Economics of Gold Price Movement-Forecasting Analysis Using Macro-Economic, Investor Fear and Investor Behavior Features

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Economics of Gold Price Movement-Forecasting

Analysis Using Macro-economic, Investor Fear

and Investor Behavior Features

Jatin Kumar1 , Tushar Rao2 , and Saket Srivastava1

Netaji Subhas Institute of Technology- Delhi
{saket,jatin09021}, [email protected]

Abstract. Recent works have shown that besides fundamental factors

like interest rate, inflation index and foreign exchange rates, behavioral
factors like consumer sentiments and global economic stability play an
important role in driving gold prices at shorter time resolutions. In this
work we have done comprehensive modeling of price movements of gold,
using three feature sets, namely- macroeconomic factors (using CPI in-
dex and foreign exchange rates), investor fear features (using US Econ-
omy Stress Index and gold ETF Volatility Index) and investor behavior
features (using the sentiment of Twitter feeds and web search volume
index from Google Search Volume Index). Our results bring insights like
high correlation (upto 0.92 for CPI) between various features, which is
a significant improvement over earlier works. Using Grangers causality
analysis, we have validated that the movement in gold price is greatly
affected in the short term by some features, consistently over a five week
lag. Finally, we implemented forecasting techniques like expert model
mining system (EMMS) and binary SVM classifier to demonstrate fore-
casting performance using different features.

Keywords: Gold, Twitter, SVI, Stress Index, VIX, Forex rates.

1 Introduction

Most of the academic or industrial work on gold prices make use of only fun-
damental macro-economic factors without taking into account the investor per-
ceptions and sentiments towards gold and economy in general. We analyze the
gold prices using three types of factors- macro-economic factors, factors depict-
ing level of economic stability or investor fear features and the investor behavior
features that we get from Twitter and Search Volume Index (Google SVI). We
apply techniques like pearson correlation, cross-correlation at different time lags
and Grangers causality analysis for establishing a causative relationship between
the gold prices and the above mentioned features. Further, we use forecasting
techniques like EMMS and SVM to predict gold prices and the direction of its
movement. To the best of our knowledge, there is no earlier work that deals

S. Srinivasa and V. Bhatnagar (Eds.): BDA 2012, LNCS 7678, pp. 111–121, 2012.

c Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012
112 J. Kumar, T. Rao, and S. Srivastava

with the comprehensive comparison between the investor perception and senti-
ment with macro-economic factors [5, 8–10]. This paper marks a novel step in
the direction of analyzing the effect of gold prices on macro-economic factors in
combination with investor’s perception or behavior. Using the macro-economic
factors, we try to establish a long-term pattern of these factors with the gold
prices, while we use Twitter feed data, Google SVI or gold ETF volatility index
to study the short-term fluctuations in gold prices.
Figure 1 summarizes the work flow of the paper. In section 2 we present data
collection and prior processing, defining the terminologies used in the market
securities. Further, in section 3 we present the statistical techniques implemented
and subsequently discuss the derived results.

Fig. 1. Work flow of the techniques implemented in this research work

2 Dataset Preparation and Mining

We have made use of spot gold price data from World gold Council at two levels
of analysis- monthly for macroeconomic and investor fear features and weekly
for investor behavior features 1 . Further, in this section we discuss the collection
and processing of the time series data used in this work.

2.1 Macro-economic Factors

We use monthly time series for the macroeconomic factors - Consumer Price
Index (CPI) and forex rates of USD with major currencies. Time period of
analysis in this features set is from January 1st 2003 to January 1st 2012. This
time period corresponds to one of the robust changes in the economy, including
meteoric rise in 2004 and recession in 2008 due to sub-prime mortgage crisis.
This provides us more confidence in the causative relations and the conclusions
drawn from the statistical results. The CPI in the United States is defined by
the Bureau of Labor Statistics as ”a measure of the average change over time

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