Nicol, Macfarlane-Dick - Formative Assessment and Self-Regulated Learning
Nicol, Macfarlane-Dick - Formative Assessment and Self-Regulated Learning
Nicol, Macfarlane-Dick - Formative Assessment and Self-Regulated Learning
To cite this article: David J. Nicol & Debra Macfarlane‐Dick (2006) Formative assessment and
self‐regulated learning: a model and seven principles of good feedback practice, Studies in Higher
Education, 31:2, 199-218, DOI: 10.1080/03075070600572090
The research on formative assessment and feedback is reinterpreted to show how these processes
can help students take control of their own learning, i.e. become self-regulated learners. This refor-
mulation is used to identify seven principles of good feedback practice that support self-regulation.
A key argument is that students are already assessing their own work and generating their own
feedback, and that higher education should build on this ability. The research underpinning each
feedback principle is presented, and some examples of easy-to-implement feedback strategies are
briefly described. This shift in focus, whereby students are seen as having a proactive rather than a
reactive role in generating and using feedback, has profound implications for the way in which
teachers organise assessments and support learning.
This article positions the research on formative assessment and feedback within a
model of self-regulated learning. Formative assessment refers to assessment that is
specifically intended to generate feedback on performance to improve and accelerate
learning (Sadler, 1998). A central argument is that, in higher education, formative
assessment and feedback should be used to empower students as self-regulated
learners. The construct of self-regulation refers to the degree to which students can
regulate aspects of their thinking, motivation and behaviour during learning (Pintrich
& Zusho, 2002). In practice, self-regulation is manifested in the active monitoring
and regulation of a number of different learning processes, e.g. the setting of, and
orientation towards, learning goals; the strategies used to achieve goals; the manage-
ment of resources; the effort exerted; reactions to external feedback; the products
*Corresponding author: Centre for Academic Practice, Graham Hills Building, University of
Strathclyde, 50 George Street, Glasgow G1 1QE, UK. Email: [email protected]
Intelligent self-regulation requires that the student has in mind some goals to be
achieved against which performance can be compared and assessed. In academic
settings, specific targets, criteria, standards and other external reference points (e.g.
exemplars) help define goals. Feedback is information about how the student’s
present state (of learning and performance) relates to these goals and standards.
Students generate internal feedback as they monitor their engagement with learning
activities and tasks, and assess progress towards goals. Those more effective at self-
regulation, however, produce better feedback or are more able to use the feedback
they generate to achieve their desired goals (Butler & Winne, 1995). Self-regulated
learners also actively interpret external feedback, for example, from teachers and
other students, in relation to their internal goals. Although research shows that
students can learn to be more self-regulated (see Pintrich, 1995; Zimmerman &
Schunk, 2001), how to enhance feedback (both self-generated and external) in
support of self-regulation has not been fully explored in the current literature. This
article helps to address this gap by proposing seven principles of good feedback
practice in relation to the development of self-regulation.
decoded and translated into action. Yet, there is strong evidence that feedback
messages are invariably complex and difficult to decipher, and that students require
opportunities to construct actively an understanding of them (e.g. through discus-
sion) before they can be used to regulate performance (Ivanic et al., 2000; Higgins
et al., 2001). Thirdly, viewing feedback as a cognitive process involving only transfer
of information ignores the way feedback interacts with motivation and beliefs.
Research shows that feedback both regulates and is regulated by motivational beliefs.
External feedback has been shown to influence how students feel about themselves
(positively or negatively), and what and how they learn (Dweck, 1999). Research also
shows (Garcia, 1995) that beliefs can regulate the effects of feedback messages (e.g.
perceptions of self-efficacy might be maintained by reinterpreting the causes of
failure). Fourthly, as a result of this transmission view of feedback, the workload of
teachers in higher education increases year by year as student numbers and class sizes
become larger. One way of addressing this issue is to re-examine the nature of
feedback, and who provides it (e.g. teacher, peer, self), in relation to its effectiveness
in supporting learning processes.
