Religion 101
Religion 101
Religion 101
Some argue that religion doesn’t really exist — there is only culture. Jonathan
Z. Smith writes in Imagining Religion:
It is true that many societies do not draw a clear line between their culture and
what scholars would call “religion.” This does not mean that religion doesn’t
exist, but it is worth keeping in mind that even when we think we have a
handle on what religion is, we might be fooling ourselves.
Definitions of religion tend to suffer from one of two problems: they are either
too narrow and exclude many belief systems which most agree are religious,
or they are too vague and ambiguous, suggesting that just about any and
everything is a religion.
Some have argued that religion isn’t hard to define and the plethora of
conflicting definitions is evidence of how easy it really is. The problem lies in
finding a definition that is empirically useful and empirically testable. So far,
the best definition of religion I have seen is in The Encyclopedia of
Philosophy. It lists traits of religions rather than declaring religion to be one
thing or another, arguing that the more markers present in a belief system, the
more ”religious like” it is:
Belief in supernatural beings (gods).
A distinction between sacred and profane objects.
Ritual acts focused on sacred objects.
A moral code believed to be sanctioned by the gods.
Characteristically religious feelings (awe, sense of mystery, sense of
guilt, adoration), which tend to be aroused in the presence of sacred
objects and during the practice of ritual, and which are connected in idea
with the gods.
Prayer and other forms of communication with gods.
A world view, or a general picture of the world as a whole and the place
of the individual therein. This picture contains some specification of an
over-all purpose or point of the world and an indication of how the
individual fits into it.
A more or less total organization of one’s life based on the world view.
A social group bound together by the above.
This is the definition of religion used here. It describes religious systems but
not non-religious systems. It encompasses the features common in belief
systems generally acknowledged as religions without focusing on specific
characteristics unique to just a few.
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There is, of course, the obvious problem with the vagueness inherent in such
a definition of religion. It seems to include so much under the umbrella of
religion that little is left over - and if everything qualifies as a religion, then the
term itself stops being very useful anymore. We already have other words we
can use to describe the objects of our devotion and "ultimate concern," so why
co-opt religion into this duty? Moreover, those of us with various forms of faith
or ultimate concerns aren't likely to appreciate such conversion by redefinition.
Another problem lies in the fact that this broad definition appears designed to
make religion seem appealing and pleasant. That in itself is not necessarily
bad, but it fails to acknowledge the fact that not everyone has faith in good
things and not everyone's "ultimate concern" is in that which is moral, kind,
and just.
A good example can be found in some of the political systems which have
caused so much death and destruction over the past hundred years. The best
instance of that would probably be various forms of fascism, and Nazism in
particular. All of them represented objects of great passion which people
devoted themselves to, mind and body.
That's one of the fundamental problems with faith: there is no good way to
restrict its object to the things which you approve of. Once "faith," whether
focused upon an "ultimate concern" or not, is held up as a valid or even
valued means for acquiring "knowledge" and a basis for living one's life, it just
isn't possible to assert that the Christian faith is good, but the Muslim or Nazi
faith is wrong.
Moreover, a person who accepts faith as the basis for their beliefs effectively
gives up the means for critiquing the beliefs of others. A belief based upon
faith is not a belief based upon reason, logic, and evidence. If a person is not
going to use reason, logic, and evidence as standards by which they judge
their own beliefs, then it would be hypocritical to try and use them as
standards for judging or critiquing the beliefs of others.
Unfortunately, that doesn't leave much to use. If a person can't criticize the
belief of another because it isn't consistent with logic or the available
evidence, or because it is simply unreasonable, what else is there? How can a
Christian who relies on faith criticize a Nazi who also relies on faith - by
insisting that the Nazi faith is wrong simply because the Christian faith says
Granted, many people do good things because they have a strong faith in
what is good and right, and this in turn provides a powerful set of motivations
for them. At the same time, there are people who have a strong faith in what
others would call evil - and that, too, provides a powerful motivation. In the
end, it may actually be better in the long run if people have little faith in the
good so long as they don't have great faith in the evil.
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Which type a person focuses on can tell a lot about what they think of religion
and how they perceive religion in human life. For those who focus upon
substantive or essentialist definitions, religion is all about content: if you
believe certain types of things you have a religion while if you don’t believe
them, you don’t have a religion. Examples include belief in gods, belief in
spirits, or belief in something known as “the sacred.”
