SPE 21407 Status and Scope For EOR Development in Oman
SPE 21407 Status and Scope For EOR Development in Oman
SPE 21407 Status and Scope For EOR Development in Oman
SPE 21407
This paper was prepared for presentation at the SPE Middle East Oil Show held in Bahrain, 2-5 March 1991.
This paper was selected for presentation by an SPE Program Committee following review of information contained in an abstract submitted by the author(s). Contents of the paper,
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of where and by whom the paper is presented. Write Publications Manager, SPE, P.O. Box 833836, Richardson, TX 75083-3836 U.S.A., Telex, 730989 SPEDAL.
The heavy oil reservoirs in South Oman The Steam Flood process was pilot tested
(Fig. 1, Table 1) are mainly found in in the Marmul Al Khlata during 1985-89.
the Gharif, Al Khlata and Haima The surface facilities design and
formations, which occur at depths in construction for this project were
the range of 800 to 1300 m le.g. described in detail in a paper by
Marmul, Fig. 2). The formations were Haines 1 and are not covered in this
deposited under various depositional paper. The reservoir engineering design
environments; aeolian, braided stream, and initial performance of the Steam
glacial, fluvial and alluvial. Flood Pilot was reviewed in a paper by
Porosities, hydrocarbon saturations and Boutkan 2 and only the highlights are
net-to-gross ratios are in the range of given in this paper.
0.15 to 0.35, 0.70 to 0.80 and 0.70 to
0.95 respectively. Connectivity and The Pilot consisted of four inverted five
continuity range from poor to good. The spot patterns with 212 m producer -
oil densities range from 860 to producer spacing located near the crest
970 kg/m~ (15-31° API) whereas. of the field in the central valley (Fig.
viscosities are in the range of 10 to 3). The central valley sands were
5000 mPa.s. under reservoir conditions percieved to represent 60 to 70% of the
Ica 45-55-C and 9000-13000 kPa). total Al Khlata STOIIP; however, now they
are believed to be representative of only
3. THE INITIAL EOR PROGRAMME 38% of the Al Khlata STOIIP. Planning and
design for this project took place during
3.1 Objectives 1980-84, prior to understanding of full
complexity and diversity of the Al Khlata
The initial EOR Development Programme reservoir geology and with very limited
carried out by Petroleum Development primary production data.
Oman (PDO) consisted of Steam and
Polymer Flood Pilots in the Marmul The Al Khlata reservoir is geologically
field, Steam Soak Tests in five South divided into four producing units (Zone I
Oman heavy oil fields and a Hot Water to IV, Fig. 4). Based on limited
Injection Test in the Qarn Alam field petrophysical data in the original
in Central Oman. This programme was planning, all four zones were to be
undertaken against a background of high flooded with injectors completed at the
oil prices in the early 1980's and with top and producers at the bottom (Fig 4).
expectation of a limited contribution However, when more wells were drilled,
from discoveries to maintain longer the areal variations of the Al Khlata
term production requirements. The were recognised and the barrier between
objectives of the programme were to: Zones II and III was confirmed. Zone III
sands proved to be of poorest quality,
develop the technology and whereas, Zone I and II sands were of
understanding of the various inferior quality to Zone IV. It was then
types of EOR processes; decided to complete producers in most of
Zone IV with some at the lower part of
test the processes and gain Zone III.
experience under specific fieldl
reservoir conditions to enable Vertical flow in Zone III was expected to
direct extrapolation to predict be dominated by the baffle system of
the performance of future shales and diamictites. Using an
large-scale projects; estimated vertical permeability in the
range 0.005 to 0.04 fA-m 2 , -flow through a
enable identification and ranking baffle network of barriers was modelled
of the most attractive EOR probabilistically, which, indicated that
projects and quantify the steam zone could rise at 1 to 8 m/yr.
magnitude of EOR Scope; Based on this possibility, further
simulation work upon which the pilot
gain operating experience design was modified, required steam zone
including assessment of actual rise from Zone IV into Zone III.
operating costs to enable
optimisation in future designing I
planning of EOR projects.
