Steel Castings, Welding, Qualifications of Procedures and Personnel
Steel Castings, Welding, Qualifications of Procedures and Personnel
Steel Castings, Welding, Qualifications of Procedures and Personnel
for the
Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.
Designation: A488/A488M − 18
A488/A488M − 18
TABLE 1 Categories of Base Materials
Category ASTM
Material Description Grades
Number Specification
1 Carbon steel (carbon less than A27/A27M All grades
0.35 %, tensile strength less
than or equal to 70 ksi [485 MPa]) A216/A216M WCA, WCB
A352/A352M LCB, LCA
A356/A356M 1
A732/A732M 1A, 2A
A757/A757M A1Q
A958/A958M SC 1020, SC 1025, SC 1030, CLASSES 65/35,
6 Low-alloy steel (quenched and A148/A148M 90-60, 105-85, 115-95, 130-115, 135-125,
tempered) 150-135, 160-145, 165-150, 165-150L, 210-180,
210-180L, 260-210, 260-210L
A488/A488M − 18
TABLE 1 Continued
Category ASTM
Material Description Grades
Number Specification
10 Unstabilized austenitic stainless A351/A351M CF-8, CF-8A, CF-8M, CF-10, CF-10M, CG-8M,
steel (carbon greater than 0.03 %) CH-8, CH-10, CH-20, CG6MMN, CF10SMNN,
A447/A447M Type I
A743/A743M CF-8, CG-12, CF-20, CF-8M, CF-16F,
CF10SMNN, CH-20, CG-8M, CE-30, CG6MMN,
CH10, CF16Fa
A447/A447M Type II
A743/A743M CF-8C, CN-7M, CN-7MS, CK-20
A744/A744M CF-8C, CN-7M, CN-7MS
A389/A389M Specification for Steel Castings, Alloy, Spe- A747/A747M Specification for Steel Castings, Stainless,
cially Heat-Treated, for Pressure-Containing Parts, Suit- Precipitation Hardening
able for High-Temperature Service A757/A757M Specification for Steel Castings, Ferritic and
A447/A447M Specification for Steel Castings, Chromium- Martensitic, for Pressure-Containing and Other
Nickel-Iron Alloy (25-12 Class), for High-Temperature Applications, for Low-Temperature Service
Service A872/A872M Specification for Centrifugally Cast Ferritic/
A487/A487M Specification for Steel Castings Suitable for Austenitic Stainless Steel Pipe for Corrosive Environ-
Pressure Service ments
A494/A494M Specification for Castings, Nickel and Nickel A890/A890M Specification for Castings, Iron-Chromium-
Alloy Nickel-Molybdenum Corrosion-Resistant, Duplex
A732/A732M Specification for Castings, Investment, Car- (Austenitic/Ferritic) for General Application
bon and Low Alloy Steel for General Application, and A958/A958M Specification for Steel Castings, Carbon and
Cobalt Alloy for High Strength at Elevated Temperatures Alloy, with Tensile Requirements, Chemical Require-
A743/A743M Specification for Castings, Iron-Chromium, ments Similar to Standard Wrought Grades
Iron-Chromium-Nickel, Corrosion Resistant, for General A990/A990M Specification for Castings, Iron-Nickel-
Application Chromium and Nickel Alloys, Specially Controlled for
A744/A744M Specification for Castings, Iron-Chromium- Pressure-Retaining Parts for Corrosive Service
Nickel, Corrosion Resistant, for Severe Service A995/A995M Specification for Castings, Austenitic-Ferritic
A488/A488M − 18
A488/A488M − 18
A488/A488M − 18
1. Title 7. Preheat
Welding of A steel castings. 7.1 Preheat and interpass temperature shall be maintained in the range
Indicate general material description, such as carbon, Cr-Mo, 12 Cr, etc. fromA toB during C
2. Specification No. Rev. Indicate minimum temperature.
Date Indicate maximum temperature.
3. Scope Indicate if preheat maintenance is during welding or until postweld heat
3.1 Procedure Specification No. covers the welding ofA treatment is performed.
steel castings using theB welding process. 7.2 Preheat for tack welding of backing plates is the same as required
Indicate general material description in the Title. for welding.
