Oil and Fatty Acid Composition Analysis of Ethiopian Mustard (Brasicacarinataa. Braun) Landraces
Oil and Fatty Acid Composition Analysis of Ethiopian Mustard (Brasicacarinataa. Braun) Landraces
Oil and Fatty Acid Composition Analysis of Ethiopian Mustard (Brasicacarinataa. Braun) Landraces
Research Article
Fekadu Amsalu
Holetta Agricultural Research Center. P. O. Box 2003, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Email: fekiamsalu@gmail.com
The experiments was conducted at Holetta Agricultural Research Center, to analyze forty
nine Ethiopian Mustard land races for oil and fatty acid composition traits The experiment was
carried out in a simple lattice design. The analysis of variance showed that there were highly
significant differences among genotypes for all oil and fatty acid traits compared. The significant
difference indicates the existence of genetic variability among the land races which is important
for improvement of these traits. The highest heritability in broad sense was recorded for
linolenic(62.58%),, palmitic(58.19%), linoleic (57.46%),stearic (56.39%),erucic(54.32%) oleic
acid(53.65%) and oil content(50.33%). This suggests that large proportion of the total variance
was due to the high genotypic and less environmental variance. Hence, a good progress can be
made if some of these traits are considered as selection criteria for the improvement of oil and
fatty acid composition traits. In the correlation coefficient analysis, a highly significant but
negative correlations were observed between oleic acid and linoleic(-0.468), linolenic(-0.716) and
erucic acid (-0.760). Since for edible purpose oleic acid is considered as preferred fatty acid
increased level of the three linoleic, linolenic and erucic acid is not nutritionally desirable. This
relationship had practical advantage towards selecting high oleic, but low linoleic, linolenic and
erucic acid containing genotypes. Highly significant positive correlation was found between
palmitic,linoleic(0.430) and erucic (0.517), where as negative association was observed between
palmitic and oleic acid (-0.015), which indicates that some sort of compromise may be needed in
order to increase palmitic acid for edible purposes. Multivariate analyses resulted in the
formation of four clusters and have shown the presence of substantial genetic diversity among
the genotypes. The present study also showed that geographical diversity could not necessarily
be an index of variation and the factors other than geographic diversity such as genetic drift,
selection pressure, closeness in pedigree and environment may be responsible for differential
grouping of genotypes.The present study revealed the presence of considerable variability
among genotypes for all traits. These results indicate that there is good opportunity to improve
these characters using the tested genotypes.
Keywords: Ethiopian mustard, oil content, Genetic advance, heritability; correlation, fatty acid analysis
cultivars. Number of potential mustard land races has been MATERIALS AND METHODS
evaluated for their seed oil content percent and fatty acids
profile of which, some have been collected from different Experimental Site
parts of the country. Improvement manipulation in oil crops
to improve nutritional values, have lead to increased oil The experiment was conducted at Holetta Agricultural
quality in new genotypes including those with low erucic Research Center (HARC) in 2013/2014 cropping season
acid oil content of brassica carinata. Brassica oil has fatty from June to December 2013. Holetta (West Shewa Zone
acids composition in higher genetic variations as compared of Oromia Region) is located at latitude 9o N and longitude
to those contained in other major vegetable oils. Brassica 38o E, altitude of 2400 m a.s.l situated 30km West of Addis
species seed oil is characterized by significant amount of Ababa. It is one of the representatives of oil seed Brassica
long-chain monounsaturated fatty acids, mainly erucic acid growing areas in the central highlands of Ethiopia (Nigussie
(C22:1) absence in any other commercial plant oil. High and Mesfin, 1994). The area has mean annual rainfall of
erucic acid oils are use full for industrial application, but not 1059 mm and temperatures of 23oC (maximum) and 8oC
for human consumption. Therefore to develop varieties (minimum). The soil type is Nitisols with soil ph in the range
having both commercial and free erucic acid as well as of 6.0 -7.5(Nigussie and Mesfin, 1994).