In the next section a conceptual model of formative assessment and feedback is
presented that centres on the processes inherent in learner self-regulation. A key
feature of the model that differentiates it from everyday understandings of feedback
is that students are assumed to occupy a central and active role in all feedback
processes. They are always actively involved in monitoring and regulating their own
performance, both in relation to desired goals and in terms of the strategies used to
reach these goals. The student also actively constructs his or her own understanding
of feedback messages derived from external sources (Black & Wiliam, 1998; Ivanic et
al., 2000). This is consistent with the literature on student-centred and social
constructivist conceptions of learning (Palinscar, 1998; Lea et al., 2003).
The conceptual model of self-regulation outlined in this article draws on earlier
work by Butler and Winne (1995). Their article stands out as one of the few available
to provide a theoretical synthesis of thinking about feedback and self-regulation.
Following a presentation of the conceptual model, seven principles of good feedback
practice are proposed; these are aligned to the model and backed up by a review of
the research literature on assessment and feedback. Relating the recent feedback
research to the conceptual model adds significant value to this area of study. First, the
model provides a coherent educational rationale to draw together some quite diverse
research findings on formative assessment and feedback. Second, the model and
seven principles offer complementary tools that teachers might use to think about the
design and evaluation of their own feedback procedures. In that context, after
describing each principle we identify some related feedback strategies that teachers
might easily implement.
published by Butler and Winne (1995). Processes internal to the learner are depicted
inside the shaded area. This shows how the learner monitors and regulates learning
and performance. It also shows the crucial role of internally generated feedback in
these processes. Pintrich and Zusho (2002) provide the following working definition
of self-regulation:
Self-regulated learning is an active constructive process whereby learners set goals for their
learning and monitor, regulate, and control their cognition, motivation, and behaviour,
guided and constrained by their goals and the contextual features of the environment. (p. 64)
This definition fits the purpose of this article in that it recognises that self-regulation
applies not just to cognition but also to motivational beliefs and overt behaviour. It
also recognises that there are limits to learner self-regulation; for example, the teacher
usually devises the learning task and determines the assessment requirements.
In the model, an academic task set by the teacher (A) in class, or set as an assign-
Figure 1. A model of self-regulated learning and the feedback principles that support and develop self-regulation in students
Figure 1. A model of self-regulated learning and the feedback principles that support and develop
self-regulation in students
204 D. J. Nicol and D. Macfarlane-Dick
constructed and internalised by the student if they were to have a significant influence
on subsequent learning (Ivanic et al., 2000).
The following sections provide the rationale for each principle in terms of the self-
regulation and the associated research literature. Specific strategies that teachers
can use to facilitate self-regulation are proposed after the presentation of each
Hence there is a need for strategies that complement written materials and simple
verbal explanations. An approach that has proved particularly powerful in clarifying
goals and standards has been to provide students with ‘exemplars’ of performance
(Orsmond et al., 2002). Exemplars are effective because they make explicit what is
Formative assessment and self-regulated learning 207
required, and they define a valid standard against which students can compare their
Other strategies that have proved effective in clarifying criteria, standards and goals
include: (i) providing better definitions of requirements using carefully constructed
criteria sheets and performance-level definitions; (ii) increasing discussion and reflec-
tion about criteria and standards in class (e.g. before an assignment); (iii) involving
students in assessment exercises where they mark or comment on other students’
work in relation to defined criteria and standards; (iv) workshops where students in
collaboration with the teacher devise or negotiate their own assessment criteria for a
piece of work. These strategies exemplify increasing levels of self-regulation.
convey to students an appropriate conception of the goal. This is not always the case.
For example, it has become common practice in recent years to devise feedback
sheets with assessment criteria, as a way of informing students about task require-
ments and of providing consistent feedback in relation to goals (where there are a
number of assessors). However, Sadler (1983) has argued that the use of criteria
sheets often has unwanted effects in relation to essay assessments: for example, if
there are a large number of criteria (12–20), this may convey to the student a concep-
tion of the essay as a list of things to be done (ticked off) rather than as a holistic
process (e.g. involving the production of a coherent argument supported by
evidence). So, as well as relating feedback to criteria and goals, teachers should also
be aware that the instruments they use to deliver feedback might adversely influence
students’ conceptions of the expected goals.
