Wifi Pisher

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Wifiphisher is a rogue Access Point framework for conducting red team engagements or
Wi-Fi security testing. Using Wifiphisher, penetration testers can easily achieve a
man-in-the-middle position against wireless clients by performing targeted Wi-Fi
association attacks. Wifiphisher can be further used to mount victim-customized web
phishing attacks against the connected clients in order to capture credentials (e.g.
from third party login pages or WPA/WPA2 Pre-Shared Keys) or infect the victim
stations with malwares.

Wifiphisher is...

...powerful. Wifiphisher can run for hours inside a Raspberry Pi device executing
all modern Wi-Fi association techniques (including "Evil Twin", "KARMA" and "Known

...flexible. Supports dozens of arguments and comes with a set of community-driven

phishing templates for different deployment scenarios.

...modular. Users can write simple or complicated modules in Python to expand the
functionality of the tool or create custom phishing scenarios in order to conduct
specific target-oriented attacks.

...easy to use. Advanced users can utilize the rich set of features that Wifiphisher
offers but beginners may start out as simply as "./bin/wifiphisher". The interactive
Textual User Interface guides the tester through the build process of the attack.

...the result of an extensive research. Attacks like "Known Beacons" and "Lure10" as
well as state-of-the-art phishing techniques, were disclosed by our developers, and
Wifiphisher was the first tool to incorporate them.

...supported by an awesome community of developers and users.

...free. Wifiphisher is available for free download, and also comes with full source
code that you may study, change, or distribute under the terms of the GPLv3 license.

How it works
Wi-Fi phishing consists of two steps:

The first step involves the process of associating with Wi-Fi clients unknowingly,
or in other words, obtaining a man-in-the-middle (MITM) position. Wifiphisher uses a
number of different techniques to achieve this including:

Evil Twin, where Wifiphisher creates a fake wireless network that looks similar to a
legitimate network.
KARMA, where Wifiphisher masquerades as a public network searched for by nearby
Wi-Fi clients.
Known Beacons, where Wifiphisher broadcasts a dictionary of common ESSIDs, that the
around wireless stations have likely connected to in the past.
At the same time, Wifiphisher keeps forging “Deauthenticate” or “Disassociate”
packets to disrupt existing associations and eventually lure victims using the above

Performing MiTM attack

(Optionally) There are a number of different attacks that can be carried out once
Wifiphisher grants the penetration tester with a man-in-the-middle position. For
example, the tester may perform data sniffing or scan the victim stations for

Using Wifiphisher, advanced web phishing techniques are possible by gathering

information from the target environment and victim user. For example, in one of our
scenarios, Wifiphisher will extract information from the broadcasted beacon frames
and the HTTP User-Agent header to display a web-based imitation of Windows network
manager in order to capture the Pre-Shared Key.

Fake web-based network manager

Following are the requirements for getting the most out of Wifiphisher:

A working Linux system. People have made Wifiphisher work on many distros, but Kali
Linux is the officially supported distribution, thus all new features are primarily
tested on this platform.
One wireless network adapter that supports AP & Monitor mode and is capable of
injection. Drivers should support netlink.
To install the latest development version type the following commands:

git clone https://github.com/wifiphisher/wifiphisher.git # Download the latest

cd wifiphisher # Switch to tool's directory
sudo python setup.py install # Install any dependencies
Alternatively, you can download the latest stable version from the Releases page.

Run the tool by typing wifiphisher or python bin/wifiphisher (from inside the tool's

By running the tool without any options, it will find the right interfaces and
interactively ask the user to pick the ESSID of the target network (out of a list
with all the ESSIDs in the around area) as well as a phishing scenario to perform.
By default, the tool will perform both Evil Twin and KARMA attacks.

wifiphisher -aI wlan0 -jI wlan4 -p firmware-upgrade --handshake-capture

Use wlan0 for spawning the rogue Access Point and wlan4 for DoS attacks. Select the
target network manually from the list and perform the "Firmware Upgrade" scenario.
Verify that the captured Pre-Shared Key is correct by checking it against the
handshake in the handshake.pcap file.

