(Book No. 02) (11) Guide No. Aerb NPP-PHWR SG D-12 (Other)
(Book No. 02) (11) Guide No. Aerb NPP-PHWR SG D-12 (Other)
(Book No. 02) (11) Guide No. Aerb NPP-PHWR SG D-12 (Other)
October 2005
footnotes, bibliography and list of participants are included to provide information that
might be helpful to the user. Approaches for implementation different to those set out
in the guide may be acceptable, if they provide comparable assurance against undue
risk to the health and safety of the occupational workers and the general public, and
protection of the environment.
For aspects not covered in this guide, applicable and acceptable national and
international standards, codes and guides should be followed. Non-radiological aspects
of industrial safety and environmental protection are not explicitly considered. Industrial
safety is to be ensured through compliance with the applicable provisions of the
Factories Act, 1948 and the Atomic Energy (Factories) Rules, 1996.
This safety guide has been prepared by specialists in the field drawn from the Atomic
Energy Regulatory Board, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Indira Gandhi Centre for
Atomic Research, Nuclear Power Corporation of India Limited and other consultants. It
has been reviewed by the relevant AERB Advisory Committee on Codes and Guides
and the Advisory Committee on Nuclear Safety.
AERB wishes to thank all individuals and organisations who have prepared and reviewed
the draft and helped in its finalisation. The list of persons, who have participated in this
task, along with their affiliations, is included for information.
Chairman, AERB
An unplanned event resulting in (or having the potential to result in) personal injury or
damage to equipment which may or may not cause release of unacceptable quantities of
radioactive material or toxic/hazardous chemicals.
Accident Conditions
Substantial deviations from operational states, which could lead to release of
unacceptable quantities of radioactive materials. They are more severe than anticipated
operational occurrences and include design basis accidents as well as beyond design
basis accidents.
The quantity ‘A’ for an amount of radionuclide in a given energy state at a given time is
defined as:
where ‘dN’ is the expectation value of the number of spontaneous nuclear
transformations from the given energy state in a time interval ‘dt’. The SI unit of activity
is the reciprocal of second (s-1), termed the Becquerel (Bq).
An acronym for ‘As Low As Reasonably Achievable’. A concept meaning that the
design and use of sources, and the practices associated therewith, should be such as to
ensure that exposures are kept as low as reasonably practicable, with economic and
social factors taken into account.
The determination of the kind, quantity, location, and/or retention of radionuclides in
the body by in vitro analysis of material excreted or removed from the body.
Collective Dose
An expression for the total radiation dose incurred by a population and defined as the
product of the number of individuals exposed to a source and their average radiation
Committed Effective Dose, E (t
The time integral of the whole body effective dose rate following an intake of a
radionuclide. The quantity ‘E (t)’ is defined as
E(t) = S WT . HT(t)
where ‘HT (t)’ is the committed equivalent dose to tissue ‘T’ over the integration time
‘t’. When ‘t’ is not specified, it will be taken to be 50 years for adults and age 70 years
for intake by children.
The presence of radioactive substances in or on a material/the human body or other
places in excess of quantities specified by the competent authority.
Controlled Area
A delineated area to which access is controlled and in which specific protection measures
and safety provisions are, or could be, required for
(a) controlling normal exposures or preventing the spread of contamination during
normal working conditions; and
(b) preventing potential exposures or limiting their extent should they occur.
An action aimed at alleviating or mitigating the consequences of accidental release of
radioactive material into the environment.
Critical Group
A group of members of the public which is reasonably homogeneous with respect to its
exposure for a given radiation source and given exposure pathway and is typical of
individuals receiving the highest effective dose or equivalent dose (as applicable) by
the given exposure pathway from the given source. When exposure occurs by more
than one pathway, the term may also be used to mean the group which receives the
highest total dose by all the pathways of exposure from a given source or practice.
Critical Pathway
The dominant environmental pathway through which members of the critical group are
exposed to radiation.
The removal or reduction of contamination by physical or chemical means.
Provision of multiple levels of protection for ensuring safety of workers, the public or
the environment.
Derived Air Concentration (DAC)
That activity concentration of the radionuclide in air (Bq/m3) which, if breathed by
reference man for a working year of 2000 h under conditions of light physical activity
(breathing rate of 1.2 m3/h), would result in an inhalation of one ALI, or the concentration,
which for 2000 h of air immersion, would lead to irradiation of any organ or tissue to the
appropriate annual dose limit.
The process and results of developing the concept, detailed plans, supporting
calculations and specifications for a nuclear or radiation facility.
Design Basis Accidents (DBAs)
A set of postulated accidents which are analysed to arrive at conservative limits on
pressure, temperature and other parameters which are then used to set specifications to
be met by plant structures, systems and components, and fission product barriers.
Design Basis Events (DBEs)
The set of events, that serves as part of the basis for the establishment of design
requirements for systems, structures and components within a facility. Design basis
events (DBEs) include operational transients and certain accident conditions under
postulated initiating events (PIEs) considered in the design of the facility (see also
‘Design Basis Accidents’).
A measure of the radiation received or absorbed by a target. The quantities termed
absorbed dose, organ dose, equivalent dose, effective dose, committed equivalent
dose, or committed effective dose are used, depending on the context. The modifying
terms are used when they are not necessary for defining the quantity of interest.
Dose Constraint
A prospective and source-related restriction on the individual dose delivered by the
source, which serves as a bound in the optimisation of protection and safety of the
source. For occupational exposures, dose constraint is a source-related value of
individual dose used to limit the range of options considered in the process of
optimisation. For public exposure, the dose constraint is an upper bound on the annual
dose that a member of the public should receive from the planned operation of any
controlled source. The exposure to which the dose constraint applies is the annual
dose to any critical group, summed over all exposure pathways, arising from the predicted
operation of the controlled source. The dose constraint for each source is intended to
ensure that the sum of doses to the critical group from all controlled sources remains
within the dose limit. For medical exposure the dose constraint level should be interpreted
as a guidance level, except when used in optimising the protection of persons, other
than workers, who assist in the care, support or comfort of exposed patients.
Dose Limit
The value of the effective dose or the equivalent dose to individuals from controlled
practices that shall not be exceeded.
Effective Dose
The quantity ‘E’ is defined as a summation of the tissue equivalent doses, each multiplied
by the appropriate tissue weighting factor:
where ‘HT’ is the equivalent dose in tissue ‘T’ and ‘wT’ is the tissue weighting factor for
tissue ‘T’.
Emergency Plan
A set of procedures to be implemented in the event of an accident.
Everything outside the premises of a facility, including the air, terrain, surface and
underground water, flora and fauna.
Exclusion Zone
An area extending up to a specified distance around the plant, where no public habitation
is permitted. This zone is physically isolated from outside areas by plant fencing and is
under the control of the plant management.
The act or condition of being subject to irradiation. Exposure can be either external
(irradiation by sources outside the body) or internal (irradiation by sources inside the
body). Exposure can be classified as either normal exposure or potential exposure;
either occupational, medical or public exposure; and in intervention situations, either
emergency exposure or chronic exposure. The term ‘exposure’ is also used in radiation
dosimetry to express the amount of ions produced in air by ionising radiation.
Exposure Pathway
A route by which radiation or radionuclides can reach humans and cause exposure.
The value of a parameter or attribute (which is variable) used in certain specific activities
or circumstances that must not be exceeded.
Loss of Coolant Accident (LOCA)
An accident resulting from the loss of coolant to the fuel in a reactor due to a break in
pressure retaining boundary of the primary coolant system.
Member of the Public
Any individual in the population except for one who is subject to occupational or
medical exposure. For the purpose of verifying compliance with the annual dose limit
for public exposure, the member of the public is the representative individual in the
relevant critical group.
The continuous or periodic measurement of parameters for reasons related to the
determination, assessment in respect of structure, system or component in a facility or
control of radiation.
Normal Operation
Operation of a plant or equipment within specified operational limits and conditions. In
case of a nuclear power plant, this includes, start-up, power operation, shutting down,
shutdown state, maintenance, testing and refuelling.
Nuclear Power Plant (NPP)
A nuclear reactor or a group of reactors together with all the associated structures,
systems, equipment and components necessary for safe generation of electricity.
Occupational Exposure
All exposures of personnel incurred in the course of their work.
Occupational Worker
Any person, working full time or part time in a nuclear or radiation facility, who may be
employed directly by the ‘consentee’ or through a contractor.
Area in public domain beyond the site boundary.
All activities following and prior to commissioning performed to achieve, in a safe
manner, the purpose for which a nuclear/radiation facility is constructed, including
Operational States
The states defined under ‘normal operation’ and ‘anticipated operational occurrences’.
Any human activity that introduces additional sources of exposure or exposure
pathways or extends exposure to additional people or modifies the network of exposure
pathways from existing sources, so as to increase the exposure or the likelihood of
exposure of people, or the number of people exposed.
Prescribed Limits
Limits established or accepted by the regulatory body.
Public Exposure
Exposure incurred by members of the public from radiation sources, excluding any
occupational or medical exposure and the normal local natural background radiation,
but, including exposure from authorised sources and practices and from intervention
Quality Assurance (QA)
Planned and systematic actions necessary to provide the confidence that an item or
service will satisfy given requirements for quality.
