Cape Environmetal Studies A Study Guide: UNIT 1: Ecology, Human Population and Natural Resources
Cape Environmetal Studies A Study Guide: UNIT 1: Ecology, Human Population and Natural Resources
Cape Environmetal Studies A Study Guide: UNIT 1: Ecology, Human Population and Natural Resources
Lutchman-Baijuram 2017
Environmental Science is simply defined as the study of the environment that seeks to find
solutions for environmental problems. It is a multidiscipline field that incorporates an
understanding of ecology (ecosystems) with social sciences (human relationships,
perceptions and policies) , natural resources ( and its sustainability), agriculture, energy
and pollution. The main purpose of this field is geared towards reducing the possible
impacts of development on the environment.
Environmental Science began in the late 1960’s and was driven by a need to analyse
complex environmental problems. This developed into the creation of laws and protocols to
protect the environment. Today public awareness is the main driving force of the field.
This field is now developing and branching off into areas such as environmental engineering,
natural resource management, global warming monitoring and environmental law to name a
few. Within the course we will be investigating the following sections of environmental