Useful for manually selecting the wireless adapters. The "Firmware Upgrade" scenario
is an easy way for obtaining the PSK from a password-protected network.

wifiphisher --essid CONFERENCE_WIFI -p plugin_update -pK s3cr3tp4ssw0rd

Automatically pick the right interfaces. Target the Wi-Fi with ESSID
"CONFERENCE_WIFI" and perform the "Plugin Update" scenario. The Evil Twin will be
password-protected with PSK "s3cr3tp4ssw0rd".

Useful against networks with disclosed PSKs (e.g. in conferences). The "Plugin
Update" scenario provides an easy way for getting the victims to download malicious
executables (e.g. malwares containing a reverse shell payload).

wifiphisher --essid "FREE WI-FI" -p oauth-login -kB

Simply spawn an open Wi-Fi network with ESSID "FREE WI-FI" and perform the "OAuth
Login" scenario. Furthermore, mount the "Known Beacons" Wi-Fi automatic association

Useful against victims in public areas. The "OAuth Login" scenario provides a simple
way for capturing credentials from social networks, like Facebook.

Following are all the options along with their descriptions (also available with
wifiphisher -h):

Short form Long form Explanation

-h --help show this help message and exit
-i INTERFACE --interface INTERFACE Manually choose an interface that supports
both AP and monitor modes for spawning the rogue AP as well as mounting additional
Wi-Fi attacks from Extensions (i.e. deauth). Example: -i wlan1
choose an interface that supports monitor mode for running the extensions. Example:
-eI wlan1
-aI APINTERFACE --apinterface APINTERFACE Manually choose an interface that
supports AP mode for spawning an AP. Example: -aI wlan0
-pI INTERFACE --protectinterface INTERFACE Specify one or more interfaces that
will have their connection protected from being managed by NetworkManager.
-kN --keepnetworkmanager Do not kill NetworkManager.
-nE --noextensions Do not load any extensions.
-e ESSID --essid ESSID Enter the ESSID of the rogue Access Point. This
option will skip Access Point selection phase. Example: --essid 'Free WiFi'
Search for phishing pages in this location
-p PHISHINGSCENARIO --phishingscenario PHISHINGSCENARIO Choose the phishing
scenario to run.This option will skip the scenario selection phase. Example: -p
-pK PRESHAREDKEY --presharedkey PRESHAREDKEY Add WPA/WPA2 protection on
the rogue Access Point. Example: -pK s3cr3tp4ssw0rd
-qS --quitonsuccess Stop the script after successfully retrieving one pair of
-lC --lure10-capture Capture the BSSIDs of the APs that are discovered
during AP selection phase. This option is part of Lure10 attack.
-lE LURE10_EXPLOIT --lure10-exploit LURE10_EXPLOIT Fool the Windows Location
Service of nearby Windows users to believe it is within an area that was previously
captured with --lure10-capture. Part of the Lure10 attack.
-iAM --mac-ap-interface Specify the MAC address of the AP interface.
Example: -iAM 38:EC:11:00:00:00
-iEM --mac-extensions-interface Specify the MAC address of the extensions
interface. Example: -iEM E8:2A:EA:00:00:00
-iNM --no-mac-randomization Do not change any MAC address.
-hC --handshake-capture Capture of the WPA/WPA2 handshakes for verifying
passphrase. Example: -hC capture.pcap
-dE ESSID --deauth-essid ESSID Deauth all the BSSIDs in the WLAN with that
-dC CHANNELS --deauth-channels CHANNELS Channels to deauth. Example:
--deauth-channels 1,3,7
--logging Enable logging. Output will be saved to wifiphisher.log file.
-lP LOGPATH --logpath LOGPATH Determine the full path of the logfile.
-cP CREDENTIAL_LOG_PATH --credential-log-path CREDENTIAL_LOG_PATH Determine
the full path of the file that will store any captured credentials
-cM --channel-monitor Monitor if the target access point changes the
--payload-path Enable the payload path. Intended for use with scenarios that serve
-wP --wps-pbc Monitor if the button on a WPS-PBC Registrar side is
-wAI --wpspbc-assoc-interface The WLAN interface used for associating to
the WPS AccessPoint.
-kB --known-beacons Perform the known beacons Wi-Fi automatic association
-fH --force-hostapd Force the usage of hostapd installed in the system.
--dnsmasq-conf DNSMASQ_CONF Determine the full path of dnmasq.conf file.
-dK --disable-karma Disables KARMA attack.
-pE --phishing-essid Determine the ESSID you want to use for the phishing

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