Safety Analysis
Evaluation of the potential hazards (risks) associated with the implementation of a
proposed activity.
Site Personnel
All persons working on the site, either permanently or temporarily.
Anything that causes radiation exposure, either by emitting ionising radiation or releasing
radioactive substances or materials.
Supervised Area
Any area not designated as a controlled area but for which occupational exposure
conditions are kept under review even though specific protective measures and safety
provisions are not normally needed.
FOREWORD ............................................................................................. i
1. INTRODUCTION ....................................................................... 1
1.1 General .......................................................................... 1
1.2 Objective ...................................................................... 1
1.3 Scope ............................................................................ 1
BIBLIOGRAPHY ...................................................................................... 63
1.1 General
1.1.1 This safety guide deals with the provisions to be made in the design of
pressurised heavy water reactor (PHWR) based nuclear power plants to protect
the site personnel and the public from undue exposure to ionising radiation
during all the design basis events (operational transients and accident
1.1.2 It should be recognised that effective radiological protection is achieved by a
combination of good design, quality assurance, proper selection of materials,
high quality construction, safe operation and above all a safety culture that
pervades all these aspects.
1.1.3 The radiation protection principles outlined in this guide are generally based
on the ICRP Recommendations [1], IAEA Basic Safety Standards [2], and
AERB safety manual on Radiation Protection for Nuclear Facilities [3].
1.2 Objective
The purpose of this safety guide is to provide guidelines for implementation
of radiation protection in the design of nuclear power plants, consistent with
the requirements of the Code of Practice on Design for Safety in Pressurised
Heavy Water Reactor Based Nuclear Power Plants (AERB/SC/D) [4]. This
guide is meant for use by nuclear power plant (NPP) designers and the plant
operating personnel.
1.3 Scope
1.3.1 This guide covers:
i) Principles and concepts of dose limitation as a basis of radiological
protection measures to be implemented in the design.
ii) Important sources of radiation and contamination during normal
operation and design basis events (DBE).
iii) Design measures and provisions for radiological protection of plant
personnel, members of the public and the environment.
iv) Radiation detection and monitoring systems and portable instruments
required at the plant to verify whether the design meets the required
level of radiation protection.
1.3.2 The requirements and considerations for quantitative assessment of
radioactive sources generated in the reactor and their transport as well as
shielding aspects, have been briefly indicated. Radiation protection aspects
during operation of NPPs are covered in the safety guide on Radiation
Protection during Operation of NPPs (AERB/SG/O-5) [5].
1.3.3 While this safety guide has been prepared specifically for radiation protection
in design of PHWR based NPPs, it may also be applicable, with suitable
modifications, to other types of reactors.
2.1 General
2.1.1 A general requirement is that radiological aspects of design should be
addressed right from the initial design stages. Quality assurance in design
should also address this aspect.
2.1.2 In accordance with the basic principles of radiation protection, provisions
should be made to comply with the following design objectives.
(a) Radiation protection provisions shall be such as to keep exposures
as low as reasonably achievable (ALARA), taking into account
economic and social factors.
(b) Radiation exposures of plant personnel and members of the public
shall not exceed the prescribed limits.
2.2 Dose Limits during Operational States
The individual dose limits and constraints for plant personnel and the public
during operational states are given in AERB safety manual on Radiation
Protection for Nuclear Facilities [3]. The most important limits to be used for
design purposes are given in Annexure-I.
2.3 Exposure Criteria for Accident Analysis
Design should demonstrate that the calculated doses to the members of the
public at the site boundary under design basis accidents (DBE Category-4
events) [6] should not exceed the reference doses prescribed by AERB [3].
For arriving at the acceptable risk, the philosophy adopted is that events
having higher probability of occurrence should have low consequence while
events associated with high consequence should have low probability of
2.4 Operational States
2.4.1 Design Approach
The design targets should be set in terms of the following:
Radiation level at a specified distance from equipment/ components
and general radiation fields in different areas of the plant. Suggested
design radiation levels are given in Annexure-II.
Limits of air contamination levels in different zones of the plant. In full
occupancy areas of the plant, ventilation requirement should be
governed by AERB Safety Directive [7] (Annexure-III).
Minimising collective dose for plant personnel.
Design target for collective dose (approved by AERB)
Dose limits for members of the public (vide Annexure-I)
2.4.2 Radiological Protection of Plant Personnel
The design considerations for radiological protection should address the
(1) The plant layout should be such that
- Areas are segregated according to their radiation levels and
contamination potential,
- The dose received by plant personnel during operation/
maintenance is minimised, and
- Shielding and ventilation provisions are adequate.
(2) Minimisation of individual exposure and collective dose shall be
ensured by:
(i) Reduction of dose rate in working areas by:
- source reduction,
- adequate shielding,
- remote handling techniques including robotics, and
- periodic decontamination of active systems.
(ii) Minimisation of occupancy in radiation areas by:
- conducting time and motion study for different
- use of equipment with low failure rates,
- ensuring ease of maintenance or removal/replacement
of equipment,
- use of CCTV to minimise personnel entries,
- provision of stand-by equipment,
- separation/segregation of radioactive/non-radioactive
equipment, and
- ensuring ease of access and good lighting.
(iii) Minimising the number of workers for a particular job
(3) Fractions of target occupational collective dose should be budgeted
to individual systems, to areas of the plant and to operational,
maintenance and inspection work functions based on design and
past experience. During plant design, estimates should be made of
the following.
- contribution of each system to radiation exposure,
- additional contribution to radiation exposure by nearby piping/
- contribution by airborne activity to radiation exposure, and
- dose received by different groups of workers, to identify the
groups of workers who are likely to receive significant dose
on routine basis. e.g. fuel handling group in PHWRs.
2.4.3 Limitation of Public Exposure
The sources contributing to generation of radioactive solid, liquid and gaseous
wastes and their release to the environment shall be examined with respect to
minimisation of waste at the source. The dose to public resulting from these
releases shall be assessed and if necessary, appropriate design measures to
reduce these releases should be introduced.
2.5 Accident Conditions
2.5.1 In order to achieve the design objectives and criteria for accident conditions
outlined in Section 2.3 the following features should be incorporated.
(a) High level of safety and defence-in-depth provisions in system design
(b) Engineered Safety Features (ESFs) and containment for mitigation of
(c) Proper siting of the plant and provision of an exclusion zone as
stipulated by AERB [8]
Safety analysis shall demonstrate that these objectives are achieved by design.
2.5.2 To enable plant operators to adequately manage accident situations, necessary
design provisions and procedures shall be made for the following. (Also see
Section 6)
(a) Radiation levels in control room and supplementary control room and
all other locations requiring personnel access should be kept low.
Suggested levels are given in Annexure-IV.
(b) Adequate provisions should be incorporated to ensure personnel
protection against airborne contamination during emergencies.
(c) Control room and supplementary control room and other areas
requiring personnel access should also be designed to provide
personnel protection against chemical hazards, (e.g., H 2S, chlorine)
as applicable.
(d) Provisions for safe collection/analysis of samples from process
systems and air/ water from within the containment.
2.6 Monitoring for Radiation Protection
2.6.1 For demonstrating compliance with prescribed limits and for providing
information on changes in radiation levels, installed radiation monitoring
systems should be provided in the design.
2.6.2 Provisions should be made for workplace and environmental monitoring.
Facilities should be provided for individual external and internal monitoring of
the occupational workers. Workplace monitoring should include monitoring
for external radiation, airborne contamination and surface contamination.
Monitoring for protection of public should include monitoring of effluents
from the plant as well as the environmental monitoring during normal operation
as well as during accident conditions.
The significant sources of radiation during operation and shutdown conditions are
given in Annexure-V, Table V-1. Radiological data pertaining to commonly encountered
radionuclides are given in Annexure-V, Table V-2. The observed levels of activities as
seen in some of the important systems in currently operating 220 MWe units are given
in Annexure-V, Table V-3.
(i) Long-lived fission products and activation products contained in reactor
systems give rise to a general increase of radiation levels in the entire circuit
and in addition cause radioactive “hot spots” in certain parts of the circuits.
Both these are of radiological safety concern particularly during periods of
high personnel occupancy such as maintenance outages. While gamma
radiation emitted from these sources gives rise to external hazard, beta emitting
sources cause additional external exposure (skin exposure) and internal
exposure hazards (due to airborne contamination) when active system/
equipment are opened up (for maintenance) or when there are leaks from the
systems. Even in the initial stages of plant operation the PHT system contains
some fission product contamination mostly due to tramp uranium arising from
surface contamination of (typical value 1×10–2 mg/cm2) fuel cladding surfaces
and uranium contamination present as impurity in the zircalloy materials [9].
However, much higher amounts of uranium and fission products are also
released if there are fuel defects/ failures and this constitutes the major source
of contamination in the PHT circuit during later stages of operation. Optimum
fuel irradiation and fuel handling programme should ensure that fuel failure
rate and thus the fission product contamination of primary coolant are kept
low. Suggested fuel performance targets are given in Annexure-VI.
