STEAM Hydraulic Hybrid Architecture For Excavators

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Group 10 - Mobile Hydraulics | Paper 10-1 151

STEAM – a hydraulic hybrid architecture for excavators

Dipl.-Ing. Milos Vukovic

RWTH Aachen University, Institute for Fluid Power Drives and Controls (IFAS), Aachen,
Germany, E-Mail: [email protected]

Roland Leifeld, M. Sc.

RWTH Aachen University, Institute for Fluid Power Drives and Controls (IFAS), Aachen,

Professor Dr.-Ing. Hubertus Murrenhoff

RWTH Aachen University, Institute for Fluid Power Drives and Controls (IFAS), Aachen,

During the past three years the Institute for Fluid Power Drives and Controls in Aachen
has developed a new hydraulic system for mobile machinery called STEAM. The
system represents a new step in excavator hydraulics, as it aims to reduce both the
hydraulic system losses as well as those of the internal combustion engine by using a
hybrid hydraulic architecture with accumulators. Starting with initial simulation studies
the development has been followed by scaled test bench measurements and has
progressed to a full scale validation using an 18 t excavator. The following publication
aims to summarise the results obtained thus far with the aim of making them available
to industry and encouraging their implementation in future applications.

KEYWORDS: Mobile Hydraulics, Hybrid Systems

1. Challenges facing improving system efficiency

Increasing the system efficiency of hydraulically operated mobile machinery has been
the focus of much research in recent years. A number of new architectures have been
proposed in literature, all with the aim of accomplishing the following four goals: reduce
component efficiency losses (of the engine and pumps), decrease idling losses,
avoid throttling losses and finally recover potential and kinetic energy from

The difficulty in designing a system that deals with all these separate factors is that
addressing any one of them usually affects another negatively. A simple example to
illustrate this dilemma is the use of so-called hybrid modules connected to the engine
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shaft, which enable energy recovery but at the same time lead to increased idling
losses /1, 2/. This complex system of tradeoffs is further complicated by the fact that for
any new system to find acceptance in industry it, not only, has to be more efficient but
should also not cost considerably more. In summary, the pursuit of more efficient
mobile hydraulic systems can be described as an extremely challenging task with a set
of even more restrictive boundary conditions. It is, therefore, no surprise that relatively
few true innovations have found their way onto the market.

The STEAM mobile hydraulic system specifically designed for excavators is a possible
way forward out of this stalemate. The idea is a simple one and in essence deals with
each of the four above mentioned points by exclusively using low cost valves and
widespread hydraulic accumulators. Naturally, the focus is on improved energy
efficiency but beyond this STEAM also offers other interesting advantages, which give
industry, and ultimately the customer, a few more reasons to consider using the new
system. The following paper aims to summarise these advantages and presents the
latest measurement results obtained from field tests.

1.1. The perfect solution in theory

An interesting question to begin with is whether a perfect system that reduces all major
loss mechanisms, while enabling energy recovery, even exists. The surprising answer
is that, yes, a near perfect hydraulic architecture does indeed exist, at least in the case
of an excavator, a machine that nearly exclusively performs tasks, in which peak and
average power demands greatly differ /3/. Figure 1 illustrates the setup, which is, in
principle, a hydraulic hybrid system with a constant pressure rail and accumulator, a
secondary controlled swing drive and hydraulic transformers to control the linear


Figure 1: Hybrid system with constant pressure rail and hydraulic transformers
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A major advantage of the constant pressure system is that it decouples the supply side
from the actuators, allowing optimal engine operation independent of the current power
demand. As a result, the engine can be allowed to operate at a lower speed, 1200 rpm
instead of the typical 1800 rpm, delivering only the average power demand, while the
accumulators cover the peak power requirements. This so-called engine downspeeding
considerably decreases losses /4/. Idling losses are also kept low as the pump swivels
to zero displacement when the accumulator is full and no unnecessary losses occur. In
addition, no throttling take place at all due to the fact that transformers are used instead
of valves and all the potential and kinetic energy from the actuators can be transferred
into the pressure rail to be reused later. In summary, basically the perfect system.

