Python, Install PIP
Python, Install PIP
Python, Install PIP
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How to Install Python PIP on Windows, Mac, and Linux
Just like any serious programming language, Python supports third-party libraries and
frameworks that you can install to avoid reinventing the wheel with every new project. If
you want to use them you can find these Python libraries on a central repository called
the Python Package Index (PyPI.
Downloading, installing, and managing these packages by hand can be frustrating and
time-consuming. This is why many Python developers rely on a special tool called PIP for
Python (or Python PIP to make everything much easier and faster.
If you've ever done any command-line work on Windows (with the Command Prompt) or
Mac or Linux (with the Terminal and Bash), then you can skip down to the installation
instructions for your particular operating system.
If you're using Python 2.7.9 (or greater) or Python 3.4 (or greater), then PIP comes
installed with Python by default. If you're using an older version of Python, you'll need to
use the installation steps below. Otherwise, skip to the bottom to learn how to start using
If you're running Python in a virtual environment created with either virtualenv or pyvenv,
then PIP will be available regardless of the Python version.
Then type:
python --version
python3 --version
If you get a version number (e.g. "Python 2.7.5") then Python is ready to go.
If you get a "Python is not defined" message, then you'll have to first install Python
properly. That's beyond the scope of this article. The Python site has some detailed
instructions for installation.
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How to Install Python PIP on Windows, Mac, and Linux
These instructions should work on Windows 7, Windows 8.1, and Windows 10
Download the installer script. If you're on Python 3.2, you'll need this
version of instead. Either way, right-click on the link and select Save As...
and save it to any safe location, such as your Downloads folder.
Open the Command Prompt and navigate to the file.
Run the following command: python
If you want to use the native system Python installation but don't have PIP available, you
can install PIP with the following command in Terminal:
If you'd rather install a more up-to-date version of Python, then you can use Homebrew.
Don't know what that is? Learn more about installing software with Homebrew on Mac.
These instructions will assume you already have Homebrew installed and ready to go.
This will install the latest version of Python, which should come packaged with PIP. If the
installation is successful but PIP is unavailable, you may need to re-link Python using the
following Terminal command:
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How to Install Python PIP on Windows, Mac, and Linux
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How to Install Python PIP on Windows, Mac, and Linux
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How to Install Python PIP on Windows, Mac, and Linux
another operating system, such as Ubuntu. If that is the case you should look at the
Linux instructions.
Starting with Raspbian Jessie, PIP comes installed by default. It's one of the big reasons to
upgrade to Raspbian Jessie instead of sticking with Raspbian Wheezy or Raspbian Jessie
Lite. However, if you're on an older version of Raspbian, you can still install PIP.
On Python 2.x:
On Python 3.x:
With Raspbian, Python 2.x users should use pip while Python 3.x users should use pip3
when issuing PIP commands.
On Windows:
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How to Install Python PIP on Windows, Mac, and Linux
On certain versions of Linux and Raspberry Pi, you may need to use pip3 instead.
pip list
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How to Install Python PIP on Windows, Mac, and Linux
Note that older versions of a package are automatically removed by PIP when upgrading
to a newer version of that package.
If you're still a beginner, check out these these best websites to learn Python
programming or our guide on how to build a basic web crawler.
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How to Install Python PIP on Windows, Mac, and Linux
Anthony Grant
41 Articles Published)
Anthony Grant is a freelance writer covering Programming and Software. He's a Computer Science major dabbling in
programming, Excel, software, and technology.
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How to Install Python PIP on Windows, Mac, and Linux
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How to Install Python PIP on Windows, Mac, and Linux
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How to Install Python PIP on Windows, Mac, and Linux
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How to Install Python PIP on Windows, Mac, and Linux
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How to Install Python PIP on Windows, Mac, and Linux
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How to Install Python PIP on Windows, Mac, and Linux
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How to Install Python PIP on Windows, Mac, and Linux
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How to Install Python PIP on Windows, Mac, and Linux
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