(ii) Cobalt-60 is the most significant long-lived activation product, both in the
PHT and moderator systems. At the design stage the choice of components/
materials used in all the reactor system circuits should ensure that cobalt
impurity levels are as low as possible. Also to the maximum extent possible,
the use of cobalt bearing materials (particularly stellite) should be avoided
and these should be replaced by cobalt-free substitutes. A note on the control
of activation product Co-60 and suggested limits of cobalt impurity levels in
different materials are given in Annexure-IX.
(iii) The long-lived activation product C-14 produced in fuel, moderator and PHT
systems remains confined mostly in the fuel and the spent ion-exchange resin
of the purification systems. Thus for NPP operation it is considered to be of
minor importance as contributor to occupational or environmental dose.
However C-14 releases would be of significance during reprocessing of
irradiated fuel [10, 11].
(iv) The other active systems as listed in Annexure-V, Table V-1 (other than
Miscellaneous Sources) basically contain those radioactive sources, which
originate in the reactor core, the PHT and/ or moderator systems. The levels of
activities in these systems depend upon factors such as their concentrations
in the original systems, rate of activity transport, extent of escape of active
fluids from the systems, etc.
(v) The process water and boiler feed water/ steam systems are normally inactive.
However, these systems can become contaminated in the event of ingress of
active system fluids due to factors such as leaks of heat exchanger or steam
generator tubes. The activities in both these secondary systems should be
monitored and as soon as activity is detected, corrective action to isolate and
stop the leak are to be initiated. Provisions to clean and flush the circuit and
safe disposal of active water generated due to leak to the secondary circuit
should be available. During the course of investigation/ corrective action
subsequent to detection of a leak, some amount of activity would have to be
permitted to be present in the circuit containing the offending heat exchanger
or steam generator in order to permit identification of the leaky equipment.
Guidelines on arriving at the target maximum activity concentration in the
offending system are given in Annexure-VIII.
(i) The safety analysis of the plant should determine the source term, i.e., the
amount of radioactive material that is likely to be released to the environment
under different design basis events (DBEs). The DBE scenarios analysed
should be comprehensive [12, 6, 13] and should include releases from:
- reactor core during loss of coolant accidents,
- fuel handling accidents, and
- coolant or moderator circuits, due to major leakage of system heavy
(ii) The analysis should include calculation of:
- radioactivity inventory in the reactor core,
- tritium and fission product inventory in moderator and coolant,
- fraction of fission product inventory released to coolant and
containment, and
- fraction of inventory released to environment.
(iii) Fission products are generally of major importance as compared with activation
products and actinides in the determination of activity released from fuel.
However, tritium exposure should also be taken into account in calculating
on-site doses in case of large heavy water leakage accidents.
(iv) In determining the source term that my result in exposure to the public the
following should be taken into account:
i) Fission products and activation products released from the fuel and
ii) Transport of released radionuclides from fuel/ core to environment
taking into account the thermal hydraulics of core, coolant and
containment for the accident sequence under consideration.
Approved computer codes specific to PHWRs should be used for
estimating source terms for different DBEs. Alternatively conservative
methods of assessment of transport of fission products may be used.
The assumptions as well as the retention factors used for calculating source
term in PHWRs are given in Appendix-A.
(v) Account should also be taken of the possibility of radioactivity accumulating
on air filters/adsorbers or components of the liquid waste treatment system
after accidents. In addition, the following aspects should be considered during
the design of the filters/ adsorbers.
- use of demisters before air filters,
- shielding of filters, and
- heat generation due to decay of accumulated activity.
5.3 Zoning
5.3.1 General
In order to minimise contamination and also to control its spread, the entire
plant area should be divided into distinct zones of different contamination
potential. Each zone should be clearly demarcated and provided with interzonal
check points equipped with contamination monitors (vide Section 11.3.7).
Personnel movement in the plant should be from zones of lower to higher
contamination potential for entry and vice versa for exit. At the final exit point
(zone 2 to zone 1 interface) automatic portal surveillance monitors should also
be installed.
5.3.2 The guidelines for classification of different zones are given in Annexure-IX.
5.3.3 Space/ facilities for setting up rubber stations should be provided at all locations
where there is contamination potential. Additionally, highly contaminated areas
should be provided with rubber change stations (double rubber stations).
5.3.4 Provisions should be made for storing protective clothing/ equipment and
materials required for setting up rubber stations. Facilities for personnel
decontamination should be available at important locations (such as just
outside reactor building) to control spread of contamination.
5.4 Change Room
A change room should be provided at the entrance of zone-2 (controlled area).
It should have the following facilities:
- separate lockers for plant and personal clothing,
- personnel decontamination facilities (showers and wash basins),
- clean plant clothing storage crib and issue counter,
- containers for contaminated clothing, and
- contamination monitoring facilities.
The layout and ventilation of the main change room should be such as to
prevent the spread of contamination to areas outside the controlled areas.
Within this room, a barrier should clearly separate the clean areas from a
potentially contaminated area. The change room should have adequate capacity
to cater for normal and peak loads of manpower.
5.5 Access and Occupancy Control
5.5.1 Areas within the station shall be divided into:
i) Shutdown Areas: Areas, which are accessible only during reactor
shut down (or very low power), as at high power these areas may
have very high radiation fields. Examples of such areas are PHT
circulating pump and steam generator room, moderator room, etc.
ii) Accessible Areas: Areas, which are accessible at all times. These
areas should have only low levels of radiation such that the exposure
of personnel required to work here is not expected to be high.
The Accessible and shutdown Areas should be clearly marked. The shutdown
areas should have doors and interlock systems to ensure that inadvertent
personnel entry into these areas is prevented by design. Wherever not feasible,
entry to locations of high radiation exposure potential (such as Fuel Transfer
Room) should be restricted by strict administrative control measures. The
design should incorporate appropriate provisions to ensure that personnel
located inside shutdown areas exit from the area at all power levels.
5.5.2 The personnel occupancy time required in radiation and contamination areas
should be consistent with the ALARA principle. This should be achieved in
the plant layout by:
i) Provision of clear passageways of adequate dimensions for easy
movement of personnel and equipment. The routes should be as
short as possible so as to minimise radiation exposure and possibility
of spread of contamination.
ii) Provision of adequate space in the vicinity of plant equipment for
ease of working; for example, to carry out repairs or inspection,
including removal of a plant equipment.
iii) Mounting of components that require frequent access at a height
convenient for working and provision of permanent ladders, access
platforms and crane rails (or cranes) in areas where it can be foreseen
that these are required for maintenance or removal of plant equipment.
iv) Provision of facilities for quick and easy removal of shielding and
insulation in locations where it may be necessary to perform routine
maintenance or inspection.
v) Provision of special tools, equipment, robotics, remote handling
devices, etc., in order to reduce exposure time.
vi) Provision of facilities for communication with the control room and
between personnel working in radiation or contaminated areas.
5.6 Control of Activity in Coolant and Moderator Systems
5.6.1 The circuits associated with these systems contain most of the sources of
radioactivity and are therefore the main contributors to personnel exposure.
5.6.2 The inventory of activated corrosion and erosion products in the systems
should be minimised by:
i) reducing the corrosion and erosion rates by proper selection of
materials and control of system chemistry, and
ii) minimising the use of cobalt bearing materials (e.g stellite for valve
seats, bearing, etc.) and specifying materials, components and piping
with low cobalt impurity content (vide Annexure-VII).
5.6.3 The activity build-up in these systems should be minimised by the following:
i) Fuel failures should be controlled by proper design and in-core
management of fuel. On-line failed fuel detection system should be
installed to enable early detection of failed fuel. (Limits for fuel failures
and PHT system fission product activity are given in Annexure-VI).
ii) Clean-up systems (e.g., filters and ion exchange resin) should be
provided. Their capacities should be adequate to cope with activity
spikes during start-up, cool down and depressurisation phases.
iii) The possibility of build-up/trapping of activity in the system circuits
should be reduced by the following:
§ Sharp bends and dead ends that can act as traps should be
avoided as far as possible.
§ Number of welded joints should be kept to a minimum and the
welds should have minimum roughness.
§ Drains should be minimised and these should be properly
positioned to avoid residual stagnant pockets of liquid when
the circuits are drained.
§ System tanks should have provisions for flushing and draining
(to reduce crud/sludge build-up).
§ Facilities for carrying out system decontamination (whenever
required) should be provided. Design should ensure feasibility
to carry out decontamination campaigns in these systems
whenever required.
§ Vent lines should, as far as possible, run vertically from the
pump bowl.
5.6.4 To control air contamination (particularly tritium) the circuits should be designed
for maximum leak tightness by:
- minimising the number of valves and components in the circuit, and
- use of leak tight valves (such as bellow-sealed valves).
5.7 Spent Fuel Storage Bay
Fuel storage bay water should be maintained at a low activity level by means
of a cleanup system employing particulate filters and ion exchange resins.
Experience has shown that a turnover rate for water of the order of once a day
will keep the water clear and the activity at an acceptable level. (Normally the
activity in the spent fuel bays should be maintained below 20 GBq/m3 (500
mCi/l) for tritium and 2 GBq/m3 (50 mCi/l) for gross beta activities).
