Dermatology+Review 2015 BATCH SOLVED
Dermatology+Review 2015 BATCH SOLVED
Dermatology+Review 2015 BATCH SOLVED
• Smoothness:
– mammary papilla
– Palm,soles, side of the fingers and toes, nail beds,and certain areas adjacent
to mucosal surface,such as the glans penis
1. The epidermis may be divided into the following zones beginning with the
innermost layer:
1. Basal layer
2. Prickle layer
3. Granular layer
4. Stratum lucidum
5. Horny layer
2.The normal transit time or turn over time is days. (fill blank)
The normal transit time or turn over time is 28 days.
2. Antipyretic-analgesic drugs
4. Antigout (allopurinol)
5. What are the clinical features of allergic shock?What treatments are available for
allergic shock (long question)