Analysis of Dental and Basal Bone Arch Form Correlations in Skeletal Class II Malocclusion
Analysis of Dental and Basal Bone Arch Form Correlations in Skeletal Class II Malocclusion
Analysis of Dental and Basal Bone Arch Form Correlations in Skeletal Class II Malocclusion
Introduction: This study aimed to establish mathematical equations to describe the dental and basal arch forms
in skeletal Class II malocclusion and to investigate correlations between these forms to facilitate clinical diag-
nosis and treatment design. Methods: Cone-beam computed tomography images of 60 patients (30 each
with skeletal Class II malocclusion and normal occlusion) were subjected to 3-dimensional volume rendering,
image reconstruction, and measurement. Using a computer program written in Java on the Eclipse platform
(Eclipse Foundation, Ottawa, Canada), a beta function was used to establish mathematical models of dental
and basal bone arch forms, and model-fitting was performed. Results: A mathematical model was developed
to describe the dental and basal arch forms in skeletal Class II malocclusion. The maxillary and mandibular
dental arch lengths were significantly longer in skeletal Class II malocclusion than in normal occlusion, whereas
the width of the maxillary molar segment was smaller. The maxillary molar and mandibular intercranial segments
in the basal arch were significantly longer in skeletal Class II malocclusion than in normal occlusion, whereas the
mandibular intercranial segment width was smaller. Conclusions: The dental arch and basal bone arch forms in
the maxilla and mandible follow individual curves, described by a beta function. In skeletal Class II malocclusion,
the dental and basal arches are discrepant in horizontal and anteroposterior dimensions, which should be
considered during orthodontic treatment planning to improve arch matching. (Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop
he relationship between dental and basal forms However, previous studies that investigated basal form
have significant effects on orthodontic diagnosis dimensions using different definitions have yielded con-
and treatment planning. If teeth are moved exces- flicting results. Moreover, previous studies that investi-
sively, over the limits of their supporting basal bone, gated the relationship of the basal bone and dental
periodontal complications and relapse may occur.1 arches did not investigate both jaws concurrently;
thus, this relationship between the maxillary and
mandibular arches.
Department of Pediatric Dentistry, Tianjin Stomatological Hospital, School of
Medicine, Nankai University, Tianjin, China. In 1925, Lundstr€ om2 proposed the term “apical base”
Department of Stomatology, Aviation General Hospital, China Medical Univer- to refer to the junction of the alveolar and basal bones of
sity, Beijing, China. the maxilla and mandible near the apices of the teeth. In
Department of Orthodontics, Tianjin Stomatological Hospital, School of Medi-
cine, Nankai University, Tianjin, China. early studies,3,4 based on casts and lateral cephalometric
Department of Orthodontics, Stomatology Hospital of Cangzhou, Hebei, China. radiographs, investigators described the lowest point of
Tianjin Key Laboratory of Oral and Maxillofacial Function Reconstruction, Tian- the anterior alveolar border in the maxilla and mandible
jin Stomatological Hospital, Nankai University, Tianjin, China.
Kaiyu Fu and Shu Fang are joint first authors and contributed equally to this as the basal bone. Later, different points of the alveolar
work. bone were used in various studies to determine the basal
All authors have completed and submitted the ICMJE Form for Disclosure of bone.5-7 The Bonwill-Hawley arch form, which is based
Potential Conflicts of Interest, and none were reported.
