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National Career Assessment Examination Result Implication for Career Guidance

Advocacy Program



Anna Patricia L. Aquino, Ireneo Bondoc Jr., Dexter C. Dizon, Lian E. Herbas,
Allen D. Manalo, Juliet T. Tagay

The K to 12 Basic Education is a flagship program of the Department of

Education (DepEd) which introduces the two years of Senior High School.
Through this program, learners are equipped to be holistically developed
Filipinos with 21st century skill with the end view of the full implementation
of Senior High School in S.Y. 2016-2017. (The K-12 Education, 2016) By
establishing effective Senior High School, they are ensuring that the learners
that will benefit from an education system fitted for 21st century are ready
from what they desire after high school and equipped with knowledge and
skills to pursue better lives for themselves, families and communities. The
Department of Education which support and monitor learners education,
introduces Career Guidance Advocacy Program (CGAP) that helps the
learners to discover and develop the skills and knowledge that every learners
have. One of the programs under Career Guidance Advocacvy Program is the
National Career Assessment Examination (NCAE) the purpose of this
examination is to help the learners determine which course they should study
in college and what sort of career they are best suited for. Like many
formalized tests, the NCAE measures learners' general scholastic
knowledge . National Career Assesssment Examination also tests
vocational aptitude, occupational preferences and entrepreneurial skills
of the learners. (Ross, n.d.) This study used quantative research specifically
descriptive research design to explore th improvement of career guidance
advocacy program . A total of 160 grade 12 students coming from Angeles
City National Trade school who voluntarily participated in this study.

Keywords: Career Guidance Advocacy Program, National Career

Assessment Examination
National Career Assessment Examination Result Implication for Career Guidance
Advocacy Program

The K to 12 Basic Education is a flagship program of the Department of

Education (DepEd) which introduces the two years of Senior High School. Through this

program, learners are equipped to be holistically developed Filipinos with 21st century

skill with the end view of the full implementation of Senior High School in S.Y. 2016-

2017. By establishing effective SHS, they are ensuring that the learners that will benefit

from an education system fitted for 21st century are ready from what they desire after

high school and equipped with knowledge and skills to pursue better lives for themselves,

families and communities. . ( The K-12 Education, 2016)

The DepEd must ensure that all Grade 10 completers are enrolled in Senior High

School. Furthermore, the Senior High School Career Guidance Program shall assist the

senior high school learners in making intelligent decisions regarding their chosen

specialization and to promote awareness in the importance of choosing specialization that

suits their skills and interests, that matches the available resources and needs of the

society. (DepEd Memorandum, 2016)

National Career Assessment Examination was developed to address the issue

of unemployment due to workers being matched with the wrong career. The purpose

of the examination is to help the learners determine which course they should study in

college and what sort of career they are best suited for. Like many formalized tests,

the NCAE measures learners' general scholastic knowledge. However, the

National Career Assessment Examination Result Implication for Career Guidance
Advocacy Program
NCAE also tests vocational aptitude, occupational preferences and

entrepreneurial skills. (Ross, n.d.)

Towards this end, more opportunities have been opened for the learners to

improve their knowledge. In face of the unprecedented pace of changes worldwide

with the development of information technology and explosive growth of knowledge,

our education system aims to develop learners’ knowledge, adaptability, creativity,

independent thinking and life-long learning capabilities so that they can be better

prepared to make informed and responsible choices and thus be able to make the best

of the opportunities ahead. (Llego, 2016)

Literature Review

Career Guidance Advocacy Program

Career Guidance and Advocacy Programs (CGAP) is one of the program

created by the Department of Education which help and provide the learners with

relevant labor market information and career guidance to guide them in choosing their

career path .(Niro, 2015)

Career Guidance Advocy Program help individuals to develop the

knowledge, skills, and experience necessary to identify options, explore alternatives

and succeed in society. These programs better prepare individuals for the changing

workplace of the 21st century by: teaching labor market changes and complexity of

the workplace broadening knowledge, skills, and abilities improving decision making

skills, increasing self-esteem and motivation, building interpersonal effectiveness,

National Career Assessment Examination Result Implication for Career Guidance
Advocacy Program
maximizing career opportunities, improving employment marketability and

opportunities promoting effective job placement, strengthening employer relations.

(U.S. Department of Education, 2014)

National Career Assessment Examination

According to Llego (2017), NationalCareer Assessment Examination

(NCAE) is an aptitude test that provides information about self-assessment, career

awareness and career guidance of Junior High school learners of the K to 12 Basic

Education Program (BEP). It was develop to give the highest quality of Education in

the Philippines by monitoring the flow of learners to learn their potential contribution

to national development and to minimize the good and bad quality of man power and

resources by working for a pair between manpower skill outputs and job market


According to Ross (n.d.), NCAE helps the learners to know what career paths

they will take. NCAE results are only one part of the bigger picture in determining the

best career fit for the learners. Their entire school career as well as their own goals

and interests should be considered when deciding on a course of study and career. It

also help to less the unemployment due to mismatch of career.