5.8 System Design
In order to keep radiation exposures ALARA the following design features
should be incorporated:
i) As far as possible standby equipment should be provided for active
ii) Workspace around pumps and valves in high radiation zones should
be shielded from radiation emanating from active equipment to ensure
low radiation fields.
iii) As far as possible, indicators, auxiliary units, drive units, control
equipment and other non-radioactive equipment, which do not have
to be mounted close to active components, should be installed only
in low radiation areas.
iv) For sampling active liquids from systems, remote techniques should
be employed. All sample points should be provided with drip trays
draining to active waste systems. Sample stations should have
ventilated hoods.
v) Pipe runs of active systems should be short. It should also be ensured
that active pipelines are not routed through high occupancy areas.
5.9 Component Design
5.9.1 While the choice and design of components is mainly dependent upon system
requirements, they should have high reliability, requiring minimum maintenance.
5.9.2 Means for quick installation/ removal of components and whole units in high
radiation zones should be provided to reduce exposures of workers. (examples:
quick disconnect couplings, reduction in the number of hold-down nuts or
bolts for installation of jig saw panels on the E-face to the minimum necessary.)
5.9.3 Components, which come in contact with active liquids/ gases, should be
designed for ease of decontamination. For this, the following should be
- provide smooth surfaces,
- avoid angles and pockets (to minimise hot spots), and
- provide means for isolation, flushing and draining of circuit.
5.10 Remote Handling
To the maximum extent practicable, the initial design should incorporate use of
remote techniques for working in high radiation areas. These techniques should
include arrangements for remote inspection and removal/installation of
equipment. Some of the jobs may be semi-remote as these involve personnel
entry in active areas for installation of equipment or rigs followed by remote
testing operation. Such jobs should be optimised to achieve net reduction in
total exposure. Examples of jobs where remote techniques should be used are
ultrasonic inspection of welds, inspection of heat exchanger and steam generator
tubes, coolant channel creep measurements, garter spring location, collection
of system samples for chemical and radioactivity analysis, etc.
5.11 Decontamination
5.11.1 Requirements for the decontamination of equipment, piping, surfaces, etc.,
that are likely to have radioactive contamination should be considered at the
design stage itself. All the components of the systems, which come in direct
contact with primary coolant or moderator, should be considered as potential
items requiring decontamination. Floors, walls, drains, etc., in the rooms, where
active systems are located, which also get contaminated due to leakages or
spills of active liquids, will require decontamination.
5.11.2 Depending upon the system to be decontaminated the following types of
decontamination techniques may be adopted:
- decontamination of active components and equipment at their
- transportation of contaminated equipment to a central
decontamination centre, and
- on-line decontamination of circuit piping/equipment using suitable
chemical decontamination techniques.
Design should provide adequate space and facilities for carrying out the
decontamination operations.
5.11.3 The walls and floors of the rooms/areas containing active equipment/systems
should have surfaces, which can be easily decontaminated (e.g., specially
coated floors with curved edges between the floor and wall sloped towards
local drains). In order to restrict spread of contamination, suitable bunds and
leakage detection instruments (beetles) should be provided for localisation
and timely detection of spills. Floors, those along high traffic routes, should
have hardwearing surface paint.
5.11.4 The reactor building should be provided with vacuum mopping system to
rapidly collect D2O from floors subsequent to a major leak. Facilities/ equipment
to safely collect D2O spills (such as vacuumax) should also be made available
at all vantage locations in the building.
5.11.5 Decontamination facilities to remove surface contamination from radioactive
material transport containers, tools, equipment, system parts, etc., should be
5.11.6 Drains of the decontamination facilities should be connected to active drainage
system. The design should provide for periodic cleaning/ decontamination of
any hot spots on the active drains.
5.11.7 Facilities for decontamination of personnel and protective equipment should
be provided.
5.12 Shielding
5.12.1 Shield Design
To reduce radiation levels at all accessible locations of the plant to acceptable
levels plant systems should be shielded against both gamma and neutron
radiation. The shield design should take the following factors into
i) Criteria for radiation levels in full occupancy areas given in Annexure-
III and Ref. [7].
ii) Source strength of both normal and transient sources and build up of
long-lived activities during the lifetime of the station.
iii) Loss of shielding due to penetrations (such as pipes, cables, etc.)
iv) Choice of shielding materials should be made on the basis of shielding
properties, mechanical properties and space and weight limitations.
The shielding efficiency of materials should not be affected by
environmental or process conditions.
v) Water-filled shields such as end-shield, should be provided with
venting provision to ensure complete filling.
5.12.2 Temporary Shielding
Provision should be made in design for installation of temporary shielding
(such as lead or concrete bricks, lead mats) for reducing radiation fields from
active equipment, such as pipes, valves, actuators, heat exchangers, etc.,
during maintenance. The concerned area/location should have adequate space
and the floor, the required load-carrying strength. Also, certain areas in the
plant, such as service area, should be provided with shielding enclosures for
temporary storage (for maintenance) of active equipment/ components.
5.12.3 Shield Penetrations Penetrations are required in bulk shields for various purposes such as running
pipelines or for entry of personnel/equipment. They introduce additional
pathways along which streaming of neutrons and gamma rays can occur.
Some design approaches for shield penetrations are given in Ref. 18. In general the basic means, which should be used for minimising radiation
streaming due to penetrations, are:
- Minimising the area and number of all straight-through paths
containing material of very low density (e.g. gases, including air)
- Providing shield plugs
- Placing shields of larger diameter than those of the penetrations, to
cover the ends of the penetrations
- Providing zigzag or curved pathways in order to ensure that adequate
shielding is available along any line-of-sight path
- Filling the gap with grout or other compensatory shielding material.
5.13 Ventilation
5.13.1 To maintain appropriate ambient conditions (both temperature and air
contamination control) in working areas, ventilation system shall be provided
in all active areas of the plant.
5.13.2 The ventilation system design should ensure that air contamination levels in
plant areas are maintained ALARA. In full occupancy areas the levels shall be
kept below 1/10 DAC [7]. The required number of air changes in partial
occupancy areas should be arrived at by taking into account the air
contamination potential and the radiation levels specified in the different areas
(vide Section 2.4.1 and Annexure-II).
5.13.3 The airflow should be directed from regions of lower to higher contamination
potential. Care should be taken in design to reduce possibility of spread of air
contamination in case of power failure.
5.13.4 To reduce tritium-in-air contamination and to recover D2O from room
atmosphere a closed loop ventilation system with dryers and coolers along
with a small purge flow should be employed.
5.13.5 Ventilation exhausts of areas such as Fuel Transfer Room and Spent Fuel
Storage Bay, where there is possibility of air contamination due to particulate
and iodine activities, should be filtered using suitable particulate and iodine
5.13.6 Temporary local exhaust should be made available in areas where airborne
contamination may arise during maintenance. Such exhaust should be
discharged into the active ventilation exhaust system.
5.13.7 The vents of tanks containing radioactive fluids (e.g., D2O storage tanks or
leak collection tanks) should be led to the active exhaust ventilation system.
5.13.8 Adequate number of mask-air supply points should be available at all active
areas such as FT room, FM vault, Pump Room, SFSB.
5.14 Solid and Liquid Waste Management
5.14.1 The design of the solid waste management plant shall incorporate adequate
radiation protection and ALARA measures during all waste handling/
management operations. Details on solid waste management plant design are
given in AERB safety guide on Solid and Liquid Waste Management (AERB/
SG/D-13) [19].
5.14.2 For the assessment of radiation hazard in the waste management plant the
sources which generate high radiation levels (such as ion-exchange resins,
discarded radioactive components, used filters, etc) should be considered.
Account should also be taken of possible increase in specific activity of
waste residues as a result of treatment (such as incineration and compaction).
5.14.3 The radiological protection provisions in the waste management system design
should also take into account the periodic refurbishing operations such as en-
masse coolant tube replacement, etc.
5.14.4 Since on-load failed fuel removal capability enables PHT system activity to be
kept low, activity concentrations in liquid waste arising in PHWRs are normally
not high. The most significant activity is tritium. The design requirements for
liquid waste management are given in Ref. 19.
5.14.5 The design should also take into account off-normal conditions that give rise
to high volumes and activities in liquid waste management plant. (vide Section
5.14.6 The main sources of high levels of activity which require particular attention
- Spent resin fixation/ transfer,
- Concreting for fixation of sludges/concentrates/incineration ash,
- Filters and ion exchange columns used in the treatment, and
- Sludges and cruds deposited at bottoms of waste hold up and disposal
5.14.7 The design of liquid waste management systems shall take account of all the
applicable requirements of this guide for protection of site personnel such as,
designation of zones, requirements for system and component design,
provision of shielding and use of remote techniques. The waste management
systems are provided primarily to minimise radioactive releases to the public
domain. Further details of requirements for their design are given in Section
5.14.8 Liquid effluent discharge point to the receiving water body should be chosen
to ensure adequate dilution and prevent back-flow of discharged effluent to
the plant water intake. The monitoring point should be established where
representative sample is obtained.
5.15 Gaseous Waste Management System
The sources of activity in the gaseous wastes are given in Table V-1 & V-3 of
Annexure-V. Since only moderate amounts of activities are present, these
wastes are directly discharged to atmosphere after filtration through HEPA
filters. To avoid the possibility of outleakages, the ducts carrying gaseous
waste should be designed to be leaktight.
