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Trigonometry Syllabus

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Western Mindanao State University ESU Mabuhay Feb.

3, 2021
  College of Education  
  Department of Mathematics Semester Adopted: 2nd Semester
Vision Mission
The University of Choice for higher learning with strong research The Western Mindanao State University , set in a culturally diverse
Orientation that produces professionals who are socially environment, shall pursue a vibrant socio-economic agenda that include
responsive for human development;ecological sustainability and
peace and securty within and beyond the region. A relevant instruction paradigm in the education and training of
competent & responsive human resource for societal & industry
  A home for intellectual formation that generates knowledge for
  people empowerment, social transformation & sustainable development
  A hub where science, technology & innovation flourish, enriched by
  the wisdom of the Arts & Letters & Philosophy.
College Goals
The College of Education, WMSU-ESU Mabuhay commits itself to produce world class teachers who are with excellence integrity
service and dedication in the pursuit of quality education that includes an alternative learning system for its diverse for the nation
and the global community.
Program Outcomes (from CMO No. 75, s. 2017, p. 3 and 5):              
  6.2.b. Demonstrate mastery of subject matter/discipline
  6.3.3.a. Exhibit competence in mathematical concepts and procedures
  6.3.3.b. Exhibit proficiency in relating mathematics to other cultural areas
6.3.3.f. Use effectively appropriate approaches, methods, and techniques in teaching mathematics including technological tools
6.3.3.g. Appreciate mathematics as an oppurtunity for creative work, moments of enlightenment & gaining insights of the world.

Class information Instructor's Information

Section   Name Michael Deliva
Schedule Wednesday, Saturday Office Designation  
Time 9:30-11:00 AM Office Hours 8:00-5:00 pm
Venue   Office Telephone  
Term 2nd Email Address [email protected]
Course Information

Course Name Trigonometry Course Code AS8 MATH 107

Pre-requisite Subj. AS3 Course Credit 3 units, 3 hrs./wk. (18 weeks, 54 hrs total)

Course Requirements
Grading System: 40% - exam 40%- Midterm
30%- outputs 60%- Final

20%- class participation (attendance and oral participations) 100%

10%- quizzes

Course Description
This course aims to enable students to achieve through grasp of circular and trigonometric functions, solutions to triangles, identities and the
Polar coordinate system that will translate into proficient application of these concepts in problem readiness for higher mathematics. Students
of this course will engage in inquiry learning and problem solving using applications/software and other technological devices.


Course Learning Outcomes

At the end of the course, the pre-service teachers should be able to:

A. Demonstrate critical thinking through finding solutions to application and/or real life problems that require trigonometric skills and
Soft copy of
computations. Learning Scheme
Week will be sent to
1-3Apply skills in suing appropriate computer application and graphing calculations to carry out computations of trigonometric problems. students via
email, messenger

Evidence of Program
Time Course Content Intended Learning OBE Activities Learning Mode of Deliery
Frame Outcomes Outcomes Outcomes Outcomes Hybrid/Blended
1. Trigonometric 1. Use correct Individual participation Output will be A, B 6.2.b.,
points mathematical in class discussion and written on a piece of 6.3.3.a
notation and individual and group paper to be 6.3.3.b
2. Trigonometric terminology activities. submitted every 6.3.3.f. &
functions 2. Define and draw a Friday. 6.3.3.g
3. Points outside unit circle and Given a problem
the unit circle identify the solving activities &
4. Arc length coordinates of computation. Given a
5. Area of a circular trigonometric points reflection activity Reflection Paper
sector of special angles. regarding what they
3. Correctly identify have learned after the
the 6 discussion.
r functions and their
value limits based on
this unit circle.
4. Properly/correctly
convert degree
measure to radian
measure and vice
versa and use the
radian measure
appropriately when
solving problems.
5. Accurately solve
problems invovling
arc length and area of
circular sector

GRAPH OF 1. Properly sketch the Individual participation Output will be A,B 6.2.b., Soft copy of
TRIGONOMETRIC graph of in class discussion and written on a piece of 6.3.3.a Alternative Learning
FUNCTIONS trigonometric individual and group paper to be 6.3.3.b Scheme will be sent
functions based on its activities. submitted every 6.3.3.f. & to students via email,
1. Sine Function periodicity and Friday. 6.3.3.g. messenger groupchat
2. Cosine Function amplitude with or Given a problem
Week 4-5 3. Tangent Function without the use solving activities &
4. Cotangent online trigonometry computation. Given a
Function games/graphing reflection activity Reflection Paper
5. Cosecant calculator,computer regarding what they
Function gaphing applications have learned after the
6. Secant function and pen and paper discussion.

