ENAD Problem Booklet
ENAD Problem Booklet
ENAD Problem Booklet
Semester 1, 2018
vL +
= L
_ AM +
An ammeter is used to measure the current iL through the inductor and the current time
graph is displayed below. Assume the ammeter has zero impedance.
(a) Estimate the time constant τ of the transient, as well as the inductance of L.
(b) Estimate the voltage level vL of the DC source.
(c) Estimate the energy stored in the inductor at time t = ∞.
2. Consider the circuit shown below in which the switch has been open for a long time prior
to t = 0.
3. The switch in the circuit below has been in the left position for a long time. At time
t = 0 it moves to the right position and stays there.
(a) Find the v(0+ ), the capacitor voltage just after the switch changes position.
(b) Write the expression for the capacitor voltage, v(t), for t ≥ 0.
(c) Write the expression for the current through the 40 kΩ resistor, i(t), for t > 0.
(d) What percentage of the initial energy stored in the capacitor is dissipated by the
40 kΩ resistor?
4. The switch in the circuit below has been in position “a” for a long time. At t = 0, it
moves instantaneously to position “b”.
5. The switch in the circuit below has been in position x for a long time. The initial charge
on the 60 nF capacitor is zero. At t = 0, the switch moves instantaneously to position y.
6. The circuit elements in the circuit shown below are R = 125Ω, L = 200 mH, and C = 5µF.
The initial inductor current is −0.3 A and the initial capacitor voltage is 25 V.
7. The initial value of the voltage v in the circuit from Problem 6 is 0 V, and the initial
value of the capacitor current, iC (0+ ), is 45 mA. The expression for the capacitor current
is known to be
iC (t) = A1 e−200t + A2 e−800t , t > 0,
when R is 250 Ω. Find
8. The switch in the circuit below has been in position “a” for a long time. At t = 0, the
switch moves instantaneously to position “b”.
(a) What is the initial value va (0+ ) just after the switch changes position?
(b) What is the initial value dva (0+ )/dt?
(c) What is the numerical expression for va (t) for t > 0?
9. The two switches in the circuit below operate synchronously. When switch 1 is in position
“a”, switch 2 is closed. When switch 1 is in position “b”, switch 2 is open. Switch 1 has
been in position “a” for a long time. At t = 0, it moves instantaneously to position “b”.
10. In the circuit shown below, a switch is connected between a DC voltage source and a
network of five passive devices with the following component values:
The switch is in the open position before time t = 0. At time t = 0− , there is no energy
stored in either capacitor, and the inductor current is given to be iL (0− ) = 1 A.
(a) Derive a differential equation for the voltage vC (t) for t > 0.
(b) Derive a differential equation for the current iL (t) for t > 0.
(c) What type of step response does this circuit exhibit? Why?
(d) Using either of your differential equations from (a) or (b), find the following: vC (t),
iL (t), and i1 (t) for t > 0 assuming that the switch remains closed after t = 0.
(e) Now assume that at t = 1 second the switch is moved back to the open position.
Find the following: vC (t) and iL (t) for t > 1 assuming that switch remains open
beyond t = 1 second.
+ C1 L1 R2 C2 vC
10 V = i1 iL _
11. The circuit below shows a series RLC circuit with an input voltage vin (t). You are given
the following component values:
vin + C vC
(a) For the input vin (t) = 3u(t), find both vc (t) and i(t) for t > 0. Assume for this part
that zero energy is stored in the circuit at time t = 0− .
(b) Now assume the input is
5 V −∞ < t < 0
vin (t) =
2V t≥0
2 Convolution
12. A rectangular pulse vi (t) = [u(t) − u(t − 1)] V is applied to the RL network shown below.
13. Consider the same RL network in the previous problem shown in the figure above, as well
as the same input vi (t) = [u(t) − u(t − 1)] V. You are going to consider an alternative
way to find vo (t) using convolution and superposition. You are to perform the following
(a) Consider the input to the circuit to be v1 (t) = u(t) and apply the convolution integral
to determine the resulting output vo1 (t). Do not specify “for t ≥ 0” in your answer,
but instead use u(t) to signify this, as it will be important for the next part.
(b) Now consider the input v2 (t) = u(t − 1). This is just a time shifted version of v1 (t),
and due to a circuit being an LTI system, the output time shifted version of vo1 (t).
Apply time shifting to the function vo1 (t) to create the output vo2 = vo1 (t − 1). Be
sure to time shift the u(t) function used to indicate validity for t ≥ 0 in vo1 (t).