those with high erucic acid is promising for breeding
program in brassica oil seed crops. Other important Description of Test Materials
objectives are the increase of oleic acid and linoleic acid,
and the reduction of linolenic acid content. Currently,
additional breeding targets involving oil composition have A total of forty-nine mustard land races that include one
emerged, in particular those within field of industrial local check and one standard check were used in this
application of vegetable oils, since it is possible to transfer study. The majority of the landraces represent the national
gene among species. Therefore the present study was collection from different major mustard growing regions of
executed with the objective of estimating the variability, the country and that are maintained at HARC. The
heritability and genetic advance analysis for oil content and accessions were obtained kindly from Holetta agricultural
fatty acid composition of Ethiopian mustard land races: research center of highland oil crops improvement project.
The details of the accessions used in the experiment are
given in Table 1
Table 1: List of 49 Ethiopian mustard genotypes used in the study and their origin
No. Accession number Area of collection Altitude(m) Latitude Longitude
1 PGRC/E 20001 West Wollega/Arjo 2420 08-44-00N 36-40.00E
2 '' 20002 Bale Zone/Kitu 2500 06-.59.00N 39-12-00E
3 '' 20004 South Gonder/Liba 1980 12-.05-00N 37-44-00E
4 '' 20005 SouthGonder/Debretabor 1830 11-57-00N 37-37-00E
5 '' 20006 South Gonder/Debretabor 1980 11-50-00N 37-37_00E
6 '' 20007 North Gonder/Woger/Dabat 2500 * *
7 '' 20017 West Gojiam /Awi /Dangila 1980 11-.20-00N 36-58-00E
8 '' 20056 West Shewa/Jibatenamecha 2200 09-01-00N 38.-20-00E
9 '' 20065 West Shewa/Jibatenamecha 2200 08-58-00N 37-30.00E
10 '' 20066 West Shewa/Ambo 1950 08-.59.00N 37-48-00E
11 '' 20067 West Shewa/Ambo 2010 08-.58-00N 37-52-00E
12 '' 20076 SNNP/Wenago 1853 06-23-00N 38-20-00E
13 '' 20077 South East Tigray/Inderta 2000 13-29-00N 39-30.00E
14 '' 20112 West Gojam/JabiTehnan 1980 10-.39.00N 37-24-00E
15 '' 20117 West Shewa/Jibatnamecha 2050 08-.58-00N 38-01-00E
16 '' 20127 West Shewa/chelia 1700 09-03-00N 37-10-00E
17 '' 20133 West Shewa/Menagesha 2600 09-11-00N 39-09.00E
18 '' 20134 West Shewa/Jibat 2200 08-.58.00N 37-30-00E
19 '' 20146 West Gojam/Bahirdarzuria 1980 11-.25-00N 37-12-00E
20 '' 20165 West Gojiam/Awi/Dangila 1980 11-20-00N 36-58-00E
21 '' 20166 West Gojiam/Awi/Dangila 1980 11-20-00N 36-58.00E
22 '' 21008 Arsi/Gedeb 2380 07-.12.00N 38-09-00E
23 '' 21012 West shewa/Dendi 2900 09-.14-00N 38-53-00E
24 '' 21017 West Shewa/Gendbert 2470 09-43-00N 37-46-00E
25 '' 21026 West GojiamAwi/Dangila 2000 11-18-00N 36-58.00E
26 '' 21035 West Gojam/Sekela 2540 10-.50-00N 37-04-00E
27 '' 21037 West Gojiam/Awi/Dangila 2165 11-.14-00N 36-51-00E
28 '' 21068 Bale/Adaba 2500 07-01-00N 39-25-00E
29 '' 21157 SNNP /South omo 2830 06-19-00N 38-52-00E
30 '' 21225 East Gojam/Enemay 2000 10-.32-00N 38-09-00E
31 '' 208411 West Gonder/Debretabor 2150 11-.50-00N 37-35-00E
32 '' 229665 West Gojam/Burie 2050 10-33-00N 37-34-00E
33 '' 237048 Arsie-Robe 2350 07-08-00N 40-00.00E
34 '' 241907 South Gonder/Fogera 1825 12-.01-00N 37-43-00E
35 '' 241910 South Gonder/Farta 2289 11-.49-00N 38-00-00E
36 '' 242856 Arsi zone /Sherka 2360 07-32-64N 39-37-87E
37 '' 242858 Arsi zone /Sherka 2360 07-34-27N 39-31-24E
38 '' 243738 South Wollo/Desiezuria 2928 11-08-00N 39-13-00E
39 '' 243739 South Wollo/Tenta 2950 11-.14-00N 39-15-00E
