03 Management Science Era

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Departemen Teknik Industri

Management Science Era

Departemen Teknik Industri

Memahami proses optimasi dan
pendekatan sistemik terintegrasi dalam
menyelesaikan permasalahan

TI-1101 Pengantar Teknik Industri - Mngt 2

Science & Integrated Approach
Departemen Teknik Industri

Management Science

• Due to Limited Resources

•Using Mathematical and Statistical
Approach to Solve the Real Problem to
Obtained Solution
• As a Tool for Decision Making

TI-1101 Pengantar Teknik Industri - Mngt 3

Science & Integrated Approach
Departemen Teknik Industri

MS In Decision Making Process


Decision Solution


Problem IE Standard

Data /Information

TI-1101 Pengantar Teknik Industri - Mngt 4

Science & Integrated Approach
Departemen Teknik Industri

Management Science Approach

Analysis of
Real System

Implementation Problem
of Finding Formulation

Analysis of Model
Model Building
TI-1101 Pengantar Teknik Industri - Mngt 5
Science & Integrated Approach
Departemen Teknik Industri

Management Science Era

Classical Operation
Quantitative Research
Approach Model

TI-1101 Pengantar Teknik Industri - Mngt 6

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Departemen Teknik Industri

Classical Quantitative

TI-1101 Pengantar Teknik Industri - Mngt 7

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Departemen Teknik Industri

Classical Quantitative Approach

• Using Classical Mathematical and Statistical

Approach to Solve the Quantitative Problem to
Obtained Optimal Solution Analytically
• Unconstraint problems

TI-1101 Pengantar Teknik Industri - Mngt 8

Science & Integrated Approach
Departemen Teknik Industri

Taxonomi Problem

Pasti Probabilistik Tak Tentu

( Determitic ) ( Probabilistic) ( Uncertainty )
S=0 S0 S0
Pola Diketahui Pola Tak Diketahui

Catatan :

 (X  X) 2

n 1

TI-1101 Pengantar Teknik Industri - Mngt 9

Science & Integrated Approach
Departemen Teknik Industri

Wilson Formula

The first mathematical approach used to

solve the inventory problem

TI-1101 Pengantar Teknik Industri - Mngt 10

Science & Integrated Approach
Departemen Teknik Industri

Contoh Problem Inventory

D = 10.000 unit/tahun
A = Rp.1000.000,-/pesan
p = Rp. 10.000,-/unit
h = 20% dari harga/unit/tahun
Bagaimana kebijakan inventori optimal ?

TI-1101 Pengantar Teknik Industri - Mngt 11

Science & Integrated Approach
Departemen Teknik Industri

Formulasi Problem
Bagaimana Menentukan Kebijakan
Inventori Optimal ?

• Berapa Ukuran Lot Pemesanan Ekonomis ?

( Economic Order Quantity: EOQ )
• Kapan Saat Pemesanan Dilakukan
( Re-Order Point: ROP )

TI-1101 Pengantar Teknik Industri - Mngt 12

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Departemen Teknik Industri

Performance Criteria
Ongkos Inventori Total ( Ot )

Ot = Ob + Op + Os

Ot: Ongkos Inventori Total

Ob: Ongkos Beli
Op: Ongkos Pesan
Os: Ongkos Simpan

TI-1101 Pengantar Teknik Industri - Mngt 13

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Departemen Teknik Industri

Solusi Praktis
Cara dan Ukuran Ongkos Beli Ongkos Pesan Ongkos Simpan Ongkos
Pengadaan Ob = p × D Op = f × A Os = ½q0 × h Total (OT)
Satu kali beli
f = 1; qo= 10.000 100,0 1,0 10,0 111,0

Dua kali beli

f = 2; qo= 5.000 100,0 2,0 5,0 107,0

Empat kali beli

f = 4; qo= 2.500 100,0 4,0 2,5 106,5

Lima kali beli

f = 5; qo = 2.000 100,0 5,0 2,0 107,0

Delapan kali beli

f = 8; qo = 1.250 100,0 8,0 1,25 109,25

Sepuluh kali beli

f = 10;qo = 1.000 100,0 10,0 1,0 111,0

TI-1101 Pengantar Teknik Industri - Mngt 14

Science & Integrated Approach
Departemen Teknik Industri

Hubungan Ot dan Q0

TI-1101 Pengantar Teknik Industri - Mngt 15

Science & Integrated Approach
Departemen Teknik Industri

Asumsi Model Wilson

1. Demand Deterministik Dan Barang Datang
Secara Uniform
2. Ukuran Lot Pemesanan Tetap Untuk Setiap
Kali Pemesanan
3. Barang Yang Dipesan Akan Datang Secara
Serentak Pada Saat Pemesanan
4. Harga Barang Konstan Baik Terhadap Lot
Maupun Waktu

