, padang rumput, jerami, dan berbagai
hay, and other feed crops. tanaman pakan ternak lainnya. Dan pasar
And markets are within easy yang tidak terlalu jauh bila dicapai
trucking distance. dengan alat transportasi truk.
Read paragraphs below and its translation version, then identify the
possible weaknesses of it by underlining them and put the kinds of mistakes
based on the criteria in the band descriptors.
Formative Test 1
Perhatikan kata ‘adalah matang’ sebagai terjemahan dari ‘is ripe’ dan
kata ‘itu’ sebagai terjemahan dari ‘it’, juga beberapa kata lain yang
digarisbawahi. Hal ini menunjukkan ‘word by word translation’ dan sebagai
akibatnya adalah bahwa hasil terjemahan menjadi terbaca seperti hasil
terjemahan (read as translation). Selain itu, karena terbatasnya
perbendaharaan kata, banyak kata yang tidak tepat dipakai seperti kata
‘tulang punggung’ sebagai padanan kata ‘shanks’, ‘gertakan’ untuk padanan
kata ‘snapping’ dan ‘terputus’ untuk frasa ‘snapped off.’
Berikutnya adalah kelemahan dalam penguasaan bentuk aktif – pasif.
Pada klausa ‘must be dried’ yang ditejemahkan menjadi ‘harus
mengeringkan’ adalah contoh kelemahan tersebut (full awareness of register).
soil loosened around the plants. tanaman harus digemburkan. Hal ini harus
This must be done three to five dilakukan tiga hingga lima kali dalam
times during the growing season. musim tanam.
Formative Test 2