Showdowns & Shootouts Is A Year-: Dan Hash

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Showdowns & Shootouts is a year-

long contest to find at least 12 exciting

adventures suitable for use with the
Origins award-winning historical
miniatures game, GutshotTM. These
adventures are typical to the wild-n-
wooly action you'll find in books,
movies and TV shows about this
exciting era. When you see the S&S
logo, you know you're going to have a
wild ride on the trail to adventure!

Dan Hash
& The Gutshot Posse

herein we learn how the villainous Deman Jones, owner of
the notorious Longhorn Saloon conspired with Curly Bob
Bodacious to run the new temperance preaching parson of the Rush
Creek Gospel Church out of town, and the violent reaction of the
Ladies Temperance League all on a Sunday morning!
Rush Creek was the Devil's playground. There were
Adventure No.: SS004 gamblin' halls, sportin' gals, and plenty of back alleys
Difficulty Level: Advanced where a cowboy might lose his wallet… or his life!
No. of Teams: 4 In short, it was a rootin' tootin' helluva good time if
No. of Players: 4-up you were in the mood to walk on the wild side.
Location Type: Small town
Duration: 2-4 hours But if you wanted to run an honest business or raise
Game Marshall: Yes a family? Well, pilgrim, then you were plum outta
Entire contents (including artwork, luck. That is, of course, until the preacher rode into
maps, and graphic elements)
Copyright 2007 Hawleg Publishing town and made it perfectly clear that the Good Lord
w w w. h a w g l e g . c o m All rights reserved.
helps those who help themselves!
A Gutshot TM Showdowns & Shootouts Adventure Hurrahin’ the Sky Pilot!

The Story Thus Far...

The Devil has gotten fat-n-happy soak- Well, Reverend Hickman had been in
ing up the sin in Rush Creek. Gamblin' town for a few months now and he's
and drinkin' and womanizing were the thrown a wet blanket on the fun.
favored pastimes of the day… until that Saturday night shoot-outs have become
preacher man came to town and started a thing of the past, and worse, he's moti-
stirrin' up trouble. Wasn't long afore the vated the local wives to mobilize into
owner of the Gold Star Saloon found forming the LTL: Ladies Temperance
religion and emptied his kegs and bot- League. These women have sworn to
tles in the street and turned the whole tame this Godless place and they aim to
place over to the Reverend Morgan start with Deman's saloon (a building
Hickman. Needless to say, the local which their leader, Maybelle
This adventure was written specifically
for the award-winning game, GutshotTM. underbelly of society didn't take too McSweeny, has secretly been eyeing as
It is not a stand-alone game. You will kindly to this, especially the king viper a possible location to expand her mer-
need the GutshotTM Core Rule Book in himself, the aptly-named Deman Jones, cantile buisiness).
order to play. See our Website for avail- the owner of the Longhorn Saloon.
ability. Of course, you're welcome to
use it as source material and adapt it to Tensions are high, nerves are frayed
another game system (either RPG or Now, Deman had dealt with preachers and the town has drawn sides. It's
miniature). If you do, we'd love to before. Most could be bought off or Sunday morning and it's all about to
receive a copy of it, and please do not scared off. But Deman had never seen hit the fan! Deman Jones is tired of
post the conversion on the Internet or
otherwise distribute it outside your per- the likes of this sky-pilot. This weren't skulking around and is gonna face
sonal gaming group. Thanks! no shrinking violet, tea-totaling parson these do-gooders head on! He's
from back East. This Bible thumper worked his boys up and they're about
What’s in a name? was a square-jawed, steel-sinewed, to rush the church and drive those
Did yuh read the title and scratch solid rock of a man who could look you Psalms Singers outta here once and
yer head wondering what a sky- right in the eye and tell you what's for all. But these church goers are all
pilot was, and what it means to what… and back it up with his fists if fired-and-brimestoned up, and they
“hurrah” him? Fear not, pilgrim, need be! And there was something believe the Lord helps those who help
we’ll school yuh on the lingo fast. about the way he walked that said he themselves. They’re itchin' fer a fight,
First, “sky-pilots” ain’t got nothing was no stranger to the way of the gun. and by gosh, they're gonna get one!
to do with aeroplanes. On a ship,
the pilot is the man who steers the
vessel. In the West, the Preacher
Rush Creek
is the man who will steer you to Setting: Sunday morning, Rush Creek, Texas, 1879. Rush Creek is a small cow-
heaven (which is up in the sky), town with a church (formerly the Gold Star Saloon) which is across the street
hence the term: sky-pilot. from the Longhorn Saloon. McSweeny's Dry Goods store stands next to the
Hurrah, of course, means to cheer
Saloon. The town also has a bank, a café, a livery stable, a barber shop, bath
on. In this case, the townsfolk are house, and various other buildings, including a Sheriff's Office which is at the
“hurrahing” the sky-pilot to drive the far end of town from the Saloon.
sin and vice out of Rush Creek.
There, now yer all schooled up in
proper Wild West lingo. Ain’t yuh
glad we had this little palaver?

