Waterproof Putty

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Product composition : Waterproof Putty is white cement based premium quality putty with some special ‘unique properties. This ready to use, inimitable variety powder putty can be used externally or internally on concrete /mortar substrates to provide smooth aesthetic Finish and extended life of top coat paints. UsP. Water repellency Cured surface provides excellent hydrophobicity, exhibiting “Lotus Bead” effect. Anti-efflorescent | Cured surface shows remarkably distinct anti-fflorescent effect in comparison to traditional powder putes. Aesthetic finish ‘Seamless finish with capabilitios to fill minor hairline eracks and pin holes. Usage area Suitable for any new and old concrete/mortar/concrete plaster in sound condition, DIRECTIONS FOR USE Surface Preparation Remove all loose and deleterious materials from the wall surface with the help of a suitable instrament followed by water splash, The substrate should be clean, free from dust/oily substances. Surface should be sufficiently wet before applying the putty. Mixing ‘Mix Berger Waterproof Putty with 35%-40"% clean water (by weight) to make a homogeneous paste. Continue the mixing for atleast 5-7 minntes tll a uniform, lump-free consistency is achieved, Application Apply thoroughly mixed Benger Waterproof Putty on a previously moistened surface from bottom to upward direction, Use putty blade or any other suitable instrument for uniform and smooth application with proper finish. Apply the first coat on prepared surface at SSD condition. Allow the surface to dry for 46 hours, depending on the ambient temperature and humidity. After that, simply swipe the dried surface with very fine emery paper or wet sponge to remove loose/lumpy residue oon the surface. Apply the second coat of putty and allow it to dry well. With the help of a wet sponge, gently remove marks ‘on the surface, iFany. Leave the surface at least overnight for complete drying, before applying paints. Although it is not necessary to rub the dried surface again before application of top coat paints, yet one can ‘use a very fine waterproof Emery Paper, if required. Care must be taken to ensure complete mixing of Berger Waterproof Putty. Do not mix the quantity w can't be consumed within 3 hours at 30°C. The total thickness of the coats should not exceed 1.5 mm, Properties Results Aspect Milky white free flow powder Water/ Powder 0.35 —0.40 (weight per volume) Compressive strength, 7 days Around 2.75 MPa at 30°C ‘Water Penetration, Karsten Tube Around 1 ml, max (6 hours) at 30°C (Horizontal & Vertical) 1 Coverage Itcovers approximately 3 | Packs Available in 20 kg bag. 15 ft2/ kg/mm in two coats. The — area, however, will depend | Health & Safety Use rubber hand Teper Precautions gloves, dust masks substrate and efficacy rea RB Tey of the applicator. While using, Berger Waterproof Putty. In case of contact with 2 | Shelf Life and Bost bcfore 6 months ee forage from the date of plenty of water: Keep production, if stored the product away properly in unopened, from children undamaged, original packaging in dry conditions at 5°C-30C with, protection from direct sunlight and frost. Version No: BPP1/ 11/2014, Please note that this data shoot suporsedes all provious versions. BERGER PAINTS INDIA LIMITED Fax 9-33-220.9729/0009 | SMS BERGER to 56767 | Emal: consumerfeedhackiGbergerindia.com | ww bergerpaints.cam ‘Berger House, 129 Park Street, Kolkats

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