As designed, steam was injected into deposition.
the bottom of the Al Khlata lone IV
(Fig. 4).However, due to the now As there were no further objectives to be
perceived low vertical permeability resolved, steam injection was terminated
(0.0001- 0.01 I-lm"") in lone III and in Dec.'89. However, the pilot-follow-up
poorer quality sands in lone IV, the entailed commencement of Cold Water
steam zone rise was very slow and thus Injection for voidage replacement and the
the steam zone was largely confined to steam injectors were converted into water
lone IV sands. Based upon estimated injectors. Thus, the water treatment
flow rates of water from injectors to facilities of the original steam plant
producers, the calculated heat are being utilized although the remaining
breakthrough times and the measured parts like steam boilers of the steam
temperature profiles in observation plant were mothballed.
wells, the steam zone had presumably
not risen more than 3 to 5 m above the Even though the Steam Flood Pilot has not
injection interval~. Horizontally, it led to another identifiable project in
extended about 100 m from injectors the near future, much has been learnt
towards producers. Originally a about how to plan, implement and operate
significantly greater rise had been a thermal project. Valuable field
expected such that the lone III sands experience was gained and many facilities
above could be swept. This low vertical performed to the requirements. However,
permeability together with the since the reservoirs requiring Steam
anisotropic horizontal permeability led Flooding in Oman are deep and have
to poor sweep efficiency resulting in a high reservoir pressures, typical Steam
low estimate of achievable Ultimate Flood conditions require producers to
Recovery - about half that of mature operate for many years at flowing bottom
Steam Flood Projects in the U.S.A. hole temperatures in the order of
Typical ultimate cumulative 2BO-C, with adjustable gross rates to
oil-to-steam ratio obtained by extra- prevent steam coning. As most of the
polation of instantaneous oil-to-steam reservoirs in the world where this
ratio (Table 2), however, indicated process is being applied are shallower
that thermal efficiency of the pilot and have lower pressures, Oman was at the
was satisfactory, despite the high forefront of technological application.
reservoir pressure (Fig. 5). Although most of the problems with well
completions and production facilities
Direct pilot performance extrapolation were solved, the producer/steam injector
from the anisotropic central valley Al design and operation have not been proven
Khlata sands to other fields or even to with respect to mechanical integrity,
other locations within the Al Khlata gross rate control, mitigating scale
was difficult. Nevertheless, in all of formation and prevention of steam coning.
the Al Khlata, Steam Flooding was
considered either unattractive or less 3.3 Polymer Flooding
attractive than Polymer Flooding
(Section 3.3). However, indirect The Marmul Al Khlata formation was also
inference of performance showed that in considered a good candidate for testing
some homogenous well connected the application of Polymer Flooding.
reservoirs, Steam Flooding was Hence, a Polymer Flood Pre-Pilot
potentially much more attractive. consisting of an unconfined 5-spot on a
200 m spacing was initiated in 1986.
Steam injection continued till the end
of 1989 for gathering additional An area with relatively simple geology on
necessary information on pilot the South-eastern flank (Fig. 3) was
objectives viz. oil productivity selected. Unlike the central valley
improvement under various hot well sands, the target Zone II Al Khlata sand
temperatures, controlling hot well is a fairly homogeneous sandpack.
after steam breakthrough etc.
The full evaluation of the pilot is
Steam breakthrough in a central well of detailed in,a paper by Koning and
the pilot area was observed in Mentzer 4 and only a brief summary of
October-November 1989. At lBO-C, well results is highlighted herewith.
productivity and well-head temperature
(WHT) increased rapidly. But, In general, the objectives of the pilot
subsequently, when the WHT rose further were achieved and the test was considered
to 190-C, the production rate very successful. Polymer Injection
suddenly dropped with a corresponding resulted in a sharp increase in oil-cut
decrease in well-head temperature. This in all four producers and polymer
was attributed to the formation of degradation was insignficant. A pattern
carbonate scale inside the tubing after Polymer Flood in the pilot region offered
the steam breakthrough. Currently, scope for increasing Ul tima,te Recovery
research is ongoing to identify the in the order of 25 to 351. of STOIIP
parameters that influence the scale
cemented with Class 'G' cement blended review, which included laboratory tests,
with 40% silica flour. Most of them torture tests with thermal cycles of
were completed with gravel packs. In different cycle times etc., alternative
Marmul, due to gas availability, a materials and geometries were tried on
simpler and more reliable gas S8MS and finally the Inconel S8MS with
blanketing system was selected to cladding inside the tubing hanger neck
provide annUlar protection. This system was selected for application in Amal
has operated satisfactorily to-date. In Eastern High Steam Soak Project 11.