(c) Use the principle of superposition to find the output vo (t) when the input is vi (t) =
v1 (t) − v2 (t), and verify this answer is equivalent to that in part (b) of the previous
14. Consider the RC network shown below, where the input voltage is a rectangular pulse
shown to its right.
(d) Does decreasing the resistor’s value increase or decrease the memory of the circuit?
Hint: Use your two sketches and consider which network comes closer to transmitting
a replica of the original input voltage.
17. Find the Laplace transform of f (t) = 10e−4t cos(20t + 36.9◦ )u(t). Put your answer in the
form of a rational function of two polynomials in s.
18. Find the inverse Laplace transform of F (s) =
s2 + 7s + 10
19. Find the inverse Laplace transform of F (s) =
(s2 + 6s + 10)(s + 2)
20. Find the inverse Laplace transform of F (s) = .
(s + 1)2 (s + 2)
4s3 + 15s2 + s + 30
21. Find the inverse Laplace transform of F (s) =
s2 + 5s + 6
22. For the following circuit, the input current is iin (t) = 3e−t u(t) mA. Given that R = 10 kΩ
and C = 20 µF, find the output Vo (s) and vo (t). Assume the capacitor has no charge
stored at time t = 0− .
23. There is no energy stored in the circuit below at the time the two sources are energised.
(a) Find Vo (s).
(b) Find vo (t) for t > 0.
24. There is no energy stored in the circuit below at the time the switch is opened. The
sinusoidal current source is generating the signal ig (t) = 25 cos(200t) mA. The response
signal is the current io (t).
(a) Find the s-domain ratio Io (s)/Ig (s).
(b) Find Io (s) with the numerator and denominator in factored form.
(c) Describe the nature of the transient component of io (t) without solving for io (t).
(d) Describe the nature of the steady-state component of io (t) without solving for io (t).
(e) Verify the observations made in (c) and (d) by finding io (t).
25. For the circuit below, (a) Find the transfer function H(s), (b) find vo (t) for t ≥ 0 given the
input vi (t) = 20u(t) and zero initial conditions on L and C, and (c) repeat the previous
part given that iL (0− ) = 0.5 A and vc (0− ) = vo (0− ) = 2.5 V.
R1 = 15 ⌦ L = 2.5 H
iL +
C = 10 mF
vi (t) + R2 = 5 ⌦ vo (t)
26. Find Vo (s) and vo (t) for the circuit shown below given that ii (t) = 4u(t) A and vi (t) =
12u(t) V. Assume there is no energy stored in the circuit at time t = 0− .
Note that there are several ways to approach the analysis, including NVA, MCA, use of
superposition, and using a Thévenin equivalent.
Another question to consider: Does R1 affect vo (t)? Why or why not?
C =1F
R1 = 3 ⌦
ii (t) R2 = 2 ⌦ vo (t)
vi (t) +
4 Transfer Functions
27. Determine the transfer function H(s) of the circuit shown below. Your answer should be a
rational function of two polynomials in s, and the highest-order term in the denominator
should have a unity scale factor. Assume no energy is stored in the circuit at time t = 0− ,
and that R = 31 Ω, C = 1 F and L = 0.5 H.
vi (t) + L C vo (t)
Vout (s)
(a) Determine the transfer function H(s) = of the circuit shown below. Your
Iin (s)
answer should be a rational function of two polynomials in s, and the highest-order
term in the denominator should have a unity scale factor.
(b) Determine the impulse response of the circuit.
29. Consider the circuit shown below. You are given that
Vo (s)
(a) Find the transfer function H(s) = . Your answer should be a rational function
Vi (s)
of two polynomials in s, and the highest-order term in the denominator should have
a unity scale factor.
(b) Find the unit step response of the circuit, i.e., the output when vi (t) = u(t) V.
_ vo (t) +
vi (t) +
L C2
30. Consider the circuit shown below with input vi (t) and output vo (t). Let R1 = R2 = 1 Ω
and L = 1 H, but C is unknown for now.
(a) Derive the transfer function H(s) = Vo (s)/Vi (s). Your answer should be a rational
function of two polynomials in s. Furthermore, in the denominator, the highest-order
term should have a unity scale factor.
Note: there are multiple ways to derive the transfer function, including use NVA,
MCA, etc.