TI-1101 Pengantar Teknik Industri - Mngt 16

Science & Integrated Approach
Departemen Teknik Industri

Posisi Inventori

q0 = 5.000 unit m = 1/2q0


A B t

TI-1101 Pengantar Teknik Industri - Mngt 17

Science & Integrated Approach
Departemen Teknik Industri

Posisi Inventori


SOP : Posisi inventori (stock on position)
SOH : Inventori tersedia (stock on hand)
SOO : Inventori dalam pesanan (stock on order)

TI-1101 Pengantar Teknik Industri - Mngt 18

Science & Integrated Approach
Departemen Teknik Industri

Formulasi Model
Min O = O + O + O
t b p s

Ob = Dp
Op = AD/Qo
Os = hQo/2

TI-1101 Pengantar Teknik Industri - Mngt 19

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Departemen Teknik Industri

Formulasi Model

Min Ot = Ob + Op + Os

= Dp + AD/Qo + hQo/2

TI-1101 Pengantar Teknik Industri - Mngt 20

Science & Integrated Approach
Departemen Teknik Industri

Solusi Model
• Syarat Ot minimal:
Ot/Qo = 0
-AD/Q + h/2 =0

Qo = {2AD/h}

TI-1101 Pengantar Teknik Industri - Mngt 21

Science & Integrated Approach
Departemen Teknik Industri

Solusi Optimal
Qo = {2AD/h}
= { 2. 1000000.10000/2000}

Qo = 3165 unit

TI-1101 Pengantar Teknik Industri - Mngt 22

Science & Integrated Approach
Departemen Teknik Industri

Mekanisme Model Wilson

TI-1101 Pengantar Teknik Industri - Mngt 23

Science & Integrated Approach
Departemen Teknik Industri

Operation Research Approach

TI-1101 Pengantar Teknik Industri - Mngt 24

Science & Integrated Approach
Departemen Teknik Industri

Operation Research Approach

• Use Modeling Approach to Solve the

Problem to Obtained Optimal Solution
• Constraint problems

TI-1101 Pengantar Teknik Industri - Mngt 25

Science & Integrated Approach
Departemen Teknik Industri

How To Get The Solution?

MS Problem
Common Sense? Use&Choose

Model Standard? Formulate

New Alternatives Build New Model Simulation


TI-1101 Pengantar Teknik Industri - Mngt 26

Science & Integrated Approach
Departemen Teknik Industri

Problem Solving Approach

• Define Problem
• Generate Alternatives
• Choose Standard Model
• Get The Best Solution
• Make Decision
• Implementation/Action

TI-1101 Pengantar Teknik Industri - Mngt 27

Science & Integrated Approach
Departemen Teknik Industri

Operation Research Model

Linear Non Linear

-Linear Prog - Queing
-Transportation - Inventory
-Transhipment - Dynamics Prog
- Network - Stochastics Prog.
- Etc - Etc
TI-1101 Pengantar Teknik Industri - Mngt 28
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Departemen Teknik Industri


Representation of System for Special


Representation Purpose
– Model Iconic - Model Descriptive
– Model Analog - Model Predictive
– Model Symbolic - Model Normative

TI-1101 Pengantar Teknik Industri - Mngt 29

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Departemen Teknik Industri

Advantages Using Model

• Minimize destructive experiment
Minimize complexity of real world
• Minimize negative impacts
• Minimize Cost

TI-1101 Pengantar Teknik Industri - Mngt 30

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Departemen Teknik Industri

Performance of Model
• Valid
• Simple
• Robust
• Adaptive
• Complete
• Controllable
• Communicable
TI-1101 Pengantar Teknik Industri - Mngt 31
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Departemen Teknik Industri

