Development of The Ring Goniometer For Radio Direction Finders-lJd
Development of The Ring Goniometer For Radio Direction Finders-lJd
Development of The Ring Goniometer For Radio Direction Finders-lJd
operates as a field, the inner as a search coil. If current shaped iron cores are concentric circular cylinders of n-
flows between field coil terminals F1Fi', magnetic flux finite lengths, and an equivalent surface current, which
(dotted line) is produced inside the field coil core and flows on the outer and inner surfaces of the iron core in
penetrates into the search coil core. Therefore a certain the direction of the cylinder axis, can be substituted for
voltage is induced in the search coil with the variation the field coil current. (See Fig. 2, opposite.)
of field current. It is clear, from the symmetricity of Let the field coil have a total of Nf turns, and the
magnetic flux distribution, that the induced voltage in directions of its terminals be 6=0 and 7r then the equiv-
the search coil is maximum or minimum (zero) when alent current, above defined, can be represented thus:
terminals are placed at SiSi' or S2S2'. at r=ai:
Now let us consider the case in which voltages E sin
4) and E cos 4) are applied to the crossed field coil termi- _-Ia: O)<60< 7r,
nals F1F1' and F2F2' respectively. Then, if we rotate the ra
search coil, it can be assumed that the induced voltage I1= (1)
between terminals SiSi' becomes zero at the position Ns
-- fn: 7r <O0< 2w;
t Koden Electronics Co., Tokyo, Japan. 2wra,
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1954 Ito and Tanaka: Ring Goniometer for Radio Direction Finders 21
Io: O < 0 <w, 1='A,mrm
cos MO,
12 (2)
lNf (2)2where Bim, A2m, are unknown constant coefficients
2 :7ra2 X < < 2, and summation ' is to be taken about m = 1, 3, 5, * * .
A Or2 or
a2 06 aQ 06O
1+2- r =a2
Air,l'-- lir0(Air °0 )0J \f00 df3 dQ4 a2 dO (7)
0413 01144
IA IA 4/34/4 r a3
or ar
Surface Current
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and, as current flowing in the field coil totals 21, mutual To obtain self-inductance of the search coil, we must
inductance formula is obtained from (8) and (9) as: perform similar analysis for the case when surface cur-
lid (l1 rent is associated with both walls of the inner iron core.
M(f0) =- E(as3" - a4m) A4,, + B4,, (Details are omitted here.)
Io rn a3 na4 4n
j u1i(6-o) sin mOdO. (10) Following the course of analysis above mentioned,
&° xwe can deduce the expressions for every self- or mutual-
If the search coil is uniformly wound with N, turns: inductance, and final results are summarized as follows:
n(0) = N,/2wr, (11) Self-inductance of the field coil:
and, substituting this into (10), we obtain: Lf= 1.6X 103 ATf 2d
Z2`- 1
Al1(0o) = _
lo ,,n
, m
(a3l -
a4') ,-(a,
1 (0
ss-a22) +-(al"'-a,t)2
+-- B4fl) cos rn0o (12) X {
as the mutual-inductance formula. Because the above
expression for M(0o) contains the terms associated with
(A (ag' 2) (19)
/1+ (1_ _( )a3_2na4_2_
2 . 19)
cos 30o, cos 50o, etc., there occurs the so-called goni- A A a22'
ometer's coupling error. This error is given by: Self-inductance of the search coil (with uniform distri-
/1r \ bution of turns):
Al -906
\_2 1.6X 10-3N2d t-
40o) = o- tan1-', (13)
Ls= _ _
m m3F-n
and is known as an octantal error. If we put La -(aL"o-a4"b)2'
M(60) = M(cos Oo + mi cos 30o + M2 cos 500- ), (14) 2a3m
then, from the usually satisfied condition ml, M2, . 1+ at2"- 1- A) a2 2 in
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1954 Ito and Tanaka: Ring Goniometer for Radio Direction Finders 23
M(Oo) = 2 X 10-4 ( / (a, - a))02 circuited, since the circuit consists of the field coil only.
Therefore, the value of inductance at the terminals SS'
should not vary even if the search coil is rotated.
X {(a32-a42)+ (a3-a4))2} cos 60, (23) If the terminals F,Fi' and F2F2' are both short-
/1 circuited, the value of inductance at SS' is calculated
where: to be:
7/ 1--O Y 4 d22-a42,'
mutual-inductance M(0) of the field coil. Using the for-
mula of (14) for M(0), the above expression (27) can
Yi a3 2 further be calculated as:
In above formulas, Nf and N8 are total turns on field M9
and search coils, d the height of iron core (in mm), a, Ls- [1 + (mI + m2) cos 40 +
and a2 the outer and inner radii of the outer core, f
a3 and a4 the radii of the inner core (a,, a2, a3 and = Ls - k2'[1 4+ (min + M2) cos 40 + ]} (27a)
a4 being arbitrary dimensions), 0o the angle between
terminal directions of the field and search coils, and tz/yo F1 ) M(
the magnetic permeability of the iron core (with respect CS
to the value in air). Then every inductance value is F1' O7,
>A c
obtained in ,uH uniits. Summation E' is to be taken Oil
about m = 1, 3, 5,.. F O1- M(f-9) S
Using the above formulas, we can also calculate the 2
goniometer's coupling error from (14) or (15) and the (a) (b)
coupling coefficient from the definition: Fig. 3-Equivalent circulit and measuLremenit of couplitng error.
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20.1 - -
ifor- 401-
frDiTtriL' tionSnsia
- -
U Dsr to
of ope
__ __ __
__ __~~~~~~~~~~~~~pe
19.91 -----
0 90 180 270 3 60 o9 8 7 6
Rotating Angle 8 in Degrees Rag l 9 n Degrees
Rotating Angle in Degrees
u .C - - Fig. 5
--.-open short-circuited, are nearly identical in the case of sinu-
1.9 l. - soidal winding distribution indicates almost zero-
0 90 180 270 360 coupling error (less than 0.5 degrees). We have designed
Rotating Angle 0 in Degrees
several radio-goniometers for the higher frequency
= 40 Ns36, 2a1 =85mm, 2a2 - bands (hf and vhf), and they all have proved to be very
2a3 = 46 mm, 2a4 = 32 mm, d = 12 mm, a//.L.oo0 J successful, the errors being smaller than one degree.
may originate from the eccentricity of the central axis We are indebted to T. Kurimura for his discussion of
between the search coil and field coil cores, and from this type of radio-goniometer system. We also wish to
irregularities in coil winding, etc. The fact that two express our sincere thanks to Dr. K. Funabashi and M.
curves with F1Fi' and F2F2' both open-circuited, or Goto for their constructive mathematical criticism.
Authorized licensd use limted to: IE Xplore. Downlade on May 13,20 at 1:430 UTC from IE Xplore. Restricon aply.