A Business Plan
A Business Plan
A Business Plan
Business Plan
In partial fulfillment
for the requirements of
and Business Development
Submitted by:
Aguila, Ranzes Gloe
Cardenas, Jeffrey
Cuarto, Elisee
De Castro, Ivy
Dimaculangan, April
Gonzales, Leo
Logo, Keith Audrey
Macasaet, Cherrylyn
Mendoza, Rain
Titular, Jordane
Submitted to:
Sir Bonifacio Train
I. Executive Summary
a. Product Overview
The product chosen by the company, Herbs and Pasta is the Cajun
Shrimp Pasta. Unlike other pesto pastas, this dish comes with an idea of
promoting a food which is not just pleasing but also elevates the standard of
healthy living. The Cajun Shrimp Pasta affords great pleasure through its organic
and locally grown ingredients such as spinach, mushroom, calamansi and chilli
flakes. With this, the dish provides a complete balance of nutrients.
b. Market Overview
As of the chosen product, it is different from other pasta dishes that can be
seen in restaurants. This pasta not only has its unique ingredients such as nuts
and calamansi. Healthy eating became the trend during our present time.
Nowadays, most of the people, especially the millennial are eager to find what is
the trend and the company think that this product will surely fit their taste.
c. Business Mission/Vision
We strive to provide the best possible products and services at affordable
prices for all customers
We commit to making food nutritious, clean and fresh pasta.
II. Entrepreneur Business Background
a. Relevant Experience and Education Related to the Product and Target
• Elisee Maryse Cuarto
- “Since I'm from a family of entrepreneurs, I can tell that at the very
young age I've had experiences when it comes to the business
world. Aside from studying business related program, I do help in
our small store in the public market. I am the cashier personnel at
the store during free time. Thus, from there I have learned things
that the institution had not taught me like different approaches to
different kind of customers, how to sell effectively and many more.
With this experiences and knowledge, I think that it’s an advantage
for the project to have these. I believe that not only theories and
concepts make up the entrepreneurship really an entrepreneurship
but it is how the group will combine their skills and knowledge. Also,
to be honest I haven’t tried selling any kind of food or dish but I think
what I do in the market is also applicable to the project. Of course
we have our target market but we also have to consider all kinds of
market because in business you just don’t expect only the expected
but also you might be surprised. So with this, I think the knowledge
and experience is still the most effective and probably also one of
the most efficient ways to address a business especially if the
business has just started.”
• Jordane Titular
- “Being an entrepreneur is a very risky, tiring and weary job but the
success in that particular field is fulfilling. As I pursue the course
Entrepreneurial and Business Development, I encountered several
obstacles regarding understanding the trend, incorporating
innovation to the product and collaborating effectively to the group. I
learned that entrepreneurship requires commitment and an
innovative and optimistic attitude against hurdles and impediments
because a real entrepreneur sees an opportunity in the roadblocks
he or she faces.”
• Ranzes Gloe Aguila
- “I experienced being an entrepreneur when I was in grade 6, we sell
snacks like junk foods and candies. From this experience, I learned
that being an entrepreneur is not easy especially in dealing with the
costumers. I should have long patience in dealing with them. With
this experience, I learned how to approach costumers and handle a
small business that can I apply in this subject.”
• Jeffrey Cardenas
- “Entrepreneur isn't an easy job. It’s like you really need to deal with
everything when you're an entrepreneur. I experience being an
entrepreneur back then when I was 4th year student. At first, I
thought it would be us for us to sell those kinds of goods, but it
wasn't. We had difficult time selling our goods because of the fact
that we do have a lot of competitors. As time goes by, we learned
different strategies so we can be able to sell our product. We
realized that we should also consider the innovation around us, and
that we should have more patience in dealing with the consumers.”
• April Dimaculangan
- “When we were in high school, we have this project where you have
to make and sell any food that you made. We decided to make
cupcakes since it's easier and fun to do. At first, it was exciting
because I love baking. But then, only few students liked it so we felt
disappointed. Some of them even insulted the taste of our
cupcakes. I learned that being an entrepreneur is really difficult
especially to those who are short tempered.”
• Keith Auddrey Logo
- “I experienced selling foods like vegetables and meat when i was
having vacation last 2015; there are a lot of people who are buying
in veggies and meat store. It is owned by my auntie who is also an
entrepreneur. It is enjoyable and a lot of fulfilment when you are
earning profit by your own. I think i have least knowledge about
selling products but still I’ve remember some topics about
businesses in our marketing subject last semester.”
• Cherrylyn P. Macasaet
- “Last year, I’ve tried selling chocolates, where in we all know that it
was also a food. It was easy if the product totally fits the market.
