Profile-Gabriel Nistor
Profile-Gabriel Nistor
Profile-Gabriel Nistor
Gabriel Nistor Chief Science Officer, AiVita Biomedical
nistor-5b637723 (LinkedIn) Orange County
Top Skills Broad, multidisciplinary knowledge and skills in all science areas,
Cancer immunology with main expertise in biological and medical fields. My work is
Stem Cells marked by scientific method, creativity, innovation, critical thinking,
Cell Biology analysis, information synthesis and personal expression. I promote
leadership by integrity, ethical judgment, personal example, clear
Languages communication and skill transfer. I identify opportunities, translate to
English (Native or Bilingual) business value and anticipate the challenges of complex scientific
Romanian (Native or Bilingual) discoveries.
Hungarian (Native or Bilingual)
Certifications Experience
Amateur Radio License
AIVITA Biomedical Inc
Publications Chief Science Officer
January 2016 - Present (5 years 3 months)
Randomized phase II trial of
Irvine, California
autologous dendritic cell vaccines
versus autologous tumor cell
vaccines in metastatic melanoma:
5-year follow up and additional Caladrius Biosciences, Inc.
analyses. Vice President, Research
Derivation of oligodendrocyte May 2014 - January 2016 (1 year 9 months)
progenitor cells from human Irvine, CA
embryonic stem cells
The most valued accomplishment is building my dedicated, highly skilled and
Human Stem Cell-Derived Skin
Progenitors Produce Alpha 2- versatile team capable of overcoming any given challenge.
HS Glycoprotein (Fetuin): A Created a quality by design environment compliant with modern cGMP, to
Revolutionary Cosmetic Ingredient.
support the research, development and manufacturing troubleshooting in
Histological and functional benefit
following transplantation of motor phase III clinical trial for advanced stage melanoma using autologous tumor
neuron progenitors to the injured rat initiating cells and autologous dendritic cells.
spinal cord.
Using patient samples, lead the investigation of the mechanism of action
Cancer stem cell antigen-based
in cancer immune-therapy. Developed final product potency assay and
vaccines: the preferred strategy for
active specific immunotherapy of discovered clinical predictive and efficacy biomarkers for dendritic cell based
metastatic melanoma?
immune-therapy that could complement the current approaches based on
checkpoint inhibitors. Using complex investigative methods that included
exomic analysis of the purified tumor "stem" cells and mixed lymphocyte
High purity ovarian cancer stem reactions elucidated multiple pathways of immune response to strong or weak
cells for active autologous immune
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Bioreactor Cartridge and System antigens resulted from cancer associated mutations equally suggestive for
Immunogenic compositions prepared immune-escape and tumorigenesis.
from tumor cells derived from
peripheral blood and originating from Investigated feasibility and established methods for manufacturing of purified
a solid tumor and their use tumor stem cells as antigen sources for autologous immune-therapy approach
Stem cell compositions for cosmetic in other types of cancer (hepatocellular carcinoma, ovarian cancer, non-small
and dermatologic use
lung cancer, glioblastoma etc).
Neural cell purification for
transplantation Successful isolated and expanded circulating tumor cells from cancer patients
and identified factors that allow survival of the cells in routine blood samples.
Developed proprietary reagents and methods that enabled consistent isolation
of cancer "stem" cells from bulk tumors and rapid expansion for use as
antigenic sources.
Filed multiple patent applications and actively involved in developing
company's IP portfolio strategy and in the patent prosecution process.
Submitted and awarded multiple grants (CIRM, NIH) totaling over $20 millions.
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University of California, Irvine
Postdoctoral fellow, Neuroscience, Stem cells · (2003 - 2006)
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