Servo Control IC ZN409: Absolute Maximum Ratings
Servo Control IC ZN409: Absolute Maximum Ratings
Servo Control IC ZN409: Absolute Maximum Ratings
The input circuit and its V/1 characteristic are
shown above. D1 and D1 are the parasitic substrate Figure 5 Deadband circuit and waveforms
and isolation diodes associated with the input
resistors. It is advisable that the pulse input ampli-
tude should not fall below 0V nor exceed the
supply voltage Vcc in order to prevent these diodes
from conducting, although a small amount of con-
duction will not cause the circuit to malfunction.
When ac coupling is used the value of CC should
be chosen to give a pulse droop not exceeding 0.3
A schematic of the pulse expansion circuit is shown (shown dotted in Fig. 6) and if this is excessive it
in Fig. 6. In the quiescent state with no drive the can lead to the servo exhibiting an underdamped
Schmitt trigger input is biased via RE and takes up a characteristic causing jittering or hunting. Thus for
level just above the lower threshold VL. full pulse expansion the voltage on CE should
A drive pulse causes a current IE to be switched on discharge from its quiescent value of 1.5V to 0.75
for the duration of the pulse and this discharges CE volts. Thus with IE = 3mA for the current source:
linearly with time. Thus, at the end of the pulse the 1.5 - 0.75 IE
voltage on CE depends on the duration of the pulse. =
If the pulse is narrow and just causes the potential te CE
on CE to fall to VL the Schmitt trigger will switch to ∴ CE = 4.teµF(te in msec)
the upper threshold VH and at the end of the drive For te = 0.1 msec, a value of 0.47µF was chosen for
pulse CE will start to charge to VH with a time CE.
constant CERE. When the potential on CE reaches
VH the Schmitt will switch to VL and CE will dis-
charge to the quiescent level. The output drive is Figure 8 Pulse expansion waveform
taken from the Schmitt output.
tmin .
msec {
CE in µF
R in kµ
RE = 180kΩ. (Nearest preferred value).
Monostable timing
and for CE = 0.47µF and RE = 180kΩ, tmin =
3.5msec. Figure 9
It can be seen from the simple equation that tmin is Monostable timing circuit and waveform
dependent on VCC, and tmin will increase with
reducing VCC. This variation is put to good use to
maintain the initial motor drive, VCC × tmin reason-
ably constant over the operating voltage range of
3.5 to 6.5 volts.
When the pulse expansion drive is increased above
the minimum value the output pulse increases
from tmin almost linearly until full pulse expansion
is reached, ie. when the ouput pulse width equals
the input pulse repetition rate. The pulse expansion
will be almost linear provided that the current The leading edge of the input waveform triggers
source IE does not saturate, ie. provided that CE is the timing monostable by opening switch S1. CT
not discharged to almost zero volts. Ideally the then charges until the differential amplifier detects
current source should saturate when full motor that the timing waveform potential has fallen to Vp,
drive is obtained but due to component tolerances the potential on the potentiometer wiper and
it is usual to allow some margin to ensure that full switch S1 is closed to terminate the timing pulse. Thus
motor drive can be obtained. If a margin is allowed, an the monostable period is determined by the
extended pulse expansion characteristic results setting of the potentiometer wiper. In the standard
application the servo centre position pulse width is Vm = 2.0. tmono(max)
1.5 msec with a range of ±50° rotation at 10 µsec CTRT
per degree. Thus the 2.0 msec maximum monost-
since CT = 0.1µF (nearest preferred value) was
able period tmono (max) corresponds to a potentio- chosen with RT = 100kΩ, Vm = 0.4V and hence: R1
meter setting of 200° (for a linear relationship) and = 3.1 Rp. If Rp = 2kΩ then R1 = 6.2kΩ.