• Solve the Problem
• Reflect Variable Decision
• Input For Making Decision

Feasible Best Optimal

( Simulasi ) ( Heuristic) ( Analytic)
TI-1101 Pengantar Teknik Industri - Mngt 32
Science & Integrated Approach
Departemen Teknik Industri

Performance Criteria
A. Types
1. Single Criteria
2. Multi Criteria
B. Level of Management
1. Company level
2. Business level
3. Operational level

TI-1101 Pengantar Teknik Industri - Mngt 33

Science & Integrated Approach
Departemen Teknik Industri

Components Model

• Performance Criteria
• Decision Variable
• Constraints
• Parameter
• Logical Relationship

TI-1101 Pengantar Teknik Industri - Mngt 34

Science & Integrated Approach
Departemen Teknik Industri

Model Formulation

Determine the relationship among

performance criteria, variables,
parameters and constraints

Objective function : V = f ( Xi, Yi, Ai )

Constraints : f ( Xi, Yi, Ai ) < Bi

TI-1101 Pengantar Teknik Industri - Mngt 35

Science & Integrated Approach
Departemen Teknik Industri

Linear Programming
• Asumsi :
– Proprotionality
– Additivity
– Integrality
• Model Formulation :

TI-1101 Pengantar Teknik Industri - Mngt 36

Science & Integrated Approach
Departemen Teknik Industri

General Model
Objective Function:
Min Z = c1X1 + c2X2 + c3X3 + c4X4 + ………….+ cnXn
Subject to:
1. a11X1 + a12X2 +a13 X3 + a14X4 + ………+ a1nXn <= B1
2. a21X1 + a22X2 +a23 X3 + a24X4 + ………+ a2nXn <= B2
3. a31X1 + a32X2 +a33 X3 + a34X4 + ………+ a3nXn <= B3
. .
. .
m. am1X1 + am2X2 +am3 X3 + am4X4 + ……+ amnXn <= Bm
X1, X2, X3, X4 ……Xn >= 0

TI-1101 Pengantar Teknik Industri - Mngt 37

Science & Integrated Approach
Departemen Teknik Industri

Contoh Linear Programming

PT XYZ produces sport jackets and slacks. The profit on each

jacket is $ 10, and for pair of slacks is $ 15. Each jacket
requires 2 m2 of material and 4 manhours of sewing, which
each pair of slacks requires 5 m2 of material and 2 manhous
of sewing. If there has 50 m2 of material and 36 manhours
of work available each week, how many jackets and pairs of
slacks shoul be produced

TI-1101 Pengantar Teknik Industri - Mngt 38

Science & Integrated Approach
Departemen Teknik Industri

Component of Model
• Performance Criteria
– Profit/week z
• Decision Variables
– Number of jackets produced/week x1
– Number of slack produced/week x2
• Constraints
– Material : 50 m2/week
– Sewing : 36 manhours/week
• Parameter
Jacket Slack
– Profit 10 15 ($/unit)
– Usage of material 2 5 (m2/unit)
– Sewing requirement 4 2 (manhour/unit)

• Logical Relationship
– liner

TI-1101 Pengantar Teknik Industri - Mngt 39

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Departemen Teknik Industri

Formulation of Model
Objective function : V = f ( Xi, Yi, Ai )
Constraints : f ( Xi, Yi, Ai ) < Bi

Objective function : Z = 10 x1 + 15 x2
– Material : 2 x1 + 5 x2 <= 50
– Sewing : 4 x1 + 2 x2 <= 36
x1 , x 2 > = 0

TI-1101 Pengantar Teknik Industri - Mngt 40

Science & Integrated Approach
Departemen Teknik Industri

Feasible Solution

Optimal Solution

Graphis Simplex

TI-1101 Pengantar Teknik Industri - Mngt 41

Science & Integrated Approach
Departemen Teknik Industri

Graphical Method

Sewing 4 x1 + 2 x2 <= 36
Z= 10 x1 + 15 x2
Optimal Material
2 x1 + 5 x2 <= 50
Solution X1
9 25
Departemen Teknik Industri

Optimal Solution
Produce Jacket X1 : 5 unit/week
Produce Slack X2 : 8 unit/week
Profit Z : $ 170/week

