WMBRproggdspring 11 Prelim
WMBRproggdspring 11 Prelim
WMBRproggdspring 11 Prelim
The intricacies of compas music. French Toast | 6-8a | Brian & Yves | Bonjour! Music by Dead People | 9-10p | Brian Sennett
Michael R. Jung
bananapants & brown sugar | Complain around the Aural Fixation | 4-6p | Sue | Set the controls for Ahmed Hussain ’12,
Classical music: whether you're a connoisseur, or think House Therapy | 10p-12a [alternates with Three Chords and the Truth | 8:30-10p John Kosian
Haiti Focus | 8-10a | Jacques-Antoine Jean Voo-lay voo fran-say? Then start your week off with campfire with us. (Rock, punk, post-punk) s the heart of autumn! Sue returns from summer vacation Program Director
Dedicated to the Haitian community: featuring news, the best in French-language music, local event listings, it's for snobs, we provide you with a finely tuned mix Sewersounds] | Mike LaRosa | Feed your soul with [alternates with The Improbability Field] | Ollie, with a beach bag full of fuzz guitars, psychedelic Joeg, Station Manager
Ayida S. Mthembu
and the Cheese of the Week! Riding the Norse Horse | 7-8p | Roman | Take a of pieces from ancient to modern. s, n the finest in foot-tapping, body-moving house music. Matt, & Joe | For all the young punks. s, m
music, community information, interviews, and reports sounds and dreamy drones. William Kuhlman ’07,
ride on the Norse horse, a thoughtful musical trek Continuous mixes from top-notch local and
on issues related to women, immigration laws, health Research & Development | 2-4p | Charlie Kohlhase Musenomix | 10-11p | DS Turner | An onslaught of The Improbability Field | 8:30-10p [alternates Technical Director Prof. Joseph A. Paradiso
through the Scandinavian/Norse countries of Sweden, international DJs. s James Dean Death Car Experience | 6-8p PhD ’81
care, education, politics, development, and the current Forward-looking jazz of every decade with a special raw hip hop, dub, and post-punk rhythms, interviews with Three Chords and the Truth] | Glenn Nameless Capt. Al Franklin,
Denmark, Norway, Iceland, and Finland. Oh Norse Lisa | You’re tooling down the highway and are
situation in Haiti and the Haitian diaspora. emphasis on the overlooked masters of the ’60s and with hip hop legends, local artists, and music Sewersounds | 10p-12a [alternates with House An FTL voyage through a myriad of subgenres in Training Coordinator Paul Parravano
horse – such a beautiful beast. overcome with desire for indie pop. Do you (a) stop in
’70s. Jazz Calendar Highlights. Classic Tenor Corner. journalists, mixed with slabs of absurd comedy. Therapy] | Teep | The undercurrent of electronix electronic music from across the ’verse. (Warning: DJ Slick, Volunteer Professor Evan Ziporyn
Radio with a View | 10a-12p | Marc Stern road, (b) text, (c) visit the highway ditch, (d) turn on
Pipeline! | 8-10p | Jeff Breeze & Mike Reed presented via moodmat. Sewersounds collection and subject to the improbability field.) n Coordinator Zoë Rogers ’12, student
Economic democracy, human rights, and other Background Music | 11p-12a | Lipika the Death Car Experience?
The Jazz Volcano | 4-5:30p | Kennedy Compound Locovores are cool. We help your ears eat even more treatment system is qualified not by genre, but by representative
idealistic visions of the world. Truth and reconciliation Serving up a seismic eruption of wonderful jazz divas Electronic listening music: downtempo, hip hop, Time Traveling | 10p-12a | Nomadik | Taking you
locally than your stomach. viscosity, density, pH, and thermal stratification. n The Show Show | 8-10p | MaGoGo | Starting your
and music to get your mind and body in sync. and jazz greats – mostly vocals… tossing in some big jazz, ambient, new compositions. Requests and on a music journey into the soulful sounds of funk, soul, night off right with dance-punk, electro, new wave, and
band, swing, and some suprises along the way. Party Shuffle | 10-11p | Comrade Cosmobot contributions are welcome. n The No No Nothing | 12p-2a | evelyn ruby and hip hop of yesterday and today. WMBR is a non-commercial, all-volunteer radio station
World Beat | 12-2p | Brutus Leaderson | Presenting more from the ’80s, ’90s, and today. Tune in to get down.
Delivering delectable ditties for discriminating ears, Art, experiment, rock, sound, rap, me, the medium, located on the campus of MIT. None of its members are
world music to the Boston audience. Sound Principles | 6-8p | Fred Allen | Post-bop, Mostly Improved | 12-1a | DJ Noah | An eclectic A Detour Through Time | 12-1a | Matt | I just
People's Commissar of Music Comrade Cosmobot and you. s The Choice Is Yourz | 10p-12a | DJ Jimizz paid for their efforts. The majority of WMBR’s funding comes
Jam Session | 2-4p | Pam Spencer & Carol free jazz, and creative improvised music from presents everything from classic rock to electronica mix of live concert recordings. Ranging from long and plan on playing music. I won’t be discussing issues or DJ Jimizz on deck for 120 minutes with The Choice is from listener donations with support from MIT.