Our supplier is from Manila wherein I need to process the orders
and wait for its shipment. Somehow, advertising becomes easy
because of the internet but dealing with the payment system is a lot
of complicated thing to do. So in order to succeed and earn profit,
one must know what is happening in the kind of business its
entering. It was fun but it also has some risk when you commit
yourself in doing a business”
• Rain Mendoza
- “I can say that being an entrepreneur is a difficult job as it requires a
lot of work and effort; when I was in Grade 6, we had to make
pastillas and sell it within our campus as our project. Making
pastillas requires a lot of work as I had to measure the ingredients
accordingly and mix it well; selling it makes it more difficult as it
requires a lot of effort, I had to go to every room as much as
possible to sell my product. Fortunately, all of my customers were
satisfied with my pastillas and I earned money twice as the cost of
my ingredients. Despite all of the hard works I did, I knew
everything of it is worth it.”
• Leo Gonzales
- “Apart from giving me the opportunity to acquire many skills, learn
about every fundamental and basics of business, growing up in a
family of entrepreneurs taught me some important lessons which
will always stay with me, will guide me through tough times,
understand what implications it has on my personal life and would
help me in my career to make wise decision in managing it. They’re
showing me that I can reach my dreams if I have persistence,
ambition, and passion to do it. The anomalies of owning your own
business, the ups and down become normal in my eyes from a very
young age. I got so interested in running the business, curious
about every essential part of it, so I’m trying to help and make it a
habit to work in our meat shops. I’ve been expose on overcoming
obstacles, strategize in every aspect to make more money,
improve, and interacting with different people and customers.”
• Baby Ivy De Castro
- As a daughter of a business owner, I already encountered many
conflicts in terms of pricing, promotions, customer conversation
business management, financial, and employee problems to make
the business stable. Furthermore, I also tried selling products when
I am in high school. It was a nice experience for me to enlarge my
point view in our life cycle. In short it gives me an idea to know the
challenges that might encounter in the future. Moreover now that I
was given a chance to use my previous learning and knowledge.
And it’s my pleasure to do it again, to know if I already grow.
In this present time of ours, more and more people enter the world
of entrepreneurship and are becoming entrepreneurs whom are the
persons who undertake an enterprise or business entity, assuming the
risks of profit and loss, (Tulloch, 1993).Today, we cannot deny the fact that
many business ventures are heading for the food industry as restaurants,
cafés and different food stalls are being established. The international food
and beverage industry expanded and grew at a rate of 5 % annually and
the global expenditure of consumers around the world is expected to reach
up to $20 trillion by 2030, (www.plantandfood.co.nz, 2013). With these
given data, it only means that the food industry is actually “booming” and
as more business entities enter the market, entrepreneurs must know how
to retain the sustainability of their businesses.
A large portion of this industry includes restaurants and food stalls
that offer authentic Italian cuisine and according to Giampaolo (n.d.),
numerous Italian recipes dominate almost every corner of the world and
this is evident in the numerous known bistros and restaurants that highlight
the flavours of Tuscany, Naples and other regions in Italy. But in the
Philippines, the most usual and dominant food offered in these Italian
restaurant and even in small cafeterias and food stalls is the ever- famous
Italian staple which is the pasta.
Almost everyone likes pasta but some other people consider it a
carbohydrate food which usually leads to weight gain but since our
innovation involves a social responsibility which is to promote much
healthy pasta for the future consumers. The National Pasta Association
notes that including the right kinds of pasta in your diet can benefit your
health in many ways. Moderation is the key, and once you know more
about the nutrients pasta contains, you can add it into your diet without
worrying about your weight.
All types of pasta supply some fiber, but whole-wheat varieties are
packed with this important nutrient (Ipatenco, 2015). We need fiber for
proper digestion and it is good for the heart and the blood vessels. The
nutrient of pasta also depends on what you put in it, so our group decided
to put vegetables such as spinach or malunggay leaves and nut which we
all know that have its advantage to our body.
The carbohydrates in pasta also supply your body with glucose.
Glucose is necessary for providing fuel to your brain and your muscles.
Whole-grain pastas will provide more of these benefits than pastas made
with white flour (Ipatenco, 2015). The group aims to provide pasta that is
very useful for healthy living and pasta that is not seen as a carbohydrate
III. Product Description (per product if you have more than one)
a. Detailed Description
i. Ingredients/Raw Materials
• 3 and 1/2 tablespoon olive oil
ii. Recipe
a) Marinating the shrimp:
• Peel off the shrimp’s shell and add the chopped garlic, salt and
pepper, and 2 juiced calamansi. Leave for 5 minutes.
• Bring a large pot of lightly salted water and add 1 tablespoon oil and
shrimp broth. Bring to a boil.
• Add spaghetti pasta, and cook for 9 to 13 minutes or until al dente;
• Heat oil and butter in a large saucepan over medium heat. Sauté
chopped garlic and chili pepper flakes for about 1 minute.