This study was supported by grants from the National Key Clinical Specialist Con- on the principle of individualized arches, was the first
struction Programs of China (Orthodontics) ([2013] No. 544) and the Key Subject selected for mathematical modeling.8,9 Later, various
of Tianjin Healthcare Industry (No. 16KG148). mathematical functions10-12 were applied to dental
Address correspondence to: Danna Xiao, Department of Orthodontics, Tianjin
Stomatological Hospital, School of Medicine, Nankai University, 75 Dagu Rd, arch curve fitting. Braun et al13 considered that the
Heping District, Tianjin 300041, China; e-mail, [email protected]. beta function provided the closest fit to the curve of
Submitted, June 2019; revised, November 2019; accepted, December 2019. the human dental arch, with correlation coefficients of
Ó 2020 by the American Association of Orthodontists. All rights reserved. curve fit exceeding 0.98 for all types of arch forms. Mina et al14 also proved that the beta function provided
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Fig 2. O-plane, an optimization plane was calculated using the ABC algorithm by analyzing 28 markers
of maxillary and mandibular teeth using programming software. A-plane (A subspinale plane), A-plane
was parallel to the O-plane, passing through the A point; B-plane (B supramental plane), A-plane was
parallel to the O-plane, passing through the B point; midsagittal plane, A-plane constructed with N,
which is perpendicular to the line connecting bilateral frontozygomatic point.
Fig 3. Determining of basal bone makers (take maxillary right middle incisor, for example). T-plane
(apical point plane), the T-plane intersected with the midsagittal plane on line T, passing through the
Ap point.
the maxillary posterior molars in skeletal Class II maloc- The differences in the widths and lengths in the
clusion was significantly smaller. No significant differ- dental and basal arches between the occlusion groups
ences were found between the malocclusion and the were compared (Table VI). The difference value was
normal occlusion groups in the mandibular arch. More- larger in the GII group than in the GN group, in both
over, Table VI shows that the lengths of the maxillary maxillary and mandibular arch forms.
and mandibular arch forms of the GII group were signif- The differences in the widths and lengths between
icantly longer than in the GN group. the dental and basal arches in the 2 groups were also
For basal bone comparisons, the length in the maxil- compared (Table VII). The differences between the GII
lary second molar sites in the GII group was slightly and GN groups were not statistically significant.
larger than in the GN group. The width in the GII group E values of the dental and basal bone arches in the
was smaller than in the GN group. In contrast, for occlusion groups are shown in Table VIII. The fitting
mandibular canine sites, the length was larger (Table curves indicate that the anterior segments in the maxil-
VII). The final curve fitting of Class II malocclusion lary and mandibular dental arches were narrower and
were displayed in Supplementary Fig. longer in the GII group than in the GN group. Moreover,
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Table V. Comparison of dental and basal bone widths Table VIII. E values of curve fitting in GN group and
and lengths for the GII and GN groups GII group
Projection points GN group, mm GII group, mm P value Variables GN group GII group
AB-Wf-3 37.54 6 2.34 36.98 6 1.45 0.268 Maxillary dental arch 0.690 0.730
AB-Wf-7 63.38 6 3.68 61.48 6 2.68 0.026* Mandibular dental arch 0.662 0.717
CD-Wf-3 29.33 6 1.81 28.89 6 1.43 0.292 Maxillary basal bone arch 0.756 0.721
CD-Wf-7 61.54 6 3.47 59.94 6 3.56 0.083 Mandibular basal bone arch 1.207 1.243
AB-Lf-3 7.26 6 1.47 9.21 6 0.91 0.000**
AB-Lf-7 37.75 6 2.89 40.58 6 0.38 0.000** there are some disputes7,19 about the morphologic char-
CD-Lf-3 3.93 6 0.93 5.38 6 0.75 0.000** acteristics of the mandibular arch and basal bone arch in
CD-Lf-7 34.80 6 2.44 37.04 6 1.28 0.000** Class II Division I malocclusion.7,19 We performed a
AB-Wb-3 32.35 6 2.64 31.92 6 1.89 0.472
comprehensive comparative analysis of dental and basal
AB-Wb-7 65.19 6 3.11 65.96 6 2.70 0.312
CD-Wb-3 25.88 6 2.39 24.22 6 2.04 0.005** bone arches in both the maxilla and the mandible. We
CD-Wb-7 77.72 6 4.01 78.42 6 4.49 0.522 found that, in the dental arch comparison, the widths
AB-Lb-3 5.39 6 0.96 5.45 6 1.19 0.849 of the anterior segment in both the maxilla and
AB-Lb-7 27.97 6 2.65 29.15 6 1.72 0.047* mandible were narrower in Class II malocclusion than
CD-Lb-3 4.23 6 1.02 4.91 6 0.79 0.005**
in normal occlusion. In comparing the basal bone arch,
CD-Lb-7 30.95 6 2.72 30.90 6 1.88 0.941
the anterior segment in the maxilla was wider, whereas
*P \0.05; **P \0.01.