(i) An assessment shall be made of the strength and locations of the radiation
sources that might exist during and after all categories of design basis events
(particularly under Category-4) defined in AERB safety guide on Design Basis
Events (AERB/SG/D-5) [6]. These data should be considered in the design of
the nuclear power plant. Suitable provisions should be built into the design to
ensure that personnel can have access to and occupy essential locations
such as the main control room in order to operate and maintain essential
equipment. This will call for the provision of the following [9, 12]:
- Adequate shielding of the containment building (vide Section 2.5.2)
- Room sealing and air cleaning provisions for control room (survival
ventilation system)
In general, provisions should be made for automatic or remote controlled
(ii) There should be provision for remote collection, transfer and analysis of
gaseous and liquid samples from the containment during accident conditions
without incurring excessive individual exposures.
(iii) There should be provisions for alerting and assembling all site personnel
including those not involved in accident control or fire fighting.
Communications are required between the main control room, supplementary
control room and emergency assembly areas and emergency control centre.
The assembly areas should be chosen such that the radiation background is
expected to be low.
(iv) Provisions should be made for easy identification of rooms with clearly marked
signs and free passageways to enable quick movement of site personnel.
(v) All other facilities required as per the On-site Emergency Plan for the plant
should be provided [20].
7.2.2 Liquid Wastes
Major sources of contaminated water requiring treatment include
decontamination facilities for plant equipment/tools and for the spent fuel
shipping cask, laundries and change room showers, waste water resulting
from dedeuteration of spent ion-exchange resins, primary circuit leakage, and
effluents from chemistry laboratories. Waste water may also occasionally
originate from spent fuel storage bays, suppression pool, failed heat exchangers
and steam generators tubes etc. The capacity of the liquid management plant
should take all these sources into account. Suitable waste treatment methods
(such as chemical co-precipitation, ion exchange, reverse osmosis and dilution)
should be used to treat the liquid waste before disposal. For details refer
AERB safety guide on Liquid and Solid Radioactive Waste Management in
PHWR based NPPs (AERB/SG/D-13) [19].
7.2.3 Solid Wastes
The packaging, activity categorisation, choice of facilities used for disposal
(such as earth-trenches, RCC vaults, tile holes, high integrity containers) and
the location/characterisation of the solid waste disposal site used by the
concerned NPP should be such that the migration of radioactivity under all
conceivable conditions is kept to a minimum. Analysis and monitoring should
demonstrate that the dose to the public resulting from this (terrestrial) route of
exposure is kept below the limits stipulated by AERB. Likewise, installation of
waste incinerator may be considered for volume reduction of radioactive
combustible waste. The incinerator, if used, should have appropriate air
cleaning systems to ensure very low levels of airborne radioactivity discharges
having a negligible impact in the public domain. For details see AERB safety
guide on Liquid and Solid Radioactive Waste Management (AERB/SG/D-13)
(i) The design measures taken to protect the public against accidents should
have the twin objectives of reducing the probability of their occurrence as
well as the consequences. (Also see Section 2.3)
(ii) The plant shall be provided with an exclusion zone of radius as stipulated by
AERB, where no public habitation shall be permitted [8].
(iii) The design should be assessed by means of a safety analysis as given in the
safety analysis report of the plant. Safety provisions in the design should be
such that under design basis event (DBE) conditions, the exposure of a member
of the public at the site boundary does not exceed the reference doses specified
by AERB. (vide Section 2.3)
(iv) Design measures, which should be used to achieve reduction in radiation
exposure in public domain during accident conditions, include the following.
- Containment system for control of activities released in the reactor
building (AERB/SG/D-21) [22]
- Closed loop system for process water and steam and feed water circuits
- Provision of adequate storage capacity for liquid waste generated
during accident conditions
- All the facilities required as per the off-site emergency plan (AERB/
SG/O-6 [23] and Ref. 24)
(i) The design should adopt validated methods for the assessment of radiation
dose rates on plant equipment/systems that are expected under normal
(ii) The first step in any calculation of dose rate is to evaluate the source strength
and its distribution. This may involve calculation of the core activity and the
transport and redistribution of activated corrosion products or fission products
carried in reactor coolant and deposited away from the point of origin. The
second step is to calculate the fluence rate (flux) at point of interest as a result
of radiation transport from the source to the point of interest. The final step is
to calculate the radiation dose rate by multiplying the radiation flux by the
appropriate conversion factors.
(iii) The methodology adopted for calculation of radiation sources in the reactor
and associated radiation transport through shielding are given in Annexure-
(i) In order to show compliance with the design target (see Subsection 2.3) the
potential consequences of the design basis accidents shall be determined.
(ii) Generally only the atmospheric releases are evaluated for accident conditions
since a release of large quantities of radioactivity to water bodies is unlikely as
most of the active liquid waste generated can be contained in the reactor
building. Further, liquid wastes can be diverted to suitable storage facilities
and can be released in a controlled manner after treatment or dilution. This
should be evaluated for each plant.
(iii) During accident conditions, the releases from the plant will be partly at the
ground level and partly at an elevated level (through stack). The methodology
of calculation of source term and releases has been given in AERB safety
guide on Containment System Design (AERB/SG/D-21) [22] (Also vide Section
4(iv)). The doses resulting from these releases should be estimated for the
- plant and site personnel
- members of the public (living beyond exclusion distance)
In addition, the dose to site personnel due to direct radiation from radioactivity
present in the containment should be evaluated.
(iv) The design shall demonstrate that the radiation conditions within the plant
will permit safe occupancy of plant personnel in the control room and other
vital locations (also vide sections 2.5.2 & 6(i). Such evaluations should include
tritium exposures subsequent to large heavy water spillages.
(v) For assessing environmental radiation doses during accident conditions the
following main radioactive sources released from fuel should be considered.
- Fission product noble gases (FPNG)
- Radioiodines
- Radio Caesium, Strontium, etc.
(vi) The following main exposure pathways should be considered for determining
dose in public domain.
- External dose from the plume and submersion dose from airborne
- Inhalation dose due to intake of contaminated air
- Ingestion dose due to consumption of contaminated food stuffs
- External dose from ground contamination.
(vii) The methodology of calculation of exposures to members of the public due to
atmospheric releases in public domain is given in Ref. 21 and 25.
11.1 General
11.1.1 For an effective implementation of the design provisions for radiological
protection of site personnel and the public, the following monitoring programme
shall be implemented. (Also see section 2.6)
i) personnel monitoring
ii) area monitoring
iii) process monitoring
iv) effluent monitoring
v) environmental monitoring
In NPPs most of the radionuclides encountered are beta or gamma emitters.
Hence the radiation monitors are predominantly for measurement of beta and
gamma radiation.
11.1.2 Equipment for implementing this programme shall be provided. A typical list
of different monitoring systems is given in Annexure XI, Table XI-1. The
rationale for the selection of ranges, alarm set-points and locations for the
monitoring systems should be documented. Adequate reliability/ redundancy
of the equipment should be ensured. Some important features of the monitoring
systems are given in Annexure XI, Table XI.2.
11.2 Personnel Monitoring
11.2.1 Personal monitoring is required to measure the dose (both external and internal)
received by individual workers. For details refer AERB safety guide “Radiation
Protection during Operation of NPPs” (AERB/SG/O-5) [5].
11.2.2 The personnel monitoring arrangements should include
- External dose measuring devices (TLDs, DRDs, extremity dosimeters,
neutron dosimeters, etc.)
- Internal dose measurement techniques (bioassay, WB counting)
- Personal contamination monitors (friskers, hand/ foot monitors) and
portal surveillance monitors (see also section 11.3)
The personal monitors measure the dose received by the person due to beta,
gamma and neutron radiations.
11.2.3 Additional information on the monitoring of individuals is given in AERB/SG/
O-5 [5].
11.2.4 A computerised personnel dose management system should be provided at
the plant.
11.3 Area Monitoring in the Plant
11.3.1 Area monitoring is required to provide information on radiation fields, air
activity and contamination levels in the different areas of the plant.
11.3.2 Area monitoring system shall include the following:
- Monitors for measurement of external dose rates
- Air contamination monitors
- Surface contamination monitors
11.3.3 The area radiation monitors should be installed at appropriate locations at the
plant both in controlled and supervised areas. The suggested ranges are
given in Annexure-XI, Table XI-3.
11.3.4 For monitoring special maintenance operations of short duration and for
monitoring in areas where potentially high fields may occur, portable or mobile
radiation monitors shall be provided with built-in alarms for dose rates exceeding
the pre-set values.
11.3.5 Installed monitoring systems shall be provided for detecting air contamination
due to tritium, iodines and particulate radioactivities. The suggested locations
for these systems are given below:
Tritium: Ventilation exhaust ducts in
reactor building areas
Iodine and Accessible areas of reactor building,
Air Particulates: fuel transfer room and
spent fuel storage bay
In addition to installed monitors, portable or mobile air activity monitors or
samplers should be used for detection of air activity at work locations.
11.3.6 Surface contamination monitors shall be installed at a few locations to enable
checking of contamination status on the plant floors and equipment. Such
monitoring is required to be done both during entries/ and work in areas
containing radioactive system/ equipment.
11.3.7 Personal contamination monitors (both friskers and hand/foot contamination
monitors) shall be installed at inter-zonal transition points for use by personnel
before exiting from higher activity zones. Contamination monitors should also
be installed at the entrance of rubber stations whenever they are set up. Portal
monitors should be installed at the final exit point of the plant.