Indicate specific welding process, such as shielded metal arc, etc. 7.3 Minimum temperature before applying heat shall beA .
4. Base Material Indicate temperature.
4.1 The base material shall conform to the specification forA 7.4 Local preheating to the temperatures indicated may be performed
which is found in materials category numberB . so that the heated area completely surrounds the weld preparation for a
Insert reference to ASTM designation or indicate chemical analysis and minimum distance ofA in any direction.
physical properties. Indicate minimum distance for local preheating.
Indicate category number from Table 1. 8. Welding Position
4.2 Base material shall be in theA heat treated condition before 8.1 Welds shall be made in theA position.
welding. Indicate position or positions in which the welding will be performed. See
Indicate heat treatment before welding. Fig. 4.
5. Filler Metal 9. Electrical Characteristics
5.1 The filler metal shall conform to ANSI/AWS SpecificationA 9.1 The current used shall be A
. The base material shall be attached
which is found in weld metal analysis group A . to the welding electrode lead.
Indicate appropriate American Welding Society specification number and Indicate whether direct or alternating current. If direct, state whether
filler metal classification (e.g., A5.1 E7018). non-pulsed or pulsed. If pulsed, state frequency.
Indicate A Number from Table 4. Indicate whether electrode positive (EP) or electrode negative (EN) output
5.2 Flux for submerged arc welding shall conform to the following nominal terminal of power supply is used.
composition:A . Electrode
Indicate chemical composition or trade designation. Wire
5.3 Shielding gas for gas shielded arc welding shall conform to the DiameterA AmperageA RangeA VoltageA
following nominal composition: A .
Indicate the single gas or proportional parts of mixed gases and flow rates.
6. Preparation of Base Material
6.1 Metal removal shall be performed byA . A
Indicate for each diameter of electrode, the amperage, the range of
Indicate method of metal removal, such as chipping, grinding, carbon arc amperage permitted, and the voltage requirements. For welding processes
cutting, frame cutting, etc. Also indicate whether preheat is required during using wire, indicate wire diameter, wire feed speed, and current requirements.
metal removal. 9.2 Electrodes subject to moisture absorption must be stored and handled
6.2 Configuration of the weld preparation for partial penetration welds to maintain dryness according to the following:A .
shall conform to the following geometry:A . A
Where applicable, indicate electrode care instructions.
Indicate minimum root radius and minimum side wall angle. 10. Welding Details
6.3 Configuration of the weld preparation for full penetration welds shall 10.1 The width of any pass of welding shall not exceedA times
conform to the following geometry:A . the size of the filler metal used.
Indicate minimum side wall angle. Indicate the number for controlling the maximum width.
6.4 Backing plates shall be used for welding full penetration welds. 10.2 Craters shall be properly filled before each interruption of the arc.
Backing plates shall be made fromA steel and shall fit the back of 10.3 Slag or flux shall be removed on any bead before depositing the
the cavity with a minimum gap ofB . next successive bead.
Indicate material of backing plate. 10.4 Interpass inspection shall be performed according to the following:A
Indicate dimension of maximum gap. .
6.5 Surfaces of the weld preparation shall be cleaned of all oil, grease, Indicate degree of interpass inspection required.
dirt, scale, slag, shot blasting grit, or any foreign material which may 10.5 Peening shall be performed according to the following:A .
be harmful to the quality of the weld. Surfaces of backing plates Indicate the degree of peening required. Indicate any limits on peening
when used shall also meet the same cleanliness requirements. first and last layers.
6.6 All surfaces of the weld preparation shall be inspected as 11. Post-Weld Heat Treatment
follows:A . 11.1 Post-weld heat treatment shall consist of the following:A .
Indicate type of inspection. Indicate the heating and cooking rates, holding temperatures and times.
12. Inspection
12.1 Inspection of the completed weld shall be performed according to
the following:A .
Indicate degree of inspection.
