2436 24x36 Lippmann Jaw-Crusher-Insert

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• Heavy-duty, oversized heat treated shafts forged of
special alloy to handle overloads and hard material.
• Radial thrust tapered roller bearings, the best design
for absorbing and withstanding shock, radial and
thrust loads.
• Longer jaw length to provide increased crushing area,
steeper nip angle and increased capacity.
• Curved jaw dies to provide non-choking crushing
action, reversible for increased wear.
• Rugged frame with heavy-ribbed steel plate
construction at stress points, stress-relieved by
heat treating before machining.
Inside contact surfaces are fully machined.
• Lubrication easily checked. Positive oil-level gauges
assure correct lubrication of bearings.
• Protected pitman hub with rock ribs reduce wear due.
• Cheek plates are one-piece or two-piece for easy
• Positive setting adjustment shims provide
easy change of discharge opening with aid
of hydraulic pumps.
• Extension wedges hold jaw dies rigidly across
full width.
• Dynamically balanced flywheels reduce vibration.
• Toggle plate is set at an optimum angle for
maximum crushing.


Jaw E.HP RPM Hydraulic toggle or Manual toggle plate option Manual toggle plate option only
Gape x Width Closed Side Setting (CSS) inches [mm]
inches 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 6 7 8 10 12 14
[mm] [51] [64] [77] [89] [102] [115] [127] [153] [178] [204] [254] [305] [356]
22 x 42 107-136 134-164 166-194 194-223 223-278 251-302 278-333 334-390 389-444 444-510
125 275
[560 x 1070] [97-123] [122-149] [151-176] [176-202] [202-252] [228-274] [252-302] [303-354] [353-403] [403-463]
22 x 48 127-159 159-191 191-223 223-254 254-317 281-349 317-381 382-445 444-507 509-571
150 275
[560 x 1220] [115-144] [144-173] [173-202] [202-230] [230-288] [255-317] [288-346] [347-404] [403-460] [462-518]
24 x 36 127-153 153-170 179-204 204-254 231-282 254-306 305-355 354-408 407-462 508-584
100 275
[610 x 920] [115-139] [139-154] [162-185] [185-230] [210-256] [230-278] [277-322] [321-370] [369-419] [461-530]
24 x 50 166-184 205-229 231-256 261-288 294-325 326-361 386-425 451-518 513-588
150 275
[610 x 1270] [151-167] [186-208] [210-232] [237-261] [267-295] [296-327] [350-386] [409-470] [465-533]
30 x 42 220-248 248-278 278-344 301-366 344-410 441-477 476-542 542-675 675-811 807-948
200 230
[770 x 1070] [200-225] [225-252] [252-312] [273-332] [312-372] [400-433] [432-492] [492-612] [612-736] [732-860]
30 x 48 226-259 259-303 303-378 339-417 378-454 455-531 594-659 659-755
200 230
[770 x 1220] [205-235] [235-275] [275-343] [308-378] [343-412] [413-482] [539-598] [598-685]
30 x 62 220-243 280-309 337-375 399-421 420-463 491-541 570-628 650-717 799-882
200 220
[770 x 1580] [200-220] [254-280] [306-340] [362-382] [381-420] [445-491] [517-570] [590-650] [725-800]
32 x 52 226-259 259-303 303-378 339-417 378-454 455-531 594-659 659-755
200 230
[820 x 1330] [205-235] [235-275] [275-343] [308-378] [343-412] [413-482] [539-598] [598-685]
36 x 50 342-375 375-468 421-527 468-573 573-661 661-750 750-926 927-1136 1135-1246 1177-1316
250 220
[920 x 1270] [310-340] [340-425] [382-478] [425-520] [520-600] [600-680] [680-840] [841-1031] [1030-1130] [1068-1194]
38 x 62 372-424 408-468 459-527 510-586 624-713 720-823 816-936 1008-1149 1236-1397 1356-1559
250/300 210
[970 x 1580] [337-385] [370-425] [416-478] [463-532] [566-647] [653-747] [740-849] [914-1042] [1121-1267] [1230-1414]
42 x 48 386-489 441-550 489-595 599-689 688-780 788-966 966-1177 1069-1178 1176-1309
250 210
[1070 x 1220] [350-444] [400-499] [444-540] [543-625] [624-708] [715-876] [876-1068] [970-1069] [1067-1188]
48 x 50 464-578 514-625 629-724 723-819 828-1015 1015-1237 1123-1237 1235-1375
250 210
[1220 x 1270] [421-524] [466-567] [571-657] [656-743] [751-921] [921-1122] [1019-1122] [1120-1247]
50 x 62 600-650 700-775 850-915 980-1088 1199-1301 1400-1499 1599-1700
300/350 190
[1270 x 1580] [544-590] [635-703] [771-830] [889-987] [1088-1180] [1270-1360] [1451-1542]




