Tugas b4FR720201026061109
Tugas b4FR720201026061109
Tugas b4FR720201026061109
3. What is the possible relation between the sender and the recipient?
A. relatives
B. employers
C. friends (Jawaban Benar)
D. siblings
E. employees
4. From the letter we know that ….
A. Frodi’s mother was not ill before her death (Jawaban Benar)
B. Jean sent letter to Frodi several weeks ago
C. Jean was very sorrowful to send the letter to his mother
D. Jean had known Frodi’s mother before (Jawaban Benar)
E. Frodi is the only child in his family
5. “You have my sincere and heartfelt sympathy, my dear fellow, in your sorrow.” What is
the closest meaning of word “sincere”?
A. real
B. caring
C. generous
D. honest (Jawaban Benar)
E. curious
Contoh Personal Letter 3
Dear Jonny,
Hello! How are you? I received your letter today. I am very excited to hear that you are
coming to stay with me for the holidays. I am sure we will have a lot of fun together.
My parents have agreed to let you stay with me. They offered to pick you up at the airport.
All you have to do is to tell us when you are coming.
I will now tell you about some of the things you will experience here in Indonesia. You do
not have to worry about the local spicy food. We have a lot of fast food restaurants here
like the ones you have in England.
You can also shop for souvenirs to bring home. Sarinah or Blok M are our famous
shopping areas. They have many shops selling all kinds of things. I am sure you will love
I am also planning to take you to a few tourist spots like miniature of Indonesia, National
monument, or Safari Garden. We can also go to the Ancol beach where you can swim,
play on the beach, and have picnics.
My family and I are looking forward to your coming. I hope to hear from you soon. Good
With love.
Jonny sayang,
Halo! Apa kabar? Saya menerima surat Anda hari ini. Saya sangat senang mendengar bahwa
Anda datang untuk tinggal bersama saya selama liburan. Saya yakin kita akan bersenang-
senang bersama.
Orang tua saya setuju untuk membiarkan Anda tinggal bersama saya. Mereka menawarkan
untuk menjemputmu di bandara. Yang harus Anda lakukan adalah memberi tahu kami kapan
Anda akan datang.
Sekarang saya akan memberi tahu Anda tentang beberapa hal yang akan Anda alami di
Indonesia. Anda tidak perlu khawatir dengan makanan pedas lokal. Kami memiliki banyak
restoran cepat saji di sini seperti yang Anda miliki di Inggris.
Anda juga dapat berbelanja oleh-oleh untuk dibawa pulang. Sarinah atau Blok M adalah area
perbelanjaan terkenal kami. Mereka memiliki banyak toko yang menjual segala macam
barang. Saya yakin Anda akan mencintai mereka.
Saya juga berencana untuk membawa Anda ke beberapa tempat wisata seperti miniatur
Indonesia, Monumen Nasional, atau Taman Safari. Kita juga bisa pergi ke pantai Ancol di
mana Anda bisa berenang, bermain di pantai, dan berpiknik.
Keluarga saya dan saya menantikan kedatangan Anda. Saya berharap untuk mendengar dari
Anda segera. Selamat tinggal.
Dengan cinta.
Penuh Cinta,
Tanda tangan
P.S. John Austin.
Bill Jones
Halo Paula, apa kabar? Sudah sebulan sejak terakhir kali saya mendengar dari Anda. Yah,
aku hanya ingin memberitahumu bahwa aku ada di rumah sakit minggu lalu. Menurut dokter,
saya terinfeksi demam berdarah.
Awalnya, saya merasa tubuh saya menjadi lemah kemudian pingsan ketika sedang belajar di
kelas. Kemudian, saya dibawa ke rumah sakit karena demam tinggi.
Di rumah sakit, saya dibawa ke unit gawat darurat. Dokter segera memberikan beberapa
perawatan. Akhirnya, saya harus tinggal di sana selama satu minggu. Setiap hari dokter
membuat saya menetes. Pada hari ketujuh, kondisi saya membaik. Setelah pemeriksaan
terakhir, dokter memberi saya izin untuk pulang. Sekarang, saya baik-baik saja dan karena
penyakit saya, saya sekarang lebih berhati-hati dalam menjaga kebersihan rumah saya
terutama kamar saya, saya tidak ingin mendapatkan penyakit yang sama lagi.
Oke, pikir itu saja dariku, segera kirim surat padaku ya?
Penuh Cinta
Dengan Cinta,
Aunty, I have some good news for you. Last month I passed my final
examination. A week ago I succeeded to join in a senior high school English
competition. Last night my parents promised to send me to a famous English
course in my town. They also promised me if my scores in English are good,
they'll send me to a foreign university. Great, isn't it? I'll work hard. I want to
be a great pediatrician like you, Aunty.
Well, that's all for now. Looking forward to having your news.
I'm writing to you concerning of my last day in Jogja. I just got back from
Borobudur, the wonderful temple I've ever seen. The weather is fine. We are
now staying in a hotel. It's not far from Malioboro. We are treated will here. It
has many excellent staff who serve the customers. We plan to go around
Malioboro after the children take a short nap. We want to enjoy having
"lesehan" there. It is a kind of a restaurant but we sit on the ground.
Many kinds of local handicraft are sold along Malioboro street. Both domestic
and foreign tourists are interested in them. I want to buy some as souvenirs.
Don't worry, I'll also buy you the most interesting one.
Dear Barbara,
Hi there. How are things with you? It's good to know that you are doing fine in
business. Have you received my postcard?
I'll be home about 3 p.m. tomorrow if the flight is on time. On Monday I must go
back to work. I can't wait to show my video to my class.
9. "... the most wonderful holiday ..." The underlined word has the same meaning with