A488/A488M − 18
(Duplex) Stainless Steel, for Pressure-Containing Parts 5. Preparation of Test Plate
2.2 American Society of Mechanical Engineers:3 5.1 Procedure qualification testing shall be performed on
ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section IX cast or wrought material having the same category number as
2.3 American Welding Society:4 the casting being welded. Test material shall be subjected to the
ANSI/AWS 3.0 Definitions for Welding and Cutting same heat treatment before and after welding as will be applied
to the casting. If the castings are not to be postweld heat
3. Terminology treated, then the test material is not to be postweld heat treated.
Test plate material for performance qualification testing is
3.1 Definitions—Definitions of terms relating to welding
covered in 12.2.
shall be in agreement with the definitions of the American
Welding Society, ANSI/AWS A3.0. Any casting definitions not 5.2 The dimensions of the test plate shall be such as to
referenced in AWS are listed herein. provide the required number of test specimens.
3.2 production welding—any welding carried out during 5.3 The test joint shall be welded using the type of welding
manufacturing before final delivery to the customer. Produc- groove proposed in the welding procedure. The dimensions of
tion welding is part of the casting production process. Most the welding groove are not essential variables of the welding
castings will receive some welding as part of the process of procedure.
producing a casting to customer requirements. 5.4 The thickness of the test plate shall depend on the range
of thickness to be qualified as shown in Tables 2 and 3.
4. Weld Orientation
5.5 The joint preparation shown in Fig. 5 shall qualify the
4.1 Orientation—The orientation of welds with respect to supplier for all welding on steel castings.
horizontal and vertical planes of reference are classified into
four positions, namely: flat, horizontal, vertical, and overhead 5.6 Where pipe or a cylindrical casting is used for
as shown in Fig. 4. Test material shall be oriented as shown in qualification, it is recommended that a minimum nominal
Fig. 4; however, an angular deviation of 615° from the diameter of 5 in. [125 mm] and a minimum thickness of 3⁄8 in.
specified horizontal and vertical planes is permitted during [10 mm] be used.
6. Types of Tests
4.2 Flat Position (Fig. 4(a))—This position covers plate in
a horizontal plane with the weld metal deposited from above, 6.1 Four types of tests are used in the qualification proce-
or pipe or a cylindrical casting with its axis horizontal and dure as follows:
rolled during welding so that the weld metal is deposited from 6.1.1 Tension Test—Tests in direct tension are used in the
above. procedure qualification to measure the strength of groove-weld
4.3 Horizontal Position (Fig. 4(b))—This position covers 6.1.2 Bend Test—Guided bend tests are used in the proce-
plate in a vertical plane with the axis of the weld horizontal, or dure and performance qualification tests to check the degree of
pipe or a cylindrical casting with its axis vertical and the axis soundness and ductility of groove-weld joints.
of the weld horizontal. 6.1.3 Charpy Impact Test—Charpy V-notch impact test
4.4 Vertical Position (Fig. 4(c))—In this position, the plate specimens are used in the procedure qualification to determine
is in a vertical plane with the axis of the weld vertical. the impact strength of weld metal deposited in groove-type
4.5 Overhead Position (Fig. 4(d))—In this position, the joints.
plate is in a horizontal plane with the weld metal deposited 6.1.4 Radiographic Test—Radiographic examination in ac-
from underneath. cordance with 12.6 of a length of weld may be used to prove
the ability of operators and welders to make sound welds.
4.6 Horizontal Fixed Position (Fig. 4(e))—In this position,
the pipe or cylindrical casting has its axis horizontal and the 7. Tension Test
welding groove in a vertical plane. Welding shall be done
without rotating the pipe or casting so that the weld metal is 7.1 Specimens—Tension tests shall be in accordance with
deposited from the flat, vertical, and overhead positions. the requirements of 7.1.1 or 7.1.2.
