Magnetostratigraphy - Concepts, Definitions, and Applications
Magnetostratigraphy - Concepts, Definitions, and Applications
Magnetostratigraphy - Concepts, Definitions, and Applications
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Magnetostratigraphy –
concepts, definitions, and applications
Abstract. The most characteristic feature of the Earth’s magnetic field is that it reverses polarity at irregu-
lar intervals, producing a ‘bar code’ of alternating normal (north directed) and reverse (south directed) polar-
ity chrons with characteristic durations. Magnetostratigraphy refers to the application of the well-known prin-
ciples of stratigraphy to the pattern of polarity reversals registered in a rock succession by means of natural
magnetic acquisition processes. This requires that the rock faithfully recorded the ancient magnetic field at
the time of its formation, a prerequisite that must be verified in the laboratory by means of palaeomagnetic
and rock magnetic techniques.
A sequence of intervals of alternatively normal or reverse polarity characterized by irregular (non-periodic)
duration constitutes a distinctive pattern functional for correlations. Over the last 35 Myr, polarity intervals
show a mean duration of ~ 300,000 years, but large variations occur from 20,000 yr to several Myr and even
up to tens of Myr. By correlating the polarity reversal pattern retrieved in a rock succession to a reference
geomagnetic polarity time scale (GPTS), calibrated by radioisotopic methods and/or orbital tuning, the age
of the rock succession can be derived. Magnetostratigraphy and correlation to the GPTS constitute a standard
dating tool in Earth sciences, applicable to a wide variety of sedimentary (but also volcanic) rock types formed
under different environmental conditions (continental, lacustrine, marine). It is therefore the stratigraphic tool
of choice to perform correlations between continental and marine realms. Finally, we emphasise that magne-
tostratigraphy, as any other stratigraphic tool, works at best when integrated with other dating tools, as illus-
trated by the case studies discussed in this paper.
Part one – Concepts, definitions, natural processes and thus to determine the underlying
mechanisms that explain our observations. Biostratig-
and applications
raphy of different faunal and floral systems has been
Introduction used since the 1,840 s to erect the relative geological
age of sedimentary rocks and hence to perform corre-
Dating and time control are essential in all disciplines lations among them. Radioisotopic dating, originally
of the Earth Sciences, since they allow to correlate rock applied mostly to igneous rocks, has become increas-
sequences from distant localities and different (marine ingly sophisticated and can now count on a wide vari-
and continental) realms. Moreover, accurate time con- ety of isotopic decay systems capable to provide nu-
trol is the sine qua non to understand rates of change of merical ages also in sedimentary rocks formed under
Authorʼs addresses:
Cor G. Langereis, Wout Krijgsman, Palaeomagnetic Laboratory “Fort Hoofddijk”, University of Utrecht, 3584 CD Utrecht,
The Netherlands, E-Mail: [email protected], [email protected]; Giovanni Muttoni, Department of Earth Sciences, Uni-
versity of Milano, 20133 Milano, Italy, E-Mail: [email protected], Manfred Menning, GFZ German Research
Center for Geosciences, 14473 Potsdam, Germany, E-Mail: [email protected]
favorable environmental conditions. In this paper, we to the body of the Earth as a whole. Newton’s theory
describe the principles of magnetostratigraphy defined of gravitation came 87 years later with the publication
as a dating tool that uses the record of polarity (normal of his ‘Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica.
or reverse) of the ancient geomagnetic field registered A pleasantly readable article on a more elaborate his-
in igneous or sedimentary rock sequences by natural tory of magnetism is by Stern (2002).
magnetic acquisition processes. Palaeomagnetic studies of igneous rocks provided
The most distinctive property of the Earth’s mag- the first reliable information on polarity reversals. In
netic field is that it can reverse polarity (Fig. 1). Dur- 1906, Bernard Brunhes, at that time director of the Puy-
ing the siege of Lucera (Apulia, Italy) by the armies de-Dôme Observatory (France), observed lava flows
of Charles d’Anjou, an army engineer called Pierre magnetised in a direction approximately antiparallel to
Pèlerin de Maricourt, better known as Petrus Peregri- the present geomagnetic field, and suggested that this
nus (‘Peter the Pilgrim’), made a remarkable series of was caused by a reversal of the field itself, rather than
observations. He described the dipolar nature of a by a self-reversal mechanism of the rock. In 1929,
(magnetised) spherical lodestone, and showed that the Motonori Matuyama demonstrated that young Quater-
magnetic force of this natural dipole is strongest and nary lavas were magnetised in the same direction as
vertical at the poles. In 1269, he reported his findings the present field (normal polarity), whereas older lavas
in the Epistola de Magnete – regarded as the first sci- were magnetised in the opposite direction. But it was
entific treatise ever written – and became the first to only in the early 1,950 s that Jan Hospers with his
formulate the law by which poles with same magnetic study of Icelandic basalts succeeded to convince many
charge repel whereas poles with opposite charge at- in the geophysics community that reversed magnetism
tract. In 1600, William Gilbert published the results of in rocks was not caused by a self-reversal processes but
his experimental studies on magnetism entitled De was a record of times when the Earth’s magnetic field
Magnete, Magneticisque Corporibus, et de Magno had reversed polarity state (Hospers 1951). He was the
Magnete Tellure. He investigated the variation in in- first to realise that the polarity of lava flows could be a
clination over the surface of a spherical lodestone and powerful stratigraphic correlation tool (cf. Irving 1988;
concluded for the first time that ‘magnus magnes ipse Stern 2002), while Khramov (1958) realised that by
est globus terrestris’ (the Earth’s globe itself is a great correlating volcanic and sedimentary rock successions
magnet). Apart from the spherical form of the Earth, worldwide, it could be possible to develop a single
magnetism was the first physical property attributed geochronological palaeomagnetic time scale valid for
Magnetostratigraphy 209
scales (GPTS) began to take shape when the combined
use of radioisotopic dating and magnetostratigraphy 0
C1n Brunhes
was adopted on lava flows (Fig. 2; Cox et al. 1963,
1964). Improved techniques and the undertaking of 1 C1r.1n
extensive palaeomagnetic investigations in many parts
of the world have significantly increased the amount C2n
2 C2r.1n.
of palaeomagnetic information and have now provided
a very detailed Geomagnetic Polarity Time Scale (e. g. C2An.1n
3 Gauss
Age in Ma
Opdyke and Channell 1996), of which the Neogene C2An.2n
part is fully astronomically calibrated (Lourens et al.,
2004) through the extensive use of cyclostratigraphy 4
(e. g. Strasser et al. 2006). C3n.2n
C3n.3n Gilbert
More than one century after the first reversal of 5 C3n.4n
the Earth’s magnetic field was discovered by Brunhes
(1906), more than half a century after the start of the 6 C3An.1n
modern era of magnetostratigraphy (Hospers 1951), Chron 5
and almost half a century after the first development of
7 C3Bn Chron 6
the modern GPTS (Cox 1963), it can be concluded that
magnetostratigraphy has evolved into an indispensable Chron 7
8 C4n.2n
stratigraphic tool for Earth Sciences.