40 '' 21256 West Gojam/Bahirdarzuria 1940 11-16-00N 36-59-00E
41 '' 243750 Wollo/kalu 2020 11-45-00N 39-47.00E
42 '' 2243756 South Gonder/ Debark 3115 11-.08.00N 37-56-00E
43 '' 243761 GonderZuria 2050 12-.19-00N 37-33-00E
44 '' 243763 South Gonder/Kemkem 2070 11-57-00N 37-37-00E
45 '' 208556 West Shewa/AdisAlem 2200 * *
46 '' 208585 East Shewa/yerer 1600 * *
47 Yellow dodolla Bale/Dodolla 2500 06-.59-00N 39-12-00E
48 (ZemX Yellow Dodolla ) Cross 2400 09-00-00N 38-00-00E
49 Local check Holetta area 2400 09-00-00N 38-00-00E
Source: Holetta highland oil crops research program,*=information not found
The experiment of the trial for the seed sample taken was Data Analysis
carried out from June 2013 to December 2013. The
experiment was laid out in simple lattice design with two Analysis of variance
replications. A plot of seeds sample was taken from
harvested four central rows of each three-meter long and The data collected for oil content percent and fatty acid
30Cm spacing between rows and used for oil and fatty acid composition traits were subjected to analysis of variance
data collection. Each replication had seven blocks and (ANOVA) for simple lattice design. Analysis of variance was
each block was represented by seven plots. The path done using Proc lattice and Proc GLM procedures of SAS
between blocks was 2 m and the spacing between plots version 9.2, (SAS Institute, 2008). Analysis of variance
with in sub-blocks was also 0.6 m. Each entry was (Table 2) for the considered traits was done using the
manually drilled a rate of 10 kg/ha and urea and model for lattice design as follows:
phosphorous fertilizers were applied at the rates of 46/69
kg/ha N/P2O5respectively following the national Yil ( j ) u ti rj (b / r )l ( j ) eil( j )
recommendations. All other recommended agronomic and
cultural practices were carried out following practices Where, Yil ( j ) is the observation of the treatment
described by Adefris(2005).
i(i 1,....V , k ) , in the block l (l 1,...k ) of the replication
differences among genotypes for all traits compared. The fatty acid composition (palmitic, stearic, oleic, linoleic
highly significant difference indicates the existence of linolenic and erucic acid ) of traits found the same result.
genetic variability among the land races that is important for Variation in fatty acid compositions among the Ethiopian
selection and breeding progranm. Similarly Yared,(2010) mustard germplasm accessions has also been reported by
studied thirty six genotypes of mustard for oil content and Nigussie et al., (1999) and Adefris(2005).
p = Phenotypic variance.
g =Genotypic variance
2 e = Environmental (error) variance or Error mean The genetic advance (GA) for selection intensity (K) at 5%
square was calculated by the formula suggested by Allard (1960)
MSg = mean sum square due genotypes (accessions)
=mean sum square of error (environmental
variance) p
r = number of replications Where, GA = expected genetic advance,
Phenotypic Coefficient of variation (PCV), =phenotypic standard deviation on mean basis, H=
Heritability in broad sense, K =selection differential
2p (k=2.06 at 5% selection intensity)
PCV __
x100 Genetic advance (as percent of mean) (GA) was
computed to compare the extent of predicted genetic
x advance of different traits under selection using the
Genotypic coefficient of variation (GCV), formula:
2g GA
GCV __
x100 ___
x X
Where, x =population mean of the quantitative character,
x = Population mean of the character being evaluated GA =genetic advance as percent of mean.