(b) For the following values of C, use your transfer function to determine whether the
output response will be underdamped, overdamped or critically damped.
i. C = 8 F
ii. C = 16 F
iii. C = 32 F
(c) Now consider the input to be vi (t) = u(t) V. For each of the values of C in the
previous part, use your transfer function in determining the output vo (t).
R1 L
vi (t) + R2 C vo (t)
31. You are given a linear time-invariant system with the following transfer function
Vo (s) 2s + 10
H(s) = = 2
Vi (s) s + 7s + 12
An input source vi (t) is applied to the system, and the following output vo (t) is observed:
vo (t) = 10e−3t − 20e−4t + 10e−5t u(t)
Assume the system has no energy stored at time t = 0− . Determine vi (t).
If the input to the circuit is vi (t) = 10 cos 20t V, what is the steady-state expression for
vo (t).
33. When an input voltage of vi (t) = 30u(t) V is applied to a circuit, the response is known
to be
vo (t) = 50e−8000t − 20e−5000t u(t) V
What will the steady-state response be if the input is vi (t) = 120 cos 6000t V ?
35. A black box has two input terminals for input vi (t) and two output terminals for output
vo (t). You are told that inside the box is a series RC network. An engineer tests the
black box and gives you the frequency-response magnitude plot below. The engineer also
states that the frequency response decays to zero as the input frequency goes to infinity.
! (rad/s)
(d) A 200 Ω resistor has been connected across the output terminals of the black box.
The engineer states that the maximum magnitude of |H(jω)| has been reduced to
0.5. Estimate the value of the capacitor inside the black box.
(a) With the input and output functions being vi (t) and vo (t), respectively, what type
of filter does this circuit behave as?
(b) Write the transfer function of this filter and specify the cutoff freqency.
(c) Design the exact same filter using a 150 Ω resistor and a capacitor. Specify the value
of the capacitor and draw the new filter circuit.
37. You are to design a first-order RL low-pass filter with cutoff frequency 5 kHz. The only
inductor available is a single 1 mH inductor.
(a) Specify the required resistor value and draw the filter network.
(b) It is now desired that a first-order high-pass filter with cutoff frequency 5 kHz is
required using the same given inductor value. Specify the required resistor value
and draw the filter network.
(c) Compare your answers from (a) and (b). What does it take to convert from a simple
RL low-pass filter to RL high-pass filter (and vice versa)?
(d) Repeat parts (a)–(c) for the case of a RC filter with a 1µF capacitor.
38. You are to design a first-order high-pass filter that has a maximum frequency-response
magnitude of 0.5 and a cutoff frequency ωc = 2000 rad/sec.
(a) Write the transfer function H(s) for the network that meets these specifications.
(b) You only have 1kΩ resistors and capacitors of any value. Design and draw the circuit
diagram, which includes component values and labels where the input and output
Hint: Think about voltage division at ω = ∞, where the capacitor acts as a short
(c) Without changing the number, type and value of the components, redesign and draw
the circuit so that it becomes low pass filter with a maximum frequency-response
magnitude of 0.5.
(d) Compute the new cutoff frequency for the filter in part (c).
39. The RC filter shown below as a load resistor RL connected at its output terminals. This
is known as a loaded filter.
(a) Derive the transfer function H(s) = Vo (s)/Vi (s). Your answer should be a rational
function of two polynomials in s. Furthermore, in the denominator, the highest-order
term should have a unity scale factor.
(b) What type of filter is this network?
(c) Specify the following in terms of the given parameters R, C and RL :
i. At what frequency will the magnitude of H(jω) be maximum?
ii. What is the maximum value of |H(jω)| ?
iii. At what
√ frequency will the magnitude of H(jω) be equal to its maximum divided
by 2? In other words, determine the cutoff frequency.
(d) Compare your answer in (c) to the case of the unloaded filter. Note that this is
equivalent to setting RL = ∞, i.e., an open circuit.
(e) As a numerical example, consider the filter from Problem 34, where R = 160 Ω and
C = 5 µF. Assume a load resistor RL = 320 Ω is connected in parallel with the
capacitor. Calculate the maximum magnitude H(jω) and the cutoff frequency for
both the loaded and unloaded cases.
40. Shown below is a low-pass filter, which also has a resistor Rl in series with the inductor.
Such a resistor near the input is sometimes used to model the resistance of the input
voltage source, which is not an ideal voltage source in practice. Your goal in this problem
is to determine how Rl affects the filter’s frequency response.