Fig. 2. Development of the geomagnetic polarity time scale
(GPTS) over the last half century of study. The initial as-
The palaeomagnetic signal sumption of periodic behaviour (Cox, 1963) was soon aban-
doned as new data became available. The first modern GPTS
The Earth’s magnetic field is generated in the liquid based on marine magnetic anomaly patterns was established
by Heirtzler et al. (1968). Subsequent revisions by Labreque
outer core through a dynamo process that is main-
et al. (1977), Berggren et al. (1985), Cande, Kent (1992) show
tained by convective fluid motion. At the surface of improved age control and increased resolution. A major
the Earth, the field can be conveniently described as a breakthrough came with the astronomical polarity time scale
dipole field, which is equivalent to having a bar mag- (APTS) in which every individual reversal is accurately dat-
net at the centre of the Earth. Such a dipole accounts ed (e. g. Hilgen et al., 1997). Black (white) intervals denote
for approximately 90 % of the observed field. The re- normal (reversed) polarity; for chron nomenclature, see text.
maining 10% derives from higher order terms: the
non-dipole field. At any one time, the best fitting geo-
centric dipole axis does not coincide exactly with the boundary play an important role (e. g. Gubbins 1999).
rotation axis of the Earth, but averaged over several Although polarity reversals occur at irregular times,
thousand years, we may assume the dipole to be both the reversal frequency can change considerably over
geocentric and axial (Merrill et al. 1996). Initially, it geological time spans. For instance, the polarity rever-
was believed that the field reversed periodically, but sal frequency has increased since 80 Ma from approx-
as more results on lava flows became available, it be- imately 1 rev/Myr to 5 rev/My in more recent times. In
came clear that geomagnetic reversals occur random- the Cretaceous, from 124.5 to 84 Ma, no reversals
ly. It is precisely this random character that confers occurred and the field maintained stable normal polar-
stratigraphic value to a measured polarity reversal se- ity for some 40 Myr. This Cretaceous Superchron is
quence. A polarity reversal typically takes several known in ocean-floor magnetic anomaly profiles as the
thousands of years to occur, fast enough to be consid- Cretaceous Normal Quiet Zone.
ered globally synchronous on geological time scales. The ancient geomagnetic field can be registered in
The field itself is sign invariant whereby the same rocks at the time of their formation. Rocks commonly
configuration of the geodynamo can produce either contain magnetic minerals, usually iron (hydr)oxydes
normal or reverse polarity. What causes the field to or iron sulphides. During rock-forming processes,
reverse is still debated, but recent hypotheses suggest these magnetic minerals (or more accurately, their
that lateral changes in heat flow at the core-mantle magnetic domains) statistically align with the then am-
210 Cor G. Langereis et al.
bient field, and are subsequently ‘locked in’ the rock and the alternating magnetic field (AF) demagnetisa-
system, thus preserving the direction of the field as a tion technique (e. g. Zijderveld 1967; Langereis et al.
natural remanent magnetisation (NRM): the palaeo- 1989; Butler 1992; Tauxe 1998). During demagnetisa-
magnetic signal. tion experiments, samples are subjected to stepwise
We distinguish three basic types of NRM, depending increasing values of temperature or alternating field in
on the mechanism of palaeomagnetic signal acquisi- a zero magnetic field (field-free) space. The residual
tion: TRM, CRM and DRM. A thermoremanent mag- magnetisation is measured after each demagnetisation
netisation (TRM) is the magnetisation acquired when a step and the resultant changes in direction and intensi-
rock cools below the Curie temperature of its magnet- ty are displayed and analysed in order to reconstruct the
ic minerals, thereby ‘locking’ the magnetic domains complete component structure of the NRM. Some
along positions statistically aligned with the ambient palaeomagnetic laboratories have recently invested in
field and producing a magnetic remanence that at room automatic measurement systems, which enable contin-
temperature may be stable for billions of years. A uous measurements of large amounts of samples. Auto-
chemical remanent magnetisation (CRM) is the mag- mated and repeating measurement schemes yield pre-
netisation acquired when a magnetic mineral grows viously unattainable amounts of information, and may
through a critical ‘blocking volume’ or grain size at give results even from low-intensity limestones (e. g.
which the field is locked in and the acquired remanence Gong et al. 2008) provided such systems are designed
may again be stable over billions of years. A detrital to maintain low noise levels during measurements.
remanent magnetisation (DRM) is the magnetisation The results of stepwise demagnetisation are com-
acquired when magnetic grains of detrital origin are monly visualized and analyzed using the so-called Zij-
deposited. Magnetic grains responsible for a DRM can derveld diagrams (after Zijderveld 1967), also known
also form directly in the water column as magneto- as vector end-point demagnetisation diagrams (Fig. 3).
somes: intra-cellular chains of magnetic minerals made In these diagrams, both the intensity and directional
by magnetotactic bacteria (e. g. Vasiliev et al. 2008). changes of the NRM occurring during demagnetisation
Detrital magnetic grains statistically align with the are displayed at the same time. Magnetic components
ambient field as long as they are in the water column or are then extracted from the Zijderveld diagrams using
in the soft water-saturated topmost layer of the sedi- least-square analysis (Kirschvink 1980), and the most
ment. Upon compaction and dewatering, the grains are stable and consistent component that can be isolated
mechanically fixated in a ‘lock-in depth zone’ and will is referred to as the characteristic remanent magnetisa-
preserve the direction of the ambient field. Within the tion (ChRM). This ChRM is further investigated to es-
sediment, authigenic or diagenetic formation of mag- tablish if it represents a record of the geomagnetic field
netic minerals may take place which also record the at, or close to, the time of rock formation, or a second-
field. This may occur in an early stage, but also well ary magnetisation acquired later in geologic history by
after deposition, deeper within the sediment. In the lat- post-depositional processes. To assess the primary na-
ter case, this may cause an apparent delay of the NRM ture of the ChRM, and hence its suitability for magne-
acquisition which can distort the magnetic record. tostratigraphic studies, rock magnetic experiments and
reliability tests are usually carried out. Rock magnetic
experiments are aimed at determining the fundamental
Demagnetisation, laboratory tests, characteristics of the minerals bearing the magnetic
and field tests remanence (e. g., type, grain size, etc.). A review of
these methods is beyond the scope of this paper but can
Frequently, the total NRM is the vector sum of different be found in appropriate text books (e. g. Butler 1992)
magnetic components (Fig. 3). This is because the pri- or review papers. The three most important reliability
mary NRM, i. e., the magnetisation originated at the tests for magnetostratigraphy are:
time of rock formation, may be overprinted by magnet-
ic components acquired later in geologic history Consistency test. A natural remanent magnetisation
through weathering reactions at room temperature or component is considered primary in origin when it de-
thermochemical reactions associated with tectonic or fines a sequence of polarity reversals that is laterally
burial processes. An overprint component can be re- traceable by independent means (e. g. lithostratigra-
moved through ‘magnetic cleaning’ techniques. These phy) between distant sections from different parts of
are primarily the thermal demagnetisation technique the basin.
Magnetostratigraphy 211
Comp1 (1-3: normal) Comp1 (1-3: normal)
Comp2 (3-5: normal) Comp2 (3-5: reversed)
W/up 3 W/up
H 2 1
5 4 3 2
D S N 4
E 4 1
4 5
3 S 3 N
E/down E/down
Fig. 3. (A) The magnetic field on any point on the Earth’s surface is a vector (F) which possesses a component in the hor-
izontal plane called the horizontal component (H) which makes an angle (D) with the geographical meridian. The declina-
tion (D) is an angle from north measured eastward ranging from 0° to 360°. The inclination (I) is the angle made by the mag-
netic vector with the horizontal. By convention, it is positive if the north-seeking vector points downward and negative if it
points upward. (B) and (C) To resolve the different magnetic components that can be acquired in a rock during its geologi-
cal history, rock samples are subjected to a process of stepwise demagnetisation. The standard method for presentation and
analysis of the results is called Zijderveld diagrams (after Zijderveld, 1967). Changes in the magnetisation vector during de-
magnetisation involve both its direction and its intensity; orthogonal vector Zijderveld diagrams show the changes in both.
The endpoint of the vector measured after each demagnetisation step is projected both onto the horizontal plane (closed sym-
bols) and onto the vertical plane (open symbols). Difference vectors (lines between end points) then show the behaviour of
the total vector upon stepwise removal of the magnetisation. Conventionally, she solid points are these endpoints when pro-
jected onto the horizontal plane containing axes NS and EW, whereas the open points are these endpoints when projected
onto the vertical plane containing axes NS (or EW), and up-down. Although many variations exist in literature, the only sen-
sible projected axes combinations are W/up vs. NS and N/up vs. EW.
