Respondent, Seagate Technology is Whether or not Seagate Technology is
registered with the Philippine Export Zone entitled to the refund or issuance of Tax
Authority (PEZA) under Presidential Decree Credit Certificate in the amount of
No. 66, as amended, to engage in the P12,122,922.66 representing its unutilized
manufacture of recording components input VAT paid on capital goods purchased
primarily used in computers for export. Also for the period April 1, 1998 to June 30,
a VAT-registered entity, it filed VAT 1999.
returns for the period 1 April 1998 to 30
June 1999. However, on 4 October 1999 it RULING:
filed an administrative claim for refund of Yes, it is entitled to a refund of or credit for
VAT input taxes in the amount of input VAT. Respondent, as a PEZA-
P28,369,226.38 representing the value of the registered enterprise within a special
taxes of the capital goods and services it had economic zone, is entitled to the fiscal
purchased. This application for refund was incentives and benefits provided for in PD
not acted upon by the CIR on the ground 66. It shall also enjoy all privileges, benefits,
that Seagate failed to prove that it was advantages or exemptions under both
entitled to the refund/credit sought so the Republic Act Nos. (RA) 7227 and 7844.
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Digest for Tax 2
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Digest for Tax 2
goods or services, including the lease or use Under the cross-border principle of the
of property from a VAT-registered person. VAT system being enforced by the Bureau
of Internal Revenue (BIR), no VAT shall be
Destination Principle imposed to form part of the cost of goods
Under this principle, goods and services are destined for consumption outside of the
taxed only in the country where these are territorial border of the taxing authority. If
consumed. Thus, exports are zero-rated, but exports of goods and services from the
imports are taxed. Philippines to a foreign country are free of
the VAT, then the same rule holds for such
Distinction between Exempt exports from the national territory — except
Transaction and Exempt Party specifically declared areas — to an ecozone.
An exempt transaction involves goods or An ecozone — indubitably a geographical
services which, by their nature, are territory of the Philippines — is, however,
specifically listed in and expressly exempted regarded in law as foreign soil.
from the VAT under the Tax Code, without
regard to the tax status –VAT-exempt or not
— of the party to the transaction. Indeed,
such transaction is not subject to the VAT,
but the seller is not allowed any tax refund
of or credit for any input taxes paid.
An exempt party, on the other hand, is a
person or entity granted VAT exemption
under the Tax Code, a special law or an
international agreement to which the
Philippines is a signatory, and by virtue of
which its taxable transactions become
exempt from the VAT. Such party is also
not subject to the VAT, but may be allowed
a tax refund of or credit for input taxes paid,
depending on its registration as a VAT or
non-VAT taxpayer.
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