In the literature on essay assessment, some researchers have tried to formulate
guidelines regarding the quantity and tone of feedback comments that, when analy-
sed, show a close correspondence with the principle underlying the above definition
of feedback quality. For example, Lunsford (1997) examined the written feedback
comments given by writing experts on students’ essays. From his analysis he made
two proposals: firstly, that three well-thought-out feedback comments per essay was
the optimum if the expectation was that students would act on these comments; and
secondly, and more importantly, these comments should indicate to the student how
the reader (the teacher) experienced the essay as it was read (i.e. playing back to the
students how the essay worked), rather than offer judgemental comments. Such
comments would help the student grasp the difference between his or her intentions
(goals) and the effects of the writing. Lunsford also advises that the comments should
always be written in a non-authoritative tone, and where possible they should offer
corrective advice (both about the writing process as well as about content) instead of
just information about strengths and weaknesses. In relation to self-regulation,
Lunsford’s reader-response strategy supports the shift from feedback provided by the
teacher to students’ evaluating their own writing.
The literature on external feedback is undeveloped in terms of how teachers should
frame feedback comments, what kind of discourse should be used, how many
comments are appropriate and in what context they should be made. Much more
research is required in this area. One fruitful area of investigation is that currently
being conducted by Gibbs and Simpson (2004) on the relationship between feedback
and the time students spend on task. They have shown that if students receive feed-
back often and regularly, it enables better monitoring and self-regulation of progress
by students. Other research is investigating the strengths of alternative modes of feed-
back communication (e.g. audio feedback, computer feedback) and of alternative
ways of producing feedback information (e.g. poster productions where students get
feedback by comparing their work with that of other students) (Hounsell & McCune,
2003; Hounsell, 2004).
Further strategies that increase the quality of teacher feedback based on the
definition given above and on other research include: (i) making sure that feedback is
provided in relation to pre-defined criteria but paying particular attention to the
210 D. J. Nicol and D. Macfarlane-Dick
number of criteria; (ii) providing timely feedback—this means before it is too late for
students to change their work (i.e. before submission) rather than just, as the research
literature often suggests, soon after submission; (iii) providing corrective advice, not
just information on strengths/weaknesses; (iv) limiting the amount of feedback so that
it is actually used; (v) prioritising areas for improvement; (vi) providing online tests
so that feedback can be accessed anytime, any place and as many times as students
ways. Firstly, students who have just learned something are often better able than
teachers to explain it to their classmates in a language and in a way that is accessible.
Secondly, peer discussion exposes students to alternative perspectives on problems
and to alternative tactics and strategies. Alternative perspectives enable students to
revise or reject their initial hypothesis, and construct new knowledge and meaning
through negotiation. Thirdly, by commenting on the work of peers, students develop
detachment of judgement (about work in relation to standards), which is transferred
to the assessment of their own work (e.g. ‘I didn’t do that either’). Fourthly, peer
discussion can be motivational in that it encourages students to persist (see Boyle &
Nicol, 2003). Finally, it is sometimes easier for students to accept critiques of their
work from peers rather than tutors.
Dialogical feedback strategies that support self-regulation include: (i) providing
feedback using one-minute papers in class (see Angelo & Cross, 1993); (ii) reviewing
feedback in tutorials, where students are asked to read the feedback comments they
have been given earlier on an assignment, and discuss these with peers (they might
also be asked to suggest strategies to improve performance next time); (iii) asking
students to find one or two examples of feedback comments that they found useful
and to explain how they helped; (iv) having students give each other descriptive
feedback on their work in relation to published criteria before submission; (iv) group
projects, especially where students discuss criteria and standards before the project
efforts to improve (task-involvement). Feedback given as grades has also been shown
to have especially negative effects on the self-esteem of low-ability students (Craven
et al., 1991).
