Contemporary Challenges of Leadership
Contemporary Challenges of Leadership
Contemporary Challenges of Leadership
According to an article published in Forbes 2016, the leadership challenge for 2016
will continue to be the pace of global change and the rate at which technology is
updated. The two are a cruelly matched pair that will forever challenge any leader's
judgment and decision-making
Challenges emerge from the changing business environment in which leaders function
Disposable income and spending power have increased greatly for Generation Y. It's
imperative to understand the emotional and intellectual essentials of your customers
better than anyone else, and then motivate your organization to deliver innovative,
relevant products and solutions that meet [customers'] needs. Spending quality time
(eg. through the use of social media) with your customers to let their voices drive
progress and inform changes within your organization
Information and choice available to the workforce: to attract and retain
top talent to your organization requires healthy collaborative culture and
leadership, as these aspects cannot be hidden from potential employees owing to
websites like Glassdoor and Rate My Employer. Also, today’s employees are
more autonomous and are driven by intrinsic factors more than
extrinsic ones.
Butler and Rose, (2011) Globalization poses challenges to manage the diversity of
Theories of leadership did not take “culture” into account. They were only focused on
leader behavior and styles, and matching it with the situational context.
Sample: project GLOBE conducted over 10,000 middle managers from over 60
Results: Identified around 100 attributes on the basis of which followers categorize
their leaders. These attributes fall under 21 different culturally endorsed leadership
prototypes, such as INTEGRITY (trustworthiness), CHARISMA (eg., visionary,
inspirational), TEAM INTEGRATING (eg, communicative), SELF PROTECTIVE
(loner, asocial), MALEVOLENT (non-cooperative), AUTOCRATIC (eg., dictatorial).
The idea that leadership is merely an attribution that people make about other
Qualities Attributed to Leaders:
- Leaders are intelligent, outgoing, have strong verbal skills, are aggressive,
understanding, and industrious.
- Group cohesiveness
- Inflexible rules
- Organizational rewards not
under leader control
Characteristics of TASKS - Routine/repititive tasks,
- Satisfying tasks
Characteristics of SUBORDINATES - Ability, job related knowledge
- Experience
- Training
Some argue that sometimes leaders are not even needed! Sometimes individual,
job, and organizational variables can act as substitutes for leadership or
neutralize the leader's effect to influence followers (ex = a highly structured
Visionary Leadership
The ability to create and articulate a realistic, credible, attractive vision of the
future for an organization or organizational unit that grows out of and improves
upon the present.
The ability to explain the vision to others, the ability to express the vision not
just verbally but through the leader’s behavior, and the ability to extend the
vision to different leadership contexts.
Emotional Conservation
There is more to EFFECTIVE leadership than just achieving organizational
goals. What these goals are and what are the means to attaining those goals
are two different things. This is the domain of ethical leadership: concerned
with kinds of morals and values organizations and their leaders find
desirable or appropriate (Brown and Trevino, 2006)
Two ways of looking at this issue:
- Philosophical approach: which values/morals to be considered ethical,
which is not. A focus is on ethical decision making.
- Social scientific approach: clarifies who is more likely to become an ethical
leader, and how organizations and leaders ensure that people behave
ethically. ESTABLISHING a climate of ethics (organizations’ policies,
procedures and actual practices with regard to ethically correct behaviors) is
The lack of face-to-face contact in electronic communications removes the nonverbal cues that
support verbal interactions.
There is no supporting context to assist the receiver with interpretation of an electronic
An individual’s verbal and written communications may not follow the same style.
Digital Fluency
Where new digital technologies like social media, mobile, and analytics are advancing rapidly on the
economic scales, digital fluency of leaders acts as a differentiator. Digital fluency refers to the state
of being at ease with digital technologies, demonstrating the technical, social, legal, and moral
understanding that enables individuals to be successful and safe in a digital world.