Tools Reagents Recombinant Protein Purification Brochure

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Tools and reagents for recombinant

protein purification

The development of recombinant DNA technology enabled the

production of proteins that were originally extracted from tissues
and secretions to be produced synthetically with high purity and
yield. Multiple-host expression systems including mammalian,
insect, bacterial, yeast, algal, and cell-free systems are available
to deliver protein at milligram to gram yields, and are easy to
transform with a DNA vector containing the gene of interest.
Typically, an affinity tag sequence (additional amino acids, a
functional domain, or a whole protein) is cloned in frame with the
DNA sequence of the target protein, and will flank either the N- or
C-terminus, to aid in purification and analysis. These additions are
known as fusion tags.

The properties of fusion tags allow tagged proteins to be manipulated easily in the laboratory. Most
significantly, the well-characterized tag-ligand chemistry enables single-step affinity purification of tagged
molecules using immobilized versions of their corresponding ligands. Antibodies to fusion tags are also widely
available for use in downstream detection and assay methods, eliminating the need to obtain or develop a
probe for each specific recombinant protein.

Common fusion tags include DYKDDDDK (FLAG™), c-Myc, HA, 6xHis, and glutathione S-transferase (GST).
The FLAG, c-Myc, and HA sequences are called epitope tags because they require specific antibodies
(e.g., immobilized anti-HA antibody) for purification. Epitope tags are more often used for small-scale
immunoprecipitation (IP) or co-IP because their gentle elution conditions generally do not disrupt protein
interactions. For bench- to pilot-scale applications, 6xHis or GST is the preferred choice of tag, due to the
cost-effectiveness of the affinity ligands (Ni-NTA or cobalt for 6xHis and glutathione for GST) used for scale-up.

Resin selection guide 4

Epitope-tagged protein purification

using immunoaffinity ligands 5
Pierce Anti-DYKDDDDK Magnetic
Agarose and Affinity Resin 6
Pierce Anti–c-Myc Magnetic Beads
and Agarose Resin 9
Pierce Anti-HA Magnetic Beads
and Agarose Resin 10

His- and GST-tagged protein

purification using affinity ligands 11
HisPur Ni-NTA and Cobalt Magnetic
Beads and Resins 13
Pierce Glutathione Magnetic
Agarose and Resins 15
Resin selection guide

We offer a variety of Thermo Scientific™ purification resins throughput batch screening to batch- and pilot-scale
for the purification and processing of recombinant proteins. purification (microgram to gram quantities of protein)
Our resins are available in multiple base supports and (Table 1). These include ligands targeting a variety of fusion
formats to accommodate a variety of needs, from high- tags: FLAG epitope, c-Myc, HA, 6xHis, and GST (Table 2).

Table 1. Select your affinity resin based on purification scale and application.

Scale High-throughput screening High-throughput batch Batch Pilot

Description Small scale, Lab or bench scale, Lab or bench scale Scale-up desired
automation-compatible automation possible
Yield Microgram Milligram Milligram Gram
Format Magnetic particle processor Magnetic particle processor, Gravity flow, spin column (agarose), FPLC at medium
96-well spin plate (agarose) fast protein liquid chromatography flow rates
(FPLC) at low flow rates
Application High-throughput screening, High-throughput screening Functional assays, Structural analysis,
interaction studies (IP, co-IP, interaction studies (IP, co-IP, structural analysis intermediate-scale
pull-down), mutational analysis pull-down), mutational analysis production
requiring mg scale
Recommended Magnetic bead (1–2.8 µm) Magnetic agarose (10–40 μm) Agarose (45–165 μm) Superflow (45–165 μm)
resin type Agarose (45–165 μm) Superflow (45–165 μm) UltraLink resin (40–70 μm)
UltraLink resin (40–70 μm)

Table 2. Recombinant protein purification selection guide.

High- High-
throughput throughput
Tag Ligand Features Recommended product screening batch Batch Pilot
Pierce Anti-DYKDDDDK Magnetic Agarose ✓
DYKDDDDK Immobilized
Anti-FLAG Pierce Anti-DYKDDDDK Affinity Resin ✓ ✓
(FLAG) antibody
(UltraLink resin)

Immobilized Pierce Anti–c-Myc Magnetic Beads ✓

c-Myc Anti–c-Myc
antibody Pierce Anti–c-Myc Agarose (Superflow) ✓ ✓
Immobilized Pierce Anti-HA Magnetic Beads ✓
HA Anti-HA
antibody Pierce Anti-HA Agarose ✓
Pierce Ni-NTA Magnetic Agarose Beads ✓
Ni-NTA or Higher protein ProBond Nickel Chelating Resin ✓
Ni-IDA yield HisPur Ni-NTA Agarose Resin ✓
6xHis HisPur Ni-NTA Superflow Resin ✓
Dynabeads His-Tag Isolation Magnetic Beads ✓
Higher protein
Cobalt HisPur Cobalt Agarose Resin ✓
HisPur Cobalt Superflow Resin ✓
Pierce Glutathione Magnetic Agarose Beads ✓
Solubility and
GST Glutathione Pierce Glutathione Agarose ✓
purification tag
Pierce Glutathione Superflow ✓