For those who focus on functionalist definitions, religion is all about what it
does: if your belief system plays some particular role either in your social life,
in your society, or in your psychological life, then it is a religion; otherwise, it’s
something else (like a philosophy). Examples of functionalist definitions
include describing religion as something which binds together a community or
which alleviates a person’s fear of mortality.
The definition of religion used on this site doesn’t focus on either functionalist
or essentialist perspectives of religion; instead, it attempts to incorporate both
the types of beliefs and the types of functions which religion often has. So why
spend so much time explaining and discussing these types of definitions?
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Many people involved with the study of religion try to define it based upon its
conceptual content. According to substantive and essentialist definitions,
religion is characterized by some basic essence which is common to all
religious systems, but not to any non-religious systems.
One of the most popular essentialist definitions today is based upon the notion
of the “sacred” — an idea introduced largely by the work of theologian Rudolf
Otto with what he called the numinous. This was extended by the research of
Mircea Eliade, who emphasized that the nature of religion could not be
reduced beyond the difficult-to-define idea of the “sacred.” Daniel C. Maguire,
Professor of Ethics in the Theology Department of Marquette University,
defines the matter in his book Sacred Choices:
“Religion is the response to the sacred. So what is the sacred? The sacred is
the superlative of precious. It is the word we use for that which is utterly and
mysteriously precious in our experience. Since there is no one who finds
nothing sacred, religion is all over the place.”
Other essentialist definitions are not quite so vague. An early definition comes
from one of the first scholars of religion, E.B. Tylor. According to Tylor, religion
can be defined simply as the “belief in spiritual beings.” Although the nature of
what qualifies as “spiritual” may be a bit uncertain, this is still clearer than the
notion of “the sacred.” Now, however, we have two new problems: not all
systems which we might call religions necessarily include spiritual beings, and
not everyone who believes in spiritual beings necessarily does so in the
context of a religious system.
Finally, when we reduce religion to any one or even two features, we end up
overlooking other attributes which are common to religious systems. If religion
is reduced to “the sacred” or “belief in spiritual beings,” what about things like
rituals or moral codes? Are they really so irrelevant? That doesn’t sound very
likely, but we can be misled into thinking it is true if convinced that there is a
single “essence” which defines religious belief systems. Religion is more
multi-dimensional than substantive definitions give it credit for.
Thus the basic problem with substantive definitions of religion is that when
they are general enough to perhaps apply to all religions, they are too vague
to be very useful and end up being applicable to belief systems or beliefs
which just shouldn’t be labeled religions. Once they are no longer too vague,
however, they describe as “essential” to religion something which not all
religions actually have and which is not alone in structuring religious beliefs.
Nevertheless, that does not mean that the concepts of the “sacred” or even of
“spiritual beings” are not important to questions of religion — substantive
definitions may not be enough by themselves, but they do seem to have
something relevant to tell us. Whether too vague or too specific, essentialist
definitions still end up focusing on something very relevant to religious belief
systems. A solid understanding of religion cannot be restricted to such
a definition, but it should at least incorporate its insights and ideas.
Many people involved with the study of religion try to define it based upon its
conceptual content. According to substantive and essentialist definitions,
religion is characterized by some basic essence which is common to all
religious systems, but not to any non-religious systems.
Below are various short quotes from philosophers and scholars of religion
which attempt to capture the nature of religion from a substantive or
essentialist perspective:
To be religious is to effect in some way and in some measure a vital
adjustment (however tentative and incomplete) to whatever is reacted to or
regarded implicitly or explicitly as worthy of serious and ulterior concern.
- Vergilius Ferm.
[Religion is] the knowledge possessed by the finite mind of its nature as
absolute mind.
- G.W.F. Hegel
Religion is the belief that there is an unseen order, and that our supreme good
lies in harmoniously adjusting ourselves thereto.
- William James
I want to make clear that by the term ‘religion’ I do not mean a creed. It is,
however, true that on the one hand every confession is originally based upon
the experience of the numinous and on the other hand upon the loyalty, trust,
and confidence toward a definitely experienced numinous effect and the
subsequent alteration of consciousness: the conversion of Paul is a striking
example of this. ‘Religion,’ it might be said, is the term that designates the
attitude peculiar to a consciousness which has been altered by the experience
of the numinous.
- C.G. Jung
Religion is that system of activities and beliefs directed toward that which is
perceived to be of sacred value and transforming power.
- James C. Livingston
Religion is the recognition that all things are manifestations of a Power which
transcends our knowledge.