Chivalry ain’t dead!

Only a low-life yellow-belly would
shoot lead at a woman, so yuh
can’t do it in this game! Now, rock-
salt loads (see page 6) and other
non-lethal force is okay, but pur-
posefully shooting lead at a
woman will cost yuh 10 VP --
whether yuh hit ‘em or not (see
page 5).
Rush CReek

A Gutshot TM Showdowns & Shootouts Adventure Hurrahin’ the Sky Pilot!

Black Hats, White Hats, Ladies’ Hats & Tin Stars: The Teams
With the exception of the Law Dogs, these teams are pretty evenly matched when it comes to numbers. However, each
faction has its own goals and motivations - this ain't no simple "kill everyone who moves" kinda game. Read the notes
and the victory conditions carefully before you start playing, and make sure you’re familiar with the special weapons
rules for this adventure. And remember, Chivalry is not dead: the men may not purposfully target the women!

The Jones Boys: The Psalms Singers:

Starting Point: Longhorn Saloon Starting Point: Rush Creek Gospel Church
Weapons: Players Choice (pick 2; see note about rock salt & shotguns) Weapons: Players Choice (pick 2; see note about rock salt & shotguns)
Group Motivation: They’re in it for the money; clear out Group Motivation: Morgan and his church just want to bring
the church, get rid of the preacher and the rest of them the gospel to the West, but they ain’t lily-livered pushovers.
psalms singers. There have been threats on the church, so they came armed.
These men don’t want to shoot first, heck they’d rather not
Deman Jones: Custom 1 shoot at all, but they ain’t afraid to send a feller to the devil if
TN: 7 he sends lead their way. They want to live lives of peace,
Specialties: (pick 1) ___________________ stamp out sin, and keep their congregation out of trouble. As
Bonus Specialty: Fight-to-the-death such, they won’t start out trying to kill Jones or his boys - and
Deman’s business is slackin’ off cause of that cussed sky- they sure won’t fire on the Law Dogs or the Ladies), but if this
pilot, and he shore would like to have that church buildin’ gets bloody, they won’t shy away from trouble.
fer a “Sportin’ House.” He earns an extra 25 VP for mak-
ing the Preacher surrender or flee without killing him. Preacher Morgan Hickman: Bounty Hunter
TN: 6
Specialties: (pick 2) Contemplative, Sure-Shot,
Curly Bob Bodacious: Gunslinger Tough-as-Nails, Two-Gun Shootist
TN: 6 Bonus Specialty: Fight-to-the-death
Specialties: (he has both) Fanning-the-Gun In his younger days, he lived a life of sin that would put Deman and
Quick-Draw: Pistol his boys to shame... but that was before he saw the light. If he can
He hates that hippycrit parson and would rather see him get through this without killing anyone, he earns an extra 25 VP.
with a cross standin’ permanent by his head, then him
Deacon Eldon Godsend: Cowboy
standin’ at a pulpit. Curly is wanted for murder and stage
TN: 8
robbery. He earns an extra 25 VP for killing the Preacher.
Specialties: (pick 2) Horsemanship, Reliable,
Sure-Shot: One Weapon
Bonus Specialty: Fight-to-the-death
Soapy Johnson: Thug
“Cut off the head and the body will die.” He earns 25 VP if
TN: 9
Deman is killed. He loses 5 VP if his wife is arrested.
Specialties: (he has all 3)
Hard-to-hit Song-leader Charlie McSweeny: Townsfolk
Tough-as-Nails TN: 9
He’s lookin’ forward to wild women in town and all the Specialties: (he has both) Hard-to-hit, Speedy
liquor Deman promised ‘em. He earns an extra 25 VP if he Nominal owner of the dry-good’s store; married to Maybelle
doesn’t take any Damage during the game. McSweeny. He earns 15 VP if Deman is killed, plus another 10
VP if his wife is arrested and taken to jail (he secretly hopes that
might take some of the vinegar out of her disposition).
Jasper Smith: Thug Mayor Jonathan Promise: Townsfolk
TN: 9 TN: 9
Specialties: (he has all 3)Brawler Specialties: (he has both) Hard-to-hit, Speedy
Hard-to-hit Married to Ivanna, he thinks victory will cinch the next
Tough-as-Nails election and enable him to get rid of that annoying Sheriff
Same as his saddle pal, Soapy, Jasper’s jest looking fer and his dim-witted deputy. He earns 25 VP if Deman is cap-
some fun when this is all over. He earns an extra 25 VP if tured alive to stand trial. He loses 10 VP if his wife is arrested
he doesn’t do any Damage or Pain to any of the Ladies. and taken to jail.
A Gutshot TM Showdowns & Shootouts Adventure Hurrahin’ the Sky Pilot!