Muschette-Kirk | Awesome reggae program with America, Europe, Japan, and even Boston/Cambridge. to the latest indie errata. s psychedelic to short and folksy. Tune in for the best in A Band Apart | 2-3a | Logan | Music of the present, talking a lot in general (except about the music I am Yourz. The Choices are: Original Hip Hop News, Old Only with the help of its listeners is WMBR able to provide
its unique blend of music, talk and news. If you would like to
soca, calypso, and gospel music segments, plus Hear the 21st century new jazz underground. live music! n the past, the future, and that one time that time playing). s, n School Jam, New Releases, Homegrown Highlights and
The Rude Show | 11p-12a | nadia | A weekly became a loop. s, m help, send your contributions to WMBR, Dept. 2011,
interviews on many varied topics including passport, Out of Order | 1-2a | Puck Vickery | Mixing the Girls Only | 1-2a | Ang | Spanning all music genres Hip Hop Jointz.
Bats in the Belfry | 8-10p | Mistress Laura serving of second- and third-wave ska that’ll get you 3 Ames Street, Cambridge MA 02142. All contributions are
citizenship, lobbying, medicine, education, and
entertainment. “Forward always, backwards never.”
Enter the sanctuary…gothic, ethereal, atmospheric
music from all over the world, USA and Boston. Dark,
on your feet skanking the hour away, with enough
reggae and rocksteady to satisfy your soul. s
new with the old, digging through jazz, afro, hip hop,
Latin, electronica, soul, and beyond. s, n
Friday and trends to celebrate female artists and groups from
around the world. s, n
Mellow Madness | 12-2a | PJ Porter | Let host
PJ Porter get you in the mood as he brings you the best
tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. WMBR is a
registered service mark of the Technology Broadcasting
Pink Bullets | 6-7a | Andrea Tentner | Curious Corporation, the licensee of radio station WMBR as well as
Afrika Kabisa | 4-6p | Julia Mongo moody, atmospheric; beginning with ancient music and R&B slow jams Boston has to offer. Looking for that
Generoso’s Bovine Ska & Rocksteady | 12-2a Transformers | 2-4a | Noah Vawter | Remixing, knick-knacks found on the ground, beauty, fun, and The Mohs Scale | 2-3a | Jacob Bailey | As the name a committee of the MIT Corporation. Show descriptions are
Africa Absolutely! Boston’s African music radio show. chant to the newest gothic rock, darkwave, gothic neo- song you fell in love to? Something new and hot? He’s
Generoso Fierro | “I live from east to west, botheration mashups, and intriguing subgenres of subcultures, things you should know... “If there is magic on this suggests, The Mohs Scale presents rock of varying provided by individual program producers.
Classic and contemporary African and Afro-Caribbean classical, goth-industrial and dark ambient. got just what you are looking for. Express your love to
there I move from north to south, botheration there. erring on the side of electronic and live. s, n planet, it is contained in water”—Loren Eiseley n degrees of hardness. From pop to death metal, you’ll
music. Soukous, ndombolo, rumba, zouk, kompa, special someone with a live dedication. It’s easy. Come o This program guide was designed by Angelynn Grant
Last Dance at the Death Disco | 10p-12a So everywhere I go, botheration there. Too much find it here. s, n (Coffeetime). If you’re an MIT student and interested in
coupé décalé, makossa, highlife, and more. Plus an
African music concert report and interviews with guests
[alternates with Strangers with Candy] confusion in the city. Too much botheration on the Thursday The Scene | 7-8a | Nick Saloman & Paul Simmons
Psychedelia, soul, surf, blues, rock, beat, mod, prog, Words to Your Mother 2: Oh, the Verbosity!
aboard and enjoy this love affair called Mellow Madness.
Feel the heat!!!!
designing future guides, send an email to [email protected].
Rik Eberhardt | History you can DANCE to! land” —Justin Hinds, “Botheration” Pontoon Palace | 6-8a | Rich Pontius | A good-
on a variety of African-related topics. easy, rock & roll, and a whole lot more fed through 3-4a | Mark Tiberius Wittels, Alejandro Braggadocio Ruiz
Featuring postpunk and underground classics from natured but incorrigible bin-digger becomes embroiled Algorhythms | 2-4a | DJ DC | A weekly journey into
the distinctly British mincer that is The Bevis Frond’s Exotic melodies served with a delicate mix of succulent
R&B Jukebox | 6-8p | Captain Al | Vintage soul the ’70s on up. We’ll dance to anything. Wednesday in an early-morning plot to present a rich panoply of
Nick Saloman & The Alchemysts’ Paul Simmons Scene wit and hand-picked olives for your aural arousal. s the world of electronic dance music with host DJ DC
printed by arlington swifty printing on recycled paper
made with renewable electricity & carbon neutral
music from the ’60s through the early ’80s. A unique Ceangal Ceilteach | 6-7a | Kit Kelt | Come deep folk, heavy rock, psych, country, jazz, and pop, mixing live every weekend. Your source for the hottest
Strangers with Candy | 10-12p [alternates with radio show.
blend of blues, R&B, funk, and soulful jazz. It’s New explore the diaspora in Celtic music with Ceangal all the while indulging his boundless zeal for mischief local and international DJs and the freshest
Last Dance at the Death Disco] | Juan Carlos Ybarra |
England’s hottest jukebox. Ceilteach, a Celtic Connection. Hear hip hop, rap, jazz, and romance. underground sounds.
POST-POST-hardcore and POST-POST-punk, or
traditional, and more – all sung in Celtic languages.
88.1 fm wmbr.org
cambridge, ma
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spring 2011 program guide
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