Epitope-tagged protein purification
using immunoaffinity ligands

An epitope is the part of an antigen that is recognized Highlights:

by the immune system. Epitope tags are short peptide • Specific—highly specific monoclonal antibody–
sequences that are selected because high-affinity based ligands enable high yield and high purity
antibodies can be readily produced in different species. for immunoprecipitation or small- to pilot-scale
The gene from the target protein is inserted into the epitope protein purification
tag vector, and the target protein with its tag is expressed
• Low nonspecific binding—stable beads and target-
in cells by transfection of the vector. By choosing an
specific antibody minimize off-target binding
epitope for which an antibody is available, the technique
makes it possible to purify and detect proteins for which • Scalable—available in larger package sizes for
no antibody or affinity ligand is available. Common epitope purification scale-up and more economical pricing
tags that are immunoaffinity-purified include DYKDDDDK
• Versatile—multiple resin formats available that can
(or FLAG epitope), c-Myc, and HA.
be used in spin or gravity columns as well as in
FPLC cartridges
We offer multiple base supports with immobilized
antibodies against the DYKDDDDK (DYKD4K), c-Myc, and • Automation-friendly—magnetic agarose or beads
HA tags for immunoaffinity purification of these epitope- recommended for high-throughput applications
tagged proteins. Our portfolio is designed to meet small-
• Convenient—reagents to elute and detect tagged fusion
scale (screening) to batch-scale needs (Table 3).
proteins are available separately

Table 3. Epitope tag immunoaffinity purification selection guide.

Pierce Anti- Pierce Anti-
DYKDDDDK DYKDDDDK Pierce Anti–c- Pierce Anti–c-
Magnetic Affinity Resin Myc Magnetic Myc Agarose Pierce Anti-HA Pierce Anti-HA
Agarose (UltraLink resin) Beads (Superflow) Magnetic Beads Agarose
Bead or resin size 10–40 µm 50–80 µm 1 µm 45–165 μm 1 µm 45–165 μm
Binding capacity ≥3 mg/mL ≥3 mg/mL ≥100 μg/mL 60–150 nmol/mL ≥100 μg/mL 102–144 nmol/mL
Maximum linear flow NA 150 NA 1,200 NA 700
rate (cm/hr)
Support Magnetite- Durable, beaded Magnetite-coated Highly crosslinked Magnetite-coated 4% beaded
embedded 6% polyacrylamide polymer 6% beaded polymer agarose
beaded agarose support agarose
Recommended High-throughput Batch*, pilot High-throughput Batch, pilot High-throughput Batch
application scale batch screening screening
Formats available Loose bead Loose resin Loose bead Loose resin Loose bead Loose resin
* UltraLink resin is recommended for spin column or FPLC formats only.

Learn more at

Pierce Anti-DYKDDDDK Magnetic Agarose and
Affinity Resin

Highly specific immobilized antibody surface of a fusion protein, which makes it more available
supports for epitope-tagged protein as an epitope for binding to antibodies. In addition, the
high hydrophilicity and small size of the FLAG tag tend
purification to interfere less with protein expression, proteolytic
maturation, antigenicity, and function. FLAG tags are also
easily removed by enterokinase (EK).

The FLAG epitope is recognized by a high-affinity rat

monoclonal antibody (clone L5) that is covalently attached
to a magnetic agarose or Thermo Scientific™ UltraLink™
resin. The blocked magnetic agarose can be used
manually with a magnetic stand, as well as with automated
platforms, such as Thermo Scientific™ KingFisher™
instruments, for high-throughput workflows. The
magnetic agarose provides a fast, convenient method for
The Thermo Scientific™ Pierce™ Anti-DYKDDDDK Magnetic purification and immunoprecipitation (IP) of DYKDDDDK-
Agarose and Affinity Resin are ideal for the isolation of tagged proteins expressed in cell-free, bacterial, yeast,
protein complexes with multiple subunits, because the mild and mammalian expression systems. The affinity resin
purification process tends not to disrupt these interactions. is composed of a highly crosslinked, rigid, acrylamide-
Additionally, the epitope tag may be used in tandem, based support (UltraLink resin) that is ideal for scale-up
commonly the 3x FLAG peptide: DYKDHDG-DYKDHDI- applications and can be used in FPLC applications.
DYKDDDDK, with the final tag encoding an enterokinase
cleavage site. This tag can be fused to the C-terminus or DYKDDDDK-tagged proteins are easily eluted from the
the N-terminus of a protein, inserted within a protein, or magnetic agarose and affinity resin using 0.1 M glycine
used in conjunction with other affinity tags, such as 6xHis, (pH 2.8). For gentle elution, Thermo Scientific™ Pierce™ 3x
HA, or c-Myc. DYKDDDDK Peptide is available to competitively elute
DYKDDDDK-tagged fusion proteins from both immobilized
The FLAG tag (peptide sequence DYKDDDDK, 1,012 Da) anti-DYKDDDDK affinity supports.
is a short, hydrophilic protein tag commonly used in
conjunction with antibodies in protein pull-down assays The results of protein yield, purity, and activity between
to study protein–protein interactions. Because of its Pierce Anti-DYKDDDDK supports and other suppliers is
hydrophilic nature, the FLAG tag is commonly found on the shown in Figures 1–5.

