Method of Test For Sand Equivalent
Method of Test For Sand Equivalent
Method of Test For Sand Equivalent
January 1, 2019
State of Nevada
Department of Transportation
Materials Division
This test method is intended to determine the proportion of detrimental fines (dust or clay size material) in the
portion passing the 4.75 mm (No. 4) sieve of soils or graded aggregates.
1. Sand Equivalent Apparatus (Figure 1), graduated plastic cylinders, rubber stopper, irrigator tube,
weighted foot assembly and siphon assembly fitted to a glass 4 L (1 gal.) bottle placed on a shelf 915 ±
25 mm (36 in. ± 1 in.) above the work surface.
2. Measure, tin measure having a capacity of 85 ± 5 mL (3 oz.) approximately 57 mm (2.25 in.) in diameter.
4. Funnel, wide-mouth funnel approximately 100 mm (4 in.) in diameter at the largest side of the funnel.
6. Shaker,
Mechanical Shaker (Figure 2) – with a throw of 203 mm ± 1 mm (8 in. ± 0.04 in.) and operating at 175 ±
2 cycles per minute.
Manual Shaker (Figure 3) – capable of producing an oscillating motion at the rate of 100 complete cycles
in 45 ± 5 seconds with a hand assisted half stroke length of 127 mm ± 5 mm (5 in. ± 0.2 in.) and a C-clamp
to latch to counter top.
Test Method Nev. T227J
January 1, 2019
2. Obtain a representative portion of the sample per Test Method Nev. T203.
1. Thoroughly hand sieve the material over the 4.75 mm (No. 4) sieve. While sieving, ensure that all the fines
are cleaned from the material retained on the 4.75 mm (No. 4) sieve and included with the material passing
the 4.75 mm (No. 4) sieve. Retain all the material passing the 4.75 mm (No. 4) sieve. The sample size
should be approximately 500 g to 1,000 g. Oven dry the sample at 60 ± 3ºC (140 ± 5ºF) or air dry
sufficiently until a complete separation of the course and fine material within the passing 4.75 mm (No.
4) sample can be achieved. However, not so dry as to lose particles of the fines while splitting the
material through the mini riffle splitter (damp material).
2. Dampen the dried – 4.75 mm (– No. 4) material, so the fines are not lost during the splitting process
through the mini riffle splitter. Split the damp – 4.75 mm (– No. 4) material into four quarters using the
mini riffle splitter and fill each one of the four 85 mL (3 oz.) tins to within 4.76 mm (3/16 in.) of the
brim, tapping the bottom of the tin on the counter to cause consolidation of the material and allowing
the maximum amount to be placed in the tin without overflowing. STRIKING OFF THE TIN
MEASURE LEVEL IS NOT ALLOWED. Adjustments are usually required to provide the desired
test sample size. However, make these adjustments before the sample is reduced below a volume equal
to four tin measures or approximately 450 g for material of average specific gravity.
NOTE: Use extreme care in the sand equivalent test sample preparation to obtain a truly representative
sample. Experiments show that as the amount of material being reduced by splitting or quartering
is decreased, the accuracy of providing representative portions is decreased. For this reason, it is
imperative that the sand equivalent test sample, which is already relatively small, be split
carefully. When it appears necessary, dampen the material to avoid segregation or loss of fines.
3. After obtaining the four 85 mL (3 oz.) tins of material, dry the test samples in an oven to a constant mass
at 60 ± 3ºC (140 ± 5ºF) and cool before testing.
1. Siphon 101.6 mm ± 2.5 mm (4 in. ± 0.1 in.) of Working Calcium Chloride solution into each of the four
graduated plastic cylinders.
Test Method Nev. T227J
January 1, 2019
2. Place the funnel on top of the graduated plastic cylinder and pour a tin of material into one of the graduated
plastic cylinders. Cover the opening of the graduated plastic cylinder while tapping the bottom of the
cylinder sharply on the heel of the hand several times to release any air bubbles and to promote thorough
wetting of the sample.