Well, perfect but only in theory as the practical implementation of such a setup is not
feasible. The first and foremost problem is that no efficient hydraulic transformers are
commercially available. The Dutch company INNAS has developed a prototype but has
yet to get it onto the market /5/. Even if they were to do so the cost of this high-tech
component compared to a standard mobile hydraulic valve would be considerably
higher. The question that remains is whether it is possible to implement a modified
version of this near perfect constant pressure system, by replacing the transformers
with simple low-cost valves, but at the same time keep throttling low and allowing
energy recovery. This question has been the topic of much debate and has been the
starting point for researchers at IFAS in the development of the STEAM system.

1.2. STEAM – a possible way forward

STEAM is basically a hydraulic hybrid system that uses not only one but two pressure
rails (high pressure HP and medium pressure MP) along with a series of simple valves
to reduce the major loss mechanisms found in today’s mobile hydraulic circuits. One
possible implementation is shown in Figure 2.



Figure 2: A possible implementation of STEAM

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The rails along with their associated accumulators take care of peak power demands,
thereby enabling more efficient engine operation in the lower 1200 rpm region /6, 7/. To
minimise throttling losses when supplying flow to the linear actuators, a series of
switching valves allows both pressure rails along with the tank line to be individually
connected to both the piston and rod chambers of each cylinder. This setup creates a
system of nine artificial supply pressures, which depending on the current load
pressure, can be used to lower throttling losses but also to recover energy. A detailed
discussion of all the possible operation modes can be found in /8/.

To control actuator motion any valve topology can be used. This includes the simple
4/3 way proportional valves, as shown in the figure, but can go as far as complex digital
hydraulics valves, independent metering or single edge meter out control with pressure
compensators /9/.

1.3. STEAM –some interesting benefits

As mentioned above, the most important benefit regarding efficiency is the improved
engine and pump operation. Due to the fact that these components are only used to
charge the accumulators, they are decoupled from the current actuator power demand
and can therefore be used in a digital manner. When the accumulator state of charge
(SOC) drops the engine and pump operate at full load. Once the accumulators are full
the engine and pump are in idle. In this way the components never operate at part load
conditions, which dramatically decreases losses.

STEAM also provides a solution to one of the major dilemmas hindering the
implementation of boom potential energy recovery circuits, namely the issue of how to
use the recovered energy in a meaningful and efficient way. Figure 3 illustrates the
problem in more detail. As no load is usually present when lowering the boom the load
pressure in the actuator is quite low, approximately 100 bar. As shown in (a) recovering
this energy into an accumulator, precharged to 90 bar, is reasonably simple, but
actually reusing this energy is quite difficult as the boom and the other actuators
usually require a higher supply pressure during operation. Circuit (b) overcomes this
issue by using a transformer. Unfortunately, this solution is quite inefficient due to the
transformer losses. The STEAM circuit, shown in (c), can actively boost the boom rod
side pressure to a higher level, thereby also increasing the boom piston pressure and
allowing the energy recovery to take place at a higher pressure level of approximately
175 bar. Energy stored in this manner can be used to supply other actuators when
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Figure 3: Different methods of recovering boom potential energy

A further benefit of the system is the ability to prevent pressure peaks in actuator end-
stops. In order to completely empty the bucket during digging, excavator operators
quite frequently drive the actuators all the way into the end-stop. When using a
standard flow impressed system, i.e. load sensing or posicon/negacon, such
movements cause a rapid increase in supply pressure all the way to the system’s
pressure relief setting. This leads to unnecessary pressure peaks and throttling losses
if other actuators are operated simultaneously. A constant pressure system avoids this
issue as the actuator is supplied with pressure not flow.

2. System implementation and testing

One of the aims of the STEAM-Project is to bridge the gap between fundamental
research and industrial application. In order to do so it is necessary to experimentally
conduct representative fuel consumption measurements. This section describes how
the system validation is being carried out.

2.1. Prototype excavator

In Europe, load sensing hydraulic systems have established themselves as the industry
standard for excavators. Therefore, an 18 ton Volvo wheeled excavator (EW180C) with
a Linde single-circuit load sensing system (LSCS) was selected as the benchmark for
comparison /10/. To minimise the influence of external factors, which may distort the
measurement results, the STEAM system was installed parallel to the LS system. This
approach allows both systems to be measured on the same day using the same
operator, thereby ensuring that the data from both measurements is comparable. A
simplified schematic of the prototype machine is shown in Figure 4. Installing a
secondary controlled swing drive was not possible as the machine only had a fixed
displacement motor. To allow recovery of the swing brake energy, pressure controlled
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sequence valves, connected to the accumulators, were installed. More details can be
found in /6/.