The Ladies Temperance League The Law Dogs:

(aka LTL Ladies): Starting Point: Inside the Sheriff’s Office
Starting Point: Rush Creek Gospel Church Weapons: Players Choice (pick 3; see note about rock salt & shotguns)
Weapons: At the start of the game, the ladies are all Group Motivation: The Law Dogs have three goals:
unarmed. The second trouble starts, Maybelle will shout 1. Protect the lives of the citizens (25 VP if no one is killed)
“It’s all that Deman Jones’ fault, to the store ladies!” It will 2. Apprehend lawbreakers (10 VP per arrest)
take them at least one Action to get to the store (they may 3. Protect private property (25 VP if they stop the LTL from
use the front door or the back door), one Action inside the trashing the saloon)
store to grab their weapons, and their third action should In that order. The sheriff and his men can’t move from jail
put them in the street en route to the Saloon. Once there, until they hear a commotion (second shot is fired, or the Game
Maybelle will grab her sawed-off double-barrel shotgun Marshall’s call).
that is loaded with rock salt (she also grabs three reloads of Sheriff Buford T. Thornton: Sheriff
rock salt - see following notes). The other ladies will be TN: 7
armed with rolling pins or frying pans. Roll 1d6 per lady: Specialties: (pick 1) Brawler, Quick-Draw, True Grit
1-3 she gets a rolling pin, 4-6 she gets a frying pan. After He doesn’t like the mayor very much, so if he can catch him
she arms the ladies they’ll go straight to the saloon to bust killing someone, he can arrest him and throw him in jail (which
up the liquor stocks and saloon furnishings, hope’n to put should tarnish his reputation and make him lose the next elec-
Jones out of business. See following notes on doing tion). If he can arrest the Mayor, he earns an additional 25 VP.
Damage to the building and its furnishings.
Group Motivation: Maybelle and the LTL Ladies want to Deputy Holsum Goodness: Deputy
see the demon rum banished from their little town. TN: 8
Specialties: (he has both) Hard-to-hit, Lucky
Married to Ohmia, he was just about to head over to the church
Maybelle McSweeny: Townsfolk when this started. He’s also torn between his duty and terrified
TN: 9 at the prospect of having to arrest his own wife for vandalism
Specialties: (she has both) Hard-to-hit, Speedy and destruction of property. If he can get through this without
Married to Charlie McSweeny, she's the real owner of the his wife being thrown behind bars, he’ll earn an extra 15 VP.
dry-goods store. She’s secretly been fanning the flames to “Crusty” Olfert: Thug
force this confrontation because she’d like to buy the saloon TN: 9
building and turn it into a hardware store. She sees this as Specialties: (he has all 3) Brawler, Hard-to-hit, Tough-as-Nails
the perfect smoke screen for her true motives. She earns 25 Crusty is the jailer and he’s had enough of this tom foolery!
VP if Deman Jones is killed. He personally earns an extra 5 VP for everyone arrested.

Ivanna Promise: Townsfolk

TN: 9 Arresting Behavior
Specialties: (she has both) Hard-to-hit, Speedy Unless the Psalms Singers or the Jones Boys get trigger happy, then the
Married to Mayor Jonathan Promise, she earns 10 VP if Law Dogs will try to arrest people. The mechanics for doing this are:
she is not arrested. 1) The lawman may arrest only one person at a time.
2) Move the lawman's miniature base-to-base with the arrestee's miniature.
3) If the arrestee is armed with a Ready Weapon (gun, rolling pin, etc.), he
Ima Godsend: Townsfolk gets a free attack on the lawman. If the lawman survives and has a ready
TN: 9 weapon, he may make a Retaliation Shot, or attempt to make an arrest.
Specialties: (she has both) Hard-to-hit, Speedy 4) Both figures make an Action Check (remember to apply move-
Married to Decon Eldon Godsend, she earns 10 VP if she ment and health modifiers). Whoever passes their Action Check
by the most wins and dictates what happens next:
is not arrested.
a. If the arrestee wins, he instantly moves 1 inch away from
the lawman.
Ohmia Goodness: Townsfolk b. If the lawman wins, the arrestee throws down all weapons
TN: 9 and may not resist as the lawman hauls them off to jail (this
Specialties: (she has both) Hard-to-hit, Speedy may be done at a Run). Simply getting the arrestee inside
the Sheriff's Office will suffice: you do not need to act out
Married to Deputy Holsum Goodness, she earns 15 VP if opening the jail cell, etc. Once in the jail, the arrestee is out
she is not arrested. of the game.

