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An Investigation of How

Christianity Impacts the Lives of

Individuals in the Community of

Name of Candidate: Amelia Reid

School: Herbert Morrison Technical High

Subject: Sociology

Centre No. : 100047

Candidate No:

Teacher’s Name: Mrs. Reid - Williams

Table of Content
Date: 2013
Title Page
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Introduction 3

Statement of Problem 4

Aims and Objectives 5

Literature Review 6

Research Design 8

Sample 10

Data Collection Instrument1 16

Presentation of Data 17

Analysis of Data 26

Findings, discussion of FINDINGS AND CONCLUSION 29

Bibliography 33

Study has shown that Religion is one of the most prominent institutions across the globe, where

Christianity most dominant religious practice within the Caribbean.

Table of Contents

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According to the New Steps in Religious Education, Caribbean Book 1, Christianity embodies

various denominations and has been one of the main aspects of positive influence among children, and

adults in the Caribbean, as persons benefit moral, spiritually, socially and physically from and

religious teachings in churches. Members are also expected to make positive contributions and abide

by the codes enforced by the church.

The districts of York land and Industry, in Somerton community, runs approximately eleven miles

from the capital city Montego Bay and prospers with numerous Christian believers of different

denominations. For many years the churches have contributed to the community in more ways than

one, this involving discipline moral and societal conduct. Thus the reason for my choice in topic as an

effective accumulation of data is at hand as well as intelligence on the significance of religion to


Statement of Problem
By what means does Christianity positively impact the lives of individuals in the community of

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Aims and Objectives
 To determine the importance of Christianity in society in contrast to the community of
 To disclose the functions of Christianity in society in comparison to the community of

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 To determine the effects of Christianity from varying denominations on society as
opposed to the community of Somerton.

Literature Reviews
According to Emile Durkheim, the secret of societal cohesion was by socializing, a collective

science was internalised by individuals to the extent where “Society becomes present in

individuals.” He stated that religion emphasises the importance of society and social obligations

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and promotes social unity and consensus, because of the need for reproductions and its elevation

by religion into a sacrament of marriage.

Similarly, Christianity greatly influences the behavioural conduct of both believers and citizens

surrounded by the religion. The example is best illustrated in the archives of Jamaican history,

where Jamaica’s first encounter with Christianity was by the conditions of the Spanish

Colonisers who introduced the repartimiento and Encomienda systems for social for social order.

Since November 4, 2011, Celebrity personality, Ian Boyne has consecrated a portion of his

Focus Column on the perceived “Demise of Christianity” as with the decrease of supreme world

powers, it is believed that Christianity will regain its former distinction as the world’s greatest

unity mark among humanity. According to Boyne, Christianity has resisted society’s tests and

continues to persist as a societal instigator for approximately 2000 years.

A published census for 2001, centralized around Jamaican churches, also showed Christian

development, as interests in Christianity have remained high for long periods with approximately

200,000,000 Jamaicans expressing connections with the church. Membership increased in

Protestant churches with the largest numbers among Seventh – Day Adventists.

Reverend Ernle Gordon, informed The Jamaica Observer, in a letter to the editor about the

educational contributions that Christians have made in society.”

“I was informed that Pentecostal churches have students attending Jamaica School of Music

and are producing the most qualified musical conductors in Jamaica.”

Gordon continued to say churches are perseverant in uncovering the musical reservoir in society.

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“I learned that Pentecostals have dance groups which have become a revolutionary trend.”

He told the newspapers.

Likewise, a majority of the churches in Somerton enforced disciplinary conduct, by contributing

social and artistic groups which constitute good moral behaviour, social order and change in


Research Design
The researcher conducted an investigation on the effects of Christianity in the Jamaican society,

and how the religion has escalated and impacted the lives of individuals over the years.


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Questionnaires were distributed to citizens in Somerton and information extracted from internet

websites to justify the positive functions and effects of Christianity in the Jamaican society,

compared to the study area. Browsers such as Studymode, Google and were used.

Industry and York land district were visited, both comprised of approximately 300 households.