A Elution results B Protein yield (using densitometry)

Average band density




Thermo Sigma- MBL
Lysate Thermo Sigma- MBL Scientific Aldrich
Scientific Aldrich

C Elution results
D Protein yield (using densitometry)


Average band density




Thermo Sigma- Genscript
Lysate Thermo Sigma- Genscript Scientific Aldrich
Scientific Aldrich

Figure 1. Comparison of DYKDDDDK-tagged SUMO protein purification results using Pierce Anti-DYKDDDDK supports and supports from
other suppliers. C- and N-terminal DYKDDDDK-tagged SUMO proteins were expressed in E. coli and purified using two Pierce Anti-DYKDDDDK
and other suppliers’ supports. Tagged protein was competitively eluted with Pierce 3x DYKDDDDK Peptide and analyzed by SDS-PAGE (A, C) and
densitometry (B, D) using the Invitrogen™ iBright™ Imaging System. The results for the Pierce Anti-DYKDDDDK Magnetic Agarose (A, B), Pierce Anti-
DYKDDDDK Affinity Resin (C, D) Sigma-Aldrich Anti-FLAG™ M2 Magnetic Beads (A, B), Genscript Anti-DYKDDDDK G1 Affinity Resin (C, D), Sigma-Aldrich
Anti-FLAG M2 Affinity Gel (C, D) and MBL Anti-DDDDK-tag mAb-Magnetic Agarose (A, B) are shown. The comparison of the starting lysate and elution
fractions show effective capture and elution of DYKDDDDK-tagged protein with minimal background by the Pierce supports compared to other suppliers.

A B Activity in Renilla luciferase elution fractions C Elution results


RLU (x1,000)


Thermo Scientific Sigma-Aldrich 15,000



Thermo Scientific Sigma-Aldrich Lysate Thermo Sigma-
Scientific Aldrich

Figure 2. Comparison of protein purification results between Pierce Anti-DYKDDDDK Magnetic Agarose and another supplier. C-terminal
DYKDDDDK-tagged green Renilla luciferase protein was expressed using the Thermo Scientific™ 1-Step Human High-Yield Maxi IVT Kit and
immunoprecipitated using Pierce Anti-DYKDDDDK Magnetic Agarose or Sigma-Aldrich Anti-FLAG M2 Magnetic Beads using the Thermo Scientific™
KingFisher™ Flex Purification System. Tagged proteins were competitively eluted with Pierce 3x DYKDDDDK Peptide and analyzed by western blot (A),
Thermo Scientific™ Pierce™ Renilla Luciferase Glow Assay (B), and silver staining (C). Comparison of the starting lysate (L), flow-through (FT), elutions (E),
and bead-boiled samples (BB) show effective capture and elution of DYKDDDDK-tagged proteins with no background. Correlation of protein and activity
levels indicate that a high level of green Renilla luciferase activity is maintained after purification and competitive peptide elution.

A B Elution results


Thermo Scientific Sigma-Aldrich

DYKDDDDK-tagged GFP protein

Lysate Thermo Sigma-

Scientific Aldrich

C D Elution results

DYKDDDDK-tagged GFP protein
Thermo Scientific Sigma-Aldrich

Thermo Sigma-
Scientific Aldrich

Figure 3. Comparison of capture efficiency of low-abundance DYKDDDDK-tagged protein. N-terminal DYKDDDDK-tagged GFP protein (25 ng)
was spiked into A549 lysate and captured using Pierce Anti-DYKDDDDK Magnetic Agarose and Sigma-Aldrich Anti-FLAG M2 Magnetic Beads using the
KingFisher Flex Purification System (A, B). Tagged proteins were eluted using Thermo Scientific™ Pierce™ IgG Elution Buffer. The same conditions were
used to compare the Pierce Anti-DYKDDDDK Affinity Resin with Sigma-Aldrich™ Anti-FLAG M2 Affinity Gel (C, D), and results were analyzed by western
blot (A, C) and silver staining (B, D). Comparison of the starting lysate (L), elutions (E), and bead-boiled samples (BB) show effective capture and elution of
DYKDDDDK-tagged proteins with minimal background by the Pierce supports compared to the other supplier.

