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Furosemide Drug Study

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Brand Name: Fumide, Furomide, Lasix, Luramide Generic Name: Furosemide Drug Classification: Electrolytic
And Water Balance Agent; Loop Diuretic

Dosage, Route & Frequency

Drug-Drug & Side Effects Adverse
Prescribe Drug-Food Indications Contraindications Reactions (By
Recommended Action (By System)
Interactions System)

IV – 20 mg IV Enhances DRUG: Treatment of Contraindications: Expected: CV: Postural

Note: Verify push x 1 excretion Amphotericin B, edema associated Anuria. Increased hypotension,
correct IV dose. of sodium, nephrotoxic, with HF and Cautions: Hepatic urinary dizziness with
concentration chloride, ototoxic renal/hepatic cirrhosis, hepatic frequency/ excessive
and rate of potassium medications disease; acute coma, severe volume. diuresis, acute
infusion/injection by direct may increase pulmonary electrolyte Frequent: hypotensive
with physician action at risk of edema. depletion, Nausea, episodes,
before ascending nephrotoxicity, Treatment of prediabetes, dyspepsia, circulatory
administration to limb of ototoxicity. May hypertension, diabetes, systemic abdominal collapse.
infants or loop of increase risk of either alone or in lupus cramps, Metabolic:
children. Henle. lithium toxicity. combination with erythematosus. diarrhea or Hypovolemia,
Rate of Therapeuti Other other Pts with prostatic constipation, dehydration,
Administration c Effect: medications antihypertensives hyperplasia/urinar electrolyte hyponatremia,
•  May give Produces causing . y stricture disturbances. hypokalemia,
undiluted but is diuresis, hypokalemia Occasional: hypochloremia
compatible with lowers B/P. may increase Dizziness, light- metabolic
D5W or 0.9% risk of headedness, alkalosis,
NaCl. hypokalemia. headache, hypomagnesemia
HERBAL: blurred vision, , hypocalcemia
•  May be Ephedra, paresthesia, (tetany),
diluted for ginseng, photosensitivity hyperglycemia,
infusion to 1–2 yohimbe may , rash, fatigue, glycosuria,
mg/ml worsen bladder spasm, elevated BUN,
(maximum: 10 hypertension. restlessness, hyperuricemia;.
mg/ml). Garlic may diaphoresis. GI: Nausea,
increase Rare: Flank vomiting, oral
•  Administer antihypertensiv pain. and gastric
each 40 mg or e effect. burning,
fraction by IV FOOD: None anorexia,
push over 1–2 known. diarrhea,
min. Do not LAB VALUES: constipation,
exceed May increase abdominal
administration serum glucose, cramping, acute
rate of 4 mg/min BUN, uric acid. pancreatitis,
for short-term May decrease jaundice.
intermittent serum calcium, Urogenital:
infusion. Storage chloride, Allergic
magnesium, interstitial
•  Solution
potassium, nephritis,
appears clear,
sodium. irreversible renal
failure, urinary
•  Discard yellow frequency.
solutions. Hematologic:
• Stable for 24 leukopenia,
hrs at room thrombocytopeni
temperature c purpura;
when mixed with aplastic anemia,
0.9% NaCl or agranulocytosis
D5W. (rare).
Spec Senses:
Tinnitus, vertigo,
Edema feeling of fullness
ADULT: PO 20–80 in ears, hearing
mg in 1 or more loss (rarely
divided doses up permanent),
to 600 mg/d if blurred vision.
needed IV/IM 20
–40 mg in 1 or Skin: Pruritus,
more divided urticaria,
doses up to 600 exfoliative
mg/d dermatitis,
cutanea tarde,
ADULT: PO 10–40
mg b.i.d. (max:
480 mg/d)
Body Whole:
activation of SLE,
muscle spasms,
pain at IM
injection site.
Responsibilities in the Nursing Process (ADPIE) Responsibilities in the Nursing Process (ADPIE)

 Observe patients receiving parenteral drug carefully;  Consult physician regarding allowable salt and fluid intake.
closely monitor BP and vital signs. Sudden death from
 Ingestion potassium-rich foods daily (e.g., bananas, oranges, peaches,
cardiac arrest has been reported.
dried dates) to reduce or prevent potassium depletion.
 Monitor BP during periods of diuresis and through
 Learn S&S of hypokalemia. Report muscle cramps or weakness to
period of dosage adjustment.
 Observe older adults closely during period of brisk
 Make position changes slowly because high doses of antihypertensive
diuresis. Sudden alteration in fluid and electrolyte
drugs taken concurrently may produce episodes of dizziness or
balance may precipitate significant adverse reactions.
Report symptoms to physician.
 Lab tests: Obtain frequent blood count, serum and imbalance.
urine electrolytes, CO2, BUN, blood sugar, and uric acid
 Avoid replacing fluid losses with large amounts of water.
values during first few months of therapy and
periodically thereafter.  Avoid prolonged exposure to direct sun.
 Monitor for S&S of hypokalemia.

 Monitor I&O ratio and pattern. Report decrease or

unusual increase in output. Excessive diuresis can result
in dehydration and hypovolemia, circulatory collapse,
and hypotension. Weigh patient daily under standard

 Monitor urine and blood glucose & HbA1C closely in

diabetics and patients with decompensated hepatic
cirrhosis. Drug may cause hyperglycemia.

 Note: Excessive dehydration is most likely to occur in

older adults, those with chronic cardiac disease on
prolonged salt restriction, or those receiving
sympatholytic agents.

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