Approximately 200 of the houses had extended families; meaning more than one questionnaire

could be distributed to each house. At least 25% of both districts were required to complete the

investigation. (25% of 200= 50)

50 questionnaires were distributed to 20 houses and five each to a Pentecostal and Adventist


Citizens often refused to answer the surveys and wanted to know the basis of the investigation.

Also survey repossession was problematic as persons refused to respond unless given additional

time. Questionnaires were left overnight with citizens and the researcher had to wait for days

before recollecting.

Name: Amelia Reid

Address: Somerton, St. James.

Contact: 481 – 5254

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Reason for instrument: The researcher chose this method of data collection as it less time

consuming. It ensures privacy for respondents, and it is an effective means of gathering

statistical information.



Dear responder,

You are in possession of a survey constructed in Somerton to uncover the incontrovertible effects

of Christianity in the area. This application is an assignment for the advancement of my

Sociology course. All questions must be answered truthfully as your identity will remain

confidential. Answer questions by placing a check mark the boxes as shown. Only one

answer is required for each question.

Yours sincerely,

Amelia Reid.

Sample questionnaire
1. What is your gender?

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2. To which ethnic group do you belong?
Mixed descent
(Please Specify)

3. What type of family are you are member of?

Nuclear family
Extended family
Single parent family
Reorganized family
Sibling family

4. What type of union are you/your parents apart of?

Common law union
Legal union
Visiting relationship
None of the above
(Please specify)

5. To what age group do you belong?

10 – 18yrs
19 – 27yrs
28 – 36yrs
44 – 52yrs

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(Please specify)

6. How many years have you been a Christian?

Over 10yrs
6 – 10yrs
1 – 5yrs
Under 1yr

7. To what denomination do you belong?

Baptist Anglican
Adventist Jehovah Witness
Pentecostal Pokomania
Methodist Other________________________________
(Please specify)

8. The dominating amount of members attending your church are:


9. How often do you attend church?

Every Sunday
Every Saturday
Once every month
On religious holidays
(Please specify)

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10. How were you introduced to the denomination?
(Please specify)

11. What position do you hold in the church you attend?

Minister Pastor
Usher None of the above
Sunday school Teacher Other______________________________
Deacon (Please specify)

12. What extracurricular activities do you participate in at your church?

Bible competitions Sign language
Bible study all of the above
Choir Other________________________________
Performing Arts

13. Does the church you attend enforce rules?


14. I yes, what types of rules are enforced in the church?

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15. Would you consider your community as being an organized and secure environment?

16. If yes what do you think is the main cause of this societal cohesion?
Type of family
Type of education
Type of religion
Type of socialization

17. What lessons involving human beings are taught in sermons at the church you attend if you
are a member of any denomination?
Humans are physical beings Humans are Sociocultural beings
Humans are spiritual beings All of the above
Humans are moral beings Other_______________________________
(Please specify)

18. In what ways does the church you attend contribute to your community?
Fund raisers (Charity events) none of the above
Bible camp All of the above
Community meetings Other___________________
Distribution of Biblical items (Bibles, Pamphlets, etc) (Please specify)

19. How often does the church you attend contribute to the community?
Once every week
Every day of the week

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Once every month
Once a year

20. What is/are the main reason/s you attend church?

Provides members with a sense of identity and belonging,
Establish codes of conduct
Relieves fear, anxiety and frustration by assuring divine intervention in times of disaster
Provides answers and give reasons for man’s existence
Provides focus for life’s journey
All of the above
(Please specify)

21. What form/s of Negativity is/are present in your community? (Tick option in bracket)
Abuse (Sexual/ physical/ verbal /emotional) Teenage trafficking
Teenage pregnancy Drug trafficking
Juvenile delinquency Lottery scamming
Street children All of the above
Murder None of the above
Praedial larceny Other_________________________
(Please specify)

22. In what way/s do you think your church positively impacts your community?

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Data Collection Instrument

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50 questionnaires were distributed by twos to 15 houses in the districts of York land and

industry, 8 in York land and 7 in Industry. The remaining ten questionnaires were handed in

fives to both a Seventh Day and Pentecostal church.