Dynamic binding capacity of

anti-DYKDDDDK (anti-FLAG) resin

DBC (mg/mL)

Thermo Scientific Sigma-Aldrich

Figure 4. Comparison of protein purification results using Pierce
Anti-DYKDDDDK Affinity Resin and another supplier. C-terminal Thermo Scientific
DYKDDDDK-tagged GFP protein was expressed using the 1-Step Sigma-Aldrich
Human High-Yield Maxi IVT Kit and immunoprecipitated using Pierce 1
Anti-DYKDDDDK Affinity Resin or Sigma Anti-FLAG M2 Affinity Gel.
Tagged proteins were competitively eluted with Pierce 3x DYKDDDDK 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Peptide and analyzed by western blot. Comparison of the starting lysate
Residence time (min)
(L), elutions (E), and bead-boiled samples (BB) show effective capture and
elution of DYKDDDDK-tagged proteins.
Figure 5. Dynamic binding capacity (DBC) versus residence time.
Pierce Anti-DYKDDDDK Affinity Resin and Sigma Anti-FLAG M2 Affinity
Gel were packed into 1 mL columns (0.5 cmD x 5 cmL) and loaded with
purified DYKDDDDK-TurboGFP-His (1 mg/mL) in 100 mM phosphate,
150 mM NaCl, pH 7.2 (PBS) under a variety of residence times (150 cm/hr,
60 cm/hr, and 30 cm/hr) until a 10% breakthrough was achieved as
measured by A 280.

Pierce Anti–c-Myc Magnetic Beads and Agarose Resin

Highly specific immobilized antibody for The c-Myc–tagged protein is easily eluted from the resin
c-Myc epitope–tagged protein purification after a few simple washing steps, using 0.1 M glycine
(pH 2.0–2.8), 3 M NaSCN, or 50 mM NaOH, depending
on the downstream application of the purified protein.
For the elution of highly functional proteins, Thermo
Scientific™ Pierce™ c-Myc Peptide can also be used to
elute the c-Myc–tagged protein. Anti–c-Myc antibody may
be used to detect the presence of the tagged protein by
western blot.

In experiments with a c-Myc–tagged fusion protein (26

to 29 kDa), the resin provided a binding capacity up to
144 nmol protein per mL of settled resin. The anti–c-Myc
magnetic beads have a binding capacity greater than
100 µg of c-Myc–tagged GST (26 kDa) per mL of bead
Thermo Scientific™ Pierce™ Anti–c-Myc Magnetic Beads and suspension. Both supports are available in convenient
Agarose resin are ideal for the high-affinity purification of kits for immunoprecipation (IP) and co-IP applications
recombinant c-Myc–tagged proteins expressed in cell- (Figure 6).
free, bacterial, yeast, insect, and mammalian expression
systems. The Myc tag, derived from the c-Myc protein, Anti−c-Myc magnetic beads

is a popular epitope tag for detecting the expression of Cell Signaling

MBL Thermo Scientific
recombinant proteins and may be fused to either the lysate (10 µL) (50 µL) (50 µL)
N-terminus or C-terminus of a protein.

The anti–c-Myc antibody that is covalently immobilized

to these base supports is a highly specific mouse IgG1
monoclonal antibody (clone 9E10) that recognizes the
c-Myc epitope tag (EQKLISEEDL) derived from the human Figure 6. Better immunoprecipitation results with Pierce Anti–c-Myc
MYC oncogene (p62 MYC). The agarose support is a Magnetic Beads. Green Renilla luciferase c-Myc fusion protein was
Thermo Scientific™ Pierce™ Superflow™ 6 resin, a highly expressed in 293T cells. For IP, identical aliquots of the cell lysate were
incubated in duplicate for one hour at room temperature with anti–c-Myc
crosslinked 6% agarose resin that can be packed into magnetic beads from each manufacturer. For all conditions, IP products
gravity purification columns, spin purification columns, or were eluted identically using low-pH buffer. Eluted fractions (25 µL each)
cartridges for FPLC instruments. The blocked magnetic were separated by 12% SDS-PAGE, transferred to PVDF membranes, and
detected via anti–c-Myc antibody, goat anti-mouse secondary antibody,
beads (1 µM) can be used manually with a magnetic stand, and chemiluminescent substrate.
as well as with automated platforms, such as KingFisher
instruments, for high-throughput workflows.

Pierce Anti-HA Magnetic Beads and Agarose Resin

Highly specific immobilized antibody for Pierce Anti-HA Agarose and Pierce Anti-HA Magnetic
HA-tagged protein purification Beads consist of highly specific monoclonal anti-HA
antibodies that recognize the HA-eptiope tag (YPYDVPDYA)
derived from the human influenza HA protein. The agarose
support is a crosslinked 4% beaded agarose. The blocked
magnetic beads can be used manually with a magnetic
stand, as well as with automated platforms, such as
KingFisher instruments, for high-throughput workflows.
Both supports are available in convenient kits for
immunoprecipation (IP) and co-IP applications (Figure 7).