Int. J. Plant Breed. Crop. Sci. 1043
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION genetic variability among the land races that is important
for selection and breedingprogram. Similarly Yared(2010)
Analysis of Variance studied thirty six genotypes of mustard for oil content
The analysis of variance for the oil and fatty acid andfatty acid composition(palmitic, stearic, oleic, linoleic
composition traits studied is given in Table3.The analysis linolenic and erucic acid ) of traits found the same result.
of variance showed that there were highly significant Variation in fatty acid compositions among the Ethiopian
differences among genotypes for all traits compared. The mustard germplasm accessions has also been reported by
highly significant difference indicates the existence of Nigussie et al., (1999) and Adefris(2005).
Table 3: Mean squares for different sources of variations for oil and fatty acid traits of 49 Ethiopian mustard
Characters Genotype (48) Block (12) Replication(1) Intera-block error (36)
Oil content 3.4446** 1.3825ns 217.51 1.1283
Palmitic acid 0.2691** 0.0661 0.0072 0.05179
Stearic acid 0.034** 0.0073 0.0002 0.00757
Oleic acid 2.2211** 1.1983 4.1164 0.598
Linoleic acid 2.2839** 1.5701 4.1291 0.4673
Linolenic acid 11.342** 1.444 7.3909 1.3781
Erucic acid 7.165** 4.959 23.078 1.846
** Significant at p = 0.01 significance level, respectively;
Mean and Range Values of oil and fatty acid the lowest (0.64) by genotype PGRC/E 21008.The
composition Traits highest value of oleic acid(11.51) was shown by
genotype PGRC/E 20017, whereas the lowest(6.91) was
The mean and range values of the studied 49 genotypes by genotype (zem x yellow). The highest value (20.09)
of Ethiopian mustard land races for oil and fatty acid for linoleic acid was recorded by genotype PGRC/E
composition traits are presented in Table4. Regarding 21225 and the lowest (15.59) was recorded by genotype
seed oil and fatty acid composition traits, the oil content, PGRC/E 21017.The highest mean value (17.39) for
palmitic, stearic, oleic, linoleic, linolenic and erucic acid linolenic acid was recorded by genotype PGRC/E 21008
of the genotypes ranged from 39.1 to46.0, 2.76 to 4.55. and the lowest (7.61) was recorded by genotype
0.64 to 1.17%, 6.91 to 11.51, 15.59 to 20.09, 7.61 to PGRC/E 208411. Among tested genotypes the highest
17.39 and 40.09-49.07,respectively. The highest palmic oil content percent (46.0%) was recorded for PGRC/E
mean value was shown by the genotype PGRC/E21225 208585 and the lowest (39.1%) for the genotype
where as the lowest was by the genotype PGRC/E20133 (Table4). Generally; these results
PGRC/E20065. The highest value of stearic acid indicate that those traits which had wide range of
(1.17)was shown by the genotype PGRC/E 208411 and variations will serve for breeding and selection for
improvement of the trait desired.