The researcher was unknowledgeable about the present status of household members and where

members were absent, had to continue on to an alternate house, this soon became tiring. Problem

encountered by the researcher included, refusal to respond inquisitions about the researcher’s

authorizations to conduct the investigation, thus the researcher had to seek other respondents and

also the Retrieval of surveys left overnight at different houses, respondents extended the time for

which each was to be returned.

Presentation of Data

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As questionnaires were returned, the researcher apprehended that churches contributed to the

community by offering social activities, religious education, and financial assistance to other

institutions Seventh Day Adventist denomination as they were better able to function in churches

which offered hospitality. Justifications for their preference were because churches participated

in community activities which benefitted both church members and other citizens in the

community by establishing codes of conduct and problem solving.

Fig1: Proportionate Bar Chart Showing the Gender Percentage of

Respondents in the Community of Somerton

Number of Respondents

Male Female

Figure 1 displays the gender percentage of respondents in the districts of York land and Industry.

A maximum of 64% were females and 36% were males.

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Fig 2: Bar Chart Displaying the Different Types of Marriages in the Districts
of Industry and York Land

Percentage of Respondents




30% 60%


10% 16% 14% 10%

Legal Union Common Law Relationship Visiting Relationship None of the Above

Types of Marriages

As the Christian religion encourages couples to complete the sacrament of marriage, a majority

of the population in both districts had concluded the requirements, a maximum of 60% of

citizens participated in a legal union to legitimize their connection.

Fig 3: Histogram Showing the Number of years each respondent in Industry

and York Land Has Attended Church

Percentage of Respondents

Over 10 Years 6 - 10 Years 1 - 5 Years Under 1 Year
Number of Years each Respondent Attended Church

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Figure 3 illustrates the length of time each respondent in both districts has attended church. A

majority of respondents have been associated with Christian beliefs for over 10 years which

automatically accounts for their conduct in society.

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Fig 4: Pie Chart Showing the Percentage of Respondents Attending Different

Anglican Pokomania
2% 2%
Jeovah Witness

Seventh Day


A majority of the respondents in the community were members of an Adventist church where the

46% of respondents have confessed to having preference to the denomination in comparison to

alternate beliefs such as the Pentecostal, though experiencing high attendance rates which exceed

to 30% and Baptist at 15%.

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Fig 5: Pie Chart Showing the Activities Practised by Members of Different
Churches in York land and Industry

Bible Competition
Bible Study

All of the Above


Sign Language
6% Performing Arts

Figure 5 exhibits the activities that interest members of churches in both districts, a majority of

respondents were participants of both the choir which advances to 30% and Bible studies at 16%.

12% of the members participated in all activities as it kept them occupied and provided lessons

on moral behaviour, also resulting in modes of conduct.

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Fig 6: Pie Chart Showing the Reasons why each respondent in York land and
Industry attend church

provides a sense of dentity and


Establishes codes of conduct


All of the above


Relieves fear and anxiety by

assuring divine intervention in
times of disasters
Provides focus for6%
life's journey
Provides answers and give
reasons for man's existence

A majority of respondents confessed that they attend church for all reasons presented on the

surveys. Surveys displayed that most of the respondents attend because Christianity provided

members with a sense of identity. Percentages exceeds to approximately 50%.

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Fig7: Table Showing the Lessons Taught in Different churches in York land
and Industry

Lessons Taught by Churches Number of Respondents

Humans are physical beings 1
Humans are spiritual beings 14
Humans are moral beings 7
Humans are Sociocultural beings 6
All of the above 22
Other 0
Figure 7 displays the different teachings present in churches in the districts of York land and

Industry. A majority of 22 respondents communicated that all lessons of the Christian Code were

enforced in the churches. However, most of the respondents stated that the main lesson in their

church declared that humans were primarily spiritual beings.