Figure 4: Prototype machine layout

The actual machine with the new STEAM manifold block, containing all the switching
and proportional valves, is shown in Figure 5.

Figure 5: Prototype machine with STEAM manifold and accumulators

2.2. Test Cycles

It is not possible to compare the efficiency of two different hydraulic systems using just
one value. Stating that one system is a certain number of percentage points more
efficient than another is incorrect. Even when using the same machine with the same
operator the efficiency will largely depend on the duty cycle. When operating only one
actuator using standard LS-hydraulics very few throttling losses occur. During such
operation newer systems can only operate marginally better or maybe even worse. The
contrary is also true; it is possible to select operating conditions in which a new system
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is considerably better than its older counterpart. Such comparisons are incomplete and
lack a solid scientific grounding.

Therefore, it is only fair to judge two systems using a large variety of different cycles, a
so-called cycle mix. This approach will be used to compare the LS-System to STEAM.
The efficiency comparison will not be stated as one value but rather as a matrix. Such
a representation can be used to conclude when and under which operating conditions
STEAM is better than the standard system. Till date two fairly simple test cycles have
been conducted. The first is a swing test, in which only the swing drive is used to rotate
the machine back and forth. As discussed in /6/, these measurements show that
STEAM is 39 % more efficient than LS. The improvement in efficiency is mainly due to
the decrease in engine and pump losses.

3. Air Grading Measurement Results

The second test, which is the focus of this paper, is air grading and basically simulates
common leveling operations. Both the boom and arm cylinders are operated
simultaneously at maximum speed, see Figure 6. The air grading test closely
resembles the Japanese JCMAS test cycle for excavators /11/. This section discusses
the results of the air grading test.

Figure 6: Air grading test cycle

3.1. Fuel Consumption and Efficiency Comparison

Two factors must be considered when carrying out such a comparison. The actuator
motion of both systems should be as similar as possible and the accumulators in the
hybrid system must be charged before and after the test to ensure a fair comparison.
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As shown in Figure 7 the measured actuator strokes for both systems are very
comparable, although STEAM is evidently faster.

STEAM 1200 rpm LS 1800 rpm

Figure 7: Measured actuator displacement during air grading test

The results of the test are summarised in Table 1. Despite the lower engine speed
STEAM cut the cycle time by 11 %, performed 19 % more work, consumed 23,2 % less
fuel and is 55 % more efficient.

Cycle Time Actuator Work Fuel Consumption Efficiency

[s] [J] [l] [J/l]

Load Sensing 1800 rpm x y z y/z

STEAM 1200 rpm 0,89 x 1,19 y 0,768 z 1,55 y/z

Table 1: Efficiency and fuel consumption results

The significant increase in system efficiency is an important result but what is even
more important and valuable is understanding what exactly is responsible for the
improvement. To do so it is necessary to analyse the measurement data in more detail.

3.2. Actuator Operation

To begin with, it is interesting to take a closer look at the actuators and how they are
supplied with flow. In the STEAM sytem, the individual actuators possess the ability to
exchange flow with one another. Figure 8 illustrates the operating states of the boom
and arm cylinders during air grading with STEAM. When moving from 1Æ2 the arm
cylinder uses medium pressure regeneration (MP/MP), meaning the rod side supplies
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the piston side with flow. During the return stroke 2Æ1 the boom potential energy is
recovered into the medium pressure rail (as discussed in section 1.3), which then
directly supplies the rod side of the arm actuator.

Figure 8: STEAM actuator states during air grading

This effect, along with the oil stored in the accumulators, allows the engine and pump
to operate at a lower speed and only to supply the average power and flow. This is the
major factor contributing to the improved system efficiency.