Table 4: Mean and range values of tested genotypes for oil and fatty acid composition traits determined by NMRS
and NIRS
Genotypes Oil content Palmitic Stearic Oleic Linoleic Linolenic Erucic acid
1 PGRC/E 20001 43.8 3.96 0.93 9.47 16.99 10.94 45.38
2 '' 20002 41.9 3.83 0.72 8.16 19.21 15.18 45.95
3 '' 20004 42.5 3.64 1.05 9.90 16.80 10.05 43.70
4 '' 20005 42.9 3.94 0.82 9.77 17.86 13.95 43.47
5 '' 20006 42.7 3.46 0.97 9.50 16.88 10.83 43.53
6 '' 20007 43.2 3.60 0.86 8.74 16.96 12.33 44.63
7 '' 20017 43.5 3.40 1.05 11.51 16.82 10.54 40.47
8 '' 20056 41.8 3.79 0.98 9.50 17.24 10.18 44.13
9 '' 20065 41.0 2.76 1.14 9.75 15.99 9.42 40.09
10 '' 20066 42.2 4.09 1.03 10.42 16.20 10.38 44.30
11 '' 20067 44.0 4.09 0.95 9.25 16.96 12.76 45.70
12 '' 20076 43.0 3.47 1.02 9.30 17.00 10.24 43.46
13 '' 20077 42.1 4.42 0.67 7.20 18.30 16.44 49.07
14 '' 20112 45.4 3.56 1.00 9.51 16.75 10.67 42.25
15 '' 20117 43.0 4.02 1.09 9.51 16.31 9.24 43.68
16 '' 20127 42.4 4.08 1.02 11.36 16.83 10.39 41.83
17 '' 20133 39.1 4.51 0.90 9.56 19.37 13.57 45.66
18 '' 20134 42.4 4.26 1.02 10.27 16.12 10.07 44.22
19 '' 20146 43.7 3.85 0.91 9.73 18.42 12.61 42.97
20 '' 20165 44.7 3.65 0.95 10.17 16.35 11.46 42.41
21 '' 20166 43.5 3.81 0.93 9.98 17.00 12.28 43.95
22 '' 21008 43.5 3.61 0.64 7.50 18.65 17.39 46.41
23 '' 21012 43.2 3.35 1.10 10.73 16.98 9.71 40.61
24 '' 21017 42.6 3.67 1.10 10.39 15.59 9.27 43.03
25 '' 21026 45.5 3.78 1.07 10.41 16.72 9.21 42.57
26 '' 21035 43.3 3.96 0.91 10.29 17.96 12.26 43.74
27 '' 21037 43.1 3.69 1.05 10.52 17.72 10.54 41.80
28 '' 21068 41.3 3.19 0.72 7.24 17.42 14.78 46.82
29 '' 21157 41.1 3.57 0.92 10.07 17.28 14.26 41.81
30 '' 21225 41.5 4.55 0.79 9.72 20.09 15.17 44.68
31 '' 208411 43.9 3.32 1.17 10.75 17.32 7.61 42.63
32 '' 229665 43.7 4.13 1.05 9.69 16.98 9.78 43.28
33 '' 237048 41.5 4.27 0.71 7.32 18.76 12.70 48.28
34 '' 241907 41.6 3.78 0.93 9.04 16.83 10.35 45.03
35 '' 241910 43.1 3.84 0.94 10.33 17.40 12.50 44.29
36 '' 242856 41.5 4.09 0.85 8.97 18.85 13.48 43.62
37 '' 242858 41.3 4.11 0.94 10.41 17.78 11.65 43.67
38 '' 243738 41.3 4.01 0.83 9.13 18.98 15.07 45.31
39 '' 243739 44.2 4.23 0.81 8.14 18.85 14.96 46.98
40 '' 21256 44.5 3.50 1.06 9.76 16.79 8.75 41.67
41 '' 243750 42.5 3.47 0.76 8.48 19.12 15.12 44.18
42 '' 2243756 42.7 3.66 1.01 10.01 16.97 10.32 41.17
43 '' 243761 43.5 3.53 0.93 9.44 17.44 11.48 43.29
44 '' 243763 42.1 3.95 0.87 9.92 17.32 11.86 42.60
45 '' 208556 44.2 3.72 0.89 9.06 16.97 13.84 43.91
46 '' 208585 46.0 3.65 0.87 8.49 17.34 15.73 44.22
47 Yellow dodolla(YD) 44.4 3.21 0.93 8.02 17.52 14.55 43.29
48 (ZemXYD ) 43.8 3.57 0.65 6.91 18.40 16.99 46.32
49 Local check 42.4 4.44 0.85 9.57 18.43 13.10 45.69
Range 39.1-46.0 2.76-4.55 0.64-1.17 6.91-11.51 15.59-20.09 7.61-17.39 40.09-49.07
Average mean 42.9 3.8 0.92 9.44 17.5 12.16 43.91
CV (%) 2.477 5.99 9.39 8.19 3.91 9.65 3.09
LSD (0.05) 2.13 0.46 0.18 1.66 1.50 2.36 2.96
CV= coefficient of variation, LSD=least significant,NMR=Nuclear magnetic resonance, NRIS=near infrared reflectance
phenotypic coefficients of variation (PCV), heritability in
Analysis of Genetic Parameters broad sense, expected genetic advances and genetic
advances as percent mean are given in Table5.
