A1 R-Group 4 Article #1
A1 R-Group 4 Article #1
A1 R-Group 4 Article #1
Corresponding Author: Prof (Dr.) Laxmikanth Chatra, Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology, Yenepoya
Dental College, Yenepoya University, Deralakatte, Mangalore, Karnataka, India. Email id: [email protected]
Introduction: Teeth formation is widely used to assess maturity and predict age. This information aids in
diagnosis and treatment planning in clinical as well as in forensic dentistry. Dental age estimation is based on
morphological, histological, biochemical and radiological assessment of teeth. Radiographic age estimation
using teeth rely on developmental stages of teeth especially in children .This makes utilization of radiographic
methods for age estimation a practical method especially in living individuals as it is a simple, nondestructive
and a reliable method. Moreover, it can also be used in dead persons as well as in skeletal remains.
Aim: To evaluate an Indian sample by means of modified Cameriere’s European Formula and to correlate the
efficacy of chronological and dental age by using this formula. An attempt was made to estimate the
chronologic age of an individual by using dental radiograph in Mangalorian children.
Materials and Method: The present study comprised of 25 subjects ranging from 5-15 years. Dental age was
assessed by using Cameriere method based on 7 permanent left mandibular teeth. Panoramic radiographs
were taken for the measurement of open apices of individual tooth root. Data were analyzed by using Student’s
Results: The mean chronological age of our sample were 9.83 ± 2.83years and by Cameriere method
9.88 ± 2.15 years, showed no statically difference between the two methods. For the Intra class correlation
coefficient showed (ICC = 0.971) excellent agreement between Chronological age and ages estimated by
Cameriere method.
Conclusion: The present study indicated that, Cameriere method was reliable for age estimation in our
sample. Age of subjects can therefore be estimated with a good degree of accuracy using this specific formula.
Keywords: Cameriere et al. Regression Equation, Dental Age, Forensic Dentistry, Panoramic Radiograph
Figure No. 2 & 3: An Example of a Panoramic Radiograph from our Study Group
(Male) Before and after Measurement of Teeth
Table No. 3: Mean and Standard Deviation of Chronological Age (In Years) and Ages
Estimated by Cameriere Method in Total Study Group. Intraclass Correlation
Coefficient: Icc between Chronological Age and Cameriere Method
Methods N Min. Max. Mean Std. Diff t P
deviation value value
Chronological 25 9.83 5.07 16.00 9.83 2.38
age Range ± 2.83
±SD .05 0.352 0.728
Dental age Range 25 9.88 6.08 15.67 9.88 2.15
(Cameriere mean± ± 2.15 NS
method ) SD
HS=highly significant
0 5 10 15 20
Age by Cameriere Method
Table No. 4: Mean and Standard Deviation of Chronological Age and Ages Estimated by
Cameriere Method in Both Males and Females Group Separately
Gender N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Diff. t value p
Deviation value
Females 0.075
Chronological 11 7.14 16.00 10.11 2.53
age 0.32 1.985
Cameriere 11 7.50 15.67 10.43 2.33 NS
Chronological 14 5.07 13.29 9.60 2.33
age 0.16 0.665 0.517
Cameriere 14 6.08 12.33 9.45 1.98
Method NS
NS: Not significant
Interpretation of ICC
< 0.40 Poor agreement
.4 -- .75 Fair agreement
.75 -- .85 Good agreement
> 0.85 Excellent agreement
dependent Variable: Chronological age
Predictors: Constant, gender, cameriere
Model summary
Model R R2
1 0.954 0.910