COM 215 Computer Packages II Practical Book

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Version 1: December 2008


WEEK 1 Computer Graphics ……………………………..…………………………………….. 3

WEEK 2 Computer Aided Design Software ……………………………………….……………4

WEEK 3-6 Computer Aided Design using Auto CAD ……….…………….………..…………...5

Direct Distance Entry………………………….………….……….………….5

WEEK 7-8
Isometric Projection …………..…….……….………….………..6

WEEK 9 Database Management System ……………………….…………….…….…………,7

Creating Database Structure ………………..………………………………7
Entering data into a database …………….………….………….…………..8
WEEK 10 Designing forms using form wizard ……….………….……….…………...9
WEEK 11 Generating Reports …………………………..…………….….…………....10
WEEK 12 Desktop Publishing. …………………………………..………………….………..…11
WEEK 13 Statistical Analysis Using SPSS……………………..…………………….………...12
Entering data into SPSS text editor………..……………………….……...13
WEEK 14 Descriptive Statistics………………………..……………………………….14
WEEK 15 Correlation Analysis ………………………..……………………………...15

Computer Graphics

1. Visit computer lab and investigate various computer graphics that can be
found on the computers in the lab. List 20 of such graphics.
2. Investigate the types of computer graphics software that can be used in the
following computer graphics application areas:
i. Computer-aided design
ii. Computer simulation
iii. Desktop publishing
iv. Video Games
v. Web design

Computer Aided Design Software

1. Investigate the features of five CAD software.

2. Outline the differences in the following versions of AutoCAD

i. AutoCAD 14 ii. AutoCad 2000 and iii. Auto CAD 2007

WEEK 3- 6

Computer Aided Design using Auto CAD

Direct Distance Entry.

In this exercise, we will use direct distance entry to draw the closed shape
shown below using the associated dimensions.

1. Check that you have either Polar Tracking or Ortho mode turned on.
2. Start the Polyline command, Draw Polyline from the pull-down menu or
from the Draw toolbar.

3. When prompted to specify the first point, pick a point somewhere in the
lower left quadrant of the drawing area. This will be the point marked
"start" in the illustration.
4. Now, follow the command sequence below. In each case, point the cursor
in the direction you want the line drawn and enter the distance for that
particular line segment at the keyboard.

Point up
Specify next point or [Arc/Halfwidth/Length/Undo/Width]: 40

Point right
Specify next point or [Arc/Close/Halfwidth/Length/Undo/Width]: 15

Point down
Specify next point or [Arc/Close/Halfwidth/Length/Undo/Width]: 25

Point right
Specify next point or [Arc/Close/Halfwidth/Length/Undo/Width]: 20

Point up
Specify next point or [Arc/Close/Halfwidth/Length/Undo/Width]: 25

Point right
Specify next point or [Arc/Close/Halfwidth/Length/Undo/Width]: 15

Point down
Specify next point or [Arc/Close/Halfwidth/Length/Undo/Width]: 40

You should now be at the point marked "end" on the illustration. All you
need to do now is enter "C" to close the polyline and end the command.

Specify next point or [Arc/Close/Halfwidth/Length/Undo/Width]: C

The closed polyline shape you have drawn is located arbitrarily because you just
picked a start point somewhere in the drawing area. If you had wanted to start at a
particular location, you could have entered a co-ordinate value for the start point
instead of just picking. See the Using Co-ordinates tutorial for more information.

Obviously, the exercise above is a very simple example but there are many
circumstances where direct distance entry can be used. It's a very useful tool to add to
your AutoCAD skills toolbox and can help you towards greater drawing efficiency.

WEEK 7 - 8

Isometric Projection

Follow the exercise below to draw a cylinder in isometric projection.

Step 1 - Start a new drawing

Start AutoCAD and use the "Start from Scratch" option from the "Start Up" dialogue
box. If you are already using AutoCAD, create a new drawing by clicking on the
button and use "Start form Scratch" from the "Create New Drawing" dialogue box.

Step 2 - Make the Drafting Settings

Display the Drafting Settings dialogue box by selecting Drafting "Settings..." from the
"Tools" pull-down menu. Click on the "Snap and Grid" tab. In the Snap type & style
section of the dialogue, set the type to "Grid snap" and the style to "Isometric snap",
as shown in the illustration. Now, check the two boxes at the top of the dialogue, once
for "Snap On" and once for "Grid On". Click on the "OK" button to confirm these
mode changes. The graphic window now displays a grid of dots arranged at an angle
of 30 degrees and the crosshairs will jump from one dot to another. Notice also, that
the crosshairs are oriented in the left hand isoplane.

Step 3 - Setting the correct isoplane

In this exercise, we will draw a cylinder which stands vertically. The circles which we
draw must, therefore be drawn in the "Top" isoplane. Use the F5 key on the keyboard
to change the isoplane to "Top". AutoCAD reports to the command line:

Command: <Isoplane Top>

Step 4 - Drawing the base circle

Circles in isometric projection are drawn using the Ellipse command. Start the Ellipse
command by clicking on the button or by selecting Draw Ellipse Axis, End
from the pull-down menu. Now look at the command line:

Command: _ellipse
Specify axis endpoint of ellipse or [Arc/Center/Isocircle]: I (Isocircle)
Specify center of isocircle: (pick a point in the lower half of the graphics
Specify radius of isocircle or [Diameter]: 30 (enter a radius of 30)

Your drawing should look like the one in the illustration above.