Fig 8: Bar Chart Showing the Different ways that Churches in both Districts
Contribute to the community

Percentage of Respondents


Types of Contributions

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Churches unequivocally impacted the lives of citizens by making offerings to the community. In

that 36% of respondents stated that, the church they attend contributed to citizens and

congregation members by all the means presented on the survey, as through their actions, they

enforce social unity and consensus.

Fig 9: Pie Chart showing persons’ opinions on how both districts function

Type of
socalization Type of Family
(peers/adults) 16%
Type of

Type of religion

When asked their opinion on the main influences of societal conduct in communities today, 52%

of respondents believed that this was due to persons’ affiliation with the church

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Fig.10: Proportionate Bar Chart showing the type of Negativities present in
both Districts




Praedial Larceny
60% Abuse
Junvinile Delinqeuncy
Axis Title
50% Teenage pregnancy
Lottery scam
40% None of the above




Figure 10 shows the types of negativity in the community, where 56% of respondents stated that
their community was not affected by any of the crimes presented on the questionnaire. The main
form of illegality practiced in their surroundings involved lottery scamming, a common crime
among citizens in today’s world, this however was communicated by only 16% of the

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Analysis of Data

The researcher learned that approximately 70% of respondents were members of Seventh - day

Adventist and Pentecostal churches. However Adventist churches appeared to have more

attendances compared to other denominations in York Land and Industry. In those, at least 50%

of respondents were members of a Seventh – day Adventists, mainly because of the effective

connections made between members, as where one has feelings of belonging and identity, the

place becomes a fundamental aspect of one’s life.

According to Doctor Rualston Nemphard in The Real Crisis of Jamaican Christianity, a census

on Jamaican churches showed increases in church affiliations, where more than 100,000,000 of

the population have had some religious acquaintance. He also declared a boost in Pentecostal

churches as more citizens are attending churches in their communities, which has benefitted their

lives immensely. Significantly, Adventists seem to have more members compared to other

denominations. Nemphard believes that this is because the denomination provides social change

by enforcing conduction codes for citizens, disciplines persons to be aware of order in society

and develops education.

According to the, History of Christianity, the lessons constituted in the religion teaches persons

to have a positive attitude toward the world, whether in favourable or poor situations. Numerous

respondents stated that the primary lesson apprehended during sermons revealed the spiritual

value of the self, which accounts for the way in which one thinks of as one learns to accept

oneself as an individual. Persons then become cognizant of their identity and values. For

example, respondents in both districts communicated the main reasons they return to church, this

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was primarily because the church provided answers and gave reasons for man’s existence as

well as the essence of belonging and identity.

The compatibility between churches in both districts and others in the Jamaican society, points to

the fact that the religion offers educational improvements, most commonly in the context of

religious and social education. A letter to the editor, posted in the Jamaican Observer shows

how the Pentecostal denomination has provided religious and social discipline to members and

non members of the congregation where the Reverend Canon Ernle Gordon informed the editor

about the improvements he has witnessed over the past two years. He broadcasted that

Pentecostal churches now have students who are attending the Jamaica School of Music and, like

the Adventists, is persistent in exposing their musical reservoir, as they have organized several

dance groups which have become a revolutionary trend in society.

Also in America, one hundred of the first one hundred and ten Universities were founded for the

express of propagating the Christian religion. Likewise the Ephesus Basic School in Somerton

was formulated around Christian inspirations, and disciplines students from the stage of a toddler

where they continue the good moral behaviour to the stage of adulthood.

Emile Durkheim believed that all aspects of society have its own function and maintain order in

society. The Christian faith encourages persons to complete the sacrament of marriage prior to

sexual intercourse as it is perceived a sin to engage in any act of fornication. The researcher

discovered that a majority of the respondents had participated in a legal union and later started a

family, the institution which sequels that of religion. This therefore suggests that the Christian

faith had played its role in aiding the functions of society by encouraging a disciplined, family

life, reproduction and later, education as it often fuels the development of other institutions.

