Showdowns & Shootouts Is A Year-: Dan Hash
Showdowns & Shootouts Is A Year-: Dan Hash
Showdowns & Shootouts Is A Year-: Dan Hash
Dan Hash
& The Gutshot Posse
herein we learn how the villainous Deman Jones, owner of
the notorious Longhorn Saloon conspired with Curly Bob
Bodacious to run the new temperance preaching parson of the Rush
Creek Gospel Church out of town, and the violent reaction of the
Ladies Temperance League all on a Sunday morning!
Rush Creek was the Devil's playground. There were
Adventure No.: SS004 gamblin' halls, sportin' gals, and plenty of back alleys
Difficulty Level: Advanced where a cowboy might lose his wallet… or his life!
No. of Teams: 4 In short, it was a rootin' tootin' helluva good time if
No. of Players: 4-up you were in the mood to walk on the wild side.
Location Type: Small town
Duration: 2-4 hours But if you wanted to run an honest business or raise
Game Marshall: Yes a family? Well, pilgrim, then you were plum outta
Entire contents (including artwork, luck. That is, of course, until the preacher rode into
maps, and graphic elements)
Copyright 2007 Hawleg Publishing town and made it perfectly clear that the Good Lord
w w w. h a w g l e g . c o m All rights reserved.
helps those who help themselves!
A Gutshot TM Showdowns & Shootouts Adventure Hurrahin’ the Sky Pilot!
A Gutshot TM Showdowns & Shootouts Adventure Hurrahin’ the Sky Pilot!
Black Hats, White Hats, Ladies’ Hats & Tin Stars: The Teams
With the exception of the Law Dogs, these teams are pretty evenly matched when it comes to numbers. However, each
faction has its own goals and motivations - this ain't no simple "kill everyone who moves" kinda game. Read the notes
and the victory conditions carefully before you start playing, and make sure you’re familiar with the special weapons
rules for this adventure. And remember, Chivalry is not dead: the men may not purposfully target the women!
A Gutshot TM Showdowns & Shootouts Adventure Hurrahin’ the Sky Pilot!
Victory Conditions
Award Victory Points to individuals and to the teams. Then count all points:
whichever team has the most is the winner. May the best men, or women, win!
The game is over when:
1. The Psalms Singers are all dead, surrender, flee the board, or are arrested.
2. The Jones Boys are all dead, surrender, flee the board, or are arrested.
3. The LTL finishes trashing the saloon or they are all dead, surrender, flee the
board, or are arrested.
4. Enough of the conditions are met above for the GM to declare that it's over.
Note: Killing the Law Dogs does not end the game.
Group Victory Points
(Awarded individually to the specified team):
Does this game Jones Boys get rid of Psalms Singers (kill ‘em, run ‘em off, etc.) 50 VP
need a GM? Psalms Singers get rid of the Jones Boys (kill ‘em, run ‘em off, etc.) 50 VP
Almost certainly. There is a lot Law Dogs - per arrest (the arrestee must be in the jail) 10 VP
going on here and you probably Shooting a woman (applied to the individual who pulls the trigger) - 10 VP
need someone to adjuticate the All other kills and events see table C4.1.1
action at the various locations.
A Gutshot TM Showdowns & Shootouts Adventure Hurrahin’ the Sky Pilot!
Featured Sponsor: This adventure was designed specifically for use with the great buildings available from Whitewash
City. You can’t go wrong with these great PDF/Cardstock buildings. Just buy them, download the PDF, then print them out on your inkjet
printer (or color laser printer, if yer a high roller), then follow the simple instructions to put them together. They look fantastic, and they
even include interior floorplans!