(a) Derive the transfer function H(s) = Vo (s)/Vi (s). Your answer should be a rational
function of two polynomials in s. Furthermore, in the denominator, the highest-order
term should have a unity scale factor.
(b) Specify the following in terms of the given parameters R, C and Rl :
i. At what frequency will the magnitude of H(jω) be maximum?
ii. What is the maximum value of |H(jω)| ?
iii. At what
√ frequency will the magnitude of H(jω) be equal to its maximum divided
by 2? In other words, determine the cutoff frequency.
(c) Compare your answer in (b) to the case where Rl = 0.
(d) As a numerical example, consider the following component values: L = 50 mH,
R = 1200 Ω. Calculate the maximum magnitude H(jω) and the cutoff frequency for
the cases of Rl = 300 Ω and Rl = 0.
42. Consider the circuit shown below where L1 = 25 mH, R = 180 Ω, L2 = 15 mH, and
C = 40 nF.
(a) Find the transfer function H(s) of the circuit and identify the filter type.
(b) Determine the centre frequency, cutoff frequencies and bandwidth of the filter.
(c) Sketch the magnitude response of the filter, as well as clearly labeling all parameters
bound in (b).
(d) Determine the Q factor of this filter.
(e) Calculate the steady-state output voltage if vi (t) = 800 cos(25000t + 30◦ ) mV.
(f) Using the numerical value in (d) as a hint, sketch the expected transient response
of the voltage vC (t) across the capacitor if the circuit is driven by a unit-step input
voltage. Use left-to-right for the + and − reference polarities for vC (t).
(g) If a non-ideal source with a series resistance Ri is connected, how would this affect
the bandwidth and passband magnitude of the filter?
L1 C L2
vi (t) + R vo (t)
43. Consider the circuit shown below which contains a series RLC bandpass filter. The filter
contains a 20 nF capacitor, has a center frequency of 50 krad/s, and a quality factor
Q = 6.25.
+ +
vi (t) R vo (t)
_ _
44. Now consider the circuit and given information in Problem 43. The filter is now connected
to a source that has an internal resistance Ri = 80 Ω and to a load resistor RL = 480 Ω.
Ri C L
vi (t) + R RL vo (t)
45. The purpose of this problem is to investigate how a resistive load connected across the
output terminals of a parallel RLC bandpass filter affects the quality factor and hence
the bandwidth of the filtering system. The loaded filter circuit is shown below.
(a) Calculate the transfer function H(s) = Vo (s)/Vi (s) for the loaded filter.
(b) Write an expression for the system’s bandwidth in terms of the circuit components.
(c) Write an expression for the loaded bandwidth (βL ) as a function of the unloaded
bandwidth (βU ) and the circuit components.
(d) Write an expression for the system’s quality factor in terms of ωo and the circuit
(e) Write an expression for the loaded quality factor (QL ) as a function of the unloaded
quality factor (QU ) and the circuit components.
(f) Write expressions for the cutoff frequencies ωc1 and ωc2 in terms of the circuit com-
NOTE: Based on your answers to the above, think about what happens to the filter when
a load is applied. Note that RL = ∞ is equivalent to the unloaded case.
46. Consider the circuit shown below with load resistor RL = 400 kΩ.
47. Powerline hum is an audible oscillation of alternating current at the line frequency of
50 Hz. Using only passive components, design a simple anti-hum filter that passes all
frequencies except for the range of 49 to 51 Hz. Assume the filter will be connected to a
source resistance Ri = 0 and a load resistance RL = ∞.
(a) Show (via a qualitative analysis) that the circuit is a bandreject filter. (Note: you
are being asked to show this a bandreject filter using circuit intuition and not by
using calculations and deriving the transfer function.)
(b) Support the qualitative analysis of (a) by finding the voltage transfer function H(s) =
Vo (s)/Vi (s) of the filter.
(c) Derive the expression for the center frequency of the filter.
(d) Derive the expressions for the cutoff frequencies ωc1 and ωc2 .
(e) Use your answer from (d) to write an expression for the bandwidth of the filter?
(f) What is the expression for the quality factor of the circuit?
49. The purpose of this problem is to investigate how a resistive load connected across the
output terminals of the series RLC bandreject filter affects the behavior of the filter. The
loaded filter circuit is shown below.
NOTE: Think about how the above quantities are different from the unloaded case. If
the load resistance RL = ∞, the result is equivalent to the unloaded case.
