A Hybrid Processing Method For High Performance Hydrogen-Selective Silica Membranes
A Hybrid Processing Method For High Performance Hydrogen-Selective Silica Membranes
A Hybrid Processing Method For High Performance Hydrogen-Selective Silica Membranes
Rapid communication
Received 8 February 2007; received in revised form 16 March 2007; accepted 17 March 2007
Available online 23 March 2007
Development of high performance hydrogen-selective inorganic membrane has become an important requisite for the production of hydrogen,
an energy carrier that could cater the ongoing energy revolution. This paper describes a novel, hybrid method to process high performance hydrogen
perm-selective membranes by the rapid CVD modification of a sol–gel silica layer. The initial N2 permeance values through a membrane were
brought down by four orders of magnitude to 2.74 × 10−10 mol m−2 s−1 Pa−1 within 5 min of CVD, while maintaining the H2 permeance values
as high as 6.43 × 10−7 mol m−2 s−1 Pa−1 (H2 /N2 = 2300). It is likely that the reduction in the CVD zone thickness achieved by the presence of
pre-existing sol–gel silica layer is the reason for the rapid modification of the pore structure to high performance membranes.
© 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
0376-7388/$ – see front matter © 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
6 S. Gopalakrishnan et al. / Journal of Membrane Science 297 (2007) 5–9
A good membrane is determined by (a) precise control of time and hence the total time required for fabricating high per-
the pore size in the molecular size region and hence having the formance silica membranes, where mostly CVD is the slowest
ability to selectively filter gas and vapor molecules, (b) only processing step involved.
minute amounts of pinholes and cracks and thereby avoiding
non-selective molecular diffusion and (c) minimum membrane 2. Experimental
thickness to maximize the flux of permeating molecules. Pro-
cessing an ideal membrane is in practical difficult due to the Pore size of the commercially available capillary substrates
competing nature of some of these requirements. (NOK, Japan) was brought down to 5 nm range by applying a thin
Generally, sol–gel silica membranes are prepared by dip- ␥-alumina layer. A silica layer was coated over this ␥-alumina
coating a mesoporous substrate (usually ␥-alumina) with a silica layer using sol–gel processing. The alumina and silica sol prepa-
sol made using alkoxide precursor, followed by controlled dry- ration and coating conditions were based on our previous studies
ing and firing at high temperatures between 673 and 1073 K. In [9,21,24]. This process distributed a thin layer of silica net-
most cases, the process has to be repeated several times to ensure work over the ␥-alumina layer with some infiltration into the
a defect-free membrane surface. Here, the membrane quality is ␥-alumina pores. This sol–gel coated substrates were subjected
greatly dependant on the sol-chemistry [15,20,21]. CVD mem- to CVD using tetramethylorthosilicate (TMOS) and O2 as reac-
branes are prepared by the reaction of gas phase precursors inside tants at 873 K. The CVD process parameters were selected and
or around the mesoporous substrate pores. The reaction took modified from our previous studies of counter diffusion CVD in
place inside the substrate pores, the selectivity values reported ␥-alumina layer [19,25,26]. Chemical vapor deposition times of
were much higher than sol–gel membranes, though gas perme- 2 h or more were necessary in those studies to prepare a mem-
ance values were lower. It was observed that a strong dependency brane giving H2 /N2 separation factor of ∼3000. Just as in the
with the preparation conditions (deposition gas composition, previous studies, TMOS was supplied through the shell side and
temperature, pressure, etc.) determines membrane quality and O2 was supplied through the inner side so that the reaction takes
long CVD times were generally necessary to process high qual- place at the point of intersection of the reactants and forms a
ity membranes. Earlier reports suggested a denser structure for deposit in the region. Gas permeance measurements were per-
these membranes compared to sol–gel membranes based on the formed by the dead-end method and perm-selectivity values
high activation energy values measured for the permeance of were calculated from the ratio of individual gas permeance val-
small gas molecules [22,23]. As mentioned, even though the ues. XPS measurements were performed by ULVAC-PHI, Inc.,
H2 selectivity measured with these membrane were quite high, Kanagawa, Japan.
the H2 permeance were lower (∼10−8 mol m−2 s−1 Pa−1 ) when
compared to sol–gel membranes. Fig. 1 displays the relation of
3. Results and discussion
H2 permeability with that of selectivity for various silica mem-
branes at high temperatures as reported in the literature. In order
The gas separation performance of a membrane prepared by
to simultaneously improve the membrane gas permeance and
5 min of CVD is shown in Fig. 2. As shown, H2 and N2 gas
separation performance, we have devised a new hybrid process-
molecules displayed activated diffusion through the membrane.
ing method involving both sol–gel and CVD procedures. This
The activation energy values calculated for H2 and N2 through
method should also assist the large scale processing of mem-
the membrane were 15.56 and 11.86 kJ mol−1 , respectively. This
branes and membrane bundles, by drastically reducing the CVD
data is quite different from sol–gel silica membranes as activa-
tion energy for the poorly permeating N2 molecule is seldom
Fig. 1. H2 permeance and ideal selectivity values of H2 with other gases reported
for silica membranes at high temperatures (>673 K). Numbers represents corre- Fig. 2. Membrane performance after chemical vapor depositing silica for 5 min
sponding references. at 873 K.
S. Gopalakrishnan et al. / Journal of Membrane Science 297 (2007) 5–9 7
Table 1
Single gas permeance values of H2 and N2 through the silica membrane at 600 ◦ C
CVD reaction H2 (×10−7 mol m−2 s−1 Pa−1 ) N2 (×10−11 mol m−2 s−1 Pa−1 ) H2 /N2 (ratio) EaH2 (kJ/mol) EaN2 (kJ/mol)
time (min)
Activation energy values were calculated for the temperature range 100–600 ◦ C. Ideal selectivity values were calculated from the single gas permeance data.
the XPS plots). It was found that, the Si 2p peak taken from The H2 /N2 separation values almost doubled to 5000, after 2 h
the surface of sol–gel silica layer remained intact even after of CVD reaction. Permeance and separation results coupled with
deposition, while the peaks collected after sputtering-out 100 nm XPS analysis have shown that, a reduction in vapor phase deposi-
have grown significantly. Si 2p collected from 200 nm depth has tion zone area (thickness) by the pre-existing silica sol–gel layer
shown marginal growth. This showed that most of the CVD has effectively contributed to the quick membrane formation.
reaction took place inside the ␥-alumina layer, within the fist
few 100 nm’s range from the surface, which was also the region Acknowledgement
where silica sol particles presumed to have infiltrated into the
alumina layer. This result supports the previous hypothesis that This work was performed as a part of the R&D Project for
the vapor phase deposition process zone area (thickness) was High Efficiency Hydrogen Production/Separation System using
restricted by the silica sol–gel layer and has effectively con- Ceramic Membranes funded by NEDO, Japan.
tributed to the quick membrane formation. The high values of
hydrogen permeance measured with these membranes also sup- Appendix A. Supplementary data
ported the fact that silica deposition due to CVD occurred only
in a very thin layer. Thus this novel hybrid processing method Supplementary data associated with this article can be found,
could effectively be utilized for preparing membranes with much in the online version, at doi:10.1016/j.memsci.2007.03.034.
better performances than the conventional sol–gel or CVD silica
membranes in a rapid manner. References
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