The purpose of this study is to know if the student’s specializations were

aligned to their NCAE results and if they need to strengthen the career guidance

advocacy program.
National Career Assessment Examination Result Implication for Career Guidance
Advocacy Program

Figure 1 Framework

Areas of
Grade` 11 students
NCAE occupational
who took NCAE at Specialization
angeles city national
trade school

The framework shows the demographic profile of the learners who took

NCAE at Angeles City National Trade School focusing to the allignment of student’s

specializations enrolled to their National Career Assessment Examination results

specifically to the areas of occupational interest, a part of career guidance advocacy


Statement of the Problem

The study focused on the learners who took their National Career Assessment

Examination in Angeles City National Trade School. Specifically, the study covered

following questions:

1. How made the demographic profile of the students be described?

1.1 Age

1.2 Sex

2. How many allignment of chosen specialization and the NCAE result be


3. How many influence of CGAP in choosing specialization be described?

4. what are the factors that affects the decision of the respondents to stay at

National Career Assessment Examination Result Implication for Career Guidance
Advocacy Program

Research Design

This study is a Quantitative Research which means that it is formal and it is

systematic process in which numerical data are used to gain information about the

specific topic and it is used describe variables (Burns & Grove 2005). Specifically,

Descriptive Research, a type of quantitative research, have been used in this study

because it is suit to the study which aims to describe the current status of a variable.


The respondents in this study were determined by the criteria set by the

researchers which they deemed most appropriate to aid in arriving at the answers to

the research questions. Grade 11 Senior high school students of Angeles City

National Trade School enrolled during the school year 2017 to 2018 were the

respondents in this study. There are 602 senior high school learners as of school year

2017-2018. However, only 160 grade 11 senior high school learners were considered

to participate in this research study.

Specifically, probability and stratified sampling, a type of samples, was

utilized in selecting respondents in this study.

Sampling Procedure

To ensure desired number of participants in this study that can appropriately

represent and justify the sample population, the researchers used online software

( to determine the sample size. With the

parameters confidence level (99%) and confidence interval (5) for a population of
National Career Assessment Examination Result Implication for Career Guidance
Advocacy Program
602, the software yielded a total target sample size of 160 to attain a power of 0.99.

Simple random sampling of the participants who took the national career assessment



Angeles City National Trade School was established under Republic Act No.

3380 in June l967, mandated to deliver technical vocational education and training to

the less and underprivileged youth of Angeles City and the neighboring barrios and

barangays. The school occupies 4.18 hectares donated by the late Apung Kitung

Nepomuceno, bounded by highly urbanized Sunset Village. Inside are 29 buildings

that serve as classrooms and laboratories, a double size covered court donated by

Congressman Blueboy Nepomuceno and Senator Jess Lapid and other learning

facilities are made available for our learners as their second home.

All the respondents considered in this study came from Angeles City National

Trade School specifically the grade 11 senior high achool students.

Research Instruments

The instrument that has been used in this study is the survey questionnaire.

Data Collection Procedure

After securing the permission of the respective grade level coordinators, the

researchers visited the classrooms and personally distributed the tools. The

researchers asked each student if they took the national career assessment

examination seriously and if they aligned their chosen specialization to their ncae

results.When confirmation was made, the researchers handed the consent form to the

student and explained and answered questions regarding particulars of the study. The
National Career Assessment Examination Result Implication for Career Guidance
Advocacy Program
researcher distributed the inventory during the participants’ break time. The

explanation of the contents of the survey questionnaires took approximately 5

minutes. They are asked to answer the questionnaire as accurate as possible.Questions

during data collection was entertained by the researchers. Retrieval of the

questionnaires occurred after successful completion of the questionnaires.

Data Analysis

The researchers and the statistician used descriptive statistics in realizing

study objectives 1. Frequency distribution, percentage distributions, mean and

standard deviation computed to describe participants’ demographic profile.


Table 1: Learners’ Demographic Profile

Demographics F %
15 5 3.125
16 98 61.25
17 46 28.75
18 7 4.375
19 4 2.5

Mean Age:
Male 84 52.5
Female 76 47.5
1 21 13.125
2 21 13.125
3 22 13.75
4 9 5.625
5 0 0
6 19 11.875
7 0 0
8 0 0
9 1 0.625
10 28 17.5
11 19 11.875
12 20 12.5

National Career Assessment Examination Result Implication for Career Guidance
Advocacy Program
Table 1 shows the descriptive results of the learners’ demographic data. The n

shows the total samples of the study qhich is 160 respondents. In terms of the

respondent's ages, It shows that most of them are 16 years of age or the 61.25 in

percentage followed by 17 years of age. Respondents that are 19 years of age are the

least with 4 or 2.5 in percentage. It also shows the sex of the respondents which is

dominated by male with 21 or 52.5 in percentage of the respondents and the

remaining 47.5% are female.

Also this table shows the sections of the respondents and it is evident that

most of them are coming from section 10 with 28 respondents, followed by section 3

with 22 respondents and from section 1 and 2 with the same number of respondents

with 21 or 13.125 in percentage.

