Swot and Targets

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Today's workshop

SWOT, Targets and Strategy

After analysing your research you are
ready to conduct a SWOT analysis
A SWOT analysis helps you understand internal and
external factors that can make or break your success
toward your marketing goal.

Use this document to identify relevant issues

surrounding your artist and the music industry
In groups - discuss current issues surrounding
the music industry
e.g. streaming, covid restrictions and economics,
access to live events, competition, self published
Strengths &
Think about your research
Popularity - Fans & Followers
Market perception
PR issues - managing the message
Current marketing strategy
Success; awards, hits etc.

This list is not exhaustive!

Snoop Dogg
& Threats
Identify ISSUES in the market and music
How can you use the strengths to build opportunities
How do the weaknesses pose threats?

External threats: issues identified?

Gaps in the market your artist could fill?
Opportunities to engage a wider audience?
Which platforms could be used or improve market reach or
promote the artist/band?
What financial issues should you consider?

This list is not exhaustive!

Snoop Dogg
Summary & Conclusions le ogg
Now that you have completed your SWOT
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Summarise the key points to explain how you can use this for marketing ideas
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Ensure that you discuss key issues surrounding both your artist and the music E no
industry in general S
Snoop is a hugely successful multi award winning artist spanning 3 decades. He has partnered with numerous types of businesses to gain both wealth and PR.
Most recently, he has elevated his volume of followers by collaborating with Just Eat, creating visibility to listeners & viewers of all ages around the UK and US.
Snoop's strength in collaborating with other artists and businesses grows additional revenue through record sales, but also has a huge impact on his overall
market penetration and builds on his impressive fan base. While he has a specific brand of product that is deemed as being inappropriate to younger audiences,
some collaborations have helped in opening that market to a wider audience, for example working with artists like Katy Perry, Justin Timberlake and Pharrell
Williams has targeted more mainstream listeners. However, the overarching issues surrounding his persona creates a fragile market perception and this is an
area we must tackle.
His current personal wealth and partnerships will create an opportunity to build upon his current marketing strategy in a large scale format and we will use this as
a platform to build stronger connections to the industries he has recently tapped into, in order to build awareness in new markets.
To tackle market perception, our main focus will be primarily targeting the younger generation through an innovative marketing & PR campaign to ensure Snoop
is associated with a positive perception in households all around the UK, this target audience will be split into 2 categories, children under 12 and Teens.
Other issues to consider; Covid lockdown and Snoop's previous border issues in the UK; this could prevent his appearance in the UK, in this event we could
switch live concerts to live online events and focus more to live TV/Radio. Illegal downloading of music: this could prevent chart success which will require
external support and monitoring, Competitors for chart success,; we will need to ensure that through our marketing campaign, we can dominate social media
streams with engaging content.
Currently many families face financial issues due to loss of of jobs and furlough decrease in salary over last 12 months, this may reduce success from typical
revenue streams like, music downloads, ticket sales for live events (incl. travel costs), merchandising. Due to this price/value of product must be considered.
Identify your key marketing
strategy Goals

These must be SMART

Goals 1. 15% Increase of Instagram and Facebook Followers by
October 31st 2021

Achieve a top Ten UK hit with Snoop Dogg 's single Doggy
Dogg Christmas by December 25th 2021

Describe how these goals are

Snoop Dogg

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