it was smaller and deeper in the mandible in Class II
malocclusion than in normal occlusion.
For skeletal Class II malocclusion, the dental arch was
Table VI. Comparison of the differences in the widths narrower than its corresponding basal bone arch in the
and lengths in the dental and basal arches in 2 groups maxillary canine segment but wider in the mandibular
Projection points GN group, mm GII group, mm P value canine segment. This finding may be due to teeth
AB-Wfb-3 5.20 6 2.43 5.06 6 2.16 0.825 compensating for mandibular deficiency. Moreover,
AB-Wfb-7 1.81 6 2.20 4.47 6 2.54 0.000** the intercanine width of the maxilla was narrower than
CD-Wfb-3 3.45 6 2.56 4.66 6 1.75 0.038* that of the mandible, suggesting retraction of the
CD-Wfb-7 16.17 6 4.55 18.48 6 4.29 0.048*
mandible may occur as a compensation for the mismatch
AB-Lfb-3 1.86 6 1.59 3.76 6 1.39 0.000**
AB-Lfb-7 9.78 6 2.54 11.43 6 1.74 0.005** in the width of the canine segment in the maxillary and
CD-Lfb-3 0.29 6 1.13 0.46 6 1.01 0.012* mandibular arches.
CD-Lfb-7 3.86 6 2.20 6.14 6 1.35 0.000** Our results also showed that, in skeletal Class II
*P \0.05; **P \0.01. malocclusion, the forms of the maxillary and mandibular
dental arches and of the maxillary basal bone arch were
oval, whereas the form of the mandibular basal bone
Table VII. Comparisons of differences between the arch was tapered. In comparison, in normal occlusion,
dental and basal arches in the maxilla and mandible both the dental and basal arches were narrower, partic-
in 2 groups ularly in the mandibular basal bone. In addition, as
shown in Figure 5, the lengths of the maxillary and
Projection points GN group, mm GII group, mm P value mandibular dental arches were significantly longer
W-fa-3 8.21 6 1.50 8.10 6 1.34 0.759
than the corresponding basal bone arches in Class II
W-fa-7 1.83 6 2.83 1.54 6 3.01 0.704
W-ba-3 6.47 6 2.12 7.69 6 2.69 0.059 malocclusion, suggesting that there is a marked
W-ba-7 12.52 6 4.09 12.46 6 4.72 0.959 mismatch in the length and width between the maxillary
L-fa-3 3.32 6 1.13 3.83 6 0.76 0.051 and mandibular dental arches and the basal bone arches.
L-fa-7 2.95 6 1.60 3.53 6 1.32 0.136 There was a significant disharmony between the number
L-ba-3 1.16 6 1.50 0.53 6 1.23 0.086
of teeth and the bone quantity in skeletal Class II maloc-
L-ba-7 2.98 6 3.01 1.76 6 2.57 0.103
clusion. These results suggest that clinicians should be
maxillary dental arch were relatively consistent.12,16,19,26 cautious in designing schemes for arch expansion in
Thus, compared with subjects with Class I occlusion, the the clinical treatment of skeletal Class II malocclusion
width of the dental arch was smaller, and the length was to avoid breaking the physical boundaries between the
longer in patients with Class II malocclusion. This dental arch and the basal bone. In the process of ortho-
finding was consistent with the fact that the arch width dontic treatment, reducing the diameter to achieve a
of the maxillary anterior segment was smaller than balance between the number of teeth and the bone
that seen in normal occlusion in our study. However, quantity may be a more advantageous option.