Genotypic and phenotypic coefficient of variation Estimated genetic variance ranged from 0.0132% for
stearic acid to4.9822% for linolenic acid (Table5).
Estimates of genotypic variance and phenotypic Likewise phenotypic variance ranged from 0.04159% for
variances, genotypic coefficient of variation (GCV), stearic acid to 12.7205% for linolenic acid. Genotypic
Int. J. Plant Breed. Crop. Sci. 1045
coefficients of variation ranged from 1.20% forstearic acid heritable trait in the genotype, with heritability of 62.58%,
to6.39 % for linolenic acid. Linolenic acid (12.7205, followed by palmitic acid (58.19%) and linolec acid
4.9822) and erucic acid (9.0115, 2.65935) showed high (57.46%). This indicates that selection for these traits in
phenotypic and genotypic variances, respectively the genotype would be most effective for the expression
indicating that the genotypes could be reflected by the of these traits in the succeeding generations.
phenotype and the effectiveness of selection based on the
phenotypic performance for these traits. Likewise, Therefore, good improvement can be made if some of
Yared(2010) reported high genotypic and phenotypic these traits are considered as selection criteria in future
variance for erucic acid, linoleic, stearic, palmitic and oil breeding program. Similar findings had been reported by
content in Ethiopian mustard. Low genotypic variance as Yared (2010) showed thatfor palmitic, lenoleic, stearic and
compared to environmental variance was recorded for oil content of seeds. High heritability value was found for
traits such as stearic acid (0.0132), palmitic acid linoleic, erucic acid,stearic and palmitic acid content of
(0.01087), oleic (0.8116), linoleic acid(0.9083),linolenic seeds recorded in the current study was also recorded by
acid(4.9822), erucic acid(2.65935)and oil content Yared(2010) andAbebe(2006).According to Singh(1993),
percent(1.1582). However, high genotypic coefficients of the heritability of a character is high, selection for such
variation (GCV) and phenotypic coefficients of variation character is fairly easy as selected character will be
(PCV) were shown in traits such as linolenic acid (6.39, transmitted to its progeny. This is because there would be
10.21) erucic acid(2.46,4.53) and oleic acid(2.94, 5.48) a close correspondence between the genotype and
respectively, which means selection of these traits based phenotype due to a relatively similar contribution of the
on phenotype and genotypic characteristics may be environment to the genotype.
useful for oil and fatty acid improvement. This result
agrees with the findings of Abebe (2006) and Aytac and Genetic advance
Kinaci (2009).