7.1.1 All thicknesses of plate may be tested using reduced-
4.7 Qualification—Qualification in the horizontal, vertical, section specimens in accordance with the requirements of Fig.
or overhead position shall qualify also for the flat position. 6. All thicknesses of pipe or cylindrical castings having an
Qualification in the horizontal fixed position, or in the hori- outside diameter greater than 3 in. [75 mm] may be tested
zontal and vertical and overhead positions, shall qualify for all using reduced-section specimens in accordance with the re-
positions. quirements of Fig. 7. A single specimen of full-plate or full-pipe thickness
shall be used for thicknesses up to and including 1 in. [25 mm].
Available from American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), ASME For plate or pipe thicknesses greater than 1 in.
International Headquarters, Three Park Ave., New York, NY 10016-5990, http://
[25 mm], single or multiple specimens may be used.
Available from American Welding Society (AWS), 550 NW LeJeune Rd., When multiple specimens are used, each set shall
Miami, FL 33126, represent a single required tension test. Collectively, all of the
A488/A488M − 18
Horizontal B 0 to 15 80 to 150
210 to 280
Overhead C 0 to 80 0 to 80
280 to 360
Vertical D 15 to 80 80 to 280
E 80 to 90 0 to 360
NOTE 1—(a) Flat Position; (b) Horizontal Position; (c) Vertical Position; (d) Overhead Position; (e) Horizontal Fixed Position.
FIG. 4 Orientation of Welds
A488/A488M − 18
TABLE 2 Type and Number of Test Specimens and Range of Thicknesses Qualified – (Procedure)
Range of Thicknesses
Type and Number of Tests RequiredB
Thickness, t, of Test Plate or Pipe as QualifiedA
Welded, in. [mm] Reduced Section
min, in. [mm] max Side Bend Face Bend Root Bend
⁄ to ⁄ [1.6 to 9.5], incl
1 16 38 ⁄ [1.6]
1 16 2t 2 ... 2 2
Over 3⁄8 [9.5], under 3⁄4 [19.0] ⁄ [4.8]
3 16 2t 2 ... 2 2
3⁄4 [19.0] to under 11⁄2 [38.1] ⁄ [4.8]
3 16 2t 2 4 ... ...
11⁄2 [38.1] and over 3⁄16 [4.8] 8 [203] 2 4 ... ...
For repair welding, the minimum thickness requirements do not apply.
Either the face- and root-bend tests or the side-bend tests may be used for thicknesses from 3⁄8 to 3⁄4 in. [9.5 to 19.0 mm].
The maximum thickness qualified with pipe smaller than 5 in. [127 mm] is two times the thickness of the pipe but not more than 3⁄4 in. [19.0 mm].
TABLE 3 Type and Number of Test Specimens and Thickness Limits Qualified – (Performance)
Thickness, t, of Test Plate or Pipe as Type and Number of Tests RequiredA
Thickness Qualified
Welded, in. [mm] Side Bend Face Bend Root Bend
Up to 3⁄8 [9.5], incl 2t ... 1 1
Over 3⁄8 [9.5], under 3⁄4 [19.0]B 2t ... 1 1
Over 3⁄8 [9.5], under 3⁄4 [19.0]B 2t 2 ... ...
3⁄4 [19.0], and over max to be welded 2 ... ...
A total of four specimens are required to qualify for Position 1(e) of Fig. 4. Refer to Fig. 17 and Fig. 18.
Either the face- and root-bend tests or the side-bend tests may be used for thicknesses from 3⁄8 to 3⁄4 in. [9.5 to 19.0 mm].
FIG. 6 Reduced-Section Tension Specimen for Plate FIG. 7 Reduced-Section Tension Specimen for Pipe
specimens required to represent the full thickness of the weld with their centers parallel to the metal surface and not over
at one location shall comprise a set. 1 in. [25 mm] apart. The centers of the specimens adjacent to When multiple specimens are necessary, the entire the metal surfaces shall not exceed 5⁄8 in. [16 mm] from the
thickness shall be mechanically cut into a minimum number of surface.
