Home Work # 2-Problems
Home Work # 2-Problems
Home Work # 2-Problems
~ e k = 3 e Ex .
2. kF 010 10.0 points
A rod 13.9 cm long is uniformly charged and
~ e k = 2 Ex .
3. kF has a total charge of −21.3 µC.
3e Determine the magnitude of the elec-
~ e k = 3 e Ex .
4. kF tric field along the axis of the rod at
brice (db32768) – Home Work # 2 – lopes – (22201) 3
a point 34.0821 cm from the center of y
the rod. The Coulomb constant is ++++
8.98755 × 109 N · m2 /C2 .
Answer in units of N/C.
011 10.0 points
A line of charge starts at x = x0 , where x0 ++++
is positive, and extends along the x-axis to
positive infinity. If the linear charge den-
sity is given by λ = λ0 x0 /x, where λ0 is a y
constant, determine the electric field at the ++++
origin. (Here ı̂ denotes the unit vector in the
positive x direction.) S.
k λ0
1. (ı̂)
x0 −−−−
k λ0
2. (−ı̂)
2 x0 y
k λ0 −
3. (ı̂) − +
2 x20 P. − +
− +
k λ0
4. (ı̂)
2 x0 x
k λ20
5. (ı̂) For which configuration(s) does the total
2 x0 electric field vector at the origin have non-
k λ0 zero components in the x direction as well as
6. (−ı̂)
x0 the y direction (i.e., both x and y components
012 10.0 points are non-zero)?
1. Configurations P and M only
+ − 2. Configurations G, L and M only
+ −
L. + −
+ − x 3. Configuration P only
+ −
+++++ 4. Configurations G and M only
y 5. Configuration G only
x 7. Configurations P, S and M only
8. Configurations P and G only
9. Configuration L only