HA-tagged proteins are easily eluted from the supports

using 0.1 M glycine (pH 2.0–2.8), 3 M NaSCN, or 50 mM
NaOH, depending on the downstream application of the
purified protein. For gentle elution, Thermo Scientific™ HA
Thermo Scientific™ Pierce™ Anti-HA Magnetic Beads and Synthetic Peptide is available for use in neutralization and
Agarose resin are ideal for the immunopurification and to competitively elute HA-tagged fusion proteins from
immunoprecipitation of HA-tagged proteins expressed immobilized anti-HA magnetic beads and resin.
in cell-free, bacterial, yeast, and mammalian expression
systems. The HA (hemagglutinin) tag is derived from the Anti-HA magnetic beads used for IP
human influenza virus HA protein. It has been extensively Thermo
Scientific MBL SPHERO
used as a general antibody epitope tag and is well
characterized. HA-tag antibodies provide a dependable GST-PI3K(SH2)-HA
method for the detection and purification of tagged target
proteins without a protein-specific antibody or probe.
Figure 7. Better immunoprecipitation results with Thermo Scientific™
Pierce™ Anti-HA Magnetic Beads. Using a KingFisher Flex Purification
System with 96 deep-well plates, 25 μL of Pierce Anti-HA Magnetic
Beads, Anti-HA-tag Magnetic Beads (MBL International Corp.), and
SPHERO™ Rabbit Anti-HA Magnetic Beads (Spherotech Inc.) were used
to immunoprecipitate GST-PI3K(SH2)-HA from 50 μg of E. coli lysate in
duplicate. Captured protein was eluted with 0.1 M glycine, pH 2.0, and
then resolved by SDS-PAGE and analyzed by western blot for the HA-
tagged protein.

His- and GST-tagged protein
purification using affinity ligands

The polyhistidine tag is a sequence of 5–9 histidine amino conditions, but can promote the proper folding of
acids attached to the terminus of a target protein. The recombinant proteins, although this larger tag may interfere
polyhistidine tag is purified using immobilized metal affinity with the structure and function of the target protein by
chromatography (IMAC). For histidine tag purification, forming dimers via the GST tag.
either nickel or cobalt is immobilized onto a solid support.
While the two metals can be used interchangeably, We offer several ligands for the purification of His-tagged
typically nickel has a higher binding capacity, whereas proteins: nickel (as Ni-NTA or Ni-IDA) and cobalt. For the
cobalt binds less nonspecific protein to deliver a purer final purification of GST-fusion proteins, we provide immobilized
protein. Although the small polyhistidine tag is less likely glutathione. Our affinity ligands for His- and GST-tagged
to interfere with the target protein’s structure and function, proteins are provided on magnetic beads and other resins,
it can only be removed by the insertion of site-specific and are available in multiple formats to accommodate a
protease sequences. In addition, the polyhistidine tag is not variety of needs, from high-throughput screening to batch-
recommended for proteins that contain metal ions. and pilot-scale purification (Tables 4 and 5).

Glutathione-S-transferase (GST) is a 26 kDa endogenous Highlights:

enzyme found in both prokaryotes and eukaryotes. GST • Specific—highly specific affinity ligands enable high
possess numerous tyrosine residues in its binding pocket, yield and high purity for high-throughput to pilot-scale
and one of these tyrosines forms hydrogen bonds with protein purification
the substrate glutathione to create a stable complex. The
• Low nonspecific binding—stable beads and target-
amino acid sequence for the enzyme GST can be cloned
specific affinity ligands minimize nonspecific binding
into either the C- or N-terminus of the target gene.
• Scalable—available in larger package sizes for
GST makes an ideal affinity tag because of its strong purification scale-up and more economical pricing
affinity to reduced glutathione and its potential to increase
• Versatile—multiple resin formats are available that can
the solubility of target protein. This strong interaction has
be used in spin or gravity columns as well as in fast
been used to selectively extract recombinant proteins.
protein liquid chromatography (FPLC) cartridges
In this strategy, glutathione is immobilized onto a solid
support. After binding of the GST-tagged fusion protein • Automation-friendly—magnetic agarose or beads
to the immobilized glutathione agarose, excess reduced recommended for high-throughput applications
glutathione is introduced (typically between 10–50 mM)
• Convenient—reagents to elute and detect tagged fusion
to competitively elute off the target protein. Unlike IMAC,
proteins are available separately
purification cannot be performed under denaturing