11.3.8 Gate radiation monitors should be installed at the plant exits/gates for detecting
any inadvertent carry-over of activity/active material from the plant premises.
All the installed monitors should have audio-visual alarms.
11.4 Process Monitoring
Activity monitoring in both gaseous and liquid systems is required for detecting
system malfunctions and equipment/component failures, which may also result
in higher radiation levels or contamination at the plant or excessive release of
radioactivity to the environment. Suitable process gamma radiation monitors
shall be installed at the following locations:
i) Ventilation exhaust ducts of reactor building, service building,
decontamination centre, etc.
ii) Process water discharge lines of the PHT and moderator system heat
exchangers (to detect failure of HX tubes)
iii) Steam lines (to detect failure of steam generator tubes).
Besides gamma activity these ducts/lines should also be monitored for tritium
activity. The heavy water leak detection sensitivity will be low for this purpose
during initial periods. However as tritium in system heavy water builds up
with irradiation, the sensitivity of leak detection improves while the reactor
operation proceeds. It may be noted that during reactor shutdown minute
failures of heat exchanger or steam generator tubes can be detected only by
tritium measurements.
11.5 Waste Monitoring
11.5.1 Monitors shall be installed for the continuous monitoring of the following
airborne effluents released through stack:
i) Tritium
ii) Fission product noble gases (FPNG)
iii) Argon-41
iv) Iodine-131
v) Particulate radioactive materials
11.5.2 Liquid activity monitor shall be installed at the liquid effluent discharge line to
plant out-fall. This monitor should have the sensitivity to detect activity
concentration at the limiting level stipulated by AERB. The plant out-fall line
shall also be provided with a continuous out-fall sampling system.
11.5.3 Suitable monitoring methodology should be provided for assessing activity
content in solid waste before disposal.
11.6 Environmental Monitoring
11.6.1 Environmental monitoring is provided to check if there is any increase in
radiation background due to the operation of the plant and also to provide an
indication of any abnormal releases from the plant. Environmental surveillance
data also give confirmatory evidence that the plant releases are within the
prescribed limits. This monitoring is done in the following two areas.
i) On-site monitoring-Monitoring within the site boundary (up to
exclusion distance)
ii) Off-site monitoring-Monitoring beyond the plant exclusion zone:
11.6.2 Environmental monitoring within the plant boundary should be done using
the following equipment.
i) Continuous environmental monitors installed at certain locations
around the plant. The range of these monitors should be adequate to
cover normal operation and accident conditions. The reading of these
monitors shall be available both locally and in the control room so
that any accidental releases can be quickly detected.
ii) Thermoluminescent dosimeters (TLDs) installed around the plant.
iii) Borewell water sampling system around the radioactive waste storage
iv) Monitoring of storm water drains.
The number of these monitors should be adequate to cover all the directions.
TLDs, being inexpensive, can be used in a large number of locations.
11.6.3 The off site (beyond exclusion zone) environmental surveillance programme
shall be carried out by setting up an environmental survey and
micrometeorological laboratory (ESML) near the plant at least 3 years prior to
plant operation [5]. The laboratory should have equipment and facilities for
detection/analysis of very low levels of radioactivity in the environmental
samples [26]. This laboratory should also provide base line data for both
environmental radioactivity and site micrometeorological parameters. The
laboratory should be equipped to provide environmental radioactivity data
during accidents and for subsequent accident management operations. Details
of the requirements of ESML are given in safety guide on Regulations and
Criteria for Health and Safety of Nuclear Power Plants Personnel, the Public
and Environment (AERB/SG/G-8) [27].
12.1 General
12.1.1 The accident detection and monitoring equipment provided shall be suitable
for enabling the operator to assess accident conditions and take necessary
corrective actions. The expected radiological conditions both within the plant
and environment during the postulated accidents should be considered for
the choice of sensitivity and range of the instruments. The instruments should
be capable of satisfactorily performing under the worst environmental
conditions anticipated during the accident [28].
12.1.2 The procedures used for radiological monitoring and selection of monitoring
locations should be as per the emergency preparedness plan for the plant.
12.1.3 The emergency actions should be taken based upon the actual levels of external
radiation and contamination levels in the air, surfaces and food chain (vide
AERB/SG/HS-1) [29].
12.1.4 Suitable communication systems should be provided to enable information/
instructions to be transmitted between different locations, emergency survey
teams and other emergency agencies.
12.2 Monitoring within the Plant
Instruments/equipment shall be available for the following measurements:
i) Radiation fields on reactor building exhaust ducts (for “boxing up” of
reactor building in case of high activity).
ii) Radiation fields in the reactor building. Accident monitors should
have measurement range upto about 104 Gy/h.
iii) Sample collection systems for determination of air contamination levels
in the reactor building (for inert gases, particulates and tritium
iv) Sample collection systems for determination of activity in the coolant
(PHT) and suppression pool.
v) Measurement of different radionuclides released through the primary
containment depressurisation system to stack.
The sample collection systems should be provided with shielding and shielded
containers to safely handle and transport the active samples to the laboratory
for analysis. Likewise, the laboratory should have provisions for handling
and analysing these high active samples.
12.3 Monitoring outside the Plant and Environment
Besides the normal monitoring provided by environmental survey laboratory
and micrometeorological laboratory, equipment and facilities shall be available
for monitoring and initiating countermeasures and remedial actions during
accidents. The radiation measurements are obtained from:
i) Environmental radiation monitors and TLDs located around the plant
and population centres nearby (vide Section 11.6.2)
ii) Environmental survey vehicle equipped with equipment/ instrument
for monitoring, sampling and analysing the environmental samples.
The plant design should include auxiliary facilities that are necessary for effective
radiological control in the operation and maintenance of the nuclear power plant and for
responding to emergencies [30]. In particular, facilities are required:
i) To limit the spread of contamination within the controlled area and to
prevent the spread of contamination outside the controlled area.
ii) To carry out adequate monitoring of the workplace and individual
iii) To manage other health physics operations.
Annexure-XII gives typical lists of the facilities/ equipment that are required to be
provided for establishing a radiation protection programme in a nuclear power plant.
secondary containment recirculation and purge (SCRP) should take into
account filter efficiency and delay in operation of these systems. The following
values of filtration efficiencies should be used.
HEPA filter (for 0.3 µ particulates) - 99.9%
Charcoal filter (for iodines) - 90.0%
A.4 Containment Leak Rate
Analyses should be performed based on the leakage rates as stipulated in
technical specifications for primary and secondary containment respectively.
For design purposes the following effective dose limits shall be used:
Occupational workers : 20 mSv/year
Members of the public : 1 mSv/year
(for all radiation sources, present and future, at site)
For members of the public the dose should be restricted to the apportioned dose for the
plant, which is a fraction of the 1 mSv per year resulting from all exposure pathways.
The critical group and critical pathways should be identified by carrying out
preoperational environmental surveys around the plant site. The dose will include both
external and internal. For calculating the annual internal dose the committed effective
dose resulting from intake of radioactive materials through inhalation and ingestion in
that year should be taken into account. In order to comply with the apportioned dose
limits the release of radioactive effluents should be kept below the authorised release
* Ref. AERB Safety Directive 2/91 [7]
** The suggested radiation levels in other areas of reactor have been arrived at on the
following basis:
- A dose of 10 mSv/y is allocated for external exposures. The full occupancy time is
taken to be 2000 hours per year.
- Plant operating factor is taken as 75% and occupancy in shutdown areas is 50% of
shut down time.
*** The shielding design at the Darlington GS, Canada, has been based on the following
Non-radiation area fields: < 0.25 mSv/h
Average Accessible Area fields < 6.0 mSv/h
Average Shutdown Area fields < 40 mSv/h
Maximum Shutdown Area fields
of frequent attendance (80 h/a) < 170 mSv/h
(Extract of AERB Safety Directive 2/91)
July 22, 1991
All future plants/ facilities including those under design shall be based on
ICRP-60 which recommends that the dose constraint for optimisation should not exceed
20 mSv in a year for occupational exposures and 1 mSv in a year for the public.
a) The shieldings to be provided shall be such that the dose rates in full
occupancy areas do not exceed 1 mSv per hour (0.1 mrem/h).
b) The ventilation designs shall be such that the air concentration of activities in
full occupancy areas do not normally exceed 1/10 of the new derived air
concentrations (DAC). The new DAC values can be obtained by dividing the
annual limit on intake (ALI) values given in ICRP-61 by 2.4×103. These ALI
values for commonly encountered radionuclides are given on the reverse.
c) All effluent discharges from a plant/ facility / practice shall be so controlled
that the exposure of the critical group does not exceed the public dose limit of
1 mSv in a year (excluding natural background and medical exposures) from all
practices at the site.
Chairman, AERB
MD, NPC Director, BARC
ED (O), NPC Director, RG, BARC
Director, H&S, NPC Director, FR&WM, BARC
CS, TAPS Director, IGCAR, Kalpakkam
CS, RAPS Director, VECC, Calcutta
CS, MAPS Chief Executive, NFC, Hyderabad
CMD, IRE Director, H&S Group, BARC
Shri Ch. Surendar, Director (Engg) Head, DRP, BARC
NPC 500 MWe Head, RSSD, BARC
Secretary, AERB
The suggested maximum radiation dose rates in control room and outside
reactor building walls during emergency conditions are 0.5 mSv/h and 5 mSv/h
respectively (Ref.9).
