Furosemide Drug Study
Furosemide Drug Study
Furosemide Drug Study
Brand Name: Fumide, Furomide, Lasix, Luramide Generic Name: Furosemide Drug Classification: Electrolytic
And Water Balance Agent; Loop Diuretic
Observe patients receiving parenteral drug carefully; Consult physician regarding allowable salt and fluid intake.
closely monitor BP and vital signs. Sudden death from
Ingestion potassium-rich foods daily (e.g., bananas, oranges, peaches,
cardiac arrest has been reported.
dried dates) to reduce or prevent potassium depletion.
Monitor BP during periods of diuresis and through
Learn S&S of hypokalemia. Report muscle cramps or weakness to
period of dosage adjustment.
Observe older adults closely during period of brisk
Make position changes slowly because high doses of antihypertensive
diuresis. Sudden alteration in fluid and electrolyte
drugs taken concurrently may produce episodes of dizziness or
balance may precipitate significant adverse reactions.
Report symptoms to physician.
Lab tests: Obtain frequent blood count, serum and imbalance.
urine electrolytes, CO2, BUN, blood sugar, and uric acid
Avoid replacing fluid losses with large amounts of water.
values during first few months of therapy and
periodically thereafter. Avoid prolonged exposure to direct sun.
Monitor for S&S of hypokalemia.