Reversal test. The observation of characteristic rema- history: the marine magnetic anomaly record and the
nence directions with different polarity and, in partic- magnetostratigraphic record. Surveys over the ocean
ular, the occurrence of antiparallel (within statistical basins carried out from the 1950’s onward found linear
error) directions is taken as a strong indication for the magnetic anomalies, parallel to mid-oceanic ridges,
primary origin of that ChRM. This test is greatly en- using magnetometers towed behind research vessels
hanced if a polarity zonation can be established, and if (Cox et al. 1963; Heirtzler et al. 1968). During the ear-
this zonation is independent of possible changes in the ly 1960s, it was suggested, and soon after confirmed,
composition of the rock. that these anomalies resulted from the remanent mag-
netisation of the oceanic crust. This remanence is ac-
Fold test. If the ChRM directions from differently tilt- quired during the process of sea-floor spreading, when
ed beds converge after correction for the dip of the uprising magma beneath the axis of the oceanic ridges
strata, this remanence was acquired before tilting. cools through the Curie temperatures of its constituent
Strictly speaking, this fold test does not directly prove ferromagnetic minerals in presence of the ambient ge-
a primary origin of this component, but only that it omagnetic field, thus acquiring its direction and polar-
dates from before tilting. ity. The continuous process of rising and cooling of
magma at the ridge results in magnetisaed crust of al-
ternating normal and reverse polarity, which produces
The Geomagnetic Polarity Time Scale a slight increase or decrease of the measured field: the
marine magnetic anomalies (Fig. 4a). It was also found
For the construction of the ‘bar code’ pattern of mag- that the magnetic anomaly pattern is generally sym-
netic polarity intervals, geophysicists rely on two fun- metric on both sides of the ridge, and, most important-
damentally different records of geomagnetic polarity ly, that it provides a remarkably continuous record of
212 Cor G. Langereis et al.
J Sediment
2A 2 J 1
South Atlantic flow line (I)
C C5n.2n
Magnetostratigraphy 213
the geomagnetic reversal sequence. The template of DeMets et al. 1990) with respect to those derived from
magnetic anomaly patterns from the ocean floor has geodesy has become much smaller, and NUVEL-1 has
remained central for constructing the GPTS from mag- been updated (to NUVEL-1A; DeMets et al. 1994) to
netic polarity chron M0r in the Early Cretaceous on- incorporate the new astronomical ages.
ward (~ 124.5–0 Ma; He et al. 2008). Combined mag- Periods of a predominant (normal or reverse) polar-
netostratigraphic, biostratigraphic, and radioisotopic ity are called chrons, and the four youngest ones are
results of deep-sea sediments and land-based sections named after leading scientists in the field of palaeo-
have confirmed and refined the general validity and ac- magnetism or geomagnetism, i. e. Brunhes, who sug-
curacy of the GPTS (e. g. LaBreque et al. 1977; gested the existence of field reversals, Matuyama, who
Berggren et al. 1985). The development of the GPTS proved this, Gauss, who mathematically described the
reflects increasing detail and gradually improved age field, and Gilbert, who discovered that the Earth itself
control. is a big magnet. The Brunhes to Gauss chron sequence
The latest development in constructing a GPTS contain short intervals of opposite polarity called sub-
comes from orbital tuning of the sediment record, the so chrons, which are named after the locality where they
called Astronomically calibrated Polarity Time Scale were discovered, e. g. the Olduvai normal polarity sub-
(APTS) (Hilgen et al. 1997). The APTS is now almost chron within the Matuyama reverse polarity chron is
complete for the Neogene (Lourens et al. 2004) and has named after the Olduvai Gorge (Tanzania), or the Kae-
been developed for the Late Triassic (Kent and Olsen na reverse polarity subchron within the Gauss normal
1999; Olsen and Kent 1999). It differs essentially from polarity chron named after Kaena Point (Hawaii).
the conventional GPTS, in the sense that each reversal Older chrons were not named but numbered accord-
boundary – or any other geological boundary, e. g. bios- ing to the anomaly numbers originally given by Heirt-
tratigraphic datum levels or stage and epoch bound- zler et al. (1968). Cande and Kent (1992) developed a
aries – is dated individually. This time scale has the in- consistent (sub)chron nomenclature that is
herent promise of increasingly advancing our under- now used as the standard (details in their Appendix:
standing of the climate system, because cyclostratigra- Nomenclature). A more recent revision of the Cande
phy and orbital tuning rely on deciphering environmen- and Kent (1992) time scale was made by Cande and
tal changes driven by climate change, which in turn is Kent (1995) in which they adopted the orbitally tuned
orbitally forced. The main feature of an APTS is that the timescale (Shackleton et al. 1990; Hilgen 1991a, b) for
age of each reversal is directly determined, rather than the last 5.3 Myr.
interpolated between radioisotopic calibration points.
This has important consequences for changes in spread-
ing rates of plate pairs, as sea floor spreading rates can Tiny wiggles, cryptochrons and
now be more accurately determined. Indeed, Wilson subchrons
(1993) found that the use of astronomical ages resulted
in very small and physically realistic spreading rate The magnetic anomaly template over the last 84 Myr
variations. As a result, the discrepancy in plate-motion was thoroughly revised by Cande and Kent (1992), up
rates from the global plate tectonic model (NUVEL-1; to the Cretaceous Normal Superchron (Cretaceous
Fig. 4. A) Formation of marine magnetic anomalies during seafloor spreading. The oceanic crust is formed at the ridge crest,
and while spreading away from the ridge it is covered by an increasing thickness of oceanic sediments. The black (white)
blocks of oceanic crust represent the original normal (reversed) polarity of the thermoremanent magnetisation (TRM) ac-
quired upon cooling at the ridge. The black and white blocks in the drill holes represent normal and reversed polarity depo-
sitional remanent magnetisation (DRM) acquired during deposition of the marine sediments. Normal polarity anomalies are
given numbers and refer to anomaly 1 (Brunhes Chron), 2 (Olduvai subchron) and 2A (Gauss Chron); J = Jaramillo sub-
chron. B) Stacks of marine magnetic anomaly profiles (red line) are used to model (blue line) the polarity sequence. B) Cat-
egories used by Cande and Kent (1992): category I = major anomalies along a synthetic reference flow line in the South At-
lantic, II = filling in details from the best South Atlantic profiles (Klitgord et al. 1975), III = further details from (often deep-
tow) anomaly profiles from fast-spreading ridges (Wilson and Hey, 1981, Rea and Blakely, 1975). C) Example of Chron-
Subchron-Cryptochron nomenclature: reversed Chron C5r, with normal subchrons C5r.1n and C5r.2n. Cryptochrons
C5r.2r-1, C5r.2r-2 and C5r.3r-1 elevated to the status of subchrons C5r.2r-1n, C5r.2r-2n and C5r.3r-1n (after Abdul Aziz and
Langereis 2004).