D F* G*
15x24 12x36 12x48 12x60 15x36 20x36 24x36 22x42 30x42 22x48 30x48 36x50 42x48 24x50 30x62 38x62 50x62
in. 36 48 48 54 48 48 48 48 60 48 60 60 68 48 60 68 87
mm 914.4 1219.2 1219.2 1371.6 1219.2 1219.2 1219.2 1219.2 1524.0 1219.2 1524.0 1524.0 1727.2 1219.2 1524.0 1727.2 2209.8
in. 9 12 3/8 14 3/8 11 1/4 12 3/8 12 3/8 14 3/8 14 3/8 16 1/4 14 3/8 16 1/4 16 1/4 21 14 3/8 16 1/4 21 14
mm 228.6 314.3 365.1 285.8 314.3 314.3 365.1 365.1 412.8 365.1 412.8 412.8 533.4 365.1 412.8 533.4 355.6
in. 72 1/2 84 92 3/4 104 86 76 7/8 79 3/4 85 3/4 94 7/8 91 3/4 98 101 1/2 111 1/4 91 3/4 110 121 3/4 123
mm 1841.5 2133.6 2355.9 2641.6 2184.4 1952.6 2025.7 2178.1 2409.8 2330.5 2489.2 2578.1 2825.8 2330.5 2794.0 3092.5 3124.2
in. 24 36 48 60 36 36 36 42 42 48 48 50 48 50 62 62 62
mm 609.6 914.4 1219.2 1524 914.4 914.4 914.4 1066.8 1066.8 1219.2 1219.2 1270 1219.2 1270 1574.8 1574.8 1574.8
in. 15 12 12 12 15 20 24 22 30 22 30 36 42 24 30 38 50
mm 381 304.8 304.8 304.8 381 508 609.6 558.8 762 558.8 762 914.4 1066.8 609.6 762 965.2 1270
in. 35 47 62 74 46.5 47 46 54 58 60 61 63 61 60 73 73 77
mm 889.0 1193.8 1574.8 1879.6 1181.1 1193.8 1168.4 1371.6 1473.2 1524.0 1549.4 1600.2 1549.4 1524.0 1854.2 1854.2 1955.8
in. 47 49 54 3/4 56 3/4 54 3/4 61 3/4 65 3/4 70 1/4 91 1/4 72 84 103 114 72 92 103 136 5/8
mm 1193.8 1244.6 1390.7 1441.5 1390.7 1568.5 1670.1 1784.4 2317.8 1828.8 2133.6 2616.2 2895.6 1828.8 2336.8 2616.2 3470.3
in. 34 7/8 37 37 37 43 46.75 61 55.5 79 1/2 55 1/2 70 82 107 55 1/2 63 1/2 82 119 3/8
mm 885.8 939.8 939.8 939.8 1092.2 1187.5 1549.4 1409.7 2019.3 1409.7 1778.0 2082.8 2717.8 1409.7 1612.9 2082.8 3032.1
in. 58 3/8 65 68 1/4 68 1/4 71 75 91 1/2 84 1/4 116 84 1/4 105 119 147 1/2 84 1/4 98 2/3 123 174 1/8
mm 1482.7 1651.0 1733.6 1733.6 1803.4 1905.0 2324.1 2140.0 2946.4 2140.0 2667.0 3022.6 3746.5 2140.0 2506.7 3124.2 4422.8
MOUNTING in. 1 1/2 1 1/2 1 1/2 1 1/2 1 1/2 1 1/2 1 1/2 1 5/8 2 1 1/2 2 2 2 1 1/2 2 2 2 1/2
BOLT DIA. mm 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 41 51 38 51 51 51 38 51 51 64
WEIGHT lbs 11,300 19,600 24,900 32,400 22,400 26,700 31,000 36,300 64,700 41,700 64,200 88,000 128,300 41,600 70,500 117,250 211,800
kg 5,126 8,890 11,294 14,696 10,160 12,111 14,061 16,465 29,347 18,915 29,121 39,916 58,196 18,869 31,978 53,184 96,071
* Denotes crusher mounting hole centers.

The information contained in this literature is meant

Lippmann Milwaukee, Inc. to be general in nature and is not intended to be
Sold and serviced by: used for specific application, construction, or installa-
3271 East Van Norman Avenue tion purposes. Please note that machine capacities,
settings, and other application considerations can
Cudahy, WI 53110-0586 vary from the information contained in this literature,
depending on the material being crushed, moisture,
(800) 648-0486 • (414) 744-2565 feed sizes, other materials in the feed, etc. As a
result, no warranty of any kind, either expressed or
Fax: (414) 744-8172 implied, is extended with the information contained in
this literature. Lippmann Milwaukee, Inc. expressly
reserves the right to change specifications or designs
www.lippmann-milwaukee.com without prior notice or obligation.

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