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Findings, Discussion of Findings and Conclusion

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Statement of Findings

As surveys were distributed and returned, the researcher learnt that the Christian religion was
one of the primary influential aspects in the Community of Somerton. In that:

 A majority, of 60% of respondents participated in a legal Union.

 Jamaican Seventh Day Adventist like those in Somerton were most popular for societal
influences, this involved both Social unity and change which were a result of the
conduction codes established in churches, the activities offered and the different
contributions made by church

 The primary Christian contribution in both Jamaica and Somerton included educational
improvement. More than 50% of the respondents befitted academically from Christianity,
which established religious facilities in communities.

 Approximately 60% of the respondents were members of Seventh Day Adventists and
Pentecostal churches in York land and Industry.

 More than 50% of respondents stated that churches mainly made positive contributions to
the community by offering Biblical teachings and items outside of the church and
creating activities for members of congregations

 Christian affiliations in Somerton far exceeded the negative activities which were only at
an approximate 44%.

Discussion of Findings


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Though there were different institutive influences in Somerton, citizens, appeared to be solely

affected by the impact of churches in their community, which most often than not, made

contributions to the other institutions by assisting with development and offering religious


More than 50% of the respondents were also legally united by Christian beliefs as the Christian

code constitutes that persons annex prior to sexual intercourse. By completing the sacrament,

couples often move on to other stages in their lives, this involving reproduction which therefore

constructs the family institution in society by the order of the church. 50% of respondents in both

districts participated in a Legal union and later started their own families as almost all

respondents were of an extended or nuclear family type

Both the Jamaican churches and those in Somerton were common for their societal influences,

and enforced social unity by making financial, religious and social contributions to the

community, which greatly benefitted the citizens. In that, more than 30% of the respondents

were participants of a church choir, and more than 12% participants of Bible studies. As

Durkheim believes, that socialization is the basis of societal cohesion and unity, contributions

made most commonly by Pentecostal and Seventh Day Adventists, often involves societal

interaction which most often connected members of the community who later become lifelong

companions or even assist neighbours.

However the most significant contributions made by churches in Jamaica were educational

improvements, his was also common in Somerton where churches taught citizens in both bible

competitions and studies. When asked the positive impacts by the churches in their communities,

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a majority of the respondents claimed that these were oftentimes social activities, and the only

basic school in the area, called Ephesus which was inspired by a Pentecostal church.


The history of Christianity is inseparable from the history of Western culture and society. For

almost one hundred centuries, Christian beliefs, principles, and ideals have imprinted the

deliberations and feelings of man. The practices have left its mark on the improvement of

religious welfares and the total endeavour of man. The aspect has manifested itself in the forms

of social intellect, art, literature, politics, science, law, economics and love worldwide.

Likewise, churches in Somerton, most commonly, like Jamaica, tend to maintain some forms of

social order in the community by making contributions to members and non members of the

church. This is often in forms of art, socialization and love as the researcher has observed that

the churches in both Somerton and Jamaica have organized dance groups to keep young adults

preoccupied in their spare time and away from negative activity. The churches, most commonly

Seventh – day Adventists, also contributed to social order by enforcing codes of conduct for

members of the church, one of which includes completing the sacrament of marriage, which

decreases the chances of overpopulation, child neglect, visiting relationships, and negativities

such as teenage pregnancy, in that a majority of the respondents were legally engaged in

Somerton. It also contributed to other societal intuitions, such as the family, as the sacrament of

marriage, promotes the need for reproduction, which often results in a stable family life.

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Other institutions benefitted from the churches in both Jamaica and Somerton as the researcher

learned that more students in the Jamaica School of music are producing qualified conductors

and a School constructed by the inspirations of a Pentecostal church in Somerton.

According to James F. Williams, Christianity has suffered periods of persecution and divisions

within its own ranks. It has been the cause and the victim of war and strife. It has assumed forms

of astonishing variety. It has been confronted by revolutionary changes in human and social

outlooks and subjected to searching criticism. The culture of our own time, indeed, has been

termed the most completely secularized form of culture the world has ever known. We live in

what some have called the post-Christian age.

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