Self Portrait Lesson Plan Revised
Self Portrait Lesson Plan Revised
Self Portrait Lesson Plan Revised
This lesson provides learners the opportunity to explore the concept of being valued
for who they are using loose parts.
Curriculum Connections : (which can be: big ideas / learning standards /curricular
competencies/core competencies)
Big Ideas
Stories and other texts help us learn about ourselves and our families.
Learning Standards
Use personal experience and knowledge to connect to stories and other texts to
make meaning
Teacher Students
This lesson incorporates the use of oral language and pictorial representation which
will support all learners in their various stages of literacy. The Teachers will also help
to facilitate conversation around ‘ I was born precious and sacred’ to allow for
learners to participate at a level that supports their needs. Such as asking open
ended questions or providing guidance to students when using loose parts to
demonstrate their understanding.
The use of first and then pic symbols to support all learners
Can a learner create a self-portrait using loose parts and orally describe why they
are precious and sacred?
This is a lesson that I would use after my students have had experience using loose
parts and have practiced the expectations of clean etc.
Lesson Activities:
Teacher Activities Student Activities pacing
Introduction (hook/motivation/lesson
Start and complete lesson outside
Make a prediction: Show the cover of I
was born precious and sacred and ask the - Learners listen and ask/ answer 3 min
following questions: questions
- Who is on the cover of this book?
- What do you think this book is about?
- What does precious and sacred mean?
Guiding Question: As we read through the
story what do you notice about the