QQ-W-461H Wire, Steel Carbon (Round, Bare and Coated)
QQ-W-461H Wire, Steel Carbon (Round, Bare and Coated)
QQ-W-461H Wire, Steel Carbon (Round, Bare and Coated)
1.1 Scope. This specification covers round carbon steel wire, bare,
and coated.
1.2 Classification.
AISI Numbers
1006 1018
1008 1020
1010 1035
1015 1045
Finish 1 - Bare.
Finish 2 - Coppered.
Finish 3 - Tinned.
Finish 4 - Liquor.
Finish 5 - Galvanized.
Finish 6 - Aluminized.
Class 1 - light.
Class 2 - medium.
Class 3 or class A - heavy.
FSC 9505
Extra heavy
Class B.
Class C.
Federal Standard:
Military Standard:
3.1 Material.
3.1.1 Wire. The wire shall be carbon steel of the specified com-
position conforming to ASTM A510.
3.1.2 Tin coating. When tin coating is applied by the hot-dip pro-
cess, the tin shall conform to ASTM B339, Grade A.
3.4.1 Bare, coppered, tinned, and liquor finish wire. The diameter
of the bars, coppered, tinned, and liquor finish wire shall not vary by
more than the amount indicated in ASTM A510.
3.5.2 Elongation. Annealed wire of grade Nos. 1006, 1008, 1010, and
1015, finishes 1, 2, 3, and 4 shall have elongation not less than 15 per-
cent in 10 inches. Annealed wire of grade Nos. 1018, 1020, 1035, and
1045, finishes 1, 2, 3, and 4 shall have elongation not less than 10 per-
cent in 10 inches.
3.6 Finish.
3.6 Tinned wire. Tinned wire shall have a coating of tin applied
the hot-dip (molten bath) method. The weight of tin per square foot of
uncoated surface for the size of wire specified shall conform to the
requirements of table II.
3.7 Workmanship.
4.2 Lot. Unless otherwise specified (see 6.2), a lot shall consist
of all wire submitted for inspection at the same time, of the same com-
position, tensile strength designation, size, finish, and when applicable,
coating weight, and manufactured by the same process.
4.3 Sampling.
4.4.1 Cast or heat analysis. Cast or heat analysis (see 3.3.1) shall
be in accordance with the manufacturer's standard practice.
4.4.3 Tensile strength. One test specimen, free from kinks and not
less than 15 inches long, shall be taken form each test sample. The
distance between the jaws of the testing machine, with the specimen ready
for testing, shall be not less than 10 inches. When tested in accordance
with ASTM A370, the tensile strength of the wire shall conform to the
requirements of 3.5.
4.4.5 Coiling test. One test specimen shall be taken from each test
sample. The specimen shall be not less than 12 inches long and shall not
be crooked or kinked. The specimen shall be wrapped in a closed helix
for at least six complete turns around a cylindrical mandrel. For wire
0.1620 inch in diameter and smaller, the diameter of the mandrel shall be
equal to the diameter of the wire; for wire larger than 0.1620 inch up to
and including 0.3120 inch in diameter, the mandrel diameter shall be twice
the diameter of the wire. The wrapping test for wire larger than
0.3120 inch in diameter shall not be required, unless specified and only
in accordance with the test conditions agreed to between the supplier
and the purchaser. Direct visual examination without optical magnifica-
tion after wrapping shall be made for compliance with the requirements
of 3.5.3.
the wire specimen for grade Nos. 1018, 1020, 1035, and 1045. The wire
surface of the helix shall be examined for compliance with the require-
ments of 3.6.7. Visual examination shall be made without optical magni-
D = Wire diameter
4.4.8 Zinc coating (hot dip). When a chemical analysis test is con-
ducted in conjunction with the hot-dip (molten bath) process to deter-
mine compliance with 3.1.3, zinc samples shall contain not less than
98 percent pure zinc. As an alternate to analyzing the metal in the gal-
vanizing kettle at the time the wire furnished to this specification is
coated, the Government will accept certification from the producer that
the coating metal used was of Prime Western or better chemical composi-
5.1.2 Commercial (level C). The wire shall be preserved and pack-
aged in a manner that will insure protection against, deterioration and
damage during shipping.
5.3 Marking.
6.4 Hard wire in grades 1020, 1035, and 1045 as covered in this
specification, refers to wire drawn to finished size from rods thermally
treated, if required. Annealed wire refers to wire annealed at finished
size and annealed-in-process refers to wire annealed during manufacturing
operations. In the production of soft, medium, or hard tinned, aluminized,
and zinc-coated wire, the heat treatment which determines the final
strength is generally performed in conjunction with and as part of the
galvanizing operation.