2. Analyze the
general behavior of
the trigonpmetric
function graphs.

3. State the
appropriate domain,
range, amplitude and
period for each graph
of sine, cosine,
tangent, cosecant,
secant and cotangent

4. Point out and

properly explain the
effect of a change in
period and amplitude

Evidence of Program
Time Course Content Intended Learning OBE Activities Learning Mode of Deliery
Frame Outcomes Outcomes Outcomes Outcomes Hybrid/Blended
TRIGONOMETRIC 1. Properly apply
IDENTITIES basic trigonometric
identities and Individual participation
in class discussion and
1. Fundamental individual and group
properties to
Identities activities Output will be
2. Sum and express one written on a piece of 6.2.b., Soft copy of
Difference of Two trigonometric Given a problem paper to be 6.3.3.a Alternative Learning
Week 6-9 Angles Identities function in terms of solving activities & submitted every A,B 6.3.3.b Scheme will be sent
3. Double Angle the other computation. Given a Friday. 6.3.3.f. & to students via email,
Identities trigonometric reflection activity 6.3.3.g.. messenger groupchat
4. Half Angle functions. regarding what they Reflection Paper
Identities have learned after the
2. Write a proof discussion
which verifies the
validity of a stated
3. Solve the values of
functions using
Individual participation
in class discussion and
TRIGONOMETRIC Output will be
individual and group
FUNCTIONS written on a piece of
1. Sketch and explain activities.
paper to be 6.2.b., Soft copy of
well the graph of
1. Inverse submitted every 6.3.3.a Alternative Learning
inverse trigonometric Given a problem
trigonometric Friday. A,B 6.3.3.b Scheme will be sent
Week 10- functions and apply solving activities &
functions 6.3.3.f. & to students via email,
11 techniques on computation. Given a
2. Solving 6.3.3.g.. messenger groupchat
trigonometric reflection activity
functions in solving regarding what they
equations Reflection Paper
the have learned after the
problems/equations. discussion.

Evidence of Program
Time Course Content Intended Learning OBE Activities Learning Mode of Deliery
Frame Outcomes Outcomes Outcomes Outcomes Hybrid/Blended
1.Distinguish the
difference between Individual participation
right triangle and in class discussion and
oblique triangle. individual and group
activities Output will be
1. Solving Right 2. Use the
written on a piece of 6.2.b., Soft copy of
Triangle trigonometric
Given a problem paper to be 6.3.3.a Alternative Learning
Week 12- 2. Solving Oblique functions to solve
solving activities & submitted every A,B 6.3.3.b Scheme will be sent
14 Triangles problems involving computation. Given a Friday. 6.3.3.f. & to students via email,
-Law of sines right triangles. reflection activity 6.3.3.g.. messenger groupchat
-Law of cosines
regarding what they Reflection Paper
3. Correctly specify
have learned after the
the conditions
when to use the
law of sines and
law of cosines

4. Solve the oblique

triangle problems
using the law of
sines and law of

1. Converting from Individual participation

Cartesian 1. Distinguish the in class discussion and
Output will be
Week 15- Coordinate to Polar difference between a individual and group
written on a piece of
18 Coordinate Cartesian Coordinate activities.
paper to be 6.2.b., Soft copy of
2. Converting from and Polar Coordinate
submitted every 6.3.3.a Alternative Learning
Polar Coordinate to 2. Convert Cartesian Given a problem
Friday. A,B 6.3.3.b Scheme will be sent
Cartesian Coordinates to Polar solving activities &
6.3.3.f. & to students via email,
Coordinates Coordinates computation. Given a
6.3.3.g.. messenger groupchat
3. Plotting a Point 3. Convert Polar reflection activity
in Polar Coordinate Coordinates to Polar regarding what they
Reflection Paper
System Coordinates have learned after the
4. Distance 4. Plot points in a discussion.
between to Polar polar coordinate
points system
5. Graphing Polar 5. Properly graph
functions polar functions

Suggested References:
Larson, R (2012). Trigonometry. Philippines: Cengage Learning

Lial, M, Hornsby, J., Schneider, D., Daniels, C. (2014). Trigonometry. Philippines: Cengage Learning.

McKeague, C., & Turner, M. (2014). Trigonometry. Cengage Learning

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