3. Allow the saturated sample to stand undisturbed for 10 minutes ± 1 minute. After the 10 minute time
period, stopper the graduated plastic cylinder and loosen the sample from the bottom by partially inverting
the cylinder while shaking it simultaneously.
4. After loosening the material from the bottom of the graduated plastic cylinder, shake the cylinder and
contents by one of the following methods:
Mechanical Shaker Method (Figure 2) – The mechanical shaker shall be bolted to the counter or shelf it is
on. Secure the stoppered graduated plastic cylinder in the mechanical shaker and allow the mechanical
shaker to shake the sample for 45 seconds ± 1 second.
Manual Shaker Method (Figure 3) – Secure the manual shaker to the counter with a C-Clamp. Secure the
stoppered graduated plastic cylinder to the spring clamps on the manual shaker and reset the stroke counter
to zero. Stand directly in front of the manual shaker. With the fingers of the right hand placed on the
vertical steel strap, force the pointer towards the counter maintaining a smooth oscillating motion.
Continue the shaking process for 100 strokes. Make sure the gradations are facing up so as not to render
the marks illegible.
5. Once shaking is complete, remove the graduated plastic cylinder from the clamps and swirl as much of
the material to the bottom of the graduated plastic cylinder as possible. Set the graduated plastic cylinder
on the counter and remove the stopper.
6. Insert the irrigator tube into the graduated plastic cylinder, unclamp the irrigator tube and rinse any material
left on the stopper and the walls of the graduated plastic cylinder as the irrigator is lowered. Force the
irrigator tube through the sample to the bottom of the graduated plastic cylinder by applying a gentle
stabbing and twisting action. This flushes the fines into suspension above the coarser particles. Continue
the stabbing twisting action until the working solution reaches the 381 mm (15 in.) mark on the graduated
plastic cylinder.
7. Let the graduated plastic cylinder stand undisturbed for 20 minutes ± 15 seconds. Start the timer as soon
as the irrigator tube has been removed from the graduated plastic cylinder.
8. At the end of the 20 minute sedimentation period, read the level of the top of the clay suspension. This is
referred to as the clay reading. If no line of demarcation has formed at the end of the specified period,
allow the sample to stand undisturbed until a clay reading can be obtained or for a maximum of 30 minutes.
If the total sedimentation time exceeds 30 minutes, rerun the test with one of the other four samples of the
same material.
9. Gently place the weighted foot assembly into the graduated plastic cylinder and keep the sand reading
indicator in contact with the graduated plastic cylinder wall as it is lowered towards the sand. Once the
weighted foot comes to rest on the sand, ensure the sand reading indicator is in contact with the graduated
plastic cylinder wall and read the level of the sand reading indicator. Subtract 254 mm (10 in.) from the
Test Method Nev. T227J
January 1, 2019
sand reading (Ex. 13.5 – 10 = 3.5). This is referred to as the sand reading.
NOTE: If the clay or sand reading falls between two graduations on the graduated plastic cylinder, record
the higher graduation as the reading. For example, a clay reading of 3.75 would be recorded at
3.8, and a sand reading of 3.22 would be recorded as 3.3.
10. Steps 1 through 9 shall be repeated for all four tin samples.
1. Calculate the sand equivalent (S.E.) to the nearest 0.1 using the following formula.
If the calculated number is not a whole number, report it as the next higher whole number.
2. Use the three individual S.E. values that are the closest together to calculate the S.E. value. Each of
the three sand equivalent values must be within ± 4 points from the average of these values. If this
tolerance is not met, re–run the test using material retained from the original sample.
If the calculated average is not a whole number, report it as the next higher whole number.
Test Method Nev. T227J
January 1, 2019
Figure 1
Test Method Nev. T227J
January 1, 2019
Figure 2
Mechanical – S.E. Shaker
Figure 3
Manual – S.E. Shaker