approximately equal strips of a size that can be tested in the When multiple specimens are used, each set shall
available equipment. Each specimen shall be tested and meet represent a single required tension test. Collectively, all of the
the requirements of 7.1.4. specimens required to represent the full thickness of the weld
7.1.2 Turned specimens, in accordance with the require- at one location shall comprise a set. Each specimen shall be
ments of Fig. 8, may be used for tension tests. tested and meet the requirements of 7.1.4. For thicknesses up to and including 1 in. [25 mm], a 7.1.3 The weld shall be in the center of the reduced section.
single turned specimen may be used, which shall be a specimen 7.1.4 In order to meet the requirements of the tension test,
of the largest diameter possible for the test coupon thickness. specimens shall have a tensile strength not less than the For thicknesses greater than 1 in. [25 mm], multiple specified tensile strength of the base material. If the specimen
specimens shall be cut through the full thickness of the weld breaks in the base metal outside of the weld or fusion line, the
A488/A488M − 18
NOTE 1—Reduced section A should not be less than width of weld plus NOTE 1—For plates over 11⁄2 in. [38.1 mm] thick, cut specimen into
⁄ in. [20 mm].
34 approximately equal strips between 3⁄4 in. [20 mm] and 11⁄2 in. [40 mm]
wide and test each strip.
B – Length of end 13⁄8, approx. 11⁄8, approx. 7⁄8, approx. 1⁄2, approx.
section 8.2 Guided Bend Tests—Tables 2 and 3 give the number and
C – Diameter of ⁄
34 ⁄
12 ⁄
38 ⁄
end section type of guided bend specimens that are to be used in the
procedure and performance qualification tests.
Use maximum diameter specimen (a), (b), (c), or (d) that can be cut from the 8.2.1 Specimens of base metal thicknesses over 1.5 in.
section. [38 mm] may be cut into approximately equal strips between
Weld should be in center of reduced section.
C 3⁄4 in. [19 mm] and 1.5 in. [38 mm] wide for testing, or the
Where only a single coupon is required, the center of the specimen should be
midway between the surfaces.
specimens may be bent at full width. If multiple specimens are
The ends may be threaded or shaped to fit the holders of the testing machine in
such a way that the load is applied axially.
used, one complete set shall be made for each required test.
Each specimen shall be tested and meet the requirements of
FIG. 8 Alternate Reduced-Section Tension Specimen 8.2.3.
8.2.2 Guided bend specimens shall be bent in jigs that are in
substantial accordance with Figs. 11-13. The side of the
specimen turned toward the gap of the jig shall be the face for
test shall be accepted as meeting the requirements, provided face-bend specimens, the root for root-bend specimens, and the
the strength is not more than 5 % below the specified minimum side with the greater number of defects, if any, for side-bend
tensile strength of the base metal. specimens. The specimen shall be forced into the die by
applying load on the plunger until the curvature of the
7.2 Tension Test—Tension tests shall be conducted in accor- specimen is such that a 1⁄8-in. [3.2-mm] diameter wire cannot
dance with Test Methods and Definitions A370. be inserted between the die and the specimen, or so that the
specimen is bottom ejected if the alternate roller type jig is
8. Guided Bend Test used. When using the wrap-around jig (Fig. 13), the side of the
8.1 Specimens—Guided bend test specimens shall be pre- specimen turned toward the roller shall be the face for
pared by cutting the test plate or pipe to form specimens of face-bend specimens, the root for root-bend specimens, and the
approximately rectangular cross section. The cut surfaces shall side with the greater defects, if any, for side-bend specimens.
be designated the sides of the specimen. The other two surfaces When specimens wider than 1.5 in. [38.1 mm] are to be bent,
shall be called the face and root surfaces, the face surface the test jig mandrel must be at least 0.25 in. [6.4 mm] wider
having the greater width of weld. Guided bend test specimens than the specimen width.