(Source: These data have been summarised from Safety Analysis Reports of PHWRs,
Annual Health Physics Reports of PHWR type NPPs and IAEA Draft Safety Guide
Radiation Protection Aspects of Design for Nuclear Power Plants, DS 313, June 2003).
(Source: Health Physics and Radiological Health Handbook, Shlein Bernard-Onley,
S. Radionuclide Half-life Energy in MeV & (Yield %)
No. Beta Gamma
1 H-3 12.4 y 0.0186 (100) -
2 C-14 5728.8 y 0.157 (100) -
3 N-16 7.13 s 1.55 (1), 3.31 (5), 2.74 (1), 6.13 (69),
4.288 (68) 7.13 (5)
4 O-19 26.9 s - 0.109 (3), 0.197 (96),
1.36 (50), 1.44 (3), 1.55 (1)
5 Na-24 15 h 1.39 (100) 1.37 (100), 2.75 (100)
6 Ar-41 109.5 m 1.198 (99) 1.29 (99)
7 Sc-46 83.76 d 0.357 (100) 0.89 (100), 1.12 (100)
8 Cr-51 27.7 d - 0.32 (10)
9 Mn-54 312.5 d - 0.84 (100)
10 Fe-59 44.5 d 0.13 (1), 0.27 (45), 0.143 (1), 0.19 (3), 1.1
0.47 (53) (57), 1.29 (43)
11 Co-58 70.86 d - 0.51 (29), 0.81 (99),
0.86 (1)
12 Co-60 5.27 y 0.32 (100) 1.17 (100), 1.33 (100)
13 Cu-64 12.7 h 0.58 (37) 0.51 (36)
14 Ni-65 2.52 h 0.66 (28),1.02 (10) 0.37 (5), 1.12 (15),
2.14 (61) 1.48 (24)
15 Zn-65 243.91 d - 0.51 (3), 1.12 (51)
16 Sr-90 29.12 y 0.55 (100) -
17 Y-90 2.67 d 2.28 (100) -
18 Kr-85 10.72 y 0.69 (99.5) 0.51 (0.4)
19 Rb-88 17.8 m 0.8 (2), 2.1(1), 0.9 (14), 1.38 (1), 1.84 (21),
2.58 (13), 3.48 2.68 (2)
(4), 5.32 (78)
(after ~10 years of operation)
(Source: Data derived from Health Physics Quarterly Reports of PHWRs)
System Activity
H-3* 6.6-125 TBq/m3
I-131 6.6-125 TBq/m3
Gross-beta (other than H-3) 0.1-3 GBq/m3
H-3* 112-703 TBq/m3
Gross-beta (other than H-3) 0-0.6 GBq/m3
Spent Fuel Pool
H-3 0.5-10 GBq/m3
Gross beta (other than H-3) 0.01-0.8 GBq/m3
Based upon the operating experience, the following target design values have been
- Fuel failure rate: below 0.1%
- Maximum Iodine-131 concentration in PHT
system (during steady state operation): 0.37 GBq/m3
i) Fuel failure rate is defined as the percentage of suspected failed fuel bundles
to the number of fuel bundles discharged during the year.
ii) Cumulative fuel failure rate is defined as the percentage of suspected failed
fuel bundles discharged to the sum of the total number of fuel bundles
discharged from the core so far and bundles in the core.
Co-60 (T1/2 5.3 years) is one of the most important activation products, which results in
substantial dose to plant personnel, particularly during maintenance periods. It is formed
by activation of Cobalt-59, which occurs as impurity in the reactor materials. Cobalt is
also used in hard facing alloys (wear resistant). The use of such materials should be
avoided and suitable substitute (alloys without cobalt) should be used. Some of the
cobalt-free substitute materials are Pantanex 25, Actinit DUR 300, Nitronic 60, Tribaloy
T 700, LC-1C, SS17-4 PH and Colmonoy 4. Several other proprietary materials have
been found satisfactory substitutes [VII-1]. Also the cobalt impurity levels in the
structural materials and in those used in heat exchangers, steam generators, etc., stainless
steels, carbon steels, cupronickel, Inconel, Zircaloy, etc., should be kept as low as
possible. The materials used in PHWRs in the important systems are given in Table
Annexure VII-1. Based upon a review the suggested limits of cobalt impurity levels in
the different materials are given in Table VII-2.
Plants to Facilitate Decommissioning” Technical Reports Series No. 382, STI/
DOC/010/382, IAEA, 1997
through Selection of Materials at the Design Stage” Note prepared by V.K.
Sharma, Health Physics Division, BARC (Jan 1999)
(a) This includes calandria, end fittings, landed inserts, liner tube, end shield.
(b) This includes fuel clad, pressure tubes, calandria tubes, guide tubes.
(c) This applies to Incoloy 800 tubing and Inconol 600 components in the SG.
(d) This applies to heat exchanger tubes and components (From NAPS onwards
cupronickel is not being used for nuclear HXs).
(e) This applies to all carbon steels used in PHT, end shield, vault cooling systems.
(f) This applies to steam generator tube materials for RAPS-1 & 2 and MAPS-1 &
2 only.
In order to assure that the stipulated daily discharge limits are not exceeded, the maximum
activity concentration in the process water (PW) and feed water (FW) should be arrived
at by taking into consideration the tritium releases during normal operation and the
derived release levels (Dl ).
The target maximum activity concentration, Cmax (TBq/m3), in the offending system
should be arrived at by using the formula
Dl - 0.185
Cmax =
where, Dl (Bq/d) is the derived daily release limit for aquatic route and L (m3/d) is the leak
rate (make-up rate) from the system. (In Indian PHWRs the normal average value of
aquatic route tritium activity discharges from PHWRs is about 0.185 TBq/d (5 Ci/d). The
above formula is arrived at by assuming that all the water leaking out of the systems
gets released to the liquid route.
In the event of such exigencies, it should also be ensured that the active process water
spillages do not unduly contaminate the non-active areas of the plant (tritium-in-air
contamination of these areas should be maintained below 0.01 DAC)
The various areas in the nuclear power plant should be classified into four zones as per
the following guidelines.
IX.1 Zone-1
(a) This zone contains no radioactive equipment and is kept free of
contamination at all times.
(c) Shops and laboratory (Bio-assay Lab and Chemical Lab) areas
handling contaminated equipment and sources fall in this zone.
Reactor auxiliary building, some parts of decontamination centre,
laundry, waste management facility, etc., are also part of this zone.
IX.4 Zone-4
(a) This zone normally contains open sources of radiation and
(b) Contamination in this zone is kept localised and under control by
routine clean up operations to the maximum extent feasible; but some
parts may remain contaminated.
X.1.2.3 Fission Product Activity: Fission product activity is expected only in the
coolant. If no failed fuel is present in the system the source of this fission
product activity is the tramp uranium present as impurity in:
(i) the coolant
(ii) the zircaloy of the coolant tubes and the fuel-clad material, and
(iii) on the fuel-clad surface.
The main source (~ 90%) of fission product activity in the coolant (PHT) is
defective fuel (with defect sizes varying from pin-hole size perforations to
major defects).
The relative contributions due to the above-mentioned sources of uranium
contamination and fission product releases in the coolant should be assessed.
For the assessment of fission product activity released to the coolant, the in-
core neutron exposure of the uranium impurity in the coolant should be
considered. For this purpose the average thermal neutron flux in the coolant
for the period required to achieve equilibrium (500-600 days) should be
considered. The fission product activity calculation can be done using a
validated computer code, such as ORIGEN-2 [X-1]. In the presently operating
Indian PHWRs small amounts of fission product activity has also been
observed in the moderator system heavy water and cover gas. This is assumed
to arise due to uranium contamination of structural materials that come in
contact with system heavy water.
Typical equipment/systems, which show significant radiation fields are given
in Table-X-1.
X.1.3 In addition to the above mentioned sources the radiation and contamination
arising from the spent fuel storage system, which consists of fuel storage
bays, bay cleanup circuits and dry storage systems should also be assessed.
X.1.4 Contamination resulting from the following important sources should be
- Tritium-in-air contamination resulting from leakages/spillages of
moderator or PHT system heavy water
- Air and surface contamination due to other activation, activated
corrosion and fission products released from the leakages/spillages
of PHT system D2O
X.1.5 The discharges of radioactivity in the liquid and gaseous effluents from the
plant may result in certain concentrations of radioactivity in the environment.
The distributions of nuclides in the atmosphere and water bodies, the resultant
surface sources from deposition and concentration of radionuclides in
foodstuff should be assessed to determine the dose incurred by the public [X-
2]. The methodology of calculating environmental doses due to airborne
releases is outlined in AERB safety guides SG/D-14 and SG/S-5 [X-3 & X-2]
and BARC Report No. 1412 [X-4].