most of the wells a packer type
completion with insulated tubing and a Although the economic environment is not
downhole expansion joint was run. yet conducive to carry out any major
Thermal Project till the next decade, in
Failure of a few wells in the Pilot major fields where there is possible
Steam Flood Project in Marmul and loss future thermal application, the invest-
of annular seal integrity in the steam ments are made in completing the wells
soak wells prompted a review of Thermal with thermal casing. The additional
Completions. This review resulted in a expenditure for a thermal well is about
simplified steam soak completion which $ 50,000-60,000/well for casing, cement,
has currently been adopted for Amal well-head and gravel pack equipment. This
Eastern High Steam Soak Project~. practice is, however, currently being
The main areas that were addressed
during the review were la) Well Design 4. MEDIUM TERM EOR SCOPE AND ACTIVITY
lb) Well-heads and X'Mas tree and lc)
Completion Design. 4.1 Development Strategy
firming-up Long Term EOR Development to to the main oil line. Additionally, in
meet the required production levels. one of the wells in the Amal Eastern High
Steam Soak Project, Electromagnetic
The short/medium term (1990-2010) EOR heating of the reservoir will be tried in
Scope is some 112 million m~ purely place of Steam Injection.
from Thermal and Polymer processes. The
target fields (Table 4) are Marmul (28 4.2.3 Thermally Assisted Gas-Oil Gravity
million m~), Qarn Alam (40 Drainage
million m~), Amal Eastern High (11
million m~) and Mukhaizna The carbonate reservoir in the Qarn Alam
(33 million m~). field is oil-wet and is densely
fractured. Extensive studies e , 1 4 have
4.2.1 Polymer Flooding shown that the only process likely to
accelerate net oil production and
Pending successful completion of the significantly improve Ultimate Recovery
Marmul Al Khlata Polymer Pilot in this reservoir is promotion of Gas-oil
Extension Project, which is expected to Gravity Drainage. Development of Cold
last for five years (1989-1994), the Gas-oil Gravity Drainage has a potential
large-scale Polymer Flooding Phase I to increase Ultimate Recovery by some
in this reservoir is notionally planned 7 million m~ (3% STOIIP). This
for 1995 (Fig 8). The Unit Technical process, however, depends on proving the
Cost for this project is estimated to feasibility of reservoir pressure
be $ 7-8/bbl. Studies are underway to depletion by aquifer depressurization.
resolve the polymer supply options of Some 20,000 m~/d off-take from the
either onsite polymerisation or aquifer would be required to deplete the
purchase of ready made polymer. reservoir and lower the gas-oil contact
(GOC) to the original oil-water contact
Meanwhile, a Water Injection scheme to (OOWC) thereby promoting solution gas
arrest the declining reservoir pressure drive and gas-oil gravity drainage over
in the Al Khlata is planned to start in the entire oil column.
1991. As a pre-cursor to Polymer
Flooding, the Water Injection Project Further potential exists to increase
results will significantly reduce recovery to approximately 40 million m~
geological uncertainties concerning by a process of thermally assisted (Steam
water flood movement and expected flood Injection) gas-oil gravity drainage. It
performance. Hence, it will be possible is expected that by heating the reservoir
to have a better definition of the the oil viscosity will drop thereby
merits of the large-scale Polymer increasing the gravity drainage rate.
Flood. Furthermore, elevated temperatures may
result in a wettability change hence,
4.2.2 Steam Soak promoting water-oil imbibition in the hot
steam condensate zone.
Based on the successful results of the
Steam Soak Pilot Tests mentioned in As a precursor to field implementation of
Section 3.4, Amal Eastern High and both Cold and Thermally Enhanced Gas-oil
Mukhaizna (Figs. 1, 9 and 10) are the Gravity Drainage a Cold Gas-oil Gravity
highest ranked fields in South Oman Drainage Pilot Test is planned to start
for development using Steam Soak and in 1993. The project consists of seven
later conversion to Steam Flood. aquifer producers at an estimated offtake
rate of 10,000 m3 /d. The reservoir
The Steam Soak to be initiated in the pressure is predicted to drop by 880 kPa
early 1990's is envisaged to take 7-10 (Fig. II) and the GOC to be lowered by
years and conversion to Steam Flood in 35 m, exposing some 25 million m3
the early 2000·s. STOIIP to gas-oil gravity drainage,
resulting in an oil rim build-up of
Due to the availability of production approximately 10 m/yr. The GOC and oil
facilities an"d infrastructure, Amal rim build-up would be monitored using
Eastern High is currently economically gradiomanometer surveys in open hole. The
more attractive than Mukhaizna. A nine oil rim producers are notionally planned
well Steam Soak Project (Fig. 9) which to be drilled in 1995.