214 Cor G. Langereis et al.
Quiet Zone in magnetic anomaly profiles). They con- designated as subchrons and acquired a polarity suffix:
structed a synthetic flow line in the South Atlantic, C5r.2r-1n – C5r.2r-2n and C5r.3r-1n.
with first order distances built up from a combination The origin of many cryptochrons has not yet been
of finite rotation poles, designated as category I inter- confirmed by magnetostratigraphic studies. On the
vals. On these intervals, they projected the best quali- other hand, there is firm evidence for excursions and
ty profiles surveyed in this ocean basin, providing cat- reversal excursions. The term excursion is used for vir-
egory II intervals (Fig. 4b). Since spreading rates in the tual geomagnetic poles (VGP) deviating more than 45°
Atlantic are relatively slow, they subsequently filled in from geographical north (Verosub and Banerjee 1977),
the category II intervals with high-resolution profiles while it is termed a reversal excursion for VGPs that
from fast spreading ridges (their category III). This deviate in excess of 90° from geographical north (Mer-
enabled them to include much more detail on short rill and McFadden 1994) and possibly reaching (near)
polarity intervals (or subchrons), for instance around opposite polarity. Invariably, reversal excursions are
7 Ma (Fig. 2). In total, they used 9 calibration points associated with low palaeointensities of the geomag-
to construct their GPTS, including for the first time as netic field, both in the Brunhes and in the Matuyama
youngest tie point an astronomically calibrated age for Chrons (Guyodo and Valet, 1999; Channell et al.
the Gauss/Matuyama boundary. 2002). Reversal excursions have a typical duration of
The reliability and completeness of the GPTS is 3–6 kyr (Langereis et al. 1997), which is usually much
crucial for geochronology but also for understanding too short to be detected in marine magnetic anomaly
the long-term statistical properties of the geomagnetic profiles, and explains why so few excursions have
field. The shortest polarity intervals in the GPTS are been detected, even as tiny wiggles. Excursions are
typically on the order of 30 kyr in duration, but the most frequently observed within the Brunhes normal
magnetic anomaly patterns of fast spreading oceanic polarity Chron (0–781 ka), but this is in part because
plates indicate that smaller-scale variations exist as of the chronostratigraphic coverage of DSDP and ODP
well. They have been referred to as what they look like: holes, which decreases more or less exponentially with
tiny wiggles (LaBrecque et al. 1977); these very short depth, and in part because of our higher confidence in
and low intensity anomalies have an uncertain origin. assuming that excursions of reverse polarity are pri-
Tiny wiggles may represent very short subchrons of mary in origin and not due to e. g. overprinting by the
the field, as has been proven for some of them (e. g. the normal polarity present-day field. In any case, reversal
Cobb Mt. subchron at 1.21 Ma, or the Réunion sub- excursions or even short subchrons are as a rule not
chron at 2.13–2.15 Ma), or just represent intensity suitable for magnetostratigraphic correlation because
fluctuations of the geomagnetic field, causing the of their elusive nature inherent to their very short du-
oceanic crust to be less (or more) strongly magnetised. ration (Roberts and Winkelhofer 2004).
Because of their uncertain or unverified nature, these
were called cryptochrons (Cande and Kent, 1992). The
cryptochrons have a designation (– 1, – 2, etc.) follow- Part two – Case studies
ing the primary (sub)chron nomenclature. For exam-
ple, three new cryptochrons were recently discovered We present three case studies to illustrate the use of
in the reversed Chron C5r in Middle-Late Miocene magnetostratigraphy as a dating and correlating tool.
continental deposits of Spain (Abdul Aziz et al. 2004; Each case study comes from a different area with a
Abdul Aziz and Langereis 2004) (Fig. 4C). Chron C5r different geological age and depositional setting. The
contains two normal polarity subchrons (C5r.1n and first study deals with the Neogene part of the GPTS,
C5r.2n) and is consequently divided in three reversed which is based on the direct dating of polarity reversals
polarity intervals (C5r.1r, C5r.2r and C5r.3r). Since and biostratigraphic datums using astronomical curves
two of the cryptochrons were found in C5r.2r, they are in the Monte dei Corvi section, Italy (Hüsing et al.
denoted C5r.2r-1 and C5r.2r-2, from young to old. The 2007, 2009a). This case study provides a state-of-the-
third cryptochron in C5r.3r then must become art example of integrated stratigraphy with orbitally
C5r.3r-1. Cande and Kent (1992) proposed that a cryp- controlled resolution. The second case study is from
tochron can be elevated to the status of subchron if it the middle Triassic Seceda core, Italy (Muttoni et al.
corresponds to a magnetostratigraphically document- 2004a), which provides an example of a multi-discipli-
ed pair of reversals. Since this was the case in the nary and integrated stratigraphic approach. The third
Spanish deposits, the cryptochrons therein found were case study deals with the Carboniferous-Permian Re-
Magnetostratigraphy 215
versed Superchron (PCRS), and discusses the state-of- enriched in organic carbon) arranged in a remarkably
the-art stratigraphy of its lower and upper boundaries. clear cyclic pattern that is controlled by precession and
In addition, it provides an updated stratigraphic chart eccentricity. The next goal was to extend the Mediter-
for the late Permian, and a newly interpreted record of ranean-based APTS into the Miocene. Suitable upper
the Illawarra reversal that marks the end of the PCRS. Miocene sections were identified on land on the islands
of Crete, Gavdos, and Sicily, and provided a straight-
forward calibration of their cyclic sedimentary pattern
and magnetostratigraphy to the astronomical curves
Cenozoic case study: (Hilgen et al. 1995). The resulting time scale embraces
The Middle Miocene Monte dei Corvi in continuity the interval between 9.7 and 6.8 Ma,
section, Italy whereas a “Messinian Gap” is present from 6.8 to
5.3 Ma. This gap is explained by the less favourable
Sedimentary cycles reflect climatic oscillations that are sediments (e. g., diatomites, evaporites) deposited dur-
ultimately controlled by the Earth’s orbital cycles as ing the so-called Messinian Salinity Crisis and the no-
described by the Milankovitch theory, and are accord- toriously complex depositional history of the Mediter-
ingly known also as astrocycles (Strasser et al. 2006). ranean during this time interval (Krijgsman et al. 1999).
Perturbations in the Earth’s orbit and rotation axis are The classic Messinian sediments, however, also dis-
climatically important because they affect the global, played distinct sedimentary cyclicities, holding great
seasonal, and latitudinal distribution of the incoming promise for astronomical dating. Cyclostratigraphic
solar insolation. They are held responsible for the and detailed palaeoclimatic studies revealed that the
Pleistocene ice ages but also affect low-latitude climat- sedimentary cycles of the Messinian pre-evaporites and
ic systems such as monsoons. Orbitally forced climat- evaporites are dominantly controlled by precession-
ic oscillations are recorded in sedimentary archives induced changes in circum-Mediterranean climate
through changes in sediment properties, fossil commu- (Krijgsman et al. 1999, 2001). Closing the Messinian
nities, and chemical characteristics (Strasser et al. gap resulted in an APTS for the last ~ 10 Myr, which
2006). While Earth scientists can read the geological comprised a precisely dated record of the palaeoceano-
archives to reconstruct palaeoclimate, astronomers graphic and palaeoclimatologic changes occurring in
have formulated astronomical solutions that include the Mediterranean region at that time. Magneto-cy-
both the solar-planetary system and the Earth-Moon clostratigraphic dating consequently allowed marine-
system. With these astronomical solutions, they com- continental (Abdul Aziz et al. 2004) and Mediter-
pute the past variations in precession, obliquity, and ranean-Paratethys (Vasiliev et al. 2004) correlations of
eccentricity (Varadi et al. 2003; Laskar et al. 2004). As unprecedented high resolution, in which the many fos-
a logical next step, sedimentary archives can be dated sil and palaeoclimate data from continental, lacustrine,
by matching patterns of palaeoclimatic variability with and brackish-water settings could be correlated to the
patterns in the computed astronomical curves. This as- global marine proxy records.
tronomical tuning of the sedimentary record results in Another application of the astronomical polarity
timescales that are largely independent of radioisotopic timescale has been the dating of Neogene stage bound-
dating (Lourens et al. 2004; Kuiper et al. 2008). aries via their Global boundary Stratotype Section
Initially, research focused mostly on the Pliocene- and Point (GSSP), many of which have recently been
Pleistocene – using palaeoclimatic records from Ocean defined in the Mediterranean, like the base of the
Drilling Project sites in the eastern equatorial Pacific Zanclean Stage and base of the Pliocene Series (Van
and North Atlantic (Shackleton et al. 1990) and sedi- Couvering et al. 2000). The availability of a good as-
mentary cycle patterns in Pliocene-Miocene marine trochronology has effectively become a prerequisite
successions exposed on land in the Mediterranean area for the definition of a GSSP. Another example is shown
(Hilgen 1991a, b; Hilgen et al. 1995; Krijgsman et al. by the Tortonian GSSP, which has recently been placed
1995, 1999; Hüsing et al. 2007, 2009a). In the Mediter- at the mid-point of the sapropel in basic cycle 76 in the
ranean area, well-known sections such as Capo Ros- Monte dei Corvi Beach section near Ancona, Italy
sello, Eraclea Minoa, Singa, and Vrica were used to (Hilgen et al. 2005). Here, a detailed and integrated
construct detailed magnetostratigraphic records (Lan- stratigraphy of calcareous plankton biostratigraphy,
gereis and Hilgen 1991). These sections consist of magnetostratigraphy, and cyclostratigraphy has been
carbonates and sapropels (brownish-colored layers established (Hilgen et al. 2003).