since the potentiometer has a total rotation of
approximately 270° and the maximum allowable Dynamic feedback
swing on pin 3 is specified as 0.5 volt, the value of Without dynamic feedback in the standard applica-
CTRT can be calculated as follows: tion the inertia of the motor and gearbox causes
0.5 2 the servo output shaft to overshoot the set position
tmono (MAX) . CTRT which results in the servo 'hunting'. If the dead-
∴CTRT = 4tmono (max) band was widened to stop this effect an unaccept-
ably large deadband would result and the servo
Thus if tmono (max) = 2 msec, CTRT = 8msec.
would still be underdamped. The dynamic feed-
The optimum value of RT is 100kΩ due to the back circuit utilises the motor back emf (which is
design of the on-chip monostable circuit giving CT proportional to motor speed) and feeds back a
= 0.1µF (nearest preferred value). proportion of this signal to the wiper of the poten-
RT = 100kΩ CT = 0.1µF tiometer. The phase of the feedback signal is
The value of R1 can now be calculated from the chosen to modify the potential on the wiper so that
actual voltage swing with a potentiometer setting the monostable period is dynamically varied to
of Øp = 200° and Ømax = 270°. reduce the motor drive as the servo output shaft
approaches the set position and the values of the
feedback resistors are chosen to achieve optimum
setting characteristics.
Figure 10 The value for RF and RB of 330kΩ will suit the
Potentiometer set at 200°C Equivalent circuit normal type of servo mechanism, however if the
servo is fairly fast this can be decreased to 300kΩ
to minimise any tendency to overshoot. Where the
servo is slow RF and RB can be increased to 360kΩ
or 390kΩ.
RF Decoupling
C1 (typical value 0.1µF) is only necessary where
strong RF fields may affect the operation of the circuit.
Transistors T1 and T2
Thus from the equivalent circuit: The external PNP transistors are usually selected
for a low VCE(sat) to obtain maximum output drive.
Vm = (VCC - Vm) The recommended type is BC461.
200 70
270 Rp R1 + 270 Rp
Motor speed control
where Vm is calculated from the actual values of CT Introduction
and RT chosen using the relationship: In the motor speed control application the
Figure 11
Proportional motor speed control circuit
RS ZN409 is used as a linear pulse width amplifier. Pulse width generator
The dc motor is driven via a power amplifier with A pulse width generator circuit is shown in Figure
a train of pulses whose mark/space ratio can vary 12 suitable for driving the RS ZN409 in servo or
between zero and one to control the motor speed motor speed applications.
from zero to maximum. The device operates with
fixed timing components and a fixed resistor re- the frame rate is generated by the first timer and
places the position feedback potentiometer. The the frequency is adjusted by VR1 so that the time
nominal monostable period represents zero motor between pulses is 18mS. VR2 is then used to
speed and input pulses less than or greater than control the ouput pulse width over the range
nominal drive the motor in the forward and reverse 1-2mS. VR3 is set so that the midpoint of VR2
direction respectively. The motor direction is usual- corresponds to an output pulse of 1.5mS.
ly controlled by a relay operated from pin 4, the VR4 can be included should an output amplitude
direction output. Pulse expansion components CE control be required.
and RE are chosen to obtain the required relation
between control potentiometer and motor speed
and it is usual to operate with a much larger Figure 12 Pulse width generator
deadband than that used in the servo application.
The outputs from pins 9 and 5 of the RS ZN409
integrated circuit are combined using two ZTX500
PNP transistors to provide a pulsed output whose
mark/space ratio varies from 0 to 1 depending on
the deflection of the control potentiometer.
This signal is then used to drive the motor via the
power amplifier.
The RS ZN409 has additional circuitry which per-
forms the motor reversing function by taking the
output from the direction bistable and provides
either zero current or approximately 3mA sink
current at pin 4, depending on the state of the
direction bistable. This current is amplified and
used to drive the relay coil (100mA) via the 2N3053
transistor thus controlling the motor direction via
the relay changeover contacts.
It is usual to have a relatively wide deadband and
CD = 22nF provides a deadband of about 14% (±7
A 1kΩ potentiometer (Rp) can be used to set up the
zero output condition with the control pot in its
central position.