has a Unit Technical Cost of around
$ 7/bbl is planned for start-up in 4.2.4 Steam FloQding
early 1991. A similar strategic project
is foreseen for Mukhaizna in 1995. In the short term (1990-1995) there is no
However, due to the remoteness of the Steam Flood Project envisaged. Potential
field the Unit Technical Cost could exists to Steam Flood the Marmul
potentially be in the order of Northern-Rim Gharif Reservoir in the late
$ 15-20/bbl. Furthermore, studies are 1990's (Fig. 8). This project would
ongoing to investigate the most suit- require crestal Steam Injection and
able/economic technique of transporting aquifer production. The merits of this
this heavy crude from Mukhaizna field type of a project in a reservoir which
Long Te~m EOR Scope is some 257 million A patte~n Polyme~ Flood in the
m~ of which 85% is f~om pilot ~egion offe~ed scope fo~
The~mal/Polyme~ application and 15% inc~easing Ultimate Recove~y in the
f~om miscible ca~bon dioxide flooding o~de~ of 25 to 35% of STOIIP
and dilute su~factant flooding compa~ed to p~ima~y p~oduction with
(Fig. 7). In pa~ticula~, The~mal aquife~ suppo~t. Based on the
Recove~y alone cont~ibutes successful results, a Polyme~ Pilot
app~oximately 72% of the total EOR Extension P~oject was undertaken in
Scope indicating the impo~tance of the 1989 and is expected to continue
p~ocess in imp~oving ~ecove~y fo~ five yea~s. La~ge-scale Polymer
specifically in the South Oman fields. Flooding Phase I is notionally
planned to sta~t in 1995.
Miscible dioxide flooding
p~ovides the only p~ospec:tive EOR Steam Soak ope~ations we~e
p~ocess fo~ the light oils in the la~ge successful and unde~ favqu~able
Shuaiba ~ese~voi~s in No~th Oman. conditions oil production was
Howeve~, this EOR p~ocess is cur~ently significantly accele~ated.
uneconomical (estimated Unit Technical Accele~atiqn was less ma~ked in
Cost $ 30-60/bbl) due to lack of a Steam Soak wells whe~e reservoir
cheap sou~ce of ca~bon dioxide. energy was limited o~ which had
P~ovision of such ~esou~ces, howeve~, wate~-cut in excess of 30%. At
constitutes a majo~ ta~get fo~ both wate~-cuts in excess of 50% no
explo~ation and ~esea~ch functions. inc~ease in oil production was
Dilute Su~factant Flooding (DSF) has
been sc~eened as p~ospective fo~ some Based on the successful test
Gha~if ~ese~voi~s, but implementation results, Amal Easte~n High and
of this technique appea~s limited as a Mukhaizna have been identified as
result of both ~eservoir cont~aints and the highest ~anked fields fo~
process costs. Scope for DSF needs to development using Steam Soak and
be re-assessed once several candidate late~ conversion to Steam Flood. A
fields have matured sufficiently to small-scale nine-well Steam Soak
determine the potential recovery P~oject in Amal is planned fo~
bene·fits. 1991, whereas, a simila~ p~Dject is
envisaged for Mukhaizna in 1995.
L.arge-scale Steam Soak/conversion
The objectives of the Initial EOR to Steam Flood is foreseen for the
Development Programme were basically early 2000's.
achieved. The~mal efficiency of the
Steam Flood Pilot was satisfacto~y The Hot Water Injection Test in
despite the high reservoir pressure. Qarn Alam did not provide the
Valuable field expe~ience has been predicted wettability reve~sal at
gained on how to plan, implement and elevated temperature fo~ field-wide
operate a Thermal P~oject. application. At p~esent The~mally
Assisted Gas-Oil Gravity Drainage
Low vertical permeability and process is considered mo~e
anisotropic horizontal permeability in att~active fo~ Qarn Alam. Thus, as
the Al Khlata led to poo~ sweep a precu~sor of both Cold and
efficiency of the Steam Flood and hence Thermally Enhanced Gas-Oil G~avity
low achievable Ultimate Recovery. Due Drainage, a Cold Gas-Oil G~avity
to the anisotropic nature of the Al Drainage Pilot Test is planned to
Khlata, Steam Flooding is considered start in 199~:::.