50. Consider the series RLC circuit shown below. When the output is the voltage across the
resistor, we know this circuit is a bandpass filter. When the output is the voltage across
the series combination of the inductor and capacitor, we know this circuit is a band-reject
filter. This problem, on the other hand, investigates the behavior of this circuit when the
output is across only the inductor.
(b) Approximate the magnitude of the transfer function from part (a) for very low
(c) Approximate the magnitude of the transfer function from part (a) for very high
(d) Based on your answers in parts (b) and (c), what type of filter is this?
(e) Suppose R = 600 Ω, L = 400 mH, C = 2.5 µF. Calculate the √ cutoff frequency of this
filter, that is, the frequency at which the magnitude is 1/ 2.
7 Bode Plots
51. The series bandpass filter shown below has the following component values:
L = 100 mH , R = 11 Ω , C = 10 mF
(a) Write the transfer function H(jω) in standard form.
(b) Express |H(jω)| in decibels (dB).
(c) Draw the straight-line approximation of the Bode magnitude response of the circuit.
(d) Draw the straight-line approximation of the Bode phase angle plot of the circuit.
(e) From the plot in part (c), estimate the cutoff frequencies and bandwidth of the filter.
Compare these numbers to the theoretical cutoff frequencies and bandwidth.
(f) Given an ideal input voltage source vi (t) = 20 cos(400t − 15◦ ) V, use the magni-
tude and phase plots from (c) and (d) to approximate the output sinusoidal voltage
amplitude at steady state.
52. Consider the following transfer function:
H(s) =
s2 + 10010s + 105
(a) What kind of filter is this?
(b) Express the transfer function H(jω) in standard form.
(c) Draw the straight-line approximation of the Bode magnitude response of this transfer
(d) Draw the straight-line approximation of the Bode phase angle plot of this transfer
53. Consider the following transfer function:
104 s2
H(s) =
(s + 1)2 (s + 10)(s + 100)2
(a) Express the transfer function H(jω) in standard form.
(b) Draw the straight-line approximation of the Bode magnitude response of this transfer
54. Consider the following transfer function:
(s + 100)2
H(s) =
s2 + 10001s + 10000
(a) Express the transfer function H(jω) in standard form.
(b) Draw the straight-line approximation of the Bode magnitude response of this transfer
(c) Draw the straight-line approximation of the Bode phase angle plot of this transfer
s2 + 1010s + 104
H(s) =
s2 + 105 s
(a) Express the transfer function H(jω) in standard form.
(b) Draw the straight-line approximation of the Bode magnitude response of this transfer
(c) Draw the straight-line approximation of the Bode phase angle plot of this transfer
58. The op amp in the circuit below is ideal. Calculate the following: ia , va , vo and io .
59. The signal voltage vg in the circuit shown below is described by the following equation:
vg (t) = 4 cos u(t)
60. Consider the below differential amplifier circuit.
(a) Derive the equation for the voltage vo as a function of inputs va and vb .
(b) Compute the differential-mode gain.
(c) Compute the common-mode gain.
(d) Compute the common-mode rejection ratio (CMMR).
9 Two-Port Circuits
61. Find the s-domain expressions for the z parameters in the below two-port network.
i1 0.5 F 0.2 H i2
+ +
v1 10 ⌦ v2
_ _
62. Find the s-domain expressions for the a parameters in the below two-port network.
i1 1⌦ 1⌦ i2
+ +
v1 1F v2
_ _
63. (a) Find the y-parameters for the two-port network (inside the dotted box) shown below.
(b) Find v2 for t > 0 when vg = 10e−2t u(t) V.
64. Determine the y parameters for a two-port network given the z parameters are:
18 6
Z= Ω
6 9
Condition 2
• Create an open circuit at port 1 and apply 80 V to port 2
• Measurements: V1 = 400 V and I2 = 3 A.
Find the maximum power that this two-port circuit can deliver to a resistive load con-
nected at port 2 when port 1 is driven by a 4 A DC current source with an internal
resistance of 60 Ω. This resistance is modelled in parallel with the current source.
66. Find the s-domain expressions for the y parameters in the below two-port network.
i1 1H 1H i2
+ +
v1 1⌦ v2
_ _
67. The z and y parameters for the two two-port networks shown below are given by:
z11 = Ω , y11 = 200 µS
z12 = − Ω , y12 = 40 µS
z21 = kΩ , y21 = −800 µS
z22 = kΩ , y22 = 40 µS
Calculate vo if vg = 30 mV DC. (Hint: the two networks are cascaded).