Concerning the genetic advance at 5% intensity the
Heritability in the broad sense highest genetic gain was predicted for linolenic acid
(4.05%) followed by erucic acid (3.18 %) and while the
Breeders can make rapid progress where heritability is lowest genetic advance was predicted for stearic acid
high by using selection methods that are dependant solely (0.22%).Genetic advance as a percent mean ranged
on phenotypic characteristics (e.g. mass selection). from5.08 % for oil content to33.19% for linolenic
However, where heritability is low methods of selection acid(Table 5). Within this range, a relatively high genetic
based on families and progeny testing are more effective advance as a percent mean was observed for linolenic
and efficient. Heritability estimated using the total genetic acid (33.19%)and stearic acid (23.89%)followed by oleic
variance is called broad sense heritability. Heritability in acid (18.78%). On the other side high genetic advance
the broad sense of the traits is presented in Table 5. In this with high heritability was shown for linolenic acid and
study, heritability values were found to be sufficiently high erucic acid which may be because of the presence of both
for most important yield component characters. Dabholkar additive and non-additive gene action (Liang et al., 1972).
(1992) generally classified heritability estimates as low (5- On the other hand, the lowest genetic gain as percent of
10%), medium (10-30%) and high (30-60%). Based on this means was observed for oil content 5.08 % followed by
classification, linolenic acid (62.58%), palmitic acid erucic acid7.23%.Low genetic advance as percent means
(58.19%), linoleic acid (57.46%), stearic acid (56.39%), observations in this study indicates that characters
erucic acid (54.32%), oleicacid (53.65%), oil probably were under environmental influence than the
contentpercent(50.53%), exhibited high heritability genotypic expression and that selection based on these
estimates. Linolenic acid was found to be the most traits would be ineffective.
Table 5: Components of variance, coefficients of variability, heritability and genetic advance and Genetic
advance as percent of mean of studied traits
Oil and fatty acid composition δ2g δ2e δ2ph GCV PCV h2b GA GA/Gr and
k = 5% mean *100 k 5%
Palmic acid 0.1087 0.21 0.32089 1.69 2.91 58.19 0.62 16.32
Stearic acid 0.0132 0.03 0.04159 1.20 2.13 56.39 0.22 23.89
Oleic acid 0.8116 2.01 2.8191 2.94 5.48 53.65 1.77 18.78
Linoleic acid 0.9083 1.84 2.7512 2.28 3.96 57.46 1.80 10.31
Linolenic acid 4.9822 7.74 12.7205 6.39 10.21 62.58 4.05 33.19
Erucic acid 2.65935 6.352 9.0115 2.46 4.53 54.32 3.18 7.23
Oil content 1.1582 3.41 4.5729 1.64 3.27 50.33 2.18 5.08
δ2g = Genotypic variance, δ2e = Error variance, δ2ph = Phenotypic variance, GCV = Genotypic coefficient of variability,
PCV = Phenotypic coefficient of variability, h2b = Broad sense heritability, GA = Genetic advance and K = Selection
Fekadu A. 1046
Genotypic correlation coefficients among oil and fatty erucic acid (0.517), where as negative association was
acid composition traits observed between palmitic and oleic acid (-0.015), which
indicates that some sort of compromise may be needed in
Genotypic correlation coefficients among oil and fatty acid order to increase palmitic acid for edible purposes for
composition traits are presented in Table6. A highly which Islam (2009) reported the opposite. Erucic acid
significant but negative correlations were observed showed negative correlation with oil content (-0.200)
between oleic acid and linoleic acid(-0.468),linolenic acid(- though it was insignificant which implies increasing oil
0.716) and erucic acid (-0.760).Since for edible purpose content, favors the oil for edible purpose in terms of erucic
oleic acid is considered as preferred fatty acid increased and oleic acid content. Likewise, highly significant negative
level of the three linoleic, linolenic and erucic acid is not correlation was found between linolenic and oil content (-
nutritionally desirable. This relationship had practical 0.104). There was also highly negative correlation
advantage towards selecting high oleic, but low linoleic, between oleic, linoleic(-0.468) and linolenic acid (-0.716),
linolenic and erucic acid containing genotypes which is in which is in agreement with the findings of Adefris (2005)
agreement with Islam (2009), Patel et al. (2003), Sia et al. and Kumar and Tsunda (1980), respectively. The traits
(2004), Nigussie (2001); Adefris (2005) and Tsege et al. association which contradicted with the previous findings
(2004) who found similar results., However Khan et al. might have been as a result of synchronized selection
(2008) reported the opposite. Highly significant positive applied on the traits concerned.