3.3. Engine and Pump Operation

Figure 9 illustrates how often the engine operates at each torque/speed combination.
The LS system, operating at 1800 rpm, shows one peak at high torque and full power
when moving from position 1 to 2 during the cycle. On the return stroke (2Æ1) much
less power is required, resulting in a more even distribution of the remaining operating
points. None of these points are in regions of high efficiency, once again highlighting
the poor utilisation of the engine characteristics in standard mobile hydraulic systems.
Lowering the engine speed, which would improve efficiency, is not possible in these
systems as no accumulator is present to supply peak flow, which is required when
raising the boom and operating the arm cylinder simultaneously (1Æ2).

In comparison, using STEAM, the engine runs at 1200 rpm. This low speed high torque
operation leads to considerably lower engine losses. In fact, measurements show that
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around half of the total system efficiency improvement compared to LS is a direct

consequence of the better engine performance.

STEAM 1200 rpm

LS 1800 rpm

ICE Efficiency > 40% > 38% > 36% > 28%

Figure 9: Engine operation

Figure 10 shows very similar results in regard to pump efficiency. During LS operation
the pressure is constantly changing depending on the current actuator load. When
using STEAM the pump is used solely to charge the MP accumulator. Additionally, the
displacement setting is also higher as the pump must swivel out more to provide the
required flow at the lower engine speed.

STEAM 1200 rpm

LS 1800 rpm

Figure 10: Pump operation

4. Conclusion and Outlook

The STEAM system may be a possible way forward to meet the challenges facing the
development and widespread usage of more efficient excavator hydraulic systems. Its
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major advantage is the ability to considerably lower the engine speed, while
maintaining the same performance as today’s state of the art systems. Initial field tests
are very promising showing a 39 % increase in efficiency for the swing drive and a
55 % increase in efficiency during air grading. Further testing is currently underway to
test system performance in real digging applications.

5. Acknowledgements
This work is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research within
the framework of the program validation of the innovation potential of scientific
research. The authors are grateful for the funding. Further thanks goes to Volvo
Construction Equipment (Konz, Germany) for not only providing the test excavator but
also for their valuable input and support.

6. References
/1/ Schneider, M., et al. Grüner Radlader - Energieeffiziente Antriebs- und
Steuerungskonzepte im Praxistest, 5th Baumaschinenfachtagung, Dresden,

/2/ Straßburger, F. Hydraulisch-mechanischer Hybridantrieb für

Gegengewichtsstapler, PhD Thesis, RWTH Aachen, 2015.

/3/ Vukovic, M.; Sgro, S.; Murrenhoff, H., STEAM – a holistic approach to
designing excavator systems, 9th International Fluid Power Conference,
Aachen, 2014.

/4/ N. N., OEMOffhighway,

-engines-gain-efficiency-through-downsizing-and-downspeeding, visited on

/5/ Achten, P., Palmberg, J., What a difference a hole makes – the commercial
value of the Innas hydraulic transformer, 6th Scandinavian International
Conference on Fluid Power, Tampere, Finland, 1999.

/6/ Vukovic, M., Leifeld, R., Murrenhoff, H., STEAM – ein hydraulisches
Hybridsystem für Bagger, 5th Baumaschinenfachtagung, Dresden, 2015.

/7/ Leifeld, R., Vukovic, M., Murrenhoff, H., STEAM – the best of both worlds, 7th
Workshop on Digital Fluid Power, Linz, Austria, 2015.
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/8/ Vukovic, M., Sgro, S., Murrenhoff, H., STEAM – a mobile hydraulic system with
engine integration, ASME/BATH Symposium on Fluid Power & Motion Control
FPMC2013, Sarasota, Florida, USA, 2013.

/9/ Vukovic, M., Murrenhoff, H., Single Edge Meter-Out Control for Mobile
Machinery, ASME/BATH Symposium on Fluid Power & Motion Control,
FPMC2014, Bath, England, 2014.

/10/ N, N., Volvo wheeled excavator EW180C, Volvo Product Brochure, 2010.

/11/ JCMAS H020, Earth-moving machinery – Fuel consumption on hydraulic

excavator – Test procedure, Japan Construction Machinery and Construction
Association for Hydraulic Excavators, 2007.

7. Nomenclature

‫ܲܯ‬ Medium Pressure bar

‫ܲܪ‬ High Pressure bar

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