• Add shrimp and spinach.
• Mix in the cooked spaghetti pasta and add the pesto or Italian
• Add the chopped parsley, fish sauce, and the parmesan cheese.
• Add the juiced calamansi and lastly, add the chopped basil and
crushed nuts.
iii. Presentation
Product Presentation
The company is formed with the goal of making an organization that
focuses on serving the Cajun Shrimp Pasta that contains special and healthy
ingredients such as herbs, peanuts, shrimps and the usual citrus calamansi with
the aim of promoting guilt-free eating and cookery.
The logo resembled the colors red, white, and green because of the colors
that represent an Italian vibe. Red is used in logo design to grip the viewer’
attention, and has been known to raise one’s blood pressure or make people
hungry. Then, green is used as a second color of the logo design because it
takes up the larger portion of the spectrum of colors visible to human eye and are
perceived as tranquil and refreshing. Overall, these colors represents positive
The label shows the company’s logo, the picture of the product and brief
information about the pasta dish. Its simple illustration resembles a classy design
that incorporates the product positioning of being a preeminent pasta dish
including images of herbs in the actual logo that depict the actual product.
Booth Presentation
iv. Packaging
The product’s container that is used is 100% eco-friendly because it is
made from sterilized recycled papers formed to be carton boxes. Placing the
actual product in this kind of container brings about convenience to the
consumers, bearing in mind that it is easy to dispose. The packaging also
included a safety seal that the group will place on the container at the moment of
the consumer’s purchase after preparing the dish.
b. Plans for:
i. Distribution
Product Distribution uncovers marketing strategies that will connect the
actual and augmented product to the target market segment which includes
students (regardless of year level and department) and employees in De La Salle
Lipa who prefers authentic Italian cuisine with a Filipino twist which has a
reasonable price.
A few days before the actual day of the launching of different food stalls as
part of the requirements for the course Entrepreneurial and Business
development, group members who are in charge for the product advertisement
and distribution introduced the product itself by posting images in social
networking sites depicting a creative illustration of the product with attractive
captioning that will in turn generate curiosity among the public and obtaining their
attention which will probably drive them to actually try the product. This served as
a "teaser" for the launching of the product itself. The company also prepared
flyers that will also be distributed before the implementation.
On the actual day of product selling, the group put into effect a "promo
hour" wherein customers can actually purchase the product with a discount,
which is decided by the management. This promo hour is conducted in the hour
when sales are expected to be least as a promotional gimmick to encourage
more customers to purchase the product for that hour. Aside from this the
company also gave a discount with every five purchase of the product.
ii. Quality control
Since the ingredients are sourced locally, the group has picked its raw
materials according to its finest quality. As for the veggies, the group made sure
that those are fresh and free from pests. Also, the group made sure that they are
the ones who picked the raw materials. On the other hand, as for the shrimps it is
bought from the market since its market is famous and trusted for its seafood
products. The group decided to just buy the shrimps here. Lastly, as for the
pasta, it is just the regular instant pasta noodles bought in the supermarkets. The
quality can be assured in the pasta by choosing the brand that has been trusted
for years. Of course, the food being sensitive with the environment, the group
made make sure that the utensils used are clean and well sterilized. Also, the
food container is assured eco-friendly that is clean and presentable. The
company’s always main concern is its product quality.
Packaging Mixing
Knowing that cafeteria and other food stalls in the institution offers foods
that are mostly instant; the company has made a dish that gave its target market
a taste of home cooked food. The dish is prepared traditionally in a way that the
customers will see how the dish will be prepared as soon they have ordered. With
its fresh ingredients, the company can assure the quality of its food being sold to
the customers. On the other hand, the company has considered the target
market’s ability to purchase. This is done through informal interviews in which it
helped the company build its framework about meeting the target market’s needs.
b. Strategies
Selling our product is the biggest challenge of this business since our
product would definitely become intimidating to those people who are not familiar
on pasta that have leafy ingredients, still we can use this as our advantage
against our competitors for the reason that we are offering the market something
different in the eyes and taste. Cajun Shrimp Pasta is regarded to be at variance
from other products offered by our competitors because this Italian dish will be
altered by substituting the usual lemon with a familiar Filipino ingredient that is
calamansi which is loaded and satiated with health benefits.
Our ethics and social responsibility challenges include how the entity
presented the product to encourage customers to buy the product and how the
company helped the small-scale farmers especially here in the province of
Batangas. In addition to this, the said group considered the environment in terms
of using appropriate materials for the packaging of the product. Lastly, the group
should also come up with innovative ideas to make the product unique than its
iii. Furnishings
Table cloth
ii. Purchasing
The Cajun shrimp pasta raw materials are bought from the market,
Robinsons and SM.
Advertising Expense P90
Supplies Expense 843
Ingredients Expense 2,892
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