Senior High School Department
Senior High School Department
Senior High School Department
8:00 - 9:00 Wake up, make up your bed, eat breakfast, and get ready for an awesome day!
9:30 - 11:30 Entrepreneurship Discuss the relevance of the course Entrepreneurship The parent / guardian
Ms. Jiezyl Jamaica M. Specific learning objectives Module 1, Lesson 1-2 submits the student's
Aquino a. increase your knowledge about Quarter I, Week 1 activity sheets / outputs
entrepreneurship; and personally in their
b. determine the relevance of Activity 1: KWL Chart (p, respective barangay hall
Entrepreneurship to your everyday life 5 & p 11)
and to the society as a whole. Activity 2: Diagnostic
Assessment (p 6)
Activity 3: Definition of
Terms( Matching Type)
(p 7)
Activity 4: Picture
Analysis (p 10)
Day & Time Learning Area Learning Competency Learning Tasks Mode of Delivery
Activity 6: Enumeration
Chart Analysis (p 10)
Activity 7: Reflections
(p 11)
Activity 8: Formative
Assessment (p 13)
Enrichment Activity
(p 13)
1:00 - 3:00 21st Century Identify the geographic, linguistic, and 21st Century Literature The parent / guardian
Literature ethnic dimensions of Philippine literary Module 1, Lesson 1 submits the student's
Ms. Joefel P. Laigo history from pre-colonial to the Quarter I, Week 1 activity sheets / outputs
contemporary, (EN12Lit-Ia-21) personally in their
Pre-Test ( p 2-4) respective barangay hall
Specific learning objectives Activity 1: Who’s Who? (p
c. define literature from various writers; 10)
d. understand literature from pre-colonial to Assessment 1:
contemporary periods; and Characterize Me! (p 11)
e. make a graphical timeline focusing on Activity 2: Thinker’s View
how the literatures for each literary period ( p 11)
proliferated. Assessment 2: Closer
Look (p 12)
Assessment 3: Saying a
Song (p 12)
Task 2: Paragraph Essay
(p 15)
Module 1, Lesson 2
Quarter I, Week 1
Activity 1: Graphic
Organizer ( p 19)
Assessment 1: Reflect On
Me (p 20)
Activity 2: Outline
(p 20-21)
Day & Time Learning Area Learning Competency Learning Tasks Mode of Delivery
Assessment 2: Theme’s
Up (p 21)
Activity 3: Verse of the
Day (p 23)
Post- Test (p 24-25)
9:30 - 11:30 Practical Research 2 Describes characteristics, strengths, Practical Research 2 The parent / guardian
Dr. Marlon U. Lligas weaknesses, and kinds of quantitative Module 1, Lesson 1 submits the student's
research (CS_RS12-Ia-c-1) Quarter I, Week 1 activity sheets / outputs
personally in their
Specific learning objectives
Pre- Test ( p 2) respective barangay hall
a. define quantitative research;
Task 1: Memory Lane (p
b. describe the different characteristics of 3-5)
quantitative research; and Activity 1: Characteristics
c. determine the strengths and weaknesses of Quantitative Research
of quantitative research; and decide on (p 8)
suitable kinds of quantitative research in Activity 2: Missing Term
various fields of interest (p 9)
Activity 3: Kind of
Research (p 9)
Checking for
Understanding: KWL
Chart (p 10)
Reflection (p 10)
Post-Test ( p 11)
1:00 - 3:00 PE & Health 3 Self-assesses health-related fitness PE & Health 3 The parent / guardian
Ms. Julieta R. Mirado (HRF). status, barriers to physical activity submits the student's
assessment participation Module 1, Lesson 1 activity sheets / outputs
Quarter I, Week 1 personally in their
and one’s diet (PEH12FH-Ig-i-6)
Pre-Assessment (p 1-2) respective barangay hall.
Specific learning objectives:
Activity 1: Identification (p
a. explain how to optimize the energy
Day & Time Learning Area Learning Competency Learning Tasks Mode of Delivery
Module 1, Lesson 3
Quarter I, Week 1
Pre-Assessment (p 16)
Activity 1: Let’s FITT and
Dance (p 18-19)
Activity 2: What I have
learned (p 19)
Module 1, Lesson 3
Quarter I, Week 1
Activity 1: Evaluate
yourself (p 20-21)
Activity 2: Score yourself
(p 21)
Reflection (p 22)
Activity 3: OVERCOME (p
Activity 4: Poster (p 23)
Day & Time Learning Area Learning Competency Learning Tasks Mode of Delivery
Post-Assessment (p 24-
9:30 - 11:30 General Physics 1 Solve measurement problems involving General Physics 1 The parent / guardian
Mr. Virgil Samonte conversion of units, expression of Module 1, Lesson 1 submits the student's
measurements in scientific notation Quarter I, Week 1 activity sheets / outputs
(STEM_GP12EU-Ia-1) personally in their
Specific learning objectives: Diagnostic Assessment respective barangay hall.