A Gutshot TM Showdowns & Shootouts Adventure Hurrahin’ the Sky Pilot!

Victory Conditions
Award Victory Points to individuals and to the teams. Then count all points:
whichever team has the most is the winner. May the best men, or women, win!
The game is over when:
1. The Psalms Singers are all dead, surrender, flee the board, or are arrested.
2. The Jones Boys are all dead, surrender, flee the board, or are arrested.
3. The LTL finishes trashing the saloon or they are all dead, surrender, flee the
board, or are arrested.
4. Enough of the conditions are met above for the GM to declare that it's over.
Note: Killing the Law Dogs does not end the game.
Group Victory Points
(Awarded individually to the specified team):
Does this game Jones Boys get rid of Psalms Singers (kill ‘em, run ‘em off, etc.) 50 VP
need a GM? Psalms Singers get rid of the Jones Boys (kill ‘em, run ‘em off, etc.) 50 VP
Almost certainly. There is a lot Law Dogs - per arrest (the arrestee must be in the jail) 10 VP
going on here and you probably Shooting a woman (applied to the individual who pulls the trigger) - 10 VP
need someone to adjuticate the All other kills and events see table C4.1.1
action at the various locations.

Keep in mind that having lots of Special Rules: Property Damage

Characters and NPCs on the The women want to destroy what's harming the actual structure of the
board may dramatically increase
inside the saloon, not the saloon itself. building. If the building takes 60
the amount of time it takes to play
this game, so check the clock As such, when they are inside the build- points of structural damage, it will
before you drag out every minia- ing they may declare an attack on: collapse, inflicting 3d6 Pain on any-
ture you own and put it into play! liquor bottles, beer kegs, furnishings one trapped inside.
(pictures, mirrors, etc.), and furniture
Don’t leave the
(chairs, tables, etc.). Roll attacks nor- NOTE: When you shoot at a person
mally (remember that women get mod- and miss him, make another Action
table, please!
ifiers with frying pans and rolling pins!) Check to see if you hit the building,
If a figure leaves the table, then it and if successful, apply the damage. instead. If so, then roll for damage
is considered to have fled and is
out of the game. It may not return
normally (and don't forget to apply all
during this game. These items can take 30 points of modifiers for range).
Damage (the GM should track this).
The same is true for any character When that much damage has been Special Snake-Eyes Rule: In addition
that is arrested and taken to jail. dished out, the inside of the saloon is to its other negative effects, inside the
Once in the jail, the character is
out of the game (and cannot be
considered to be trashed. Additional saloon all rolls of Snake-eyes do double
set free -- if you want to plan a jail damage beyond 30 points is treated as damage to the building's structure.
break, write it up for another
adventure, Pilgrim!
Weapons: Frying Pans & Rolling Pins
By the way, just because someone As noted on Table 11.3 in the Gutshot Core Rule Book, women get +2 with a
has been arrested (and can no
frying pan when it is used against a man. Similarly, men are at -2 to defend them-
longer resist arrest), doesn’t mean
someone else can’t resist for yuh! sleves! Additionally, frying pans stun on a roll of 1-3!
If your see one of your gang being Rolling pins are not quite as potent, women get only a
hauled off to the pokey, then you +1 to their attacks, and men defend at a paltry -1.
can attempt to free him by attack- Stunning effect is only on a roll of 1-2. See 11.1.1 for
ing the lawman. As in the arrest more about Stunning Attacks.
process described previously,
close in on the lawman and each
Weapon TN Pain Def. No.
of you make an Action Check:
whoever wins by the most points Frying Pan 5 1-3 7*
above their TN gets to dictate what Rolling Pin 6 1-2 6**
happens next: freedom or jail.
* +2 to women, -2 for men, stuns on 1-3
** +1 to women, -1 for men, stuns on 1-2

A Gutshot TM Showdowns & Shootouts Adventure Hurrahin’ the Sky Pilot!

Shotguns & Salt Blasts

Characters have the option of using their shotguns with non-
lethal loads of rock salt. Rock salt has the exact same range as nor-
mal loads, but it inflicts Pain instead of Damage. Remember, when a Character receives
15 points of Pain, he falls unconscious (unless he has the Fight-to-the-Death Specialty).

New Specialty: Fight-to-the-Death

Pain does not lead to unconsciousness. When you receive 15 points of Pain, you do not pass out, but can continue
to fight. However, remember that all additional injury causes Damage, which can kill you.

Featured Sponsor: This adventure was designed specifically for use with the great buildings available from Whitewash
City. You can’t go wrong with these great PDF/Cardstock buildings. Just buy them, download the PDF, then print them out on your inkjet
printer (or color laser printer, if yer a high roller), then follow the simple instructions to put them together. They look fantastic, and they
even include interior floorplans!

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