216 Cor G. Langereis et al.
Calabrian Ridge 1
Calabrian Ridge 2
Calbrian Ridge 3
Iceland Basin
West Eifel /
VADM (10E22 Am2)
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
Age (ka)
Fig. 5. Virtual Axial Dipole Moment (VADM) of the field for the past 800 kyr (Guyodo and Valet 1999). Low intensities
are typically correlated with the occurrence of reversal excursions, short periods where the virtual geomagnetic pole devi-
ates more than 90° from the north geographic pole (white intervals are well confirmed reversal excursions, grey intervals re-
quire confirmation; Langereis et al., 1997). Small grey bars outside the column are excursions from ODP cores found by
Lund et al. (1998). B/M is Brunhes-Matuyama boundary, showing very low intensities – down to 10% of the stable polari-
ty field – during the reversal.
This section has now been extended upwards to in- Time Scale, shows that the section ranges at least
clude the Tortonian-Messinian boundary and therefore from Chron C5An.2n up to C3Br.2n. The Monte dei
the entire Tortonian Stage (Hüsing et al. 2009a). Corvi section is the only continuous Tortonian section
Palaeomagnetic results revealed a characteristic low- in the Mediterranean area and is therefore suggested as
temperature component characterized by dual polarity, the Tortonian Reference Section (Fig. 6) (Hüsing et al.
mostly carried by a Fe-sulphide (greigite), but in the 2009a). The correlation of the Tortonian GSSP to the
younger interval by greigite and magnetite (Hüsing et middle part of Chron C5r.2n guarantees global correla-
al. 2009b). The different magnetic minerals carrying tion potentials, and the astronomical tuning performed
the NRM reflect the palaeoenvironment of deposition, on a precessional scale using the La2004(1,1) solution
whereby oxic, suboxic to anoxic, and anoxic conditions (Laskar et al. 2004) yielded astronomical ages of each
determined the occurrence of, respectively, magnetite, basic cycle and, hence, of the calcareous plankton
magnetite and greigite, and greigite as recorders of the events and magnetic reversal boundaries with uncer-
Earth’s magnetic field. The resultant magnetostratigra- tainties on the order of a few thousand years. As a re-
phy, calibrated to the Astronomically Tuned Neogene sult, the age of the Tortonian GSSP is now 11.625 Ma,
rity data
C3Bn 7.2
no pola
0º 5º 10º 15º 20º 25º 30º Declination Inclination C3Br.1n
MC - Monte dei Corvi 180 360 -45 45 7.4
thrust (m) C3Br.2n
C4n.1n 7.6
115 7.8
MC C4n.2n
Conero Riviera en
Fano 125
40º ni 110
175 m Ancona ne 8.2
43º35'30" N
s C4r.1n
La Sardella Tyrrhenian 120 8.4
40 km
land Assisi
Section Betics slide Sea 105
Aegean 8.6
35º 115 C4r.2r-1
Monte 235 m MC Beach 8.8
dei Corvi Section 100 C4An
0 500 m 110
43º35'00" N
500 km
Il Trave
13º34'00" E 13º34'30" E 95
insolation 9.4
min max (Ma)
(m) 90 C4Ar.2n
86 95 9.8
11.4 C5n.1n
85 10.0
Tortonian Reference Section*
80 10.4
66 10.6
75 10.8
10 1 75
11.6 11.0
Tortonian 64 76 70 C5r.1n
GSSP 70 11.2
Tortonian 65
62 Tortonian 65 C5r.2n 11.6
68 12.0
60 55 C5An.1n
11.8 12.2
55 C5An.2n
11.9 12.8
56 marl 45 13.0
61 sapropel
limestone 35
Fig. 6. Magnetostratigraphy for the composite Monte dei Corvi Beach section and calibration to the Neogene astronomical time scale (ATNTS2004, Lourens et al.
2004). Black (white) zones indicate normal (reversed) polarity intervals; grey shading denotes uncertain polarity; filled (open) cicles denote reliable (unreliable) ChRM
directions. The Tortonian GSSP, located in the mid-point of the sapropel in cycle 76, is indicated by the red dashed line. The Monte dei Corvi section is suggested as
the Tortonian reference section. Sedimentary cycles are calibrated to the astronomical solution La2004(1,1), based on sapropels corresponding to insolation maxima
(precession minima). A = Ancona ash (after Hüsing et al. 2007, 2009a).
218 Cor G. Langereis et al.
superseding the previously published estimate of was the correlation with data from previously studied
11.608 Ma (Hilgen et al. 2005). This clearly illustrates sections from the Dolomites (Frötschbach, Pedraces,
that continuous refinements of the geological timescale Belvedere), but also from Trentino (Margon-Val
is a forever ongoing research effort. Gola), and from the Brescian Alps (Bagolino), as is
illustrated in figure 8.
The Seceda core spans a complete succession of
Buchenstein Beds limestone members and associated
Mesozoic case study:
Pietra Verde volcaniclastic layers. Two ash layers
The Middle Triassic Seceda section, located in these intervals yielded accurate U-Pb age
an integrated stratigraphic study data (Mundil et al. 1996, Brack et al. 1996), indicating
from the Dolomites, Italy an average sediment accumulation rate of ~ 1 cm/kyr
(Fig. 7). Palaeomagnetic analyses were performed on
Middle Triassic magnetostratigraphy and biostratigra- numerous samples from the oriented core. A character-
phy in both Tethyan marine and continental sequences istic remanent magnetisation component could be es-
received considerable attention during the last decade. tablished and rock magnetic experiments supported its
In the compilation of Muttoni et al. (2000), a total of primary origin (Muttoni et al. 2004a). Moreover, the
~ 42 superposed and biostratigraphically calibrated palaeomagnetic mean directions from the Seceda core
polarity zones were recognised in 15 partially overlap- and from the Frötschbach, Pedraces and Belvedere
ping Tethyan marine sections spanning a late Early sections (Brack and Muttoni 2000) pass the fold test,
Triassic to late Middle Triassic interval of perhaps 10– giving even more confidence in the origin of the
15 Myr. This compilation was a preliminary attempt to palaeomagnetic signal. These observations support the
compile a standard Middle Triassic GPTS. successful magneto- and lithostratigraphic correlations
Research by different groups continued since then between distant sections and suggest that the Buchen-
in both Tethyan and Boreal marine realms (Nawrocki stein Beds carry an original Triassic magnetisation, ac-
and Szulc 2000; Hounslow and McIntosh 2003; Mut- quired well before the Cenozoic Alpine deformation.