either unattractive or less attractive
than Polyme~ Flooding. Thermal and Polyme~ applications
are most important p~ocesses fo~
Most problems with well completions and recovery of the Long Te~m EOR Scope
production facilities were solved, Oil, especially for the South Oman
though as yet there is no proven design heavy oil fields.
for producers to operate at 280 a C
under steam coning conditions.
4. MEDIUM TERM EOR SCOPE AND ACTIVITY 4.2.3 Thermally Assisted Gas-Oil Gravity
4.1 General Remarks
Recent work on the promotion of Gas Oil
Based on a recently updated EOR Gravity Drainage (GOGO) in the Qarn Alam
strategy review in Oman, Polymer and Field has been focused on choosing
Thermal processes remain as the most between the implementation of "Cold"
promising EOR processes, particularly GOGO by Aquifer Pump-off and "Hot" GOGO
for the South Oman heavy oil fields by Crestal Steam Injection. It is now
(Fig. 1>' believed that, while both routes result
in similar field life UTCs, the "Hot"
In terms of development costs, Polymer route will lead to both lower cash-out
Flooding and Thermally Assisted Gas Oil prior to process proving and less
Gravity Drainage give fairly attractive ambiguous interpretation of production
Unit Techical Costs (UTC's $ 7-11 and performance.
$ 5-12/bbl respectively) which make
large scale projects of these processes It is envisaged that the development of
compete favourably with some GOGO in Qarn Alam can be divided into
conventional projects in the three phases. Phase I development will
short-medium term. On the other hand, be a Thermal Pilot Test planned to start
although, Steam Soak is estimated to in 1993. The project consists of two
have UTC's of $ 10-15/bbl and appears steam injectors at the crest of the
reasonable for the early/mid 2000's field into the existing gas cap at a
Steam Flooding UTCs are potentially total Steam Injection rate of some
$ 15-30/bbl, thus making conversion of 1000 tid. This project is intended to
large-scale Steam Soak to Steam investigate the effectiveness of steam
Flooding unfavourable within the next on enhancement of GOGO in the present
twenty years under the current oil gas cap. Monitoring of the thickening of
price scenario. the oil rim and the response of
neighbouring producers will enable
4.2.2 Steam Soak evaluation of the process. The project
is expected to last for two to three
The 9-well Steam Soak Project in Amal years. Concurrently, other studies such
Eastern High (Fig. 9) has been as 3-D Seismic, Reservoir Geological
commissioned and running. However, a Studies, 3-D Reservoir Simulation, Core
similar strategic project for Mukhaizna Studies, Aquifer Pump-off Trials etc.
(Fig. 10) previously foreseen for 1995 will be carried out. If results of this
appears unattractive based on the trial are found encouraging then, the
current economic evaluation. In general project is planned to be extended to
thermal development costs for Mukhaizna Phase II.
appear prohibitive for the medium and
possibly, long term. Nevertheless, for Phase II project will most likely be an
this large STOIIP (265 million m3) expansion of Steam Injection to a
there is strong incentive to capacity of some 5000 tid complemented
concentrate on Primary Development by aquifer pump-off from several aquifer
options which appear to be feasible at producers at a total rate of 20000 m3/d.
UTCs between $ 6 and $ 12/bbl. This will enable lowering of the
However, considering the large size of fracture gas-oil contact by some 105 m
the field and the scarcity of well data exposing a larger part of the STOIIP to
there is a considerable amount of GOGO. The GOC and oil rim build-up will
uncertainty concerning reservoir be monitored using gradiomanometer.
development/ continuity, STOIIP
estimation, pore compressibility and Based on the successes of both Phase
reservoir drive mechanism which govern and Phase II projects, the Phase III
well/reservoir performance. project will implement the full-field
Furthermore, reduction on drilling large-scale GOGO to recover the Long
costs will be key to any future Term EOR Scope Oil.
