Trumpet Routines
Trumpet Routines
Trumpet Routines
● Rhythm
● Intonation
● Sound
● Airflow
● Articulation
● Flexibility
● Range
● Endurance
● Musical aspects: Arpeggios, scales, intervals, phrasing.
Aspects/concepts you should practice everyday:
● Rhythm
● Intonation
● Sound
● Airflow
● Articulation
● Flexibility
● Range
● Endurance
● Musical aspects: Arpeggios, scales, intervals, phrasing.
Ps: You can have more than one aspect/concept in one exercise, but keep in mind that it’s
better to focus on 1 or 2 of them at a time.
Trumpet Literature
Trumpet Literature
IS a routine book:
My goals:
● Build range.
● Build endurance.
● Build my next recital repertoire.
Ok Paulo. So what’s YOUR routine right now?
My goals: My routine:
● Musicality is the main aspect you should focus above all the others.
Advices from an old guy:
● Musicality is the main aspect you should focus above all the others.
● Always be on time.
Advices from an old guy:
● Musicality is the main aspect you should focus above all the others.
● Always be on time.
● Always be prepared.
Advices from an old guy:
● Musicality is the main aspect you should focus above all the others.
● Always be on time.
● Always be prepared.
● “The greatest enemy of the good is the better.”
Advices from an old guy:
● Musicality is the main aspect you should focus above all the others.
● Always be on time.
● Always be prepared.
● “The greatest enemy of the good is the better.”
● You don’t need to stick with the same technique or equipment forever. Trying new things
can get you further in your path as a musician.