toni et al. 2004a; Gradinaru et al. 2007; Hounslow et According to the general palaeogeographic evolu-
al. 2007) as well as in the Germanic (Central Euro- tion of Pangea during the Permian and Triassic, the
pean) Basin (Szurlies et al. 2003; Szurlies 2007). As a Dolomites as part of the African promontory of Adria
result, the sequence of polarity reversals for some Mid- were located in the northern hemisphere during Middle
dle Triassic time intervals is relatively well estab- Triassic times, an assessment that is essential for inter-
lished. For example, excellent matching of magne- preting magnetic polarity. A sequence of 24 polarity
tostratigraphies has been found for the Olenekian- zones was recognized at Seceda (Fig. 7) and was suc-
Anisian boundary interval between Albania (Muttoni cessfully correlated to magnetostratigraphic sequences
et al. 1996) and Romania (Gradinaru et al. 2007). An- developed in other sections from the Dolomites and
other illustrative example of a laterally reproducible Trentino by using also laterally traceable lithostrati-
magnetostratigraphy comes from Anisian-Ladinian graphic marker beds such as tuff levels (Tc, Td, Te)
boundary sections from the Dolomites, Italy (Muttoni and limestone beds (Fig. 8). This integrated stratigra-
et al. 2004a), and is briefly summarised hereafter. phy allowed piecing together sections across virtually
Magnetostratigraphic investigations on biostrati- the entire eastern Southern Alps, and allowed the con-
graphically dated Tethyan limestones and radioiso- struction of a reference magnetostratigraphy. Merging
topically dated tuff intervals of Middle Triassic age the U-Pb dates from Seceda and the faunal associations
from the Dolomites started in the late 1,990 s (Muttoni from all sections notably augmented the numerical and
et al. 1997). A ~ 110 m long core was drilled at Mount biostratigraphic definition of the Anisian-Ladinian
Seceda in the northwestern Dolomites (Brack et al. boundary interval. The resulting composite sequence
2000). With over 90 % recovery, the core offered a was found to cover an Anisian-Ladinian time span of
unique opportunity to reconstruct a consistent portion ~ 4 Myr, where geochronological and magnetostrati-
of the Middle Triassic time scale in stratigraphic con- graphic control indicate a frequency of 4 reversals per
tinuity (Muttoni et al. 2004a). The conodont bios- Myr.
tratigraphy of the laterally equivalent outcrop section The integrated Anisian-Ladinian chronology con-
could be integrated by means of magneto- and lithos- tributed to resolve the “Latemar controversy”: a debate
tratigraphic correlations (Fig. 7). A logical next step on the duration of deposition of the Latemar carbonate
Magnetostratigraphy 219
Fig. 7. A) Alpine region with location of the stratigraphic sections: Seceda, Frötschbach, Pedraces, Belvedere, and Rosen-
garten (Dolomites); Margon-Val Gola (Trentino); Bagolino (Brescian Alps). B) Sections in the Dolomites are placed with
respect to the distribution of Ladinian carbonate platforms and pelagic basins. C) Lithology and magnetostratigraphy of the
Seceda core and outcrop (Muttoni et al. 2004a). VGP latitudes are derived from the characteristic magnetic component; black
(white) is normal (reverse) polarity, grey represents intervals with no data. U-Pb single zircon age data are from Mundil et
al. (1996).
220 Cor G. Langereis et al.
Fig. 8. Integrated Anisian-Ladinian boundary stratigraphy and biochronology. Biostratigraphic data from the Dolomites are
projected onto the Seceda outcrop reference stratigraphy, while those from the Brescian Alps and Giudicarie are projected
onto the Bagolino reference stratigraphy. Numerical ages are derived from interpolation of dates from Mundil et al. (1996).
For details, see Muttoni et al. (2004a) and references therein.
Magnetostratigraphy 221
platform from the Dolomites (Fig. 7b). The platform Palaeozoic case study:
interior – a 470 m thick lagoonal succession of ~ 600
The Carboniferous-Permian
shallowing-upward cycles – was attributed a 9–12 Myr
record of precessional forcing of sea level change (Hin- Reversed Superchron and Late
nov and Goldhammer 1991; Preto et al. 2001). How- Permian magneto-cyclostratigraphy
ever, the U-Pb dating of volcanoclastic layers suggests of the Central European Basin
instead that the ~ 600 Latemar cycles cover only a few
million years (Brack et al. 1996; Mundil et al. 1996, Late Carboniferous and Permian rocks were already
2003). An independent astrochronological interpreta- investigated in various places around the world in the
tion of sedimentary cycles in the Muschelkalk of Cen- 1950’s and 1960’s because many of them have a stable
tral Europe coupled with biostratigraphic correlations and strong magnetisation. These early results indicat-
with Tethyan successions suggest that the Latemar se- ed that North America, Europe, and several parts of
quence was deposited in maximum 2.6 Myr (Menning Asia were positioned significantly more to the south
et al. 2005). Interestingly, two sophisticated modern than nowadays, and that opposite rotations had oc-
techniques to measure geologic time – astrochronolo- curred in North America and Europe caused by the
gy and U-Pb single-crystal zircon dating – lead to age opening of the North Atlantic. These observations sig-
estimates of the duration of the Latemar carbonate plat- nificantly contributed to the development of the theo-
form that differ by almost one order of magnitude: a ry of plate tectonics. In addition, the dominance of re-
significant discrepancy. verse polarity in Permo-Carboniferous rocks led to
Kent et al. (2004) performed a magnetostratigraph- propose the existence of the Kiaman Magnetic Interval
ic analysis of the entire Latemar lagoonal succession, (Irving and Parry 1963) or Carboniferous-Permian Re-
which indicated that most of the succession is of versed Superchron (CPRS).
normal magnetic polarity. Although the effects of The lower boundary of the CPRS was originally
lightnings and possible thermochemical overprints named Patterson Reversal (Irving and Parry 1963), until
complicate the picture, Kent et al. (2004) regarded the Opdyke et al. (2000) detected normal polarity
Latemar results to represent the original polarity of the in younger rocks of the same area. A global analysis and
geomagnetic field. The predominant normal polarity synthesis of 27 magnetostratigraphic records of Car-
together with biostratigraphic and lithostratigraphic boniferous age has shown that there is at present no con-
correlations with the adjacent Buchenstein Beds basin sensus on where to place the base of the CPRS: it has
led them to consider the Latemar deposition as coeval been observed in early Bashkirian (SE Australia), late
with Chron SC2n at Seceda (Fig. 7). Considering that Bashkirian (eastern Canada), early Moscovian (Central
no significant normal polarity bias or low reversal fre- Europe), and middle Moscovian rocks (Ukraine) (see
quency have been documented for the Middle Triassic Figs. 9, 10). In the GTS2004, the boundary is rather ar-
in global palaeomagnetic compilations, Kent et al. bitrarily placed close to the Moscovian-Kasimovian
(2004) concluded that Chron SC2n at Seceda and the boundary at 306.7 Ma, within a reverse polarity interval
time-equivalent Latemar deposits cannot be anywhere (Davydov et al. 2004). It would instead be more logical
near as long as 9–12 Myr as was implied by the origi- to place the base of the CPRS at the youngest level bear-
nal cyclostratigraphic interpretation. ing normal polarity in the Moscovian (middle Kashiri-
A duration of ~ 1 Myr for Chron SC2n derives from an of eastern Europe; Khramov et al. 1974), which
a straightforward interpretation of the U-Pb age mod- would result in an age of ~ 310 Ma according to GTS
el for Buchenstein deposition. This age model is com- 2004, Alternatively, the base of the CPRS could be
patible with all other age constraints, except those of placed at the top of the youngest normal polarity chron
the Latemar. Based on this and other arguments dis- in the late Baskirian around 312 Ma. The most recent
cussed in Kent et al. (2004), and a follow-up comment update of the geological time scale (Ogg et al. 2008), ac-
by Hinnov (2006), Kent et al. (2006) argued that the cessible through Time Scale Creator 4.0 (www.tscre-
long duration of Latemar deposition suggested by, assumes that nearly all short normal sub-
conventional cycle counting is in error. The recent chrons reported between 314 and 299 Ma are question-
Concise GTS2008 time scale (Ogg et al. 2008), which able, and a result, it places the base of the CPRS at
supersedes the GTS2004 time scale (Gradstein et al. 313.6 Ma within the late Bashkirian (Fig. 10). Approx-
2004), now uses the U-Pb data from the Dolomites as imately five short normal polarity zones could be pres-
age constraints for the Middle Triassic.