Dweck (1999) has interpreted these findings in terms of a developmental model
that differentiates students into those who believe that ability is fixed, and that there
is a limit to what they can achieve (the ‘entity view’), and those that believe that their
ability is malleable and depends on the effort that is input into a task (the ‘incremental
view’). These views affect how students respond to learning difficulties. Those with
an entity view (fixed) interpret failure as a reflection of their low ability, and are likely
to give up, whereas those with an incremental view (malleable) interpret this as a
challenge or an obstacle to be overcome, and increase their effort. Grant and Dweck
(2003) have confirmed the validity of this model within higher education, as have
Yorke and Knight (2004), who found that about one-third of a sample of 2269 under-
graduates students in first and final years, and across a range of disciplines, held
beliefs in fixed intelligence.
Although this is an underexplored area of research, there is evidence that teachers
can have a positive or negative effect on motivation and self-esteem. They can
influence both the goals that students set (learning or performance goals), as well as
their commitment to those goals. Praising effort and strategic behaviours, and
focusing students through feedback on learning goals, leads to higher achievement
than praising ability or intelligence. The latter can result in a learned-helplessness
orientation (Dweck, 1999). As Black and Wiliam (1998) note, feedback that draws
attention away from the task and towards self-esteem can have a negative effect on
attitudes and performance. In other words, it is important that students understand
that feedback is an evaluation, not of the person but of the performance in context.
This holds true whether the feedback derives from an external source or is generated
through self-assessment.
These studies on motivation and self-esteem are important—they help explain why
students often fail to self-regulate. In terms of teaching practice they suggest that
motivation and self-esteem are more likely to be enhanced when a course has many
low-stakes assessment tasks, with feedback geared to providing information about
progress and achievement, rather than high-stakes summative assessment tasks where
information is only about success or failure, or about how students compare with their
peers (e.g. grades). Other strategies that help encourage high levels of motivation and
self-esteem include: (i) providing marks on written work only after students have
responded to feedback comments (Gibbs, 1999); (ii) allocating time for students to
rewrite selected pieces of work—this would help change students’ expectations about
purpose and learning goals; (iii) automated testing with feedback; (iv) drafts and
6. Provides opportunities to close the gap between current and desired performance
So far, feedback has been discussed from a cognitive or informational perspective,
and from a motivational perspective. However, in terms of self-regulation we must
Formative assessment and self-regulated learning 213
also consider how feedback influences behaviour and the academic work that is
produced. According to Yorke (2003), two questions might be asked regarding
external feedback. First, is the feedback of the best quality, and second, does it lead
to changes in student behaviour? Many writers have focused on the first question, but
the second is equally important. External feedback provides an opportunity to close
a gap between current performance and the performance expected by the teacher. As
Boud notes:
The only way to tell if learning results from feedback is for students to make some kind of
response to complete the feedback loop (Sadler, 1989). This is one of the most often
forgotten aspects of formative assessment. Unless students are able to use the feedback to
produce improved work, through for example, re-doing the same assignment, neither they
nor those giving the feedback will know that it has been effective. (Boud, 2000, p. 158)
In the self-regulation model (Figure 1), Boud’s arguments about closing the perfor-
mance gap might be viewed in two ways. First, closing the gap is about supporting
students while engaged in the act of production of a piece of work (e.g. essays, presen-
tations). Second, it is about providing opportunities to repeat the same ‘task-perfor-
mance–external feedback cycle’ by, for example, allowing resubmission. External
feedback should support both processes: it should help students to recognise the next
steps in learning and how to take them, both during production and in relation to the
next assignment.
Supporting the act of production requires the generation of concurrent or intrinsic
feedback that students can interact with while engaged in an assessment task. This
feedback would normally be built into the task (e.g. a group task with peer interac-
tion, or a computer simulation), or the task might be broken down into components
each associated with its own feedback. Many forms of electronic feedback (e.g. online
simulations) can be automatically generated to support task engagement (Bull &
McKenna, 2004). Providing feedback at sub-task level is not significantly different
from other forms of feedback described in this article.
