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MOCK, 2021
Time Allowed: 3 hours DATED:22-01-21
Total Marks: 100


1. According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), what sectors are the largest
emitters of greenhouse gases? (in order)
a. Transport sector, Energy generation, Agriculture
b. Industrial production, Energy generation, Deforestation
c. Industrial production, Energy generation, Transport sector
d. Energy generation, Industrial production, Transport sector
e. Energy generation, Industrial production, Deforestation

2. Which of those below is NOT a fossil fuel?

a. Natural Gas
b. Kerosene
c. Coal
d. Petroleum
e. Uranium
3. Which of these forms of biodiversity are considered particularly vulnerable to temperature changes in
the global climate?
a. Small insects such as mosquitoes and flies
b. Algae and animals which live in humid soils
c. Large herbivores and other savannah animals highly exposed to sunlight
d. Tropical fish and aquatic plants
e. Amphibians and coral reefs

4. The depletion of the ozone layer is not related to climate change, though many people mix up the two
issues. What is the main cause of ozone depletion and of the hole in theozone layer?
a. ZS3, or zelvecium sulfates, from cement manufacturing
b. N2O, or nitrous oxide, from the evaporation of nitrogen fertilizers used in intensive agriculture
c. Sulfur compounds, released into the atmosphere by the chemical industry
d. CH3, or methane, from soil degradation
e. CFCs, or chlorofluorocarbons, substances used in refrigerants and aerosols
5. Present disadvantages of using renewable energy alternatives are that they are:
a) expensive to run and environmentally unfriendly
b) relatively inefficient and geographically selective
c) inefficient and polluting

6. Examples of toxins that biologically magnify or accumulate in organisms are:

a) heavy metals and carbon dioxide
b) mercury and DDT
c) fat and CFC's

7. Every year the world gathers for the COP meetings – the “Conferences of the Parties” among the
signatories of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. When was this
convention signed?
a) In 2007 in Bali, in order to debate the successor of Kyoto
b) In 1987 in Oslo, in the first meeting where countries adopted the concept of “Sustainable
c) In 2002, in Johannesburg, as a follow-up to the Kyoto Protocol
d) In 1997 when the Kyoto Protocol was accorded
e) In 1992 during the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro

8. In 1997 the Kyoto Protocol was launched and by now more than 190 countries have signed it. Which
of these countries has not yet signed the Kyoto Protocol?
a) Argentina
b) Somalia
c) Belarus
d) United States
e) Afghanistan
9. What is salinization?

a) It is a process of accumulation of soluble minerals in upper soil horizons.

b) It is a process of accumulation of soluble base in upper soil horizons.
c) It is a process of accumulation of soluble acid in upper soil horizons.
d) It is a process of accumulation of soluble salts in upper soil horizons

10. Which of the following is/are the main factor(s) responsible for the rapid rate deforestation?

a) Rapid growth of population in the developing countries

b) Extension of agriculture and grazing lands
c) Rising demand for lumber, timber, paper, fuel-wood and charcoal, and other forest products.
d) All of the above

11. SMOG is caused due to:

a) Emissions from vehicles

b) From incinerators
c) Oil paints
d) All of the above

12. The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC or FCCC) is also known

a) Kyoto protocol
b) Vienna convention
c) Earth summit
d) None of these

13. Where was the last conference of parties (COP) held?

a) Copenhagen
b) Lima
c) Poland
d) Brussels

14. Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants is an international environmental treaty,

signed in 2001 and effective from:

a) 2004
b) 2005
c) 2009
d) 2010

15. Sustainable development is described as the development that meets the needs of the present without
compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. In this perspective inherently the
concept of sustainable developments is intertwined with which of the following concepts?

a) Social justice and empowerment

b) Inclusive growth
c) Globalization
d) Carrying capacity

16. Agenda-21 specifically advocates devising strategies to_______.

a) Promote economic growth to support increasing human population with adequate environment care.
b) Control human population explosion, resource over use and deteriorating environmental quality.
c) Halt and reverse the effects of environmental degradation to promote sustainable and
environmentally sound development.
d) Promote economic and development and environmental with a view to reduce poverty and faster
human welfare.

17. The most serious environmental effect posed by hazardous wastes is ……….

a) Air pollution
b) Contamination of groundwater
c) Increased use of land for landfills.
d) None of these

18. Problem of solid waste disposal can be reduced through…….


a) Recycling
b) Lesser pollution
c) More timber
d) Population control

Environmental Tribunals


20. The SEA and EIA procedures are very similar, but there are some differences. Regarding these
differences, which one of the following sentences is false?

a) The SEA requires the environmental authorities to be consulted at the screening stage and the EIA
does not.
b) The SEA requires an assessment of reasonable alternatives and under the EIA the developer chooses
the alternatives to be studied.
c) Under the EIA, Member States must monitor the significant environmental effects of the
implementation of plans/programmes in order to identify unforeseen adverse effects and undertake
appropriate remedial action.


Attempt only four questions. All questions carry equal marks:

Q.NO 2(A) What constitutes water pollution? List the major categories of water pollutants (10)
(B) How does agricultural run-off affect water quality? (10) (20)

Q.NO 3(A) Explain new urbanism (5) (20)

(B) Explain in detail about the indicators of climate change. (10)
(C) Why do people still believe that climate change is a hoax? How are they wrong? (5)

Q NO.4 Write in detail about Air pollution control technologies (20)

Q NO 5. Write short notes on the following:

a) Green buildings Initial Environmental Examination

Q NO. 6 (A) How does the destruction of forests contribute to global warming? (10) (20)
(B) What does the Agenda 21 say about its means of implementation? (10)
Q NO. 7 What are The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) (otherwise known as the Global Goals)?
Where does Pakistan Stand on the Implementation of the SDGs? Also give a brief account about the failure
of MDGS. (20)

Q NO. 8 (A) Write a brief note on Sanitation Policy, 2006 (10) (20)
(B) What are the main steps of conducting Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)? (10)

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