03 Management Science Era
03 Management Science Era
03 Management Science Era
Memahami proses optimasi dan
pendekatan sistemik terintegrasi dalam
menyelesaikan permasalahan
Management Science
Decision Solution
Problem IE Standard
Data /Information
Analysis of
Real System
Implementation Problem
of Finding Formulation
Analysis of Model
Model Building
TI-1101 Pengantar Teknik Industri - Mngt 5
Science & Integrated Approach
Departemen Teknik Industri
Classical Operation
Quantitative Research
Approach Model
Classical Quantitative
Taxonomi Problem
Catatan :
(X X) 2
n 1
Wilson Formula
Formulasi Problem
Bagaimana Menentukan Kebijakan
Inventori Optimal ?
Performance Criteria
Ongkos Inventori Total ( Ot )
Ot = Ob + Op + Os
Solusi Praktis
Cara dan Ukuran Ongkos Beli Ongkos Pesan Ongkos Simpan Ongkos
Pengadaan Ob = p × D Op = f × A Os = ½q0 × h Total (OT)
Satu kali beli
f = 1; qo= 10.000 100,0 1,0 10,0 111,0
Hubungan Ot dan Q0
Posisi Inventori
A B t
Posisi Inventori
Formulasi Model
Min O = O + O + O
t b p s
Ob = Dp
Op = AD/Qo
Os = hQo/2
Formulasi Model
Min Ot = Ob + Op + Os
= Dp + AD/Qo + hQo/2
Solusi Model
• Syarat Ot minimal:
Ot/Qo = 0
-AD/Q + h/2 =0
Qo = {2AD/h}
Solusi Optimal
Qo = {2AD/h}
= { 2. 1000000.10000/2000}
Qo = 3165 unit
Model Standard? Formulate
Representation Purpose
– Model Iconic - Model Descriptive
– Model Analog - Model Predictive
– Model Symbolic - Model Normative
Performance of Model
• Valid
• Simple
• Robust
• Adaptive
• Complete
• Controllable
• Communicable
TI-1101 Pengantar Teknik Industri - Mngt 31
Science & Integrated Approach
Departemen Teknik Industri
• Solve the Problem
• Reflect Variable Decision
• Input For Making Decision
Performance Criteria
A. Types
1. Single Criteria
2. Multi Criteria
B. Level of Management
1. Company level
2. Business level
3. Operational level
Components Model
• Performance Criteria
• Decision Variable
• Constraints
• Parameter
• Logical Relationship
Model Formulation
Linear Programming
• Asumsi :
– Proprotionality
– Additivity
– Integrality
• Model Formulation :
General Model
Objective Function:
Min Z = c1X1 + c2X2 + c3X3 + c4X4 + ………….+ cnXn
Subject to:
1. a11X1 + a12X2 +a13 X3 + a14X4 + ………+ a1nXn <= B1
2. a21X1 + a22X2 +a23 X3 + a24X4 + ………+ a2nXn <= B2
3. a31X1 + a32X2 +a33 X3 + a34X4 + ………+ a3nXn <= B3
. .
. .
m. am1X1 + am2X2 +am3 X3 + am4X4 + ……+ amnXn <= Bm
X1, X2, X3, X4 ……Xn >= 0
Component of Model
• Performance Criteria
– Profit/week z
• Decision Variables
– Number of jackets produced/week x1
– Number of slack produced/week x2
• Constraints
– Material : 50 m2/week
– Sewing : 36 manhours/week
• Parameter
Jacket Slack
– Profit 10 15 ($/unit)
– Usage of material 2 5 (m2/unit)
– Sewing requirement 4 2 (manhour/unit)
• Logical Relationship
– liner
Formulation of Model
Objective function : V = f ( Xi, Yi, Ai )
Constraints : f ( Xi, Yi, Ai ) < Bi
Objective function : Z = 10 x1 + 15 x2
– Material : 2 x1 + 5 x2 <= 50
– Sewing : 4 x1 + 2 x2 <= 36
x1 , x 2 > = 0
Feasible Solution
Optimal Solution
Graphis Simplex
Graphical Method
Sewing 4 x1 + 2 x2 <= 36
Z= 10 x1 + 15 x2
Optimal Material
2 x1 + 5 x2 <= 50
Solution X1
9 25
Departemen Teknik Industri
Optimal Solution
Produce Jacket X1 : 5 unit/week
Produce Slack X2 : 8 unit/week
Profit Z : $ 170/week
Transportation Model
1 2 3 ....... 8
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
A B C D E F G H Supply
P 12 24 21 20 21.5 19 17 20 100
Q 24 15 28 20 18.5 19.5 24 28 45
Dmd 22 14 18 17 15 13 15 20
Component of Model
• Performance Criteria :
• Min. Cost
• Variable Decision :
• Number of product to be supplied from plant i
• Number of product to be transported from plant
i to retailer j( Xij)
• Constraints:
• Supply
• Demand
Model Formulation
Subject to:
1). X11 + X12 + X13 + X14 + X15 + X16 +X17 + X18 <=100
2). X21 + X22 + X23 + X24 + X25 + X26 +X27 + X28 <= 45
Model Formulation
3). X11 + X21 = 22
4). X12 + X22 = 14
5). X13 + X23 = 18
6). X14 + X24 = 17
7). X15 + X25 = 15
8). X16 + X26 = 13
9). X17 + X27 = 15
10). X18 + X28 = 20
All Variable Non Negative
Optimal Solution
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
A B C D E F G H Supply
P 22 - 18 17 - 13 15 4 89
Q - 14 - - 15 - - 16 45
Dmnd 22 14 18 17 15 13 15 20 134
Minimal Cost = $ 2583.50
Optimal Solution
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Step Solved Its Closest Total Time n’th Nearest Its Min. Its Last
Nodes Conc.un Sl Involved Node Time Con’tion
1 A B 90 B 90 AB*
A D 138
A C 348
2 A C 138 C 138 AC
A D 348
B C 90+66=156
B E 90+84=174
3 A D 348
B E 90+84=174 E 174 BE*
C D 138+156=294
C F 138+90=228
4 A D 348
C D 138+156=294
C F 138+ 90=228 F 228 CF
E F 174+132=306
E I 174+84 =258
TI-1101 Pengantar Teknik Industri - Mngt 52
Science & Integrated Approach
Departemen Teknik Industri
Step Solved Its Closest Total Time n’th Nearest Its Min. Its Last
Nodes Conc.un Sl Involved Node Time Con’tion
5 A D 348
C D 138156=294
E I 174+84=258 I 258 EI*
F G 228132=360
F H 228+60=288
6 A D 348
C D 138+156=294
F G 228+132=360
F H 228+ 60=288 H 288 FH
I H 258+132=390
I J 258+126=384
7 A D 348
C D 138+156=294
F G 228+132=360
H G 288+ 48=336 G 336 HG
I J 258+126=384
TI-1101 Pengantar Teknik Industri - Mngt 53
Science & Integrated Approach
Departemen Teknik Industri
Step Solved Its Closest Total Time n’th Nearest Its Min. Its Last
Nodes Conc.un Sl Involved Node Time Con’tion
8 A D 348 D 348 AD
C D 138+156=294
G D 336+ 48=384
G J 336+150=486
H J 288+126=414
I J 258+126=384
9 G J 336+150=486
H J 288+126=414
I J 258+126=384 J 384 IJ*