are of three types, depending on which surface (side, face, or 8.2.3 In order to meet the requirements of this test, the
root) is on the convex (outer) side of the bent specimen. (See guided bend specimens shall have no cracks or other open
Figs. 9 and 10.) defects exceeding 1⁄8 in. [3.2 mm] measured in any direction on
8.1.1 Side Bend—The weld is transverse to the longitudinal the convex surface of the specimen after bending. However,
axis of the specimen, which is bent so that one of the side cracks occurring on the corners of the specimen during testing
surfaces becomes the convex surface of the bent specimen. shall not be considered unless there is definite evidence that
8.1.2 Face Bend—The weld is transverse to the longitudinal they result from slag inclusions or other internal defects.
axis of the specimen, which is bent so that the face surface 8.2.4 Where the ductility of the parent metal is such as to
becomes the convex side of the bent specimen. render it incapable of meeting the bend test requirements of
8.1.3 Root Bend—The weld is transverse to the longitudinal 8.2.2 and 8.2.3, the bend test shall be conducted in the
axis of the specimen, which is bent so that the root surface following manner: A bend bar comprised of parent metal heat
becomes the convex side of the bent specimen. treated to the ductility and strength requirements of the
A488/A488M − 18
FIG. 10 Transverse Face- and Root-Bend Specimens, for Pipe and Plate
Metric Equivalents
in. ⁄
18 ⁄
14 ⁄
12 ⁄
34 1 1⁄8 1 1 ⁄2 2 3 37⁄8 63 ⁄ 4 7 1⁄2 9
[mm] [3] [5] [15] [20] [30] [40] [50] [75] [100] [170] [190] [230]
Specimen D, in.
A, in. C, in.
Thickness, in. B, in. [mm] [mm]
[mm] [mm]
3⁄8 [9.5] 11⁄2 [38.1] ⁄ [19.0]
34 23⁄8 [60.3] 13⁄16 [30.2]
t 4t 2t 6t + 1⁄8 3t + 1⁄16
[3.2] [1.6]
A488/A488M − 18
10.2 The number of tests required to qualify a procedure for
various thickness ranges shall be as shown in Table 2, except
only bend tests are required for Category 15 material.
10.3 Test specimens shall be removed from the plate or pipe
or cylindrical casting as shown in Figs. 15-18.
10.4 In order to qualify, test specimens shall meet the
requirements of 7.1.4, 8.2.3, or 8.2.4.
A488/A488M − 18
FIG. 14 Location of Notch in Charpy Specimens Shall be in HAZ Midway Between Center and Surface
11.1.11 In gas metal arc welding and gas tungsten arc other welding procedure using the same welding process,
welding. unless requalification is required by Section 13. A change from the qualified single gas to any 12.2 Test Plate—The test plate or pipe or cylindrical casting
other single gas or to a mixture of gases, or a change in shall be the same as that used in the procedure qualification
specified percentage composition of gas mixture. with respect to groove dimensions, filler metal, and so forth. A decrease of 10 % or more in the rate of flow of Groove dimensions as shown in Fig. 5 may be used. The
shielding gas or mixture. welding procedure shall be in accordance with that given in the
11.1.12 For gas metal arc welding, a change in the consum- procedure qualification. For performance qualification, carbon
able electrode from bare (solid) to flux cored, or vice versa. steel plate, pipe, or cylindrical castings may be used for
11.1.13 Qualification of Category 10 base materials shall qualification of materials having a total alloy content of less
also qualify Category 9 base materials, and vice versa. Separate than 6 %.
welding procedures are required for each category.
12.3 Number of Tests—The number and type of tests to
12. Performance Qualification of Welders or Operators qualify a performance shall be as shown in Table 3.
12.1 All welders and operators welding castings under this 12.4 Test specimens shall be removed from the plate or pipe
practice shall pass the welder qualification test. The welder or or cylindrical casting as shown in Figs. 15-18.
