Sustainability and Human Values
Sustainability and Human Values
Sustainability and Human Values
Environmental justice- the right of every child to 1. PHYSICAL HAZARD- are those substances or
adequate protection from environmental hazards conditions that threaten our physical safety e.g.
ergonomic hazard and infrastructural hazard
2. BIOLOGICAL HAZARD- are organisms or by-
Board of National Ministries of American Baptist
products from an organism, harmful or potentially
Churches 1970s encompasses environmental inequalities
harmful to human beings e.g. food borne, water borne,
faced by low income minority communities
water related
People in low income communities frequently lack HEALTH RISK ASSOCIATED WITH WATER
access to sufficient health care they may not be treated POLLUTION
adequately for exposures to environmental contaminants o Drinking or washing with contaminated water,
eating sea food from polluted rivers or bays, eating
Low income community may not receive equal benefits crops watered with polluted water.
from federal clean-up programs
3. CHEMICAL HAZARD – are present when a person
is exposed to harmful at home and work
Eliminate poverty and stabilize human population. Form of gas, solids and liquids
Protect and restore Earth’s resources Could also cause acute and chronic health effects
Provide adequate food for all people -exposure through inhalation, skin contact and ingestion
Mitigate climate change
Design sustainable cities ATMOSPHERIC HAZARD
Outdoor air pollution
Increasing problem in many urban are due to road traffic
associated with old, heavy manufacturing industries and 1. CARBON MONOXIDE- colorless, odorless produced
mining blown dust when carbon does not burn in fossil present in car
Sources: cars, industry, gas station farm equipment, exhaust, deprives body of oxygen causing fatigue, HA,
fires, and outdoor pesticide and impaired vision
AIR POLLUTION – any visible particle or gas found in 2. SULFUR DIOXIDE- produces when coal and fuel oil
the air that is not part of the original normal composition are burned in power plant exhaust, narrows airway,
coughing, wheezing, SOB, especially with asthma
NATURAL: forest fires, pollen dust storm
UNNATURAL: man-made fire, coal, wood and other 3. NIROGEN DIOXIDE- reddish brown gas, produces
fuels used in cars, home and factories for energy when nitric oxide combines of oxygen in the
atmosphere, present in car exhaust and power plants,
AIR QUALITY INDEX- indicated whether pollutants effects lungs and causes wheezing increases chances of
levels in air may cause health concerns respiratory infection.
Air Quality Air Quality Protect your Health
Index 4. PARTICULETE MATTER- different sizes released in
Good 0-50 No health impacts are the atmosphere present in many sources including fossil
expected fuels, dust, smoke , fog
Moderate 51-100 Usually sensitive
Can build up in the respiratory system aggravates heart
people should consider
limiting prolonged and lungs increase risk of respiratory infection
outdoor exertion
Unhealthy for 101-150 Active children and
sensitive groups adult, and people with 5. GROUND LEVEL OZONE- at upper level shield
respiratory disease earth, at ground level it is harmful
such as asthma should From car, power and chemical plant exhaust
limit prolonged
Irritate respiratory system and asthma reduces lungs
outdoor exertion
function by inflaming and damaging lungs.
Unhealthy 151-200 especially children
should limit prolonged
outdoor exertion
Very unhealthy 2101-300 especially children
(Alert) should limit prolonged MAJOR AIR POLLUTANTS
outdoor exertion
respiratory tract and impair ability of lungs to exchange
SECONDARY: formed in the atmosphere when a LOW LEVEL EXPOSURE – irritates eyes , causes
primary reacts with a substance inflammation of respiratory tract and develop into
chronic respiratory disease
Most common: Radon, cigarette smoke, CO, NO2,
SMOG- combination of gases with water vapor and dust formaldehyde, pesticide, lead, cleaning solvents, ozone
Form when heat and sunlight with gases and asbestos
Occurs when heavy traffic, high temperature and calm CHEMICAL HAZARD- water related hazard surface
winds water
E.g. Los Angeles- brownish orange hazed formed by Urban areas: industrial and domestic waste
chemical reaction involving sunlight nitrogen oxide and Rural areas: co-use waters for humans and livestock
1st related death in London 1873 500 people died Drinking water- increase without access to treated piped
Limits visibility
Decrease UV radiation WATER POLLUTION- change in water quality tat cab
Yellow or black color over cities harm organisms to make water unfit for human uses
Causes respiratory problems and bronchial
Excessive heat