Step 5 - Copying the base circle

Start the Copy command by clicking on the button or selecting Modify Copy
from the pull-down menu. Now look at the command line:

Command: _copy
Select objects: (pick the circle)
Tip: If you find picking the circle difficult, use the F9 key to turn off Snap.
Select objects:
Specify base point or displacement, or [Multiple]: (pick the grid point in
the centre of the circle)
Note: Use F9 to turn Snap back on if you turned it off.
Specify second point of displacement or <use first point as
displacement>: (move the crosshairs vertically by 6 grid points and pick)

You should now have two isometric circles, one above the other.

Step 6 - Drawing the sides

Start the Line command by clicking the button or selecting Draw Line from the
pull-down menu. Now look at the command line.

Command: _line
Specify first point: (use the Quadrant Osnap to pick the left-hand quadrant
of the lower isocircle)

Tip: There are a number of ways to invoke osnaps, they are available from the Osnap
toolbar and from the keyboard. However, in this case it may be simplest to select
Quadrant from the cursor menu. To do this, hold down the Shift key on the keyboard
and click on the right hand mouse button. A menu will appear at the crosshair
position. Simply select Quadrant from the menu.

Now, move the crosshairs near to the left hand quadrant point on the lower isocircle.
You will see a yellow diamond appear at the quadrant point (see illustration). Pick the

Specify next point or [Undo]: (use the Quadrant Osnap again to pick the left-
hand quadrant point on the upper isocircle)

Specify next point or [Undo]: (to end the Line command)

Now repeat this process to draw the right hand line or use the Copy command to copy
the left hand line to the right. Remember to use the Quadrant Osnap to pick points
whichever method you use. This will ensure that the line is drawn or copied in exactly
the right place. When you have completed this step, your drawing should look similar
to the illustration on the right.

Step 7 - Trimming the circle

To complete the drawing we will remove the upper half of the lower isocircle to give
the impression of a solid cylinder. To do this we will use the Trim command. Start the
Trim command by clicking the button or selecting "Trim" from the "Modify" pull-
down. Now look at the command line:

Command: _trim
Current settings: Projection=UCS Edge=None
Select cutting edges ...

Select objects: (pick the two vertical lines)
Tip: You may need to turn Snap off (F9).
Select objects:
Select object to trim or [Project/Edge/Undo]: (pick the upper arc of the
lower isocircle)
Select object to trim or [Project/Edge/Undo]: (to end the Trim

The isometric cylinder is now complete. Use F7 to turn the grid off and your drawing
should look similar to the one in the illustration at the beginning of this exercise.

Database Management System

Creating Database Structure

Use MS Access to develop a software package that will track students’ information.
The package is expected to track the following categories of input data: Student Bio
data, Qualification, Programme of Study, Next of Kin data and Fees payment data.

ACTIVITY: Develop database structure for the various data categories given above
and design MS Access tables for the structure.

Entering data into a database

Use MS Access to develop a software package that will track students’ information.
The package is expected to track the following categories of input data: Student Bio
data, Qualification, Programme of Study, Next of Kin data and Fees payment data.

ACTIVITY: Enter 20 sample data for each of the tables created in week 7 activity.

Designing forms using form wizard
Use MS Access to develop a software package that will track students’ information.
The package is expected to track the following categories of input data: Student Bio
data, Qualification, Programme of Study, Next of Kin data and Fees payment data.

ACTIVITY: Design two forms for the tables created in activity 7 to handle data input
and update.

Generating Reports
Use MS Access to develop a software package that will track students’ information.
The package is expected to track the following categories of input data: Student Bio
data, Qualification, Programme of Study, Next of Kin data and Fees payment data.

ACTIVITY: Design reports to handle the following:

i. List students owing school fees, if fees payable is N30,000
ii. List students based on programme of study


Desktop Publishing.
Use MS Word or Corel draw to design the following:

1. A birthday card
2. A greeting card
3. An almanac


Statistical Analysis Using SPSS

Entering data into SPSS text editor

The data below are scores of ten students in two subjects (Mathematics and Physics).
Mathematics Physics
80 62
50 70
60 54
65 58
70 60
78 65
72 70
55 85
60 56
72 64

ACTIVITY: Enter the data above into SPSS text editor and save it using “score”.


Descriptive Statistics

The data below are scores of ten students in two subjects (Mathematics and Physics).
Mathematics Physics
80 62
50 70
60 54
65 58
70 60
78 65
72 70
55 85
60 56
72 64

ACTIVITY: Use SPSS procedure to carry out the mean, median and mode for each of
the subjects.

Correlation Analysis

The data below are scores of ten students in two subjects (Mathematics and Physics).
Mathematics Physics
80 62
50 70
60 54
65 58
70 60
78 65
72 70
55 85
60 56
72 64

ACTIVITY: Use SPSS procedure to carry out a correlation coefficient using product
moment coefficient. Give an appropriate interpretation for the result.


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