Table 4. Overview of His-tagged protein purification beads and resins.
Pierce Ni-NTA
Magnetic Probond Nickel HisPur Ni-NTA HisPur Ni-NTA HisPur Cobalt HisPur Cobalt
Agarose Beads Chelating Resin Agarose Resin Superflow Resin Agarose Resin Superflow Resin
Bead or resin size 10–40 μm 45–165 μm 45–165 μm 60–160 μm 45–165 μm 60–160 μm
Static binding capacity* >70 mg/mL 1–5 mg/mL ~60 mg/mL >60 mg/mL ≥15 mg/mL >30 mg/mL
Dynamic binding NA ND †
18 mg/mL 20 mg/mL ND †
>20 mg/mL
Maximum flow rate NA 700 cm/hr 700 cm/hr 1,200 cm/hr 700 cm/hr 1,200 cm/hr
Support Magnetite- 6% agarose, 6% agarose 6% agarose, 6% agarose 6% agarose,
embedded 6% highly cross- highly crosslinked highly crosslinked
agarose linked
Number of reuses Not 6 5 25 5 25
Formats available Loose bead Loose resin, kit Loose beads, Loose resin Loose beads, Loose resin
prepacked spin prepacked spin
columns and kits, columns and kits,
chromatography chromatography
cartridges cartridges
Recommended High-throughput Batch Batch Batch, pilot Batch Batch, pilot
application scale batch
* See product pages for details.
† Not determined.

Table 5. Overview of GST-tagged protein purification beads and resins.

Pierce Glutathione Magnetic
Agarose Beads Glutathione Agarose Resin Glutathione Superflow Resin
Bead or resin size 10–40 μm 45–165 μm 60–160 μm
Static binding capacity* >12 mg/mL ~40 mg/mL ~30 mg/mL
Dynamic binding NA ~10.5 mg/mL ~10 mg/mL
Maximum flow rate NA 800 cm/hr 1,200 cm/hr
Support Magnetite-embedded 6% agarose 6% agarose 6% agarose, highly crosslinked
Number of reuses Not recommended 5 25
Formats available Loose bead Loose beads, prepacked spin Loose resin
columns and kits, chromatography
Recommended High-throughput batch Batch Batch, pilot
application scale
* See product pages for details.

HisPur Ni-NTA and Cobalt Magnetic Beads and Resins

High-performance immobilized Ni-NTA Magnetic Beads. The magnetic agarose bead has a
and cobalt supports for his-tagged significantly higher binding capacity and is ideal for
enriching or purifying low-abundance proteins. The
protein purification Dynabeads His-Tag Isolation Magnetic Beads provides a
magnetic bead option using a cobalt ligand.

Magnetic beads are optimized for protein enrichment

from small-volume samples with low protein
concentrations. These magnetic formats are optimized
for automated assays using instrumentation such as the
Thermo Scientific™ KingFisher™ Magnetic Particle Processor.
This format is ideal for small- to batch-scale screening
applications for microgram to milligram protein yields.

We offer three ligands on agarose supports:

Thermo Scientific HisPur Ni-NTA and Cobalt IMAC resins
™ ™
Thermo Scientific™ HisPur™ Ni-NTA Agarose Resin,
work by charge interactions with the nitrogen atoms on the Thermo Scientific™ HisPur™ Cobalt Agarose Resin, and
6x histidine amino acid side chain to bind and immobilize Invitrogen™ ProBond™ Nickel-Chelating Resin and kits,
the histidine-tagged protein from a cell lysate. The which use an alternative Ni-chelating ligand, iminodiacetic
incorporation of multiple histidine residues as an affinity tag acid (IDA). Optimized for laboratory-scale fusion protein
is designed to improve this charge association. Because purification, this base support (6% agarose) can be
IMAC affinity for histidine residues is not dependent on the used for microscale preparations to columns ≤25 mL in
secondary structure of the protein, IMAC purification can volume. Agarose is less rigid than Superflow resin, and
be performed under denaturing conditions. is therefore used at lower flow rates. Common tabletop
microcentrifuges are often used for separation of the solid
Once immobilized, imidazole is used to disrupt the phase. This format is ideal for batch-scale applications
charge attractions between the immobilized metal affinity resulting in milligram to gram protein yields.
chromatography resin and the histidine-tagged protein.
The eluted histidine-tagged protein can be easily cleaned We offer two ligands on Superflow supports:
up using a desalting column or dialysis cassette to remove Thermo Scientific™ HisPur™ Ni-NTA Superflow Resin and
imidazole. Often trace amounts of imidazole are included Thermo Scientific™ HisPur™ Cobalt Superflow Resin.
in the protein binding and wash steps to compete with The Superflow resin is used for pilot- to process-scale
binding of endogenous proteins with multiple histidines. purification at high flow rates. The highly crosslinked
form of the resin imparts improved rigidity, enabling
We offer three different magnetic supports: it to withstand higher pressure and flow rates without
Thermo Scientific™ HisPur™ Ni-NTA Magnetic Beads, compressing. This makes it easy to scale up from
Thermo Scientific™ Pierce™ Ni-NTA Magnetic Agarose laboratory- to pilot-scale purifications resulting in gram to
Beads, and Invitrogen™ Dynabeads™ His-Tag Isolation low-kilogram protein yields.