- Herbert Spencer
It seems best to fall back at once on this essential source, and simply to claim,
as a minimum definition of Religion, the belief in Spiritual Beings. ...[S]o far as
I can judge from the immense mass of accessible evidence, we have to admit
that the belief in spiritual beings appears among all low races with whom we
have attained to thoroughly intimate acquaintance.
- E.B. Tylor
Religion is the vision of something which stands beyond, behind, and within,
the passing flux of immediate things; something which is real, and yet waiting
to be realized; something which is a remote possibility, and yet the greatest of
present facts; something that gives meaning to all that passes, and yet eludes
apprehension; something whose possession is the final good, and yet is
beyond all reach; something which is the ultimate ideal and the hopeless
- A.N. Whitehead
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Sociological definitions are also very common, made popular by the work of
sociologists like Emile Durkheim and Max Weber. According to these
scholars, religion is best defined by the ways in which it either has an impact
upon society or the ways in which it is expressed socially by believers. In this
manner, religion is not simply a private experience and cannot exist with a
solitary individual; rather, it only exists in social contexts where there are
multiple believers acting in concert.
From the functionalist perspective, religion doesn’t exist to explain our world
but rather to help us survive in the world, whether by binding us together
socially or by supporting us psychologically and emotionally. Rituals, for
example, may exist to influence our world, to bring us all together as a unit, or
to preserve our sanity in a chaotic existence.
Nevertheless, that does not mean that the psychological and sociological
functions of religion are not important — functional definitions may not be
enough by themselves, but they do seem to have something relevant to tell
us. Whether too vague or too specific, functional definitions still end up
focusing on something very relevant to religious belief systems. A solid
understanding of religion cannot be restricted to such a definition, but it should
at least incorporate its insights and ideas.
One common way to define religion is to focus on what are known as
functional definitions: these are definitions which emphasize the way religion
operates in human lives. When constructing a functional definition is to ask
what a religion does — usually psychologically or socially.
Below are various short quotes from philosophers and scholars of religion
which attempt to capture the nature of religion from a functionalist perspective:
Religion is a set of symbolic forms and acts which relate man to the ultimate
condition of his existence.
- Robert Bellah
When I refer to religion, I will have in mind a tradition of group worship (as
against individual metaphysic) that presupposes the existence of a sentience
beyond the human and capable of acting outside of the observed principles
and limits of natural science, and further, a tradition that makes demands of
some kind on its adherents.
- Stephen L. Carter
Religion is a unified set of beliefs and practices relative to sacred things, that
is to say, things set apart and forbidden beliefs and practices which unite into
one single moral community called a Church, all those who adhere to them.
- Emile Durkheim
All nothing but the fantastic reflection in men’s minds of those
external forces which control their daily life, a reflection in which the terrestrial
forces assume the form of supernatural forces.
- Friedrich Engels
Religion is an attempt to get control over the sensory world, in which we are
placed, by means of the wish-world which we have developed inside us as a
result of biological and psychological necessities.... If one attempts to assign
religion its place in man’s evolution, it seems...a parallel to the neurosis which
the civilized individual must pass through on his way from childhood to
- Sigmund Freud
A religion is: (1) a system of symbols which acts to (2) establish powerful,
pervasive, and long-lasting moods and motivations in men by (3) formulating
conceptions of a general order of existence and (4) clothing these conceptions
with such an aura of factuality that (5) the moods and motivations seem
uniquely realistic.
- Clifford Geertz
Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world,
and the soul of soulless conditions. It is the opium of the people.
- Karl Marx
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Every dictionary has a definition of religion, but not every definition is equally
good. Some are decent, but others are horrible. Sometimes older dictionaries
have better definitions than newer ones, but more recent comprehensive
dictionaries tend to have the better overall definitions of all. It's easier to
understand what religion is if you understand the advantages and
disadvantages of some of the more commonly cited definitions found in
This definition, like many of the older ones cited here, focuses on belief in the
existence of deities. More than that, it specifies deities which have power over
our lives and to whom we owe some level of obedience and service. This
excludes from religion many forms of Buddhism, religious humanism, and
even deistic belief systems. Because of that, this definition is too narrow and
exclusive to be very useful — but it is the sort of definition you will find many
people using.
On the positive side, though, this definition acknowledges the important role
played by rites and ceremonies in religious belief. Many definitions of religion
fail to point them out as being relevant.