222 Cor G. Langereis et al.
Fig. 9. Permian Global Stratigraphic Scale as used in the Devonian-Carboniferous-Permian Correlation Chart 2006 (DCP
2006) and Regional Stratigraphic Scales. Full red dots: GSSP; open red dots: GSSP proposed; green dots: Illawarra Rever-
sal; blue dot: Pb-U age of Bowring et al. 1988; arrows: uncertain position of a boundary according to the numerical time
scale or a global stage boundary. In the global column the index fossils for the stage boundaries are presented as adopted re-
spectively proposed. The terms of the Global Stratigraphic Scale (GSS) are in capital letters to distinguish them from re-
gional terms from which they were derived: unfortunately, commonly they cover different time spans.
ent within the CPRS (Menning 1995), but these are now and this led to speculations on a connection with the late
reduced to two reliable zones in Time Scale Creator 4.0, Permian mass extinction (Peterson and Nairn 1971).
although no clear argumentation or references are giv- This inference ignored the well-documented position
en in support of this interpretation. Clearly, the lower of the Illawarra Reversal in the lower Tatarian of east-
boundary of the CPRS requires verification in multiple, ern Europe (Khramov 1963), being significantly older
globally distributed sections. than the Permian-Triassic boundary. Later, varying
The upper boundary of the CPRS was named Illa- positions have been suggested: Kungurian, Ufimian,
warra Reversal (Irving and Parry 1963). Initially, it Kazanian of eastern Europe, early Wordian, late Wor-
seemed to occur near the Permian-Triassic boundary, dian, early Capitanian (see Fig. 10). These positions are
Magnetostratigraphy 223
Changhsingian N
on re-interpretations of existing data combined with
successive geological time scales that have significant-
ly different numerical ages. The Illawarra Reversal is a
first class time marker when detected reliably and it is
Illawara Series
the anchor point for the middle and late Permian part
of the Devonian-Carboniferous-Permian Correlation
Illawara Series
Capitanian N
Chart (DCP 2003; Menning et al. 2006; DCP 2006,
Fig. 9). For most of the Permian, however, the absence
of reversals excludes the use of magnetostratigraphy,
and other stratigraphic techniques are required. Suc-
cessions of different environments (e. g. marine, limnic,
Wordian N
fluvial, sabkha, volcanic) can then for example be cor-
related through climatic change. Recently, a first at-
tempt at such a correlation between European Permian
sections was carried out based on climatic and environ-
mental information (Schneider et al. 2006).
The relative age of the Illawarra Reversal was esti-
mated to be 10 앐 4 Myr older than the Permian-Trias-
sic boundary (Menning 1986), which has an U-Pb
SHRIMP age of 251.2 앐 3.4 Ma (Claoué-Long et al.
1991). Meanwhile, the age of the Permian-Triassic
boundary was lowered to ~ 252.5 Ma based on a U/Pb
ly below the boundary (Mundil et al. 2004). A volcanic
tuff from just below the Illawarra Reversal at Nipple
Hill (Texas) provided an U-Pb age of 265.3 앐 0.2 Ma
(Bowring et al. 1998). Using the ages of ~ 310 (or 314)
Ma for the base and ~ 265 Ma for the top, results in a
224 Cor G. Langereis et al.
A reliable polarity time scale for post-Illawarra Subgroups in detail to better determine the exact num-
times spanning 265–252.5 Ma is not yet available, but ber of magnetic zones and their duration.
in any case, it may contain as much as 15 polarity zones
(Menning 1995). In the continental record, 10 zones
have been detected in the upper Rotliegend of Central
Europe (Menning et al. 1988) and 4 zones in the upper
Zechstein (Szurlies et al. 2003). The lower Zechstein,
however, has not been investigated in detail. In the
marine record, the most significant results come from
Nammal Gorge in Pakistan where 10 polarity zones
have been detected in the late Permian (Haag and
Heller 1991). A recent compilation by Steiner (2006)
of approximately 27 published middle to late Permian
magnetostratigraphies suggests some 10 polarity zones Part three – Discussion
in the late Permian. Unfortunately, no short-living
fossils are available to integrate magnetostratigraphic
results from marine and continental successions with
Integrated stratigraphy and marine-
any acceptable level of accuracy. Reliable climatic/cy- continental correlations
clostratigraphic records are needed to resolve these Several examples are provided in the literature of good
correlation uncertainties (e. g. Schneider et al. 2006), correlation of land-derived magnetostratigraphies with
together with more magnetostratigraphic studies. the polarity record retrieved from marine magnetic
Carboniferous to Triassic rock sequences in the anomalies, which prove that geomagnetic polarity re-
Central European Basin are up to 6,000 m thick. They versals are synchronous and global. This synchrony
comprise a unique and complete late Permian succes- distinguishes magnetostratigraphy from biostratigra-
sion without gaps longer than 100 kyr. In northeast phy, bearing in mind that polarity reversals are funda-
Germany, borehole Mirow 1/1a/74 cored 1,600 m of mentally of a binary nature while biostratigrapic zones
the 3,300 m Rotliegend succession and bottomed in have a distinctive character. The first magnetic strati-
volcanics of the Rotliegend Group (latest Carbonifer- graphies in sedimentary rocks (Creer et al. 1954; Irv-
ous-Permian, 300–258 Ma). Here, we reinterpret the ing and Runcorn 1957) documented normal and re-
magnetostratigraphic results from the upper 1290 m verse polarities in the Proterozoic Torridonian Sand-
thick part of the Rotliegend sediments. The sedimen- stones in Scotland, as well as in rocks of Devonian and
tary cycles observed in the perennial Rotliegend salt Triassic age. These studies were conducted on poorly
lake in northwest Germany by Gast (1995) can be fossiliferous sediments that possessed however a mag-
correlated to northeast Germany (Gebhardt 1995) and netisation intensity measurable by the magnetometers
thus to the magnetostratigraphy of borehole Mirow available at that time, and as a consequence, correla-
1/1a/74. This allows calibration of the regional GPTS tions of polarity zones therein retrieved could not be
for the Late Permian based on cycle scaling. supported by biostratigraphic data.
The cycles of the Elbe Subgroup (latest Rotliegend) The modern era of magnetostratigraphy integrated
are interpreted as orbitally forced cycles (Gast 1995). with biostratigraphy started with the early studies on
They can only correspond to the long eccentricity cy- Plio-Pleistocene marine sediments and deep-sea cores
cle of ~ 400 kyr, because ~ 100 kyr eccentricity cycles (e. g., Opdyke 1972) and continued over the ensuing
cannot fill in the available time span. In the Elbe years with classic studies on e. g. the Cretaceous-Pale-
Subgroup, 14 such cycles were detected, correspon- ocene successions of the Central Apennines at Gubbio,
ding to a total duration of ~ 5.6 Myr (Fig. 11). Unfor- Italy (e. g. Alvarez et al. 1977). This multidisciplinary
tunately, the duration of the post-Illawarra magnetic approach has since been significantly refined and has
zones can only be estimated roughly, because of inter- extended the GPTS originally derived from palaeo-
vals with uncertain polarity and without core material. magnetic studies on basaltic outcrops and marine mag-
Until now, the longest zone is the upper part of zone netic anomalies. Vice versa, magnetostratigraphy may
rny (cycles ro4.3 to ro4.5), which is estimated to have fundamentally help dating biostratigraphic zonations
a minimum duration of 700 kyr (Fig. 11). Future work that have at best regional significance, like in the Para-
should be directed to study the 14 cycles of the Elbe
Magnetostratigraphy 225
Depth Sub- For- Litho- Time
Group Cycles Unit
(m) group mation logy (Ma)
4700 stein
Werra z 1.1 z1
ro 4.7
rnz 258.0
ro 4.6
4800 rrz
H a n n o v e r
ro 4.5
rny 258.8
ro 4.4 ro 4
4900 ro 4.3
ro 4.2
5000 260.0
ro 4.1
E l d e n a
rry ro 3.7
ro 3.6
D e t h l i n g e n
ro 3.5
5200 ro 3.4
ro 3
262.0 normal
R a m b o w
rry ro 3.3
ro 3.2 uncertain
not recovered
ro 3.1
M i r o w
5500 silt-, claystone
ro 2
z Zechstein
ro Upper Rotliegend
H a v e l
5700 rnx Fig. 11. Succession of the late Permian in northeast Ger-
many, borehole Mirow 1/1a/74 cored 1,600 m of the 3,300 m
Rotliegend succession and bottoms in volcanics of the
P a r c h i m
Mirow 1/1a/74. This allows calibration of the regional GPTS
6000 Me/He
499.08 for the Late Permian based on cycle scaling.