Learn more at

900 M L Elution results
Protein yield (µg)

Thermo GE Sigma-Aldrich QIAGEN EMD
Scientific Healthcare Millipore

Figure 8. Comparison of protein yields between Pierce Ni-NTA

TA c


i-N tifi

r N ien

Magnetic Agarose and products from other suppliers. Samples

Pu S c

H mo
(0.5 mL) of 6xHis-tagged BirA protein were diluted with 0.5 mL binding

buffer and purified manually with 25 mL settled beads. Respective
suppliers’ protocols were followed for their buffer compositions and Figure 9. HisPur Ni-NTA Agarose resin performs as well as or better
volumes. Pierce Ni-NTA Magnetic Agarose had the highest yield compared than other suppliers’ nickel resins. Bacterial lysate (12 mg total protein)
to beads from the other suppliers. containing overexpressed 6xHis-GFP (green fluorescent protein) was
applied to HisPur Ni-NTA Resin (Cat. No. 88221) (0.2 mL) and purified by
the batch-bind method. The same amount of total protein was applied
to QIAGEN and Clontech resins per the manufacturers’ instructions. Gel
lanes were normalized to equivalent volume. M = molecular weight marker;
L = lysate load.

Sample application Elution results

5,000 Run
1 Sample E1 E6 E11 E16 E21 E26
Absorbance at 280 nm (mAU)

4,000 16


1,000 6xHis-GFP

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Yield (mg) 8.7 8.8 8.5 8.6 8.4 8.5
Volume (mL)

Figure 10. High reusability of HisPur Cobalt Superflow Agarose. 6xHis-GFP lysate (5 mL) was loaded onto an equilibrated 1 mL column (column
diameter = 0.7 cm) packed with HisPur Cobalt Superflow Agarose at a flow rate of 1 mL/min, washed with 5 column volumes (CV) of wash buffer
containing 15 mM imidazole, and eluted with 10 CV of elution buffer containing 150 mM imidazole. Protein yields were measured in the collected samples
by absorbance at 280 nm throughout the FPLC run (chromatogram). The column was regenerated with 10 CV of MES-buffered saline (20 mM MES
pH 5.0, 300 mM NaCl) to remove imidazole, and then 10 CV of ultrapure water, followed by equilibration with 10 volumes of binding buffer containing
5 mM imidazole. A lysate challenge was included every fifth cycle for a total of 20 blank runs and six lysate challenges (runs 1, 6, 11, 16, 21, and 26).
6xHis-GFP yield and purity were similar for all lysate challenges as seen by protein estimation with the Thermo Scientific™ Pierce™ 660 nm Protein Assay
Kit and SDS-PAGE.








Figure 11. High-performance purification of different-sized proteins

using HisPur Ni-NTA and HisPur Cobalt Agarose Resins. Bacterial
lysate containing overexpressed 6xHis-AIF2 (6 mg total protein) or 6xHis-
GFP (4 mg total protein) was applied to HisPur Ni-NTA Agarose Resin
(0.2 mL) and purified by the batch-bind method. The same amount of
total protein was applied to Ni-IDA and HisPur Cobalt Agarose Resins
and purified according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Gel lanes were
normalized to equivalent volume. M = molecular weight markers; L = lysate
load; and FT = flow-through. HisPur Ni-NTA and HisPur Cobalt Agarose
Resins maximize yield and purity, respectively.

6xHis-AIF2 (~73 kDa) 6xHis-GFP (~28 kDa)

Pierce Glutathione Magnetic Agarose and Resins

High-performance immobilized scale screening applications for microgram–milligram yields

glutathione supports for GST-tagged and can be automated using instrumentation such as the
KingFisher Magnetic Particle Processor.
protein purification
Thermo Scientific™ Pierce™ Glutathione Agarose is optimized
for laboratory-scale fusion protein purification. This
base support (6% agarose) can be used for microscale
preparations with columns ≤25 mL in volume. Agarose is
less rigid than Superflow resin, and is therefore used at
lower flow rates. Common tabletop microcentrifuges are
often used for separation of the solid phase. This format is
ideal for batch-scale applications resulting in milligram to
gram protein yields.