This definition is like the previous one in that it focuses on a particular sort of
theism as the defining characteristic of religion while also recognizing the
relevancy of rituals to the religious life of believers.
This definition is noteworthy for making explicit the fact that belief in gods —
and, in particular, gods which control our destiny — is not necessary for
religion. Although it acknowledges that belief in a god or gods is common, it is
clear that religion has to do with wider issues regarding the nature of the
universe and reality.
This definition also points out how religion encompasses different aspects of
human existence, including attitudes and behavior. It fails to note the
important social aspects of religious system, though.
3a. one of the systems of religious faith and worship, 3b. the body
of institutionalized expressions of sacred beliefs, observances and
social practices found within a given cultural context,
One noteworthy aspect of this definition is #7, which refers to causes and
principles which people pursue with zeal. This is often the origin of
misunderstandings about religion because people fail to realize that, when the
word religion is used in this sense, it is being used in a metaphorical way.
Thus, baseball isn’t really a religion for some people — when used in that
context, calling it a religion simply means that they follow it in a way which is
more akin to the devotion normally reserved for religion.
The Oxford English Dictionary is one of most respected sources for how
words in the English language are and have been used, so its entry on
religion merits careful consideration. The first definition focuses upon belief in
divine powers, which is how people in the West typically conceive of religion.
The second and third, though, delve more deeply into the subject by
describing psychological and sociological aspects of religious belief systems.
This is the worst of the lot — the definitions here are refer to belief in gods, a
circular “system of religious belief,” and the metaphorical sense of religion.
That is misleading to anyone trying to get a better grasp of what it means for a
belief system to qualify as a religion.
1a. the state of a religious b(1). the service and worship of God or
the supernatural b(2). commitment or devotion to religious faith or
Both of these online definitions are problematic because the present the
central defining characteristic of religion as belief in God specifically or, in the
more generous example from YourDictionary, whatever powers created the
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This is a very short definition — and, in many ways, it isn’t very helpful. What
is meant by the “most elusive of life’s mysteries?” If we accept the
assumptions of many existing religious traditions, the answer may be obvious
— but that is a circular path to take. If we make no assumptions and are trying
to start from scratch, then the answer is unclear. Are astrophysicists practicing
a “religion” because they are investigating the “elusive mysteries” of the
nature of the universe? Are neurobiologists practicing a “religion” because
they are investigating the very nature of human memories, human thought,
and our human nature?
This definition does a decent job of using few words to encompass many
aspects of religious belief systems without unnecessarily narrowing the scope
of religion. For example, while belief in the “divine” is given a prominent
position, that concept is broadened to include superhuman and spiritual
beings rather than simply gods. It is still a bit narrow because this would
exclude many Buddhists, but it is still better than what you will find in many
sources. This definition also make a point of listing features typical with
religions, like rituals and moral codes. Many belief systems may have one or
the other, but few non-religions will have both.
[The problem with t]his definition is that it doesn’t focus on the narrow
characteristic of believing in God. The “superhuman beings” can refer to a
single god, many gods, spirits, ancestors, or many other powerful beings
which rise above mundane humans. It also isn’t so vague as to refer simply to
a worldview, but it describes communal and collective nature which
characterizes many religious systems.
This definition focuses the social and psychological aspects of religion — not
surprising, in reference work for the social sciences. Despite the assertion that
the religious interpretations of the universe are “invariably” supernatural, such
beliefs are regarded as only one aspect of what constitutes region rather than
the sole defining characteristic.
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Differentiating Between Religions and Other Belief
Religion is a type of belief system, but not all belief systems are religion.
Differentiating religious from non-religious belief systems can be difficult.
Understanding how and why theism, philosophy, spirituality, and other beliefs
are similar and different from what we normally think of when we think
'religion' can help us in understanding just what religion is. Some point to
where the outer boundaries of religion lie, while others help us understand
what religion necessarily includes.
In both cases, people are expected to avoid certain actions and perform other
actions in order to ensure that they do not fall victim to the unseen forces at
work in our world. In both cases, the very idea that such unseen forces are at
work seems to stem (at least in part) both from a desire to explain otherwise
random events and from a desire to have some means of affecting those
These are all important psychological benefits often used to explain the
reason why religion exists and why religion persists. They are also reasons for
the existence and persistence of superstition. It seems reasonable to argue,
then, that while superstition may not be a form of religion, it does spring from
some of the same basic human needs and desires as religion does. Thus, a
greater understanding of how and why superstition develops can be useful in
gaining a better understanding and appreciation of religion.