System Equipment
PHT -PHT lines in both Accessible and Shutdown Areas
-D2O storage tank (bottom)
-Hot spots in circulating pump-casings, valves
Moderator -ALPAS tank
-Heat exchanger tubes
-System strainers
-Hot spots on adjuster rod drive mechanisms
Fuel -Circuit strainers
Handling -Drain tanks
-Hot spots on fuelling machine heads
-Fuel transfer circuit equipment (hot spots)
End Shield -System lines (in Accessible Areas) during operation
D2O Cleanup -IX columns and evaporators
Annulus Gas -System lines (during operation due to activation of air
impurity in annulus gas)
X.2 Radiation Transport Through Shielding
X.2.1 A detailed description of the methods of calculating the fluence from the
radiation source and the data used is outside the scope of this Guide. Ref. X-
5 contains extensive bibliographies on this subject. The shielding design
should take into account neutron and gamma radiation source terms. Suitable
validated codes developed for this purpose should be used. Examples of such
codes are SHELTX, SHELRAD, GS-EXT [Ref. X-6 & X-7].
X.2.2 The shielding design should take into account both the gamma and neutron
radiation source terms. The required shielding should be governed by the
AERB stipulations/guidelines on acceptable dose rates. (Ref. X-8 and
Annexure-II). The estimated design based upon these calculations should
also be compared with observed data from similar operating plants.
X.2.3 The calculation of radiation dose rates at locations where there are penetrations
or streaming paths is more complex [X-5]. However, the following precautions
should be taken to avoid radiation streaming due to penetrations.
- Use of compensatory shielding around penetrations
- Avoid installing penetrations with straight line paths to a source
References to Annexure-X
X-1 ALLEN G. CROFF, ORIGEN 2, ‘A Versatile Computer Code for Calculating the
Nuclide Compositions and Characteristics of Nuclear Materials’; Nuclear
Technology, Vol. 62, (1983).
X-2 ATOMIC ENERGY REGULATORY BOARD, ‘Methodologies for Environmental
Radiation Dose Assessment’; AERB Safety Guide No. AERB/SG/S-5, Mumbai,
India (2005).
X-3 ATOMIC ENERGY REGULATORY BOARD, ‘Release of Airborne Radioactive
Materials in Pressurised Heavy Water Reactors’; AERB Safety Guide No.
AERB/SG/D-14, Mumbai, India (2001).
X-4 HUKKOO. R.K., BAPAT. V.N. AND SHIRVEIKAR. V.V., ‘Manual of Dose
Estimation from Atmospheric Releases’; BARC Report No. 1412, Mumbai,
India, (1988).
X-5 USNRC, ‘Source Term Related Technical and Licensing Issues Pertaining to
Evolutionary and Passive Light Water Reactor Designs’; SECY-94-302, USNRC
Design Manual No. 01150, Kaiga Atomic Power Project, Mumbai, India (1994).
X-7 QAD-CGGP ‘A Combinatorial Geometry Version of QAD-P5A, A Point Kernel
Code System for neutron and Gamma Ray Shielding Calculations Using the
GP Build-up Factor’; RSIC, Computer Code Collection CCC-493, Radiation
Shielding Information Centre, ORNL, USA, (1989).
Pressurised Heavy Water Reactors’; AERB Safety Guide No. AERB/SG/D-5,
Mumbai, India (1999).
S. No. Features
(i) Range of measurement should cover reactor shutdown, normal operation
and operational transients. Multiple-range instruments should preferably
have automatic range switching facility.
(ii) The instruments should have required measurement sensitivity for the
type of radiation monitored and its energy spectrum. They should be
capable of discriminating between the radiation monitored and interfering
(iii) The instruments should be perform correctly in the environmental
conditions in the field
(iv) They should have the following features:
- adjustable alarm set points
- provision for both local and remote (in control room) audio and
visual alarm
- no signal alarm feature, to annunciate failure of detection system or
its associated signal processing unit
- continued operation during external power supply failure (availability
of back up power supply)
- availability of testing and calibration provisions
(v) The data obtained should be processed by a computerised system with
trend monitoring, recording and display features in control room and
shift health physics room.
* Shutdown Area monitors should have two ranges (with automatic switch
over facility)
- Range 1 for use during reactor operation
- Range 2 for use during reactor shutdown
- The recommended set points for high and very high alarms are twice
and ten times the existing background radiation levels.
XII.1 The plant design should incorporate the following equipment and facilities.
- Protective clothing, plastic suits, rubbers, gloves, etc.
- Respiratory protection equipment
- Air samplers and other equipment to measure airborne contamination
- Portable radiation monitors and personnel and surface contamination
- Portable shielding, radiation sign boards, cordons, etc.
- First aid equipment
XII.2 The following facilities should be provided for the management of health
physics operations:
- Health physics operations office
- Radioactive source room and calibration facilities for radiological
- Personnel decontamination facility
- Equipment decontamination facility
- Laundry facilities for contaminated clothing
- First aid room
- Health Physics and Bioassay laboratory (for housing tritium analysers,
low level beta counters, gamma spectrometers, etc.)
- Contaminated equipment workshops
- Transit Waste storage facility
- Dosimetry laboratory
- Whole-body counter (to be located in environmental survey
- Adequate space for housing personnel dosimeter racks, personnel
contamination monitors (friskers, foot monitors, portal monitors, etc.)
as appropriate, at interzonal checkpoint and final exit point.
- Protective equipment testing and servicing room
XII.3 For handling accident situations the following additional facilities should be
- On-site emergency control centre
- Off-site emergency control centre
- Assembly areas and shelters for plant/site personnel and members of
the public.
for Severe Accidents for Nuclear Power Plants with Light Water Reactors’;
IAEA Safety Series No. 75-INSAG-2, STI/PUB/770, Vienna (1987).
15. GIESEKE. J.A., et al., ‘Source Term Code Package- A User’s Guide’; NUREG/
CR-4587 (1986).
16. USNRC, ‘Accident Source Terms for Light Water Nuclear Power Plants’;
NUREG 1465, draft, USNRC (1992).
17. USNRC, ‘Source Term Related Technical and Licensing Issues Pertaining to
Evolutionary and Passive Light Water Reactor Designs’; SECY-94-302, USNRC
18. JAEGER, R.G., et al. (Eds), ‘Engineering Compendium on Radiation Shielding’;
3 Vols, Springer-Verlag, Berlin (West) (1968, 1970, 1975).
19. ATOMIC ENERGY REGULATORY BOARD, ‘Liquid and Solid Radioactive
Waste Management in PHWR based Nuclear Power Plants’; AERB Safety
Guide No. AERB/NPP-PHWR/SG/D-13, Mumbai, India (2003).
20. ATOMIC ENERGY REGULATORY BOARD, ‘Preparation of Site Emergency
Preparedness Plans for Nuclear Facilities’, AERB Safety Guide No. AERB/SG/
EP-1, Mumbai, India (1999).
21. ATOMIC ENERGY REGULATORY BOARD, ‘Release of Airborne Radioactive
Materials in Pressurised Heavy Water Reactors’; AERB Safety Guide No.
AERB/SG/D-14, Mumbai, India (2001).
22. ATOMIC ENERGY REGULATORY BOARD, ‘Containment System Design’
AERB Safety Guide No. AERB/SG/D-21, Mumbai, India (under preparation).
23. ATOMIC ENERGY REGULATORY BOARD, ‘Preparedness of the Operating
Organisation for Handling Emergencies at Nuclear Power Plants’, AERB safety
Guide No. AERB/SG/O-6, Mumbai, India (2000).
24. ATOMIC ENERGY REGULATORY BOARD, ‘Preparation of Off-Site Emergency
Plans for Nuclear Facilities’; AERB Safety Guide No. AERB/SG/EP-2, Mumbai,
India (1999).
25. SITARAMAN, V., ABROL, V. AND SHIRVEIKAR, V.V., ‘Emergency Dose
Manual for Atmospheric Releases during LOCA’; BARC Report No. BARC/I/
943, Mumbai, India (1988).
DIVISION, ‘Environmental Radiation Measurements around Rajasthan Atomic
Power Station’; Internal Report No. BARC/1995/I-008, Mumbai, India (1995).
27. ATOMIC ENERGY REGULATORY BOARD, ‘Regulations and Criteria for Health
and Safety of NPP Personnel, Public and Environment’ AERB Safety Guide
No. AERB/SG/G-8, Mumbai, India (2001).
Important to Safety in Nuclear Power Plants’; IAEA Safety Guide No. 50-SG-
O8, (1982).
29. ATOMIC ENERGY REGULATORY BOARD, ‘Intervention Levels and Derived
Intervention Levels for Off-Site Radiation Emergencies’ AERB Safety Guide
No. AERB/SG/HS-1, Mumbai, India (1992).
30. INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC ENERGY AGENCY, Radiation Protection Aspects
of Design for Nuclear Power Plants, Draft Safety Guide, DS 313 (June 2003).
‘Annual Limit or Intake Based on 1990 Recommandations of ICRP, ICRP
Publication 61 (1990).
Dates of meeting: : May 9 & 10, 1996 March 9 & 10, 1999
: December 2 & 3, 1996 March 22 & 23, 1999
: January 16 & 17, 1997 August 4, 1999
: July 10 & 11, 1997 October 17, 2000
: August 24, 1998 January 29, 2001
: January 28 & 29, 1999
Members of ACCGD :
Members of ACNS :