operator successfully performing the procedure qualification
test is automatically qualified for performance. 12.5 The guided bend test shall meet the requirements as
12.1.1 Each welder or operator shall be qualified for each specified in 8.2.3.
welding process (GTAW, GMAW, SMAW, FCAW, and so 12.6 Alternative to the mechanical tests required in 12.3 –
forth) he uses. The welder or operator successfully qualified 12.5, the qualification test plate for welders and operators
with one procedure for a process is qualified to weld with any making groove welds using SMAW, GTAW, FCAW, or
A488/A488M − 18
TABLE 5 F Numbers – Grouping of Filler Metals for Qualification
F No. ANSI/AWS Specification ANSI/AWS Classification
1 SFA-5.1 & 5.5 EXX20, EXX22, EXX24, EXX27, EXX28
1 SFA-5.4 EXX25, EXX26
2 SFA-5.1 & 5.5 EXX12, EXX13, EXX14, EXX19
3 SFA-5.1 & 5.5 EXX10, EXX11
4 SFA-5.1 & 5.5 EXX15, EXX16, EXX18, EXX48
4 SFA-5.4 (other than austenitic and duplex) EXX15, EXX16, EXX17
5 SFA-5.4 (austenitic and duplex) EXX-15, EXX-16, EXX-17
6 SFA-5.2 RX
6 SFA-5.20 EXXT-X
6 SFA-5.22 EXXXT-X
6 SFA-5.29 EXXTX-X
41 SFA-5.11 ENi-1
41 SFA-5.14 ERNi-1
41 SFA-5.30 IN61
42 SFA-5.11 ENiCu-7
42 SFA-5.14 ERNiCu-7
42 SFA-5.14 ERNiCu-8
42 SFA-5.30 IN60
43 SFA-5.11 ENiCrFe-1
43 SFA-5.11 ENiCrFe-2
43 SFA-5.11 ENiCrFe-3
43 SFA-5.11 ENiCrFe-4
43 SFA-5.11 ENiCrFe-7
43 SFA-5.11 ENiCrFe-9
43 SFA-5.11 ENiCrFe-10
43 SFA-5.11 ENiCrCoMo-1
43 SFA-5.11 ENiCrMo-2
43 SFA-5.11 ENiCrMo-3
43 SFA-5.11 ENiCrMo-6
43 SFA-5.11 ENiCrMo-12
43 SFA-5.14 ERNiCr-3
43 SFA-5.14 ERNiCr-4
43 SFA-5.14 ERNiCr-6
43 SFA-5.14 ERNiCrFe-5
43 SFA-5.14 ERNiCrFe-6
43 SFA-5.14 ERNiCrFe-7
43 SFA-5.14 ERNiCrFe-8
43 SFA-5.14 ERNiCrFe-11
43 SFA-5.14 ERNiCrCoMo-1
43 SFA-5.14 ERNiCrMo-2
43 SFA-5.14 ERNiCrMo-3
43 SFA-5.30 IN82
43 SFA-5.30 IN62
43 SFA-5.30 IN62A
44 SFA-5.11 ENiMo-1
44 SFA-5.11 ENiMo-3
44 SFA-5.11 ENiMo-7
44 SFA-5.11 ENiMo-8
44 SFA-5.11 ENiMo-9
44 SFA-5.11 ENiMo-10
44 SFA-5.11 ENiCrMo-4
44 SFA-5.11 ENiCrMo-5
44 SFA-5.11 ENiCrMo-7
44 SFA-5.11 ENiCrMo-10
44 SFA-5.11 ENiMo-13
44 SFA-5.11 ENiMo-14
44 SFA-5.14 ERNiMo-1
44 SFA-5.14 ERNiMo-2, ERNiMo-3
44 SFA-5.14 ERNiMo-7 (Alloy B-2)
44 SFA-5.14 ERNiMo-8
44 SFA-5.14 ERNiMo-9
44 SFA-5.14 ERNiMo-10
44 SFA-5.14 ERNiCrMo-4
44 SFA-5.14 ERNiCrMo-5
44 SFA-5.14 ERNiCrMo-7 (Alloy C-4)
44 SFA-5.14 ERNiCrMo-10
44 SFA-5.14 ERNiCrMo-13
A488/A488M − 18
TABLE 5 Continued
F No. ANSI/AWS Specification ANSI/AWS Classification
44 SFA-5.14 ERNiCrMo-14
44 SFA-5.14 ERNiCrWMo-1
45 SFA-5.11 ENiCrMo-1
45 SFA-5.11 ENiCrMo-9
45 SFA-5.11 ENiCrMo-11
45 SFA-5.14 ERNiCrMo-1
45 SFA-5.14 ERNiFeCr-1
45 SFA-5.14 ERNiCrMo-8
45 SFA-5.14 ERNiCrMo-9
45 SFA-5.14 ERNiCrMo-11
71 SFA-5.13 EFeMn-A, EFeMn-B,EFeMn-C,EFeMn-D, EFeMn-E, EFeMn-F, EFeMnCr
GMAW (except the short circuiting mode of transfer) pro- shown by penetrameters to equal or exceed 2 % sensitivity. The
cesses may be examined by radiography using a technique weld to be radiographed shall be at least 6 in. [150 mm] long
A488/A488M − 18
A488/A488M − 18
(Nonmandatory Information)
X1.1 Listed in Table X1.1 for information are the Practice designations from Section IX of the ASME Boiler and Pressure
A488/A488M categories of base metal casting specifications Vessel Code.