The relationship between paranormal beliefs and religion may be even closer
than that between superstitions and religious beliefs. Whereas superstitions
are often isolated ideas, paranormal beliefs are commonly part of an
integrated beliefs system about the very nature and substance of the
universe. These belief systems are very similar to religion — they can provide
meaning to our lives as well as the events in our lives, they can provide social
structure, and they can provide comfort in difficult times.
Are religion and theism effectively the same thing, such that every religion is
theistic and every theist is also religious? Because of some common
misconceptions, many people are inclined answer that question positively. It
isn’t uncommon even among atheists to simply assume that religion and
theism are equivalent.
One thing that should be clear from the above is that mere theism alone
cannot qualify as a religion. Certainly theism is a common characteristic of
religions, but it isn’t a necessary characteristic. When theism does appear,
there still needs to be other features in order to have a religion. This means
that a person who believes in the existence of a god but whose behavior and
beliefs cannot be described by any of the other characteristics is, quite simply,
not religious.
Unlike most other religions, Chinese religion does not have a creator God.
There is no God transcendent and separate from the world and there is no
heaven outside of the universe to which human beings would want to go for
If gods are not necessary for a religion, it is worth wondering what else might
qualify as a religion but which is not normally placed in that category. Some
modern philosophical systems which either reject or do not bother with gods
might be able to count as religions even though they also lack other
supernatural content which older atheistic religions like Buddhism retain.
Except for the issue of gods, Communism, for example, has most of the
characteristics listed above. Thus Communism — at least in some of its
incarnations — might be one of a small group of modern non-supernatural
The terms religion and religious obviously come from the same root, which
would normally lead us to conclude that they also refer to basically the same
thing: one as a noun and the other as an adjective. But perhaps that isn’t
always true — perhaps the adjective religious has a broader usage than the
noun religion.
Clearly when the term religious is used in those phrases, we don’t really mean
that a person’s religion is comprised of their baseball team or their sense of
duty. No, in cases such as this, we are using the word religious in a
metaphorical sense where it would be completely inappropriate to introduce
the traditional and primary concept behind the noun “religion.”
None of these are religions in the proper, concrete sense of the term. All of
them can involve what can justifiably be called a religious commitment,
devotion, or zeal on the part of many of those who adhere to them; none of
them, however, incorporate rituals, mysteries, religious feelings, piety,
worship, or any of the other things which constitute important characteristics
of religions.
The next time someone tries to argue that the description of a person’s
commitment to an idea as “religious” means that they also therefore have a
“religion,” you can explain to them the difference between the two. If they
already understand the difference between the metaphorical sense of
“religious” and the concrete sense of “religion,” then you should be aware that
they are trying to trap you into a kind of “bait and switch” through a fallacy of
The questions discussed in both religion and philosophy tend to be very much
alike. Both religion and philosophy wrestle with problems like: What is good?
What does it mean to live a good life? What is the nature of reality? Why are
we here and what should we be doing? How should we treat each other?
What is really most important in life?
Clearly, then, there are enough similarities that religions can be philosophical
(but need not be) and philosophies can be religious (but again need not be).
Does this mean that we simply have two different words for the same
fundamental concept? No; there are some real differences between religion
and philosophy which warrant considering them to be two different types of
systems even though they overlap in places.
To begin with, of the two only religions have rituals. In religions, there are
ceremonies for important life events (birth, death, marriage, etc.) and for
important times of the year (days commemorating spring, harvest, etc.).
Philosophies, however, do not have their adherents engage in ritualistic
actions. Students do not have to ritually wash their hands before studying
Hegel and professors do not celebrate a “Utilitarian Day” every year.
Another difference is the fact that philosophy tends to emphasize just the use
of reason and critical thinking whereas religions may make use of reason, but
at the very least they also rely on faith, or even use faith to the exclusion of
reason. Granted, there are any number of philosophers who have argued that
reason alone cannot discover truth or who have tried to describe the
limitations of reason in some manner — but that isn’t the quite the same thing.
You won’t find Hegel, Kant or Russell saying that their philosophies are
revelations from a god or that their work should be taken on faith. Instead,
they base their philosophies on rational arguments — those arguments may
not also prove valid or successful, but it is the effort which differentiates their
work from religion. In religion, and even in religious philosophy, reasoned
arguments are ultimately traced back to some basic faith in God, gods, or
religious principles which have been discovered in some revelation.