TI-1101 Pengantar Teknik Industri - Mngt 43

Science & Integrated Approach
Departemen Teknik Industri

Transportation Model

1 2 3 ....... 8

TI-1101 Pengantar Teknik Industri - Mngt 44

Science & Integrated Approach
Departemen Teknik Industri

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
A B C D E F G H Supply

P 12 24 21 20 21.5 19 17 20 100

Q 24 15 28 20 18.5 19.5 24 28 45

Dmd 22 14 18 17 15 13 15 20

TI-1101 Pengantar Teknik Industri - Mngt 45

Science & Integrated Approach
Departemen Teknik Industri

Component of Model
• Performance Criteria :
• Min. Cost
• Variable Decision :
• Number of product to be supplied from plant i
• Number of product to be transported from plant
i to retailer j( Xij)
• Constraints:
• Supply
• Demand

TI-1101 Pengantar Teknik Industri - Mngt 46

Science & Integrated Approach
Departemen Teknik Industri

Model Formulation

Min Z = 12X11 + 24X12 + 21X13 + 20X14 + 21.5X15 + 19X16 +

17X17 + 20X18 + 24X21 + 15X22 + 28X23 + 20X24 +
18.5X25 + 19.5 X26 + 24 X27 + 28X28

Subject to:
1). X11 + X12 + X13 + X14 + X15 + X16 +X17 + X18 <=100
2). X21 + X22 + X23 + X24 + X25 + X26 +X27 + X28 <= 45

TI-1101 Pengantar Teknik Industri - Mngt 47

Science & Integrated Approach
Departemen Teknik Industri

Model Formulation
3). X11 + X21 = 22
4). X12 + X22 = 14
5). X13 + X23 = 18
6). X14 + X24 = 17
7). X15 + X25 = 15
8). X16 + X26 = 13
9). X17 + X27 = 15
10). X18 + X28 = 20
All Variable Non Negative

TI-1101 Pengantar Teknik Industri - Mngt 48

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Departemen Teknik Industri

Optimal Solution
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
A B C D E F G H Supply

P 22 - 18 17 - 13 15 4 89

Q - 14 - - 15 - - 16 45

Dmnd 22 14 18 17 15 13 15 20 134
Minimal Cost = $ 2583.50

TI-1101 Pengantar Teknik Industri - Mngt 49

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Departemen Teknik Industri

Optimal Solution


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

TI-1101 Pengantar Teknik Industri - Mngt 50

Science & Integrated Approach
Departemen Teknik Industri

Shortest Route Method

A 90 B
84 E 84 I
C 132
90 132
F 60 126
132 48
48 J
G 150

TI-1101 Pengantar Teknik Industri - Mngt 51

Science & Integrated Approach
Departemen Teknik Industri

Step Solved Its Closest Total Time n’th Nearest Its Min. Its Last
Nodes Conc.un Sl Involved Node Time Con’tion

1 A B 90 B 90 AB*
A D 138
A C 348

2 A C 138 C 138 AC
A D 348
B C 90+66=156
B E 90+84=174

3 A D 348
B E 90+84=174 E 174 BE*
C D 138+156=294
C F 138+90=228

4 A D 348
C D 138+156=294
C F 138+ 90=228 F 228 CF
E F 174+132=306
E I 174+84 =258
TI-1101 Pengantar Teknik Industri - Mngt 52
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Departemen Teknik Industri

Step Solved Its Closest Total Time n’th Nearest Its Min. Its Last
Nodes Conc.un Sl Involved Node Time Con’tion

5 A D 348
C D 138156=294
E I 174+84=258 I 258 EI*
F G 228132=360
F H 228+60=288

6 A D 348
C D 138+156=294
F G 228+132=360
F H 228+ 60=288 H 288 FH
I H 258+132=390
I J 258+126=384

7 A D 348
C D 138+156=294
F G 228+132=360
H G 288+ 48=336 G 336 HG
I J 258+126=384
TI-1101 Pengantar Teknik Industri - Mngt 53
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Step Solved Its Closest Total Time n’th Nearest Its Min. Its Last
Nodes Conc.un Sl Involved Node Time Con’tion

8 A D 348 D 348 AD
C D 138+156=294
G D 336+ 48=384
G J 336+150=486
H J 288+126=414
I J 258+126=384

9 G J 336+150=486
H J 288+126=414
I J 258+126=384 J 384 IJ*

Shortest Route : A B E I J ( 384)

TI-1101 Pengantar Teknik Industri - Mngt 54

Science & Integrated Approach

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