:--------------- :---------------: ----------- :--------------- :---------- :----~---- :------ :---- ----- :------ :--..-------: -------- :---------: -------- :--------: ---------:
EOR FIELD: FORNATION : AESERYOIR iRESERYOIR i Pi : Tm: ,t : Soi: k : Hn.t : ('.. : 14.....: ,..., ~~: Rsi
PROCESS TYPE : DEPTH kP. :o.g. Ci I : I U.'2 i kg/.'3 : .P••s : .P••s : .'3/.'3 :
:STEAN FLOOD iNARlIIIL iRL KHLATA :SAND STONE 610: 9310 i 46 i 25-35 170-80: O.H.O I 30-85: 9201221: 80-110: 45-90: 22.0:
: :: : : : :
:===============: =1:==:1=========: ===::Ul:lllll:::===: ============= :==========: =======;::: :=:====: =========:===r:== :11========= :======.:: 1:===:1::11==== :========= : *:lll::===ll:IUl: : ==1:=======
I ' " t I ,
t I I I " I
:POLYNER FLOOD I"ARNUL :AL KHLATA iSAND STONE 610 i 9310: 46: 30: 10: 15: 15-20: 9201221 i 80-110: 45-90: 22.0:
,, ,,
:::illJ::IIZ=====:Z=== ::r.I::U:lI:=a:z==== :=========_: =====z==c====== :=========:========= : ======:=="'1:==1:== :==== : =======,._ :::::::::::::: :========== :.='*=~==== :========= :=In:::=:z=== :
: : : : : l
ISTEAK SOAK iA"AL E. HIGH IGHRRIF :SAND STDtlE moo I 52 I 30 i 80 i 7i 16 i 9601161 3500 : 1.0 :
iHAINA I 900-1200 i !l010 : 55 : 25 I 95 : 3: 150 : 9651151 1500 : 1.0 I
SCHOONEBEEK-450 0.70 12 +
Table 3
RA-19 1
3179.• 2
4 -
1. 70
. 0.88
-- 2.21
Aui Eastern Hiqh. Haila II 200 1991 llow CapeJl:-existing facilities, 9 Mells
Iss/sf I lSteal Soak Mith conversion to Steal
IFlood end 1990's.
"arlul-Sharif Northern Rill 1000-2000 late ISteal Flood develo'Pllent in the Gharif
(sfl 1990'S lNorthern Rit. Initial develDPlent
lneeds to be revieMed.
SPE 2 1 "0 1~
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Original sleom flood plan. showing completion inlervols.
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~.m / ' ,. PHASE I PHASE n
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Modified steem flood pion wah steam rise inla zone UI ( Phose I 1
followed by re-completion of injeclion ( Phose II l
Fig. 3 Marmul Field Structure Map Showing Steam and Fig. 4 Marmul Steam Flood Completion
Polymer Pilot Areas Intervals
I ..........
TOP .........
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1985 1986 1981 1989 SQtEMATIe PROCESS
"! zoo ec
HOT .,.,TEIl
~ Pressure Measurements In MM-76 !.-
I\) ;....~
<lIlaer4tlon WeI In St.... Plot Ar••
',' .t.
!!I .m
"", ; m "
FIU<.... ...,
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. tDllOO[ j.., i i 1\.'1,.1 '1!JI~'
....~~-- I nY~
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J Fig. 6 Qarn Alam Hot Water Injection Test
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Fig. 5 Marmul Steam Flood Pilot Performance
SPE 2 1 4071
AL KlLATA I rP;OL~YI.IE~R~_-j~EX~T~ENS~I~ON~t-~aoo;'_f't/'~./.~'/~'/~.7=;;=;;:=n::p========~
(24) l: FULL FIELD - - -
POLYMER (PHASE 1) soo1f mJ/d P""7"i"/////J
GfiARIF (4) STEAM FLOOD b~[~MENT 2400-7200
STEAM SOAK SMALL SCALE UP TO ISO Ir'r'/////////////// //////J
STEAM FLOOD FULL FIELD 1600-4800 lZ'Zzzt?//l///IIl1I2I
COLD GAS/OIL ,rrr,.,//////////////////////////,'///,'/)'// /.
Il~~~~tlf(STf no APPRAISAL 1000-3500 '//{/// //.
lJP TO 40000 2011
SPE 21 4071
B 6
SPE 2 1 40 ~
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