Table 2: Chosen Specialization’ Alignment to NCAE Result

f %
Yes 71 44.375
No 89 55.625


Table 2 displays the learners’ results about the alignment of their

specialization to the results of their NCAE. 55. 625% of the respondents answered

that their specialization is not aligned to their NCAE. The opinion of researchers

about why it is not aligned between their specialization to their NCAE results is either

because the results of NCAE is not totally what they are expecting for or they didn’t

took it seriously, they changed their mind or they are not interested to the results of

their NCAE. The remaining 44.375% of the respondents answered that their NCAE

results aligned to their specializations.

National Career Assessment Examination Result Implication for Career Guidance
Advocacy Program

Table 3: Helpfulness of CGAP choosing track factors

Table 3 shows the helpfulness of career guidance advocacy program by

choosing the tracks of the learners. 94.375 % or the 151 respondents answered that

CGAP is helpful in choosing their enrolled track while the remaining 5.625% of the

respondents answered that it is not helpful for them.

Table 4: Factors affecting the decision to stay at ACNTS

F %
Own choice 128 80
Parent’s choice 17 10.625
Financial status 10 6.25
Location 2 1.25
Others 3 1.875

f %
Yes 151 94.375
No 9 5.625


Table 4 reveals the factors affecting the learners’ decision to stay at Angeles

city national trade school. Manual thematic analysis of the learners’ answers yielded

at 5 categories. 80% of the students respond own choice, 10.625 % respond parents

choice, 6.25% respond because of their financial status, 1.875 % respond others

which is because of their friends, they are not yet decided and they were satisfied

while 1.25 % of students respond because of their location.

National Career Assessment Examination Result Implication for Career Guidance
Advocacy Program
Responses regarding to the alignment of the student’s specializations to their

NCAE results were obtain by means of survey questionnaire. The learners of this

research are the Grade 11 learners who took NCAE last 2015 at ACNTS. The

researchers chose the Grade 11 learners so that the data that would be collected are

accurate to the study. The initial requiring learners in this research are 130 learners.

The total number of the learners are 160. 84 are male and 76 are female , whose ages

ranges from 15 to 19 years old from section 1 to section 12. It was decided by the

researchers to include the excess 30 learners to increase the statistical significance.

The researchers ask the learners through questionnaires why and what are the

factors that they considered for staying at ACNTS. Most of the learners answered

that, they stayed because that is their own choice. They chose to stay because of the

course they will be taking for college is aligned with the track offered by the school.

Others said that it is because of their parents’ decision. Their parents want them to

stay so that maybe they can save money for the next school year or it is because they

just want their child to continue staying at public schools. Some of the learners

answered that it is because of their financial status. They stayed because they have

financial restrains or they can’t afford to enroll in private or in any exclusive schools.

National Career Assessment Examination Result Implication for Career Guidance
Advocacy Program

The findings of the study led the researcher to conclude the following:

1. The demographic profile of the respondents can be described in terms of:

1.1 Age

The ages of the repondents are from 15 to 19 years old. Most of the

respondents are 16 years of age followed by 17 years of age.

1.2 Sex

84 out of 160 respondents are male while the remaining 76 respondents

are female.

2. It is evident that 89 of the respondent's specializations are not alligned to their

NCAE and the remaining 71 respondent's specializations are alligned.

3. 151 of the respondents answered that CGAP helped them to choose what

specialization they would enrolled and the remaining respondents answered it

does not helped them in choosing their specialization.

4. The factors that affects the decision of the respondents to stay at ACNTS are:

Own choice, parent's choice, financial status and the location of the school.

National Career Assessment Examination Result Implication for Career Guidance
Advocacy Program
The primary limitation of main concern is related to the generalizability of the

current research results, wherein the generalization is highly limited and related to the

sampling size utilized in this study

The review of related literature comprises studies available and limited to the

search results yielded using Google. The extent of literature review done by the

researcher is highly relative and limited to the availability of the said search engines.

The data utilized in this study for statistical treatment is limited to the data

produced by the data collection tool employed in this study, No other sources of data

were considered in the synthesis of the results.


The researchers recommends the following.

1. The Guidance councelor must strengthen their advocacy program.

2. Teachers must guide and instruct the examinees properly.

3. For the future researchers to interview more learners for their research to have

more accurate information and good results for the study.

National Career Assessment Examination Result Implication for Career Guidance
Advocacy Program
A Framework of Career Guidance for Secondary Schools (2014), Guide on Life
Planning Education and Career Guidance for Secondary Schools.

DepEd Memorandum (2016), Conduct of Senior High School Career Guidance

Program and Early Registration for School Year 2016-2017. Retrieved from:

Llego, M. (2016), Guidelines on the Senior High School Career Guidance Program
and Early Registration. Retrieved

Llego, M. (2017), National Career Assessment Examination (NCAE)

Overview.Retrieved from:
assessment-examination-ncae overview/

Niro, A. (2015), DepEd Region I conducts career guidance for incoming SHS
learners in 2016. Retrieved from:

Ross, R. (.n.d.), The Importance of a National Career Assessment Examination .

Retrieved from:

U.S. Department of Education (2014), Career Guidance and Counseling Programs.

Retrieved from:

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