68. In an experiment on a resistive two-port network shown below, the following DC mea-
surements were made:
Measurement 1 Measurement 2
V1 25 V 41 V
I1 1A 1A
V2 0V 20 V
I2 -500 mA 0A
You are required to adjust the variable resistor R0 that is connected across the output of
Port 2 such that the maximum power transfer to R0 is achieved.
10 Active Filters
69. (a) Design an active first-order lowpass filter with cutoff frequency 2000 Hz and a pass-
band gain of 4. Your design must use a 50 nF capacitor.
(b) Design an active first-order highpass filter with cutoff frequency 200 Hz and a pass-
band gain of 2. Your design must use a 50 nF capacitor.
(c) Now design an active broadband bandpass filter that has a lower cutoff frequency of
200 Hz, an upper cutoff frequency of 2000 Hz, and a passband gain of 20 dB. Your
design must use 50 nF capacitors and contain only first-order filter stages and a gain
70. Design a 2nd-order active high-pass filter with a cutoff frequency of 1000 Hz and a pass-
band gain of 12. Your filter is to be constructed from 1st-order active filter stages. Your
design must use 3 operational amplifiers, 6 resistors and 2 capacitors. The two capacitors
available have value 100 nF. Draw the resulting circuit diagram and label all component
71. Design an active broadband bandreject filter that has a lower cutoff frequency of 50 Hz,
an upper cutoff frequency of 500 Hz, and a passband gain of 12 dB. Your design must use
0.2 µF capacitors and contain only first-order stages and a gain stage.
72. Consider the 2nd-order lowpass filter circuit shown below with an ideal op amp that was
used in lecture.
R1 R2
+ +
vin +
= C2 _
Derive the transfer function for this circuit for the more general case where R1 6= R2 as
in lecture.
73. Design a third-order Butterworth bandpass filter with a lower cutoff frequency of 200 Hz
and an upper cutoff frequency of 2500 Hz. The passband gain of the filter is 40 dB. Use
1 µF capacitors in the highpass circuit and 2.5 kΩ resistors in the lowpass circuit.
11 Numerical Answers
Transient Analysis of LTI Circuits
1. (a) τ = 2 ms , L = 2 H.
(b) vL = 3 V
(c) 9 µJ
2. (a) vC (0− ) = 50 V
(b) vC (t) = 25(e−t + 1) V
(c) vC (∞) = 25 V , t = 4.6 s
(d) τ = 1 , vC (t) is same as (b)
3. (a) 80 V
(b) v(t) = 80e−375t V , t ≥ 0
(c) i(t) = 1.6e−375t mA , t > 0.
(d) 26.67%
(d) vC (t) = 9e−t − 9e−5t V , t > 0
iL (t) = −11.25e−t + 2.25e−5t + 10 A , t > 0
i1 (t) = −1.125e−t + 5.625e−5t A , t > 0
(e) vC (t) = 3.2503e−(t−1) cos[2(t − 1)] − 13.3782e−(t−1) sin[2(t − 1)] V , t > 1
iL (t) = 5.8765e−(t−1) cos[2(t − 1)] + 4.9697e−(t−1) sin[2(t − 1)] A , t > 1
12. (a) h(t) = e−t u(t)
0, t<0
(b) vo (t) = (1 − e ) V , 0 ≤ t < 1
(e − 1)e−t V , t ≥ 1
(d) Decreases the memory. The response in (c) is closer to the input signal.
Laplace Transforms and Circuit Analysis
16. F (s) =
s(s2 + 4s + 4)
8s − 88
17. F (s) =
s2 + 8s + 416
18. f (t) = 31 e−2t + 23 e−5t , for t ≥ 0
Transfer Functions
27. H(s) =
s2 + 3s + 2
28. (a) H(s) =
R 1
s2 + s +
(b) h(t) = [e−t − te−t ] u(t)
−s3 + 1
29. (a) H(s) = 3
s + s2 + s + 1
(b) vo (t) = [1 − e−t − cos t] u(t)
30. (a) H(s) =
s2 + s/2 + 1/C
(b) i. C = 8 F: Underdamped
ii. C = 16 F: Critically Damped
iii. C = 32 F: Overdamped
h i
(c) i. C = 8 F : vo (t) = 21 + √12 e−t/4 cos( t/4 + 135◦ ) u(t) V
ii. C = 16 F : vo (t) = 12 − 8t + 21 e−t/4 u(t) V
38. (a) H(s) =
s + 2000
(b) Series network (either R-C-R or C-R-R) with two 1 kΩ resistors and one 0.25 µF
capacitor. Output is across the second resistor.