In higher education, most students have little opportunity to use directly the
feedback they receive to close the performance gap, especially in the case of planned
assignments. Invariably they move on to the next assessment task soon after feed-
back is received. While not all work can be resubmitted, many writers argue that
resubmissions should play a more prominent role in learning (Boud, 2000). Also,
greater emphasis might need to be given to providing feedback on work-in-progress
(e.g. on structures for essays, plans for reports, sketches) and to encouraging
students to plan the strategies they might use to improve subsequent work
(Hounsell, 2004).
The following are some specific strategies to help students use external feedback to
regulate and close the performance gap: (i) provide feedback on work in progress and
increase opportunities for resubmission; (ii) introduce two-stage assignments where
feedback on stage one helps improve stage two (Gibbs, 2004); (iii) teachers might
model the strategies they would use to close a performance gap in class (e.g. model
how to structure an essay when given a new question); (iv) specifically provide some
214 D. J. Nicol and D. Macfarlane-Dick
‘action points’ alongside the normal feedback provision; (v) involve students in
groups in identifying their own action points in class after they have read the feedback
on their assignments. The latter strategy would integrate feedback into the teaching
and learning process, and involve the students more actively in the generation and
planned use of feedback.
7. Provides information to teachers that can be used to help shape the teaching
Good feedback practice is not only about providing accessible and usable information
that helps students improve their learning, but it is also about providing good infor-
mation to teachers. As Yorke (2003, p. 482) notes:
The act of assessing has an effect on the assessor as well as the student. Assessors learn
about the extent to which they [students] have developed expertise and can tailor their
teaching accordingly.
In order to produce feedback that is relevant and informative and meets students’
needs, teachers themselves need good data about how students are progressing. They
also need to be involved in reviewing and reflecting on this data, and in taking action
to help support the development of self-regulation in their students.
In the self-regulation model (Figure 1) information about students only becomes
available when the learning outcomes are translated into public performances and
products. Teachers help generate this public information about students through a
variety of methods—by setting assessment tasks, by questioning of students in class
and by observing behaviour (e.g. presentations). Such information helps teachers
uncover student difficulties with subject matter (e.g. conceptual misunderstandings)
and study methods.
Frequent assessment tasks, especially diagnostic tests, can help teachers generate
cumulative information about students’ levels of understanding and skill, so that they
can adapt their teaching accordingly. This is one of the key ideas behind the work in
the USA of Angelo and Cross (1993). They have shown how teachers can gain regu-
lar feedback information about student learning within large classes by using variants
of the one-minute paper—questions that are posed to students before a teaching
session begins, and responded to at the end of the session (e.g. What was the most
important argument in this lecture? What question remains uppermost in your mind
now at the end of this teaching session?). These strategies can be adapted to any class-
room situation or discipline. Moreover, they help develop in students important
meta-cognitive skills such as the ability to think holistically and to identify gaps in
understanding (Steadman, 1998).
As well as giving feedback to the teacher, one-minute papers can also be used to
provide feedback to the student (e.g. when teachers replay some of the student
responses to the one-minute paper in class at the next teaching session). Indeed, this
approach allows teachers and students to share, on a regular basis, their conceptions
about both the goals and processes of learning (Stefani & Nicol, 1997), thus
supporting academic self-regulation.
Formative assessment and self-regulated learning 215
Other strategies available to teachers to help generate and collate quality informa-
tion about student learning include: (i) having students request the feedback they
would like when they make an assignment submission (e.g. on a pro forma with
published criteria); (ii) having students identify where they are having difficulties
when they hand in assessed work; (iii) asking students in groups to identify ‘a question
worth asking’, based on prior study, that they would like to explore for a short time
at the beginning of the next tutorial.
We would like to thank David Boud (University of Technology, Sydney, Australia)
and Graham Gibbs (Oxford University, UK) for feedback on a draft of this article.
We would also like to thank the Learning and Teaching Support Network (now the
Higher Education Academy, UK) for funding the Student Enhanced Learning
through Effective Feedback (SENLEF) project which led us to review the assessment
literature, and our SENLEF project colleagues, Charles Juwah, Bob Matthew, David
Ross and Brenda Smith, for their input.
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