Miniature Service Valve: Key Features
Miniature Service Valve: Key Features
Miniature Service Valve: Key Features
P/N: 1838-015
The Cobham miniature service valve (part Cobham has a family of service valves
number 1838-015) is ideally suited for small consisting of hundreds of designs. If this
satellite propulsion systems and other valve doesn’t meet your exact requirements,
applications where size, weight, cost, and we can offer a solution from our suite of
performance are critical. products or modify a design to fit your
exact needs.
This mini service valve provides high operating
pressures and exceptional leakage protection.
Weighing about 30 grams, the valve illustrates
our ability to design significant performance
into a small envelope at lower cost.
Key Features
• Small and lightweight
• Low cost 1.63
• Compatible with various fluids
.75 HEX
• Tight leakage performance (19.1)
Operating Pressure Up to 6,000 psig (414 bar)
Flow Capacity Up to 195 scfm GN2 (5,521 slpm)
Up to 577 scfm GHe (16,338 slpm)
.56 HEX .40
Weight 0.07 lbs max (32 grams max) (14.3) (10.2)
Carleton Technologies, Inc. is doing business as Cobham Mission Systems. The information contained in this brochure is given in good faith
and is intended for guidance only. It should not be used for specifications and no warranty is given or is implied with respect to such information.