(c) Loaded RC lowpass filter, i.e. (R - C——R).
(d) ωc = 8000 rad/s.
39. (a) H(s) =
R + RL
(b) Low-pass filter.
(c) i. Maximum |H(jω)| occurs when ω = 0.
ii. |H(jω)|max =
1 R
iii. ωc = 1+
(d) Maximum magnitude decreases, but frequency of the maximum is still ω = 0. Cutoff
frequency increases. Thus, filter output has changed.
(e) Maximum magnitude in unloaded case is 1, but is 0.667 for the loaded case. Unloaded
cutoff frequency is 1250 rad/s, but increases to 1875 rad/s for the loaded case.
40. (a) H(s) =
s + (R + Rl )/L
(b) i. Maximum |H(jω)| occurs when ω = 0.
ii. |H(jω)|max =
R + Rl
iii. ωc = (R + Rl )/L
(c) Maximum magnitude decreases, but frequency of the maximum is still ω = 0. Cutoff
frequency increases. Thus, filter output has changed.
(d) Maximum magnitude in unloaded case is 1, but is 0.8 for the loaded case. Unloaded
cutoff frequency is 24,000 rad/s, but increases to 30,000 rad/s for the loaded case.
42. (a) Bandpass filter since series RLC with output across resistor.
βs 4500s
H(s) = 2 = 2
s + βs + ωo 2 s + 4500s + 6.25 × 108
(b) ωo = 25000 rad/s , ωc1 = 22851 rad/s , ωc2 = 27351 rad/s , β = 4500 rad/s.
(d) Q = 5.56
(e) vo,ss = 800 cos(25000t + 30◦ ) mV
(f) As Q > 0.5, the step response will be underdamped. The period of oscillation
T = ω2πd = 0.252 ms. Note that the exponential decay of the transient response has
α = β/2 = 2250 rad/s, which implies a time constant of α1 = 0.444 ms. Thus, we
expect several oscillations before the transient response effectively disappears.
(g) The added resistance will increase the bandwidth of the band-pass filter to
βnew = βK
= LR+R i
1 +L2
and reduce the magnitude by K, where K = R+RR
44. (a) Q = 5
(b) β = 1591.55 Hz
RL R + RL 1
(1/RC)s R + RL RL RC
45. (a) H(s) = =
R + RL 1 1 2
R + RL 1 1
s + s+ s + s+
Kβs RL 1 1
= 2 2
, where K = , β= , ωo =
s + βs + ωo R + RL (R||RL )C LC
R + RL 1
(b) β=
1 R
(c) βU = =⇒ βL = 1 + βU
ωo ωo RC
(d) Q= =
β R+RL
RL 1
(e) QL = QU = QU
R + RL 1 + R/RL
β R 1 1
(f) ωc1 , ωc2 = ∓ + 2
+ ωo , where β = 1 + and ωo2 =
2 4 RL RC LC
46. (a) ωo = 1 Mrad/s , β = 62.5 krad/s , Q = 16
(b) vo,ss (t) = 200 cos(106 t) mV
(d) β = 4π rad/s , ωo = 314.1 rad/s
(e) L = 101.4 mH , R = 1.274 Ω
(f) Sketch should show zero at centre frequency, magnitude √12 at both cutoff frequencies,
and the maximum magnitude of 1 at both zero and asymptotically going to infinite
s2 + LC
(g) H(s) = 2 1 1 , L = 101.4 mH , R = 795.8 Ω.
s + RC s + LC
48. (a) At zero frequency, the inductor is a short circuit, while the capacitor is an open
circuit. The resultng circuit gives vo = vi . At infinite frequency, the inductor is an
open circuit, while the capacitor is a short circuit. Again, the resulting circuit gives
vo = vi . At the resonant frequency wo = √LC the parallel impedance of L and C is
infinite, and therefore vo = 0. At frequencies to the right and left of ωo , the output
voltage will be non-zero, but less than the input voltage. Hence, the circuit behaves
as a band-reject filter.
s2 + (1/LC) 1
(b) H(s) = 2 √1
1 1 , i.e., the form of a band-reject filter with β = RC , ωo = LC .
s + RC s + LC
(c) ωo = √1 as H(jω) = 0 when ω = ωo .
