Teori Ekonomi Moneter: WWW - Debrina.lecture - Ub.ac - Id
Teori Ekonomi Moneter: WWW - Debrina.lecture - Ub.ac - Id
Teori Ekonomi Moneter: WWW - Debrina.lecture - Ub.ac - Id
Ekonomi Moneter
By :
Debrina Puspita Andriani, ST., M.Eng
15 Teknik Industri, Universitas Brawijaya
e-mail : [email protected]
An Overview of Money
• Money
Any asset that is widely accepted for
purpuses of exchange, i.e. as payment for
goods and services
As a store of value,
money serves as an asset that can be
used to transport purchasing power from
one time period to another.
What is Money?
How about