a. define physical quantity; (pp.6-8)
b. differentiate fundamental and derive Activity 1.1 Conversion of
quantity; Units (p 15)
c. differentiate metric and British system of Activity 1.2 Scientific
measurement; Notation
d. convert units of measurement; (p 15)
e. express number in scientific notation; and Activity 1.3 Problem
f. solve measurement problems involving Solving
conversion of units and expression in (p 16)
scientific notation
Post-Assessment (p 18-
Enrichment Activity
( p 21)
1:00 - 3:00 General Biology 1 Explain the postulates of the cell theory General Biology 1 The parent / guardian
Ms. Melanie F. Padilla (STEM_BIO11/12-Ia-c-1) submits the student's
Specific learning objectives Module 1, Lesson 1 activity sheets / outputs
a. describe the tenets of spontaneous Quarter I, Week 1 personally in their
generation; Pre-Test ( p 5-6) respective barangay hall.
b. explain the postulates of the cell Activity 1: Going Back in
Time Activity (Matching
theory; and
Type ( p 7)
c. name some scientist who worked for Activity 2: Spontaneous
the formulation of the cell theory Generation Summary
Day & Time Learning Area Learning Competency Learning Tasks Mode of Delivery
Table (p 13)
Describe the structure and function of Activity 3: Cell Summary
major and subcellular organelles Table (p 13)
(STEM_BIO11/12-Ia-c-2) Activity 4: Reflective
Specific learning objectives Writing (p 14)
a. identify the different organelled within Post –Test (p 15-16)
Enrichment Activity
a cell;
(p 16)
b. describe the structure and function of
cellular organelles; and Module 1, Lesson 2
c. explain and give analogies related to Quarter I, Week 1
the parts and function of the cell. Pre-Test (p 2-3)
Activity 1: Anticipation-
Reaction Activity (p 5)
Activity 2: Anticipation-
Reaction Activity (p 10)
Activity 3: It’s Venn Time!
(p 11)
Activity 4: Challenge
Yourself: Illustration Time
(p 11)
Post –Test (p 13-14)
Enrichment Activity
(p 15)
9:30 - 11:30 Pagsulat sa Filipino Nabibigyang-kahulugan ang pagsusulat Pagsulat sa Filipino sa The parent / guardian
sa Larang ng 21st at akademikong pagsulat. Larang ng 21st Pagsulat sa submits the student's
Pagsulat sa Filipino (CS_FA11/12PB-0a-c-101) Filipino sa Larang ng activity sheets / outputs
Akademik personally in their
sa Larang ng
Module 1, Lesson 1 respective barangay hall
Akademik Quarter I, Week 1
Ms. Delia A. Estrada
Maikling Pagsusulit
Day & Time Learning Area Learning Competency Learning Tasks Mode of Delivery
1:00 - 3:00 Disaster Readiness Explain the meaning of disaster Disaster Readiness and The parent / guardian
and Risk Reduction (DRR11/12-Ia-b-1) Risk Reduction (DRRR) submits the student's
(DRRR) Specific learning objectives: Module 1, Lesson 1 activity sheets / outputs
a. Understand the meaning of disaster; Quarter I, Week 1 personally in their
Ms. Marivic F.
b. justify different kinds of disasters that are respective barangay hall
common; Philippines has experience; Pre-Test (p 8-10)
c. observe surroundings and every situation Activity 1: Count Me In
that you may encounter; and (p 11)
d. appreciate the significance of knowing Activity 1.1:
disaster risks and how it may affect one’s Understanding Disaster (p
life. 11)
Activity 1.2: Fix Me!!! (p
Activity 1.3:
Understanding Natujral
and Man-Made Disaster (p
Activity 1.4:
Understanding Disaster
Risk (p 16)
Task 1: What I Have
Learned (p 20)
Activity 1.5: Am I Ready
(p 20)
Post –Test (p 21-23)
Day & Time Learning Area Learning Competency Learning Tasks Mode of Delivery
Enrichment Activity
(p 24)
9:30 - 11:30 Self-learning module (SLM) check for the completion of each learning tasks per learning area.
1:00 - 4:00 Parents meet to return all modules and activity/answer sheets for the week and get new modules to use for the following week.
Note: Under the Learning Task column, write the title of the module, the tasks (consider all parts) in the module and the teacher may prepare a
checklist of the module’s parts for additional monitoring guide for both teacher and the learner.
Prepared by:
STEM 12 ZARA, Class Adviser