Thermo Scientific™ Pierce™ Glutathione Superflow resin is

recommended for pilot- to process-scale purification at
In contrast to polyhistidine purification, GST purification high flow rates. The highly crosslinked form of the resin
requires the target protein to maintain native tertiary imparts improved rigidity, enabling it to withstand higher
structure. Additionally, the GST tag is quite large (26 kDa) pressure and flow rates without compressing. This makes it
compared to the six histidines that comprise a typical easy to scale up from laboratory- to pilot-scale purifications
polyhistidine tag. To circumvent the problems associated resulting in gram to low-kilogram protein yields.
with a large fusion protein tag, selective proteases are
used to cleave the GST tag from the GST-fusion protein if
needed. These proteases include factor Xa or thrombin.
Protein yield (µg)


Reduced glutathione (GSH), when immobilized as a
ligand to agarose or other chromatography supports,
enables high-yield and high-quality purification of
recombinant proteins expressed as fusions with glutathione
S-transferase (GST). GST-fusion proteins are purified Thermo Promega Sigma-Aldrich Jena Bioscience
with high yield because of the 12-atom GSH linker, which
Figure 12. Comparison of protein yields between Pierce Glutathione
minimizes steric hindrance. Magnetic Agarose Beads and products from other suppliers. Samples
(0.25 mL) of GST-RalGDS were diluted with 0.25 mL binding buffer
We offer Thermo Scientific™ Pierce™ Glutathione Magnetic and purified manually with 25 µL settled beads. Respective suppliers’
protocols were followed for their buffer compositions and volumes. Pierce
Agarose Beads for protein enrichment from small-volume Glutathione Magnetic Agarose Beads had the highest yield compared to
samples (Figure 12). This format is ideal for small- to batch- beads from the other suppliers.

Learn more at

Ordering information

Product Quantity Cat. No. Product Quantity Cat. No.

Epitope-tagged protein purification using immunoaffinity ligands His-tagged protein purification using IMAC (cont.)
1 mL A36797 10 mL 25214
Pierce Anti-DYKDDDDK
5 mL A36798 50 mL 25215
Magnetic Agarose HisPur Ni-NTA Superflow Agarose
50 mL A36799B 250 mL 25216
1 mL settled A36801 1L 25217
Pierce Anti-DYKDDDDK Affinity Resin 5 mL settled A36803 50 mL R80101
ProBond Nickel-Chelating Resin
50 mL settled A36804 150 mL R80115
5 mg A36805 10 mL 89964
Pierce 3x DYKDDDDK Peptide
5 x 5 mg A36806 HisPur Cobalt Agarose Resin 100 mL 89965
EKMax Enterokinase 250 units E18002 500 mL 89966
Pierce Anti-c-Myc Agarose 2 mL 20168 HisPur Cobalt Agarose Chromatography
5 cartridges 90093
Pierce c-Myc-Tag IP/Co-IP Kit 25 reactions 23620 Cartridges, 1 mL

Pierce Anti-c-Myc Magnetic Beads 1 mL 88842 HisPur Cobalt Agarose Chromatography

2 cartridges 90094
Cartridges, 5 mL
Pierce c-Myc-Tag Magnetic IP/Co-IP Kit 40 reactions 88844
10 mL 25228
Pierce c-Myc Peptide 5 mg 20170
50 mL 25229
Pierce Anti-HA Agarose 1 mL 26181 HisPur Cobalt Superflow Agarose
100 mL 25230
Pierce HA-Tag IP/Co-IP Kit 25 reactions 26180
500 mL 25231
Pierce Anti-HA Magnetic Beads 1 mL 88826
For more products and pack sizes, go to
Pierce HA-Tag Magnetic IP/Co-IP Kit 40 reactions 88838
HA Synthetic Peptide 5 mg 26184
For more products and pack sizes, go to GST-tagged protein purification using immobilized glutathione
Pierce Glutathione Magnetic Agarose
1 mL 78601
His-tagged protein purification using IMAC
10 mL 16100
HisPur Ni-NTA Magnetic Beads 2 mL 88831 Pierce Glutathione Agarose 100 mL 16101
Pierce Ni-NTA Magnetic Agarose Beads 1 mL 78605 500 mL 16102
Dynabeads His-Tag Isolation Pierce Glutathione Chromatography
2 mL 10103D 5 cartridges 16109
and Pulldown Cartridges, 1 mL
10 mL 88221 Pierce Glutathione Chromatography
2 cartridges 16110
HisPur Ni-NTA Agarose Resin 100 mL 88222 Cartridges, 5 mL
500 mL 88223 Pierce Glutathione Superflow Agarose 10 mL 25236
HisPur Ni-NTA Agarose Chromatography For more products and pack sizes, go to
5 cartridges 90098
Cartridges, 1 mL
HisPur Ni-NTA Agarose Chromatography
2 cartridges 90099
Cartridges, 5 mL

Find out more at

For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures. © 2017 Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. All rights reserved. All trademarks
are the property of Thermo Fisher Scientific and its subsidiaries unless otherwise specified. FLAG and anti-FLAG are trademarks of
Sigma-Aldrich Co. SPHERO is a trademark of Spherotech Inc. COL05167 1117

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