Worksheet 2: NAME: Ajos, Carlton Jove V. Schedule: M-W-F (2:00-3:00 PM) Course/Year: AAMT 1-DELTA Instuctions
Worksheet 2: NAME: Ajos, Carlton Jove V. Schedule: M-W-F (2:00-3:00 PM) Course/Year: AAMT 1-DELTA Instuctions
Worksheet 2: NAME: Ajos, Carlton Jove V. Schedule: M-W-F (2:00-3:00 PM) Course/Year: AAMT 1-DELTA Instuctions
What type of learner are you? What`s your style? Answer the learning Style Inventory below, and find out!
5. When I Write, I:
(V) Am concerned how neat and well-spaced my letters and words appear.
(A)Often say the letters and to myself.
(K) Push hard on my pen or pencil and can feel the flow of the words or letters as I form them.
8. when trying to concentrate, I have a difficult time when (V) There is a lot of clutter or movement in the
room (A) There is a lot of noise in the room.
(K) I have to sit still for any length of time.
13. if someone were verbally describing something to me, I would: (V) Try to visualize what she was
(A) Enjoy listening but want to interrupt and talk myself.
(K)becoming bored if her description gets too long and detailed.
Scoring instructions:
Add the number of responses for each letter and enter the total below. The area
with the highest number of responses is your primary mode of learning.
1. What do you scores tell you about your learning and thinking styles?
2. Do you agree with your scores?
3. Is it possible for one to score equally on the three styles? Explain.
Part 1
*Encircle, shade, or Check, etc. your answer from the choices, once you’re done with the 14 questions
add the number of responses for each area. Do not change the format of the worksheet for your
reference during the discussion this coming Wednesday, everything must be intact when you submit your
work (copy everything). For Part 2 follow the instruction given.
*1.5 spacing
*Narrow for Margins
*Copy and Answer
*100 words per Questions.
Turned In you Worksheet 2 with your answers, you can choose any type of format (pdf, jpeg, MS
word/doc) for submitting your Worksheet 2 in Google Class ANYTIME!
Submission date: Monday – 5:00 PM NO Extension!
Part 2. Analysis.
1. What do you scores tell you about your learning and thinking styles?
Based on the total scores that I gained, I am more of an auditory learner. Auditory learning style
enables auditory learners to learn best by hearing or through verbal communication. Auditory learners
are good at remembering what they hear as they learn information through auditory representation.
Auditory components such as tone, pitch, and loudness are all important to these learners. The results
were accurate because being an auditory learner, I like to hear things in order to process the
information best, which is often a good option for classroom learning. One of my characteristics is that I
am eloquent.
Yes, I agree with my scores. After completing the online learning style self-assessment and analyzing
my results, I have noticed that I’m a fairly balanced person on the two dimensions of the scales. I
Scored 5 on visual learning, 7 as an auditory learning which is the highest and 2 on kinesthetic which is
the lowest. This means that I have a good understanding of how to use the information and apply it
effectively. effectively. All of us have our own styles of learning and thinking. Some people are more
kinesthetic than me, and prefer to learn by moving than hearing or visualizing.
For me, yes. Every person encompasses a dominant style that defines the most effective way for an
individual to find out new information by filtering what's to be learned. This style might not always be
identical for a few tasks however, the person may prefer one form of learning for one task and a mix of
others for a special task. Generally, students tend to favor one learning style quite another, but most of
the people are a mixture of two or even three different styles. So, teachers, confirm you're creating a
classroom which will engage any variety of learner. And students, use your strengths so you'll be able
to be the foremost successful student you'll be.