A separation between the sacred and the profane is something else lacking in
philosophy. Certainly philosophers discuss the phenomena of religious awe,
feelings of mystery, and the importance of sacred objects, but that is very
different from having feelings of awe and mystery around such objects within
philosophy. Many religions teach adherents to revere sacred scriptures, but
no one teaches students to revere the collected notes of William James.
Finally, most religions tend to include some sort of belief in what can only be
described as the “miraculous” — events which either defy normal explanation
or which are, in principal, outside the boundaries of what should occur in our
universe. Miracles may not play a very large role in every religion, but they are
a common feature which you don’t find in philosophy. Nietzsche wasn’t born
of a virgin, no angels appeared to announce the conception of Sartre, and
Hume didn’t make the lame walk again.
The fact that religion and philosophy are distinct does not mean that they are
entirely separate. Because they both address many of the same issues, it isn’t
uncommon for a person to be engaged in both religion and philosophy
simultaneously. They may refer to their activity with only one term and their
choice of which term to use may reveal quite a lot about their individual
perspective on life; nevertheless, it is important to keep their distinctness in
mind when considering them.
One popular idea is that there exists a distinction between two different modes
of relating with the divine or the sacred: religion and spirituality. Religion
describes the social, the public, and the organized means by which people
relate the the sacred and the divine while spirituality describes such relations
when they occur in private, personally, and even in eclectic ways.
One clue that there may be something problematic in this distinction comes
when we look at the radically different ways in which people actually try to
define and describe that distinction. Consider these three definitions drawn
from the internet:
Religion is an institution established by man for various reasons.
Exert control, instill morality, stroke egos, or whatever it does.
Organized, structured religions all but remove god from the
equation. You confess your sins to a clergy member, go to
elaborate churches to worship, told what to pray and when to pray
it. All those factors remove you from god. Spirituality is born in a
person and develops in the person. It may be kick started by a
religion, or it may be kick started by a revelation. Spirituality
extends to all facets of a person’s life. Spirituality is chosen while
religion is often times forced. Being spiritual to me is more
important and better than being religious.
These definitions aren’t just different, they are incompatible! Two define
spirituality in a way which makes it dependent upon the individual — it is
something that “develops in the person” or is “found deep within oneself.” The
other, however, defines spirituality as something which comes from God and
is defined by God while religion is “anything that the person desires.” Is
spirituality from God and religion from Man, or is it the other way around? Why
such divergent views?
In fact, that is exactly the case. The term itself came to be used frequently
only after the 1960s when there were widespread revolts against every form
of organized authority, including “organized religion.” Every establishment and
every system of authority was thought to be corrupt and evil, including those
which were religious — but of course, Americans weren’t prepared to
abandon religion entirely. So, they created a new category which was still
religious, but which no longer included the same traditional authority figures.
They called it Spirituality. Indeed, the creation of the category “spiritual” can
be seen as just one more step in the long American process of privatizing and
personalizing religion, something which has occurred constantly throughout
American history.
It's no wonder that courts in the America have refused to acknowledge any
substantive difference between “religion” and “spirituality,” concluding that
“spiritual” programs are so much like religions that it would violate the
separation of church and state to force people to attend them (as with
Alcoholics Anonymous, for example). The religious beliefs of these “spiritual”
groups do not necessarily lead people to the same conclusions as organized
religions, but that doesn’t make them less religious.
This is not to say that there is nothing at all valid in the concept of spirituality
— just that the distinction between spirituality and religion in general is not
valid. Spirituality is a form of religion, but a private and personal form of
religion. Thus, the valid distinction is between spirituality
and organized religion.
We can see this in how there is little (if anything) that people describe as
characterizing spirituality but which has not also characterized aspects of
traditional religion. Personal quests for God? Organized religions have made
a great deal of room for such quests. Personal understandings of God?
Organized religions have relied heavily upon the insights of mystics, although
they have also sought to circumscribe their influence so as not to “rock the
boat” too much and too quickly.
It is important to note the fact that many of the negative things which people
attribute to religions are, at best, features of some forms of some religions
(usually Judaism, Christianity, and Islam), but not of other religions (like
Taoism or Buddhism). This is perhaps why so much of spirituality remains
attached to traditional religions, like attempts to soften their harder edges.
Thus, we have Jewish spirituality, Christian spirituality, and Muslim spirituality.