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Supplementary Fig. The final curve fitting of Class II malocclusion. A, The maxillary dental arch
curve fitting equation was as follows: y 5 41.01[1 (2x/61.08)2]0.73; B, the mandibular dental arch
curve fitting equation was as follows: y 5 37.35[1 (2x/59.55)2]0.717; C, the maxillary basal bone
arch curve fitting equation was as follows: y 5 29.15[1 (2x/65.63)2]0.721; D, the mandibular basal
bone arch curve fitting equation was as follows: y 5 30.91[1 (2x/79.19)2]1.242.
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Supplementary Table I. The curve fitting analysis of Supplementary Table II. The curve fitting analysis of
fa0 points and beta function ba0 points and beta function
Dental arch Relative Correlation Dental arch Relative Correlation
points value coefficient (r) Regression equation points value coefficient (r) Regression equation
Maxilla Maxilla
AFa-110 0.08 0.969 y 5 0.945x 1 2.220 Aba-110 0.57 0.962 y 5 0.885x 1 2.962
Afa-120 0.46 0.773 y 5 0.789x 1 7.831 Aba-120 1.05 0.760 y 5 0.843x 1 4.754
Afa-140 0.69 0.872 y 5 0.867x 1 3.375 Aba-140 1.11 0.751 y 5 0.592x 1 7.874
Afa-150 1.70 0.744 y 5 0.889x 1 1.325 Aba-150 1.30 0.838 y 5 0.753x 1 3.604
Afa-160 1.54 0.905 y 5 0.829x 1 1.339 Aba-160 1.97 0.804 y 5 0.793x 1 1.514
Bfa-210 0.08 0.963 y 5 0.922x 1 3.145 Bba-210 0.45 0.944 y 5 0.927x 1 1.985
Bfa-220 0.45 0.728 y 5 0.769x 1 8.588 Bba-220 1.09 0.842 y 5 0.697x 1 8.889
Bfa-240 0.75 0.874 y 5 0.75x 1 6.110 Bba-240 1.25 0.756 y 5 0.752x 1 4.456
Bfa-250 1.70 0.783 y 5 0.655x 1 5.385 Bba-250 1.33 0.724 y 5 0.797x 1 3.065
Bfa-260 1.45 0.932 y 5 0.766x 1 1.769 Bba-260 1.10 0.766 y 5 0.641x 1 2.933
Mandible Mandible
Cfa-410 0.33 0.962 y 5 0.864x 1 4.942 Cba-410 0.32 0.984 y 5 0.918x 1 2.343
Cfa-420 0.82 0.835 y 5 0.909x 1 3.680 Cba-420 0.72 0.910 y 5 0.864x 1 4.418
Cfa-440 1.48 0.835 y 5 0.637x 1 7.718 Cba-440 1.35 0.786 y 5 0.571x 1 9.997
Cfa-450 1.80 0.882 y 5 0.751x 1 3.442 Cba-450 1.41 0.793 y 5 0.727x 1 4.247
Cfa-460 1.81 0.941 y 5 0.824x 1 0.590 Cba-460 1.69 0.862 y 5 0.633x 1 2.714
Dfa-310 0.46 0.952 y 5 0.89x 1 4.493 Dba-310 0.24 0.986 y 5 0.95x 1 1.610
Dfa-320 0.35 0.979 y 5 0.910x 1 3.419 Dba-320 0.94 0.919 y 5 0.879x 1 2.955
Dfa-340 1.50 0.843 y 5 0.805x 1 5.786 Dba-340 1.40 0.883 y 5 0.628x 1 8.965
Dfa-350 1.79 0.888 y 5 0.946x 1 2.440 Dba-350 1.95 0.782 y 5 0.494x 1 8.885
Dfa-360 1.73 0.946 y 5 1.033x 1 1.113 Dba-360 1.77 0.866 y 5 0.639x 1 2.767
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