β β2
(d) ωc1 , ωc2 = ∓ + + ωo2 , where β and ωo are defined above.
2 4
(e) ωc2 − ωc1 = β = 1/RC
(f) Q = ωo /β = ωo RC = R C/L
s2 + (1/LC) K(s2 + ωo2 )
49. (a) H(s) = · = 2 ,
R + RL 2
RRL s 1 s + βs + ωo2
s + +
RL R||RL 1
where K = , β= , ωo2 =
(b) ωo =
(c) β=
ωo ωo L
(d) Q= =
β R||RL
(e) H(jωo ) = 0, same as the unloaded case.
(f) H(j0) = K, which is less than the unloaded case.
(g) H(j∞) = K, which is less than the unloaded case.
β β2
(h) ωc1 , ωc2 = ∓ + + ωo2 as with the unloaded case.
2 4
50. (a) H(s) =
s2 + R
s+ 1
(b) |H(jω)| ≈ 0 for very low frequencies.
(c) |H(jω)| ≈ 1 for very high frequencies.
(d) Highpass filter.
(e) ωc = 1064.3 rad/s or 169.4 Hz
Bode Plots
51. (a) H(jω) =
(1 + jω/10)(1 + jω/100)
(b) AdB = 20 log10 (0.11) + 20 log10 |jω| − 20 log10 1 + j 10 − 20 log10 1 + j 100
(e) ωc1 ≈ 9 rad/s , ωc2 ≈ 120 rad/s.
Actual computed values are ωc1 = 8.44 rad/s , ωc2 = 118.44 rad/s.
(f) Amplitude ≈ 6.325 V
58. (a) ia = 30 µA
(b) va = −1.8 V
(c) vo = −4.05 V
(d) io = 277.5 µA
3vg (t), |vg (t)| < 3
(b) vo (t) = 10, vg (t) > 103
−10, v (t) > 10
g 3
Two-Port Networks
10s + 2
61. Z = s Ω
10 0.2s + 10
62. a11 = 1 + s , a12 = 2 + s , a21 = s , a22 = 1 + s
s2 + 1 −1
s(s2 + 2) s(s2 + 2)
63. (a) Y = S
−1 s2 + 1
s(s2 + 2) s(s2 + 2)
65. P = 22.5 W
s + 2s2 + s + 1 s3 + 2s2 + 1
s(s + 2) s(s + 2)
66. Y = S
s3 + 2s2 + 1 3 2
s + 2s + s + 1
s(s + 2) s(s + 2)
67. vo = 3.75 V
68. (a) Ro = 30 Ω
(b) Pmax = 7.5 W
Active Filters
69. (a) The circuit structure is the active lowpass filter shown below with C = 50 nF,
R2 = 1591.5 Ω, and R1 = 397.9 Ω.
(b) The circuit structure is the active highpass filter shown below with C = 50 nF,
R1 = 15.92 kΩ, and R2 = 31.84 kΩ.
(c) The circuit structure is the active bandpass filter shown below. The lowpass and
highpass designs are the same as parts (a) and (b) of this question. The gain stage
requires any two resistors such that Rf = 10Ri .
70. Circuit structure is two cascaded active highpass filters (see part (b) of previous question)
followed by a gain stage. The highpass stages each have C = 100 nF, R1 = R2 = 2473 Ω.
The gain stage requires that Rf = 12Ri , so one choice is 1kΩ and 12kΩ for Ri and Rf ,
71. The circuit structure is shown below. The lowpass portion has RL = 15.92kΩ. The
highpass portion has RH = 1591.5 Ω. For the gain stage, the design requires any two
resistors such that Rf = 4Ri , as 12 dB is approximately a linear gain of 4.
R1 R2 C1 C2
H(s) =
R 1 + R2 1
s2 + s+
R1 R2 C1 R1 R2 C1 C2
Note that the middle term of the denominator can also be written as (R1 ||R2 )C2
73. The circuit has the same structure as the one on Slide OpAmp-157.
For the highpass section, the initial first-order filter stage has R1 = R2 = 795.77 Ω, and
the second-order stage (like on Slide OpAmp-148) has R1 = 397.9 Ω and R2 = 1591.5 Ω.
For the lowpass section, the initial first-order stage has C = 25.46 nF, and the second-
order stage has (like on Slide OpAmp-141) has C1 = 50.93 nF and C2 = 12.73 nF. The
gain stage has Rf = 250kΩ in order to achieve a 40 dB (100 linear) gain.