for welding qualifications and the corresponding P-number
A488/A488M − 18
TABLE X1.1 ASTM Categories of Base Metal Casting Specifications and Corresponding P-Number Designations
NOTE 1—The P-numbers are under the jurisdiction of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code and may be subject to change subsequent to the
effective date of this specification.
A488/A488M Category No.
Specification Grade Class P No. Group No.
A216/A216M WCA 1 1 1
WCB 1 1 2
WCC 2 1 2
A217/A217M WC1 4 3 1
WC4 4 4 1
WC5 4 4 1
WC6 4 4 1
WC9 4 5A 1
C5 5 5B 1
C12 5 5B 1
C12A 5 15E 1
CA-15 8 6 3
A351/A351M CF3 9 8 1
CF3A 9 8 1
CF3M 9 8 1
CF8 10 8 1
CF8A 10 8 1
CF8C 11 8 1
CF8M 10 8 1
CF10 10 8 1
CF10M 10 8 1
CF10MC 11 8 1
CG6MMN 10 8 3
CG8M 10 8 1
CH8 10 8 2
CH10 10 8 2
CH20 10 8 2
CK3MCUN 9 8 4
CK20 11 8 2
CK20N 10 8 2
CN3MN 9 45 ...
CN7M 11 45 ...
CT15C 11 45 ...
HK30 11 8 2
HK40 11 8 2
HT30 11 45 ...
A352/A352M CA6NM 8 6 4
LCA 1 1 1
LCB 1 1 1
LCC 2 1 2
LC1 4 3 1
LC2 4⁄ 6 9A 1
LC3 4⁄ 6 9B 1
LC4 4⁄ 6 9C 1
LC2-1 4⁄ 6 11A 5
A487/A487M 1 A 5 10A 1
1 B 6 10A 1
2 A 5 10F 1
2 B 6 10F 1
4 A 5 10F 1
4 B 6 11A 3
4 E 6 11A 3
8 A 5 5B 1
8 B 6 5C 4
8 C 6 5C 4
16 A 4 1 2
CA-15 A 8 6 3
CA-15 B 8 6 3
CA-15 C 8 6 3
CA-15 D 8 6 3
CA-15M A 8 6 3
CA6NM A 8 6 ...
A488/A488M − 18
Committee A01 has identified the location of selected changes to this standard since the last issue
(A488/A488M – 17) that may impact the use of this standard. (Approved Jul. 1, 2018.)
Committee A01 has identified the location of selected changes to this standard since the last issue
(A488/A488M – 16) that may impact the use of this standard. (Approved May 1, 2017.)
(1) Table 1, Categories 1 and 2: added SI equivalent to (2) Fig. 8, Note 1: revised by adding customary unit equivalent
carbon-manganese steel. ‘3⁄4 in.’ and brackets around ‘20 mm.’
ASTM International takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentioned
in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights, and the risk
of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.
This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the
responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should
make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below.
This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
United States. Individual reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above
address or at 610-832-9585 (phone), 610-832-9555 (fax), or [email protected] (e-mail); or through the ASTM website
( Permission rights to photocopy the standard may also be secured from the Copyright Clearance Center, 222
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