correlation was found between palmitic, linoleic(0.430) and
Table 6: Genotypic correlation coefficients among oil content and fatty acid compositiontraits in 49 Ethiopian
mustard genotypes tested at Holetta, 2013/14
Traits Palmitic Stearic Oleic Linoleic Linolenic Erucicacid Oil content
Palmitic 0.302* -0.015 0.430** 0.220 0.517** -0.274*
Stearic 0.794** -0.726** -0.909** -0.766** 0.183
Oleic -0.468** -0.716** -0.760** 0.031
Linoleic 0.715** 0.528** -0.317*
Linolenic 0.630** -0.104
Erucic acid -0.200
Oil content
*, ** significant at p < 0.05 and p < 0.01 significance level respectively
Clustering of genotypes using quality traits South Wollo, 1genotype each from Southern Nations
nationalities and Bale zone. There are also genotypes
Clustering based on quality traits produced clear grouping with the same geographical origin but grouped in
of the 49 genotypesinto four clusters Fig 1. The highest different clusters and genotypes with different
61.22 % of the genotypes were grouped under C1 geographic origin groped in the same cluster. Solitary
followed by 24.49 % in C3 and 12.24% in C2, 2.04% genotype in C4 was Arsi zone origin.
in C4. In quality traits clustering, Cluster 1 the largest of
a of all included 30(61.22 %) genotypes that comprised Cluster means for quality traits
nine genotypes each from West Shewa, West Gojiam
and South and North Gonder, one genotypes each from Intra-class average genetic divergence of Ethiopian
Southern Nation Nationalities West Wollega and Arsi mustard for quality traits is shown in Table 7. Genotypes
zone respectively. The second cluster (cluster2) of C4 showed the highest mean palmatic fatty acid content
comprises 6 (12.24%) genotypes 2 from Bale zone , one than other clusters. On the other side highest stearic, oleic
genotype each from Arsie zone ,South Wollo, South and low erucic fatty acid content was found in C1 cluster
Tigray and cross. Local check and standard check was than other clusters. High linoleic and erucic acid content
also included in cluster 3. Cluster3 comprised 12(24.48%) showed in C4 Genotypes and high oil content with low
genotypes. Four Genotypes were from West and East erucic acid was cluster in C1.
Shew, 2genotypes from West and East Gojiam and
Table 7.Clusters means for quality traits of the Ethiopian Mustard genotypes
Traiats C1 C2 C3 C4
Mean Mean Mean Mean
Palmitic 3.73 3.81 3.92 4.27
Stearic 1.00 0.70 0.86 0.71
Oleic 9.99 7.53 9.21 7.32
Linoleic 16.9 18.47 18.35 18.76
Linolenic 10.57 15.96 14.20 12.70
Erucic acid 43.10 46.93 44.07 48.28
OC 43.20 42.72 42.42 41.50
C1= cluster 1, C2= Cluster2, C3= Cluster3, C4=, ClusteR4, OC=Oil content
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Copyright: © 2021: Fekadu A. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons
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Int. J. Plant Breed. Crop. Sci. 1049
C luster IV
1.5 ClusterIII
Cluster II
Cluster II
1 1 6 3 3 3 2 4 2 3 3 4 4 4 2 5 7 1 4 3 1 4 3 4 2 3 2 3 1 1 3 4 2 1 2 1 1 2 4 2 8 3 1 2 4 9 1 2 4
5 4 7 8 3 9 4 9 6 1 6 8 3 5 2 6 2 0 3 2 1 6 3 1 2 5 8 7 4 0 8 9 1 0 0 9 4 7 5 7
Semi-partial R-squared
Figure1. Dendrogram which shows the distribution of the 49 Ethiopian mustard genotypes based on quality traits