226 Cor G. Langereis et al.
Magnetostratigraphy 227
Hoof and Langereis 1991). Indeed, detailed studies of eral, however, these discrepancies do not seriously dis-
time equivalent sections in the Mediterranean area turb the chronostratigraphy of a succession.
have often shown small discrepancies in the Another complicating factor may be the occurrence
(astrochronologically tuned) position of polarity rever- of hiatuses or breaks in sedimentation. Recognition
sals, on the order of 1–2 precessional cycle(s). In gen- of hiatuses requires carefully assessing all available
data from integrated stratigraphy and existing proxy
H26r [Ma]
Tethyan H25r
E24 T/J
E23 Silická Brezová
E22 Composite
NM9 E21 205 Pizzo
E20 Mondello
NM8 E19
E18 PM12 Pizzo
SB10 Mondello
PM11 400
E17 210
NM6 E15
215 300
NM5 ale
PM8 e-sc
SB8 larg
NM4 E13
E12 220
E10 Mondello
NM2 E9 PM6
E8 SB3
PM4 80
230 PM1 SB2
10 m
E1 SB1
Fig. 12. Magnetostratigraphic correlation of the marine European sections of the Tethys region (Muttoni et al. 2001, 2004b;
Krystyn et al. 2002; Gallet et al. 2003; Channell et al. 2003) to the astronomically tuned polarity time scale (APTS) of the
Newark basin (Kent and Olsen 1999). Red intervals are the Carnian-Norian boundary intervals. Consensus places the Carn-
ian-Norian boundary broadly within chronozone E7 implying an age between 227 and 229 Ma. The results from the Hart-
ford basin (H-chronozones) from Kent and Olsen (2008) are shown, and the position of the palynological Triassic-Jurassic
boundary (T/J) is indicated.
Photos: the pattern of both small and large scale cycles in the Sicilian Pizzo Mondello section seems promising to use cy-
clostratigraphy and obtain a more detailed correlation to the Newark reference section.
228 Cor G. Langereis et al.
records. A polarity reversal that coincides with a visi- are reports of reversals as old as ~ 3.2 Ga (Layer et al.
ble change in sedimentary environment (lithology) is 1998), but their reliability still requires substantiation
usually suspect, and the same applies to any sudden by a positive field test. Recently, it has been suggested
and notable change, e. g. derived from proxy data. that there is a very long trend – since the Archean – of
Biostratigraphy may help to recognise hiatuses pro- reduced stability of the field, possibly related to a
vided they are large enough relative to zonation reso- growing inner core, leading to a decrease in reversal
lution. Also cyclostratigraphy may be of help to detect frequency back in time (Biggin et al. 2008). Clearly,
hiatuses: although small-scale cycles (e. g. precession) these rare observations of the ancient field are still far
may seem continuous and undisrupted across a hiatus, from being fit for correlation or dating purposes.
the logic of cylostratigraphy dictates that all or most So, how far can we go back in time? One of the great-
Milankovitch cycles (the eccentricity, obliquity, pre- est achievements of early Mesozoic magnetostratigra-
cession periods) can be recognised in their appropriate phy is represented by the Late Triassic Newark as-
ratios. Recognition of hiatuses will likely remain an trochronological polarity time scale (APTS; Kent et al.
unavoidable obstacle in geology, which may be ad- 1995; Kent and Olsen 1999; Olsen and Kent 1999),
dressed by correlation of multiple sections over large which was constructed by anchoring magnetostratigra-
areas. Because of its binary nature, magnetostratigra- phy and Milankovitch chronostratigraphy to the ra-
phy alone can hardly recognise the presence of hiatus- dioisotopically dated Orange Mountain basalt (Fig. 12),
es, but when embedded in an integrated stratigraphic and which was recently extended up to the Early Juras-
approach, it may contribute to resolve them. Also sic by including data from the Hartford Basin (Kent
strongly varying sedimentation rates, usually associat- and Olsen 2008). The correlation of the Newark APTS
ed with lithology variations, may distort the observed to the Triassic sections of the Tethyan marine realm is
polarity pattern; hence, providing a detailed lithos- still far from straightforward, as evidenced by the con-
tratigraphic log of the sampled sequence is an impor- tinuously changing interpretations as new results are ac-
tant requirement in any magnetostratigraphic study. quired, although there is now good consensus on the age
of the Carnian-Norian boundary around 227–228 Ma
(Fig. 12). Many Tethyan Triassic sections still depend
Back to the future? on biostratigraphic dating often assuming equal dura-
tion of biozones through lack of other dating methods.
Future efforts should focus on extending the geomag- New radioisotopic dates of Triassic sections are forth-
netic polarity time scale back in geological time to pe- coming, however, and aid in providing better con-
riods older than the marine magnetic anomaly record, straints on duration of ammonite zones (e. g. Ovtcharo-
i. e. older than ~ 160 Ma. This is critical not only for va et al. 2006). In addition, there are sections, like the
correlation and dating purposes, but also to learn more late Triassic Pizzo Mondello section in Sicily (Muttoni
about the characteristics of the field and the geody- et al. 2004b), that seems to promise obtaining a cy-
namo that generates it. For example, long-term rever- clostratigraphic framework and hence a correlation with
sal frequency variations – long periods of frequent the Newark basin sequence. Much work in this respect
field reversals versus equally long periods of stable po- has still to be done.
larity (superchrons) – tell us about the influence of The often discontinuous nature of Permian deposits
mantle processes on the generation of the field in the and the difficulty to correlate marine and continental
liquid outer core, and possibly about the influence of sections have as yet limited the construction of a
(nucleation and growth of) the solid inner core. complete Permian polarity time scale. As we have seen
It is evident that by going back in time, the record in our case study, the polarity patterns predating and
becomes increasingly sparse while it also deteriorates: postdating the Carboniferous-Permian Superchron
the older the rock, the less the chance to be a pristine still require verification.
carrier of the original magnetisation acquired during Older records documenting a coherent pattern of re-
its formation. Nevertheless, very ancient but reliable versals may occasionally go back as far in time as the
records – although scarce – of Archean and Protero- Cambrian to Ordovician (e. g. Kirschvink 1978; Kirsch-
zoic age have been acquired. The oldest known rever- vink and Rozanov 1984; Gallet and Pavlov 1996), but
sal that is reliably documented – by a positive reversal are of little use for magnetostratigraphic correlation
test, fold test, and an intra-formational conglomerate purposes. New prospects in magnetostratigraphy must
test – has an age of ~ 2.8 Ga (Strik et al. 2003). There